Yuval Hager wrote:

On Sunday 06 April 2008, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
All the data in Codefidence is entered by a non certified bookkeeper
(but into an approved program) and  Ernest & Young, our auditors, found
no fault in this procedure.

May I ask which program you use? Is it available for Linux?

I'm ashamed to say that we use Hashashevet on Windows, accessed via VNC.

There was no approved program Free Software at the time when we purchased it and even then our needs exceeded the capacity of then existing web services and I suspect it still the same today.

I'm glad to see Drorit doing well. Perhaps some day we could consider migration.


Gilad Ben-Yossef Chief Coffee Drinker

Codefidence Ltd.
The code is free, your time isn't.(TM)

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