On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 15:07 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 August 2008, Amos Shapira wrote:
> > 2008/8/26 Omer Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Amos presumably needs a working solution TODAY.  Promises for bright
> >
[... snipped ...]
> > You pretty much nailed it, just like in the other mailing list I asked
> > this question on - nVidia it is, with all the sympathy for ATI's FOSS
> > support.
> Great, just great. So while considering all the apathy hang-vidia shows 
> towards open-source, their crappy BLOBs, and they dropping support from older 
> cards, and not releasing specs, etc. - you're still supporting them with your 
> wallet. How do you expect hardware vendors to ever play nicely with 
> open-source operating systems, if even Linux users still buy their products 
> despite their general apathy towards us?

I use (relatively) low-end nVidia graphic cards, with the Free 'nv'
driver (rather than their proprietary driver).

According to the way Amos described his people's needs, the 'nv' driver
is enough for their needs.

What Amos is voting against with his employer's wallet (if he follows
through this plan) is against high-end graphic cards and those features,
which require proprietary drivers.  For the (relatively) low-end graphic
market, nVidia is effectively Free.

> So, the real problem is with people like you, who are too pragmatist on their 
> free software ideals, and still support companies like nVidia. I personally 
> am not going to buy a product that's not properly supported under Linux, just 
> so I can be sure I'm not supporting such abusive companies with my wallet.

Amos' people's display needs are properly supported under Linux using
only Free drivers (assuming that my recommendation passes his
evaluation).  It is an interesting philosophical discussion (which
properly belongs to another Linux-IL thread) whether buying a product
with features A+B, for use which needs only feature A, and such that
feature B is supported only by proprietary software - is a violation of
boycott against hardware which is not supported by Free Software.

By the way, I still remember the days in which ATI were anti Free
Software, and I even signed a petition about this issue.

                                          --- Omer

MS-Windows is the Pal-Kal of the PC world.
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