On 4/24/07, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 24, 2007, Uri Even-Chen wrote about "Re: [off topic] Some new articles I 
wrote about science":
> No theory can be both complete and consistent.  Every question we ask
> affects the answer.  For example, the question "is the number 10
> prime?" depends on whether 10 is a binary number or a decimal number
> (or any base-n number).  I came to a conclusion that ANY well-defined
> function can be computed in polynomial time (in theory).  There are
> infinitely many algorithms.  It is not possible to prove that any
> specific problem is not polynomial (unless it's not computable and
> therefore not well defined).  Any such proof will contain some
> uncertainty (or at least, cannot be proved not to contain uncertainty)
> and therefore, it can be contradicted.

When Alan Turing started thinking about the complexity of algorithms about
70 years ago, he noticed the same problem with I think you noticed. Like
you can't say anything about "10" before you define what the string "10" means
(in your example, it could be in base 2 or base 10), similarly you can't talk
about "algorithms" without defining precisely what an algorithm means.

A cynic would have said that you can't define an algorithm precisely, because
it can be run on a "computer" of any type (at Turing's time, the computer
was usually imagined...), written in various "language"s, and so on. But
Turing wasn't a cynic, he was a genious. He formalized two types of very
specific "computers" with their own very specific "languages". These are
the (deterministic) "Turing Machine" and the "Non-deterministic Turing
Machine". Turing, as well as his contemporary Alonzo Church, believed that
any physical computer is a *subset* of the Turing Machine (in other words,
it can be emulated by a Turing Machine). This belief, the so-called
"Church-Turing Thesis" cannot be proven - you can consider this an axiom.

(consult your favorite CS book, or even Wikipedia, to refresh you knowledge
on these issues if you need to).

Now that you understand this axiom, all the theorems of complexity become
clearer. "P" means polynomial-time algorithms on a (deterministic) Turing
Machine, and "NP" means polynomial-time algorithms on a Non-deterministic
Turing Machine. These definitions are very precise, and its perfectly possible
to prove that certain algorithms are in P, in NP, not in P or not in NP
(just nobody found an algorithm which is in NP but not in P - which is why
the question of P=NP is still open).

If P and NP are defined on Turing Machines, which I agree is a good
model, then they should be represented in the language of Turing
Machines, or at least in the language the Turing Machines is defined
it.  Every language contains paradoxes and contradictions, and the
definitions of P and NP can be made to contradict themselves too.

But even if we accept that a definition such as P does exist, on
theoretical Turing Machines, it is not possible to prove that any
specific problem is computable but is not in P.

You said that "I came to a conclusion that ANY well-defined function can be
computed in polynomial time (in theory).", but this is NOT true on a
deterministic Turing Machine. For various algorithms, it is very easy to
prove that they are *NOT* in P, i.e., there cannot be any polynomial-time
algorithm. Such are algorithms which require exponential computation time
(I'm sure you can think of some).

> I'm referring to the general case, whether any specific problem is not
> in O(1).  No specific problem can be proved not to be in O(1) for all
> algorithms.

Why not? Please let me know what I'm missing in your theory. Let's say I
take the easily defined function f(n) = 111...111 (a sequence n 1's).
Creating the output of f(n) requires n steps on a Turing machine.
So the time this function takes is NOT o(1) like you say.

A decision function returns only one bit - either 0 or 1.  If we take
the size of the input into account, no decision function can be proved
not to be in O(the size of the input).  I mean - there is no decision
function who accepts an input of size n, return output in size 1, and
is proved to take more than a constant number of steps c multiplied by
n (c*n) for ANY constant.

But the constant can be very big.  Even 2^(2^1000) is still a
constant.  If the size of the constant is unlimited, such a thing can
never be proved.

A prove for a specific constant might exist.  I don't know (I haven't
checked that).  But for ANY constant a proof doesn't exist.

By the way, I also wrote something about cardinal numbers such as
Aleph zero and Aleph one.  I suspect definitions of such cardinal
numbers might be inconsistent with reality, and even in theory I'm not
sure how well they can be defined.  I came to the conclusion that
there is no proof that there are more real numbers than rational
numbers, or more generally speaking, that an infinity more than Aleph
zero can be defined.  You can read about constructivism in Wikipedia
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructivism_%28mathematics%29], they
have a similar approach to mine.

> I also wrote more articles, for example a proof that the speed of
> light is not constant (or more generally speaking, that deterministic
> constants don't exist).  It means that there is no theoretical limit

I am at a loss trying to understand your reason in that article. As far
as I remember, the double-slit experiment is never done with a single
photon, but rather with a constant source of photons, whose wave function
looks like a sine wave. If these sine waves pass different distances before
meeting each other, they will meet each other at a different phase, causing
the interference pattern to come out different.

I also don't understand your "conclusion" (not seemed to be based on the
previous arguments) that the speed of light is not well-defined at the small
scale of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg's uncertainty princple indeed says
that you cannot know a photon's position and momentum at absolute precision
at the same time. But even if you don't know these, why does it mean that
you can't know its *speed*? Mind you, that unlike matter particles, a photon's
momentum is a function of its wavelength, not its speed.

In any case, there are many problems reconciling Quantum Mechanics, Special
Relativity and General Relativity, at many levels. Steven Hawking is famous
for proving that a black hole - an object so massive that something would
need to travel faster than light to escape from - actually has stuff coming
out of it. The reason is quantum mechanics. But none of these "problems" in
reconciling the theories is an experiment that someone forgot to try, as you

By the way, many recent theories suggest the possibility of Tachyons,
particles traveling above the speed of light. However, these Tachyons are
"stuck", as you will, travelling above the speed of light, just as ordinary
matter is stuck below this limit. I'm not aware of any current credible
theory that suggests that particles traveling below the speed of light can
be sped up to travel above the speed of light.

We're trying to express everything according to our deterministic
logic, but deterministic logic turns out to be inconsistent in theory
and life.  Do particles such as tachyons, photons, electrons and
protons never interact with each other?  Maybe they are the same thing
from different perspectives?  Do we know there are no unknown
unknowns?  Does General Relativity really prove, in a deterministic
sense, that no particle can cross the speed of light?  And no tachyon
can go below it?  I think space and times are illusions, or
assumptions, which represent our concept of what entropy is.  But
entropy is not something deterministic.  I think the speed of light
represents the border between what we know and what we don't know, the
past and the future, increasing entropy and decreasing entropy, going
forward and going backward in time.  If light comes out of black
holes, then how black they are?  I wrote a short article about black
holes, I assumed inside black holes time is reversed and entropy
decreases in time.  It's consistent with what Hawking wrote about
information lost inside black holes - whatever comes out of black
holes does not contain any memory or information about what went

Suppose I take a text such as the book "A brief history of time" and
encrypt it.  The encrypted string might seem to have high entropy to
you.  You will not be able to understand anything (especially if I
used one-time key), unless you knew the original text was "A brief
history of time".  But for me the text means a lot - I can decrypt it,
read it and understand it.  There is much order in it.  The concept of
entropy is not something deterministic - it refelects our knowledge of
something and not inherent within the something itself.


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