Rami Addady wrote:

> Shouldn't VPS give you isolated environment with grantee resources?
> There are a lot of VPS solotion: Virtuozzo, Xen , openvz etc.  None
> off them give you performance isolation?
> I have good experience (or luck?) using Virtuozzo or some US hosting
> company.
I've been mostly happy with unixshell.com which uses free, open-source
Xen, but there have been problems and the performance isolation is
definitely not perfect.  The staff recommend that those of us running
production servers migrate to their sister company tektonic.net, which
uses the commercial Virtuozzo, and I believe people there are pretty happy.

My plan was to migrate my VPS there quite soon, but this thread really
inspired me; I didn't realize server rental prices had dropped so much. 
After much searching I opened an account today with server4you.com; my
considerations were hardware, (burstable) bandwidth and network, and
price.  I'm pretty happy with what I found and I'm busy setting it up
now, which is quite exciting seeing as I've never used Fedora Core
before, nor Plex.  There are some other options too but that's what I chose.

Anyway I'll be able to give an update in a few months if people are
interested and remind me.  In short: if you pay annually, the package I
chose gives you for $99/mo: Intel P4 3.4 Ghz, 1024MB RAM, 160GB HDD,
1500GB bandwidth and includes Plesk (100 domains) for free.  It's on a
Tier-1 network, speeds so far are great - X seen with VNC over an ssh
tunnel is pretty responsive (of course I'm using a limited colour
palette, compression, etc..).


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
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