On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:00:50 +0200, Oren Held <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Myself:
> > But Centos 5 is not for home use - its distribution does not have
> > media programs (like LVM, I wanted it for media streaming). So for
> > home/media use, may be Fedora (now 8) is better for your needs (few
> > RPMs are available for Centos on ATRPMS, FreshRPMS does not support
> > RHEL/Centos at all).
> I agree that CentOS is usually not good for home. (I use it as home server,
> but run debian-unstable VMs inside :) )
> Still, many RPMs are available through the amazing DAG repository:
> http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/
> Also there is the new EPEL project, but it's 'limping' a little..
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL

I use the EPEL repository (highly recommended) and also the RPMforge
(http://rpmforge.net/) maintained by Dag. When I researched the LVM for
Centos5 issue, I found that Dag had about 40% of the libraries needed,
but still there was a lot of work to do to compile LVM for Centos5.


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