On Sunday 17 February 2008, Ira Abramov wrote:
> Quoting Shlomi Fish, from the post of Sat, 16 Feb:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I restored the list of Israeli open-source projects that used to be
> > maintained at the Hackers-IL wiki and placed it on my home-site:
> >
> > http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/resources/israel/list-of-projects/
> well, Mosix hasn't been FOSS for years, 

And it is noted as such in the page.

> OpenMOSIX hasn't been touched by 
> Qlusters in years (and I have no idea if it's still active, worth
> checking)

Well, we still list projects of historical interest.

> XParam - Miki moved to Australia a year ago, is this still an Israeli
> project? :-)

Once an Israeli - always an Israeli. :-)

> What's Israeli about Better-SCM? 

Well, it was started by me, and is still primarily maintained by me.

> It also seems to be very out of date 
> (no git for starters, 

The omission of git is a well-known problem. The reason it's not there yet is 
because no one has volunteered to be its maintainer yet - submit a patch to 
the XML source of the comparison and maintain it into the future:


There were a few people who either expressed interest in doing so and many 
more who complained about it, but no one became a maintainer yet.

> and a lot of new details and issues solved in 
> newer versions are not mentioned)

Specific comments (or better yet - patches) are welcome.

> Question: what happend to the iglu.org.il site and why is this list not
> on a Wiki over there? 

The iglu.org.il site used to be present on eskimo.iglu.org.il and was not 
restored after the transition to tux.hamakor.org.il. We can still restore it, 
but I don't have control of the DNS domain, nor do I have access to a free 
hosting with sufficient permissions to set up all the old web-services 
properly. At the moment the situation is that all the old links are broken, 
which is the worst possible solution.

> or on 
> http://www.hamakor.org.il/content/view/52/56/


* The page is in Hebrew. The original list was in English, and I'd rather not 
translate it all to English at this point. (Although I'll be cooperative with 
someone who volunteers to do so and maintain it.).

* Since the list is in English the Hebrew layout of the page interferes with 
it. See for example:


* The URL is not very friendly or meaningful. (Minor problem).

* I'd really prefer it to be on a world-editable wiki.

> Last but not least, if we are talking websites, is Hamakor or anyone
> doing anything about the shameful abuse taking place over at gnu.org.il?

What problems do you see there?


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

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