On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 16:38 +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi,
> It's always "fun" to play with a distribution that on one side has the
> latest tech, but on the other side, ditches you on the side after few
> months (and only giving you choice to upgrade, or be left without
> updates)
> I'm using Fedora Core 6 on my main web server, and today I found out
> that the security updates are no longer available for Fedora Core 6.
> Worse: ATRPMS, FreshRPMS are no longer maintained for FC6 which means
> that if I want the latest security stuff, I need to roll my own RPMS
> or fix things manually..
> So I decided I want to "upgrade" from FC6 to Centos 5. I was wondering
> if anyone did it and if so, what method? what are the "gotchas" that I
> need to be careful of, or is it simply better to keep my data out,
> format the machine and install centos 5 from scratch? (Centos 5 does
> not recognize Fedora stuff, so the "upgrade" option is not given).
> Thanks,
> Hetz

AFAIK You cannot cross-upgrade between Fedora and RHEL/CentOS.
You'll have to do a fresh installation.
(Which IMHO, is the best option to begin with)

- Gilboa

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