On 3/3/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Yonah Russ wrote:

> On 3/3/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually- I know one of the developers of the Estonian online voting
> technology which identifies each voter based on a physical smart card and a
> password. which is exactly what is being discussed here- physical/biometric
> +password. I guess it's not too impossible to have a proxy at the ISP filter
> and require these forms of identification and I don't see why NAT makes a
> difference. Anyway- from what I hear, Internet cafe's are one of the more
> popular places in Estonia to vote.

You are confusing a one to one relationship (surfer to voting center)
with a one to many one (surfer vs. potentially an infinity or URLs).

No- I 'm suggesting a 1-1 relationship of surfer to ISP proxy.

> I've implemented several systems of this sort and you don't have to tell me
> that it's an uphill battle. I once blocked the municipality of Raanana or
> something like that because it's website was on shared hosting with a porn
> site (so goes the very small hosting business in Israel). Still, I don't
> have a problem with any law that attempts to fight that battle.

Nor with the costs ? With the stupid childish mandatory software made by
a company with 'exclusive' rights that happens to work only on Windows ?
With the unceasing technical problems ? With crashed sessions when you
try to surf your bank account the 7th time because the authentication
software clashes with some gizmo you recently installed without knowing

I don't know what manditory software but I would guess that very
little should be client side in such a set up- maximum a java applet
for the physical identification which could be totally cross platform.
As for your bank site-I highly doubt you would need to pass through
the authentication system at all to browse it unless your bank is
different than mine.

You are a technical person, you know what kind of pain it means to keep
almost a million computers 'clean'. It requires 6*9. What software is
6*9 ?! Even without the definition of porn being what it is.

And if you want to know what happens when things go wrong, here is an
example from the land of all possibilities and freedom of speech, which
has implemented a similar law in public libraries. A small mistake
happened. Read on:


Oops, wrong popup ad from our trusty affiliates over whom we have almost
no control. Now you popdown to jail for 40 years or so. So much for

I don't see the connection- In this case the teacher was obviously
negligent in leaving her computer open to use by students.

I leave it to your imagination what happens if such a
thing occurs to an ISP or newspaper or magazine website after the law is
implemented (even disregarding the possibility of someone doing it
deliberately to cause trouble).

I would actually suggest that ISPs have the option to use a third
party system developed for the purpose. This third party system would
be developed for by a company who wins a government bid and would be
approved and maintained by/for the government. This could alleviate
the problem of blame on the ISP side and fulfill the requirements of
the law. ISPs not wishing to use the service would be open to legal
action based on the quality of their solution.
Just an idea.


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