Yonah Russ wrote:
> I'm confused...
Yes, and you are confused because the people behind the law are inducing
their own confusion on you.
> is there any parent that wants their kids to freely and easily access
> pornography?
First of all, yes. Personally, I see nothing wrong with a teenager
knowing about sex. Kids don't stay kids forever, you know.

The real reason you are confused, however, is because the question is
not whether "kids should have access to pornography". The real question
is "whether all internet users in Israel be forced to identify
themselves via biometrics in  a government and others accessible way in
order to access whatever it is that the ISP's vision of pornography
happens to be at that moment", as well as "should ISPs be liable for any
site erroneously identified as pornography while it isn't, as well as
for sites not identified as pornography despite being so", and even the
ultimate "what is pornography".
> Halevai the UN would treat pornography like they treat nuclear weapons.
Sign a treaty that says you can have it as much as you like so long as
you don't throw it on other countries?
> -Yonah

Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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