2008/8/26 Omer Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Amos presumably needs a working solution TODAY.  Promises for bright


These monitors are sitting unused for almost a week now.

> future are irrelevant.
> If he chooses ATI cards, he should use only 1st reason to justify his
> choice.  This reason may well be enough to make the justification.
>> So with ATI we have an "installment plan" ("Tashlumim")
>> in two steps:
>>  * Get working (but limited) solution today (either old
>>    cards or proprietary drivers or no 3D acceleration)
>>  * Get better support for the *same* hardware on the
>>    next upgrade of your distro.
> Plans of mice and men always change.  ATI might fold 8 months from now,
> or be taken over by nVidia and have its product lines discontinued, or
> switch to solar powered 3D holographic displays.
>> Where's the second step for nVidia cards?
> If they are cheap enough, then the following plan would make economic
> sense:
> 1. Buy today the cheap nVidia cards (such as GeForce FX 5200, which I
> chose because of its low price).

Thanks for the specific model number. Will look into it.

You pretty much nailed it, just like in the other mailing list I asked
this question on - nVidia it is, with all the sympathy for ATI's FOSS
I can only hope right now that next year I'll get to install
Ubunutu/CentOS/Debian/Mandrake/whatever instead of the crappy Windows
XP/Vista almost everyone here (except about three of us) have on their

"My people" don't do graphics work, as I said - they do mostly
server-side C++ and perl programming.

Thanks everyone for your opinions, you've been very helpful.



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