On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 17:30 +0300, Imri Zvik wrote:
> While it is theoretically possible to setup a non-profit ISP, it is not 
> practical.
> It takes A LOT of money to run an ISP - just the submarine uplinks costs a 
> couple of hundred K's of $ per month, and even if you manage to get a serious 
> staff working for you for free, or almost free (which I doubt, as ISP job is 
> 24/7), you still need to buy expensive hardware, pay Bezeq for realms etc.
> So, unless you find someone with deep pockets who will fund this operation, I 
> don't see how it is possible.
> But I do like the idea :)

The nonprofit ISP's costs would be covered by payments from its clients,
just like for-profit ISPs.  The difference is that management will
answer to clients (via board of their representative, say) rather than
to profit-seeking owners.  Therefore the utility function to be
optimized will be to give the clients the best service possible at a
given cost, rather than to maximize the owners' profits regardless.

Another way to express it is that it is analogous to: by buying
subscription to the ISP's service, a client gets a share in the ISP (to
be surrendered when he terminates his subscription).  So he would
support a management which gives him good service rather than pay him
higher dividends.

I noticed that there were no comments about mesh networks with
WiFi/packet forwarding.  Such things are inherently non-profit.

                                            --- Omer

Philip Machanick: "caution: if you write code like this, immediately
after you are fired the person assigned to maintaining your code after
you leave will resign"
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