On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 01:36:40AM +0300, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> You failed to mention a crucial thing that get CxOs jobs -  
> connections. People know about them. They have a nice black book of  
> contacts from their previous jobs and military service which they  
> maintain. They have people who owe them favors. That's how you get  
> jobs in high positions, at least in this country.

O can second that. I have a friend who, without connections when the startup
he was CFO for failed, he took a job as a security guard. He's been
working 60-70 hours a week for 3 years until the next one happens.

It's not been wasted time,he's done other things, such as tried to
proscute a copyright thief, figured out the difference between a bad
lawyer and a good one, a bad patent agent and a good one and how to tell
BEFORE you hire them. He has been reading many texts on enterpenurial
finance, writing business plans and starting a startup, and is writing a
book on it for people starting their first startup. All of the books he
has been able to find, websites, etc are all about doing it in the U.S.
which barely applies.

But without contacts, the only people beating a path to his door are
looking for a meal. :-(

BTW, when I was "in the loop" of starting startups, by the time they are
at the stage they are getting their first real funding, they have long since
found all of the people they need by connections. It's not until they
have been around for a while that they are looking for "random" people
"off the street".


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  N3OWJ/4X1GM
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