Quoting Shlomi Fish, from the post of Sat, 16 Feb:
> Hi all!
> I restored the list of Israeli open-source projects that used to be 
> maintained 
> at the Hackers-IL wiki and placed it on my home-site: 
> http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/resources/israel/list-of-projects/

well, Mosix hasn't been FOSS for years, OpenMOSIX hasn't been touched by
Qlusters in years (and I have no idea if it's still active, worth

XParam - Miki moved to Australia a year ago, is this still an Israeli
project? :-)

What's Israeli about Better-SCM? It also seems to be very out of date
(no git for starters, and a lot of new details and issues solved in
newer versions are not mentioned)

Question: what happend to the iglu.org.il site and why is this list not
on a Wiki over there? or on

Last but not least, if we are talking websites, is Hamakor or anyone
doing anything about the shameful abuse taking place over at gnu.org.il?
it's the same guy who was abusing wordpress.org.il until a week ago.

Victim of circumstance
Ira Abramov

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