> Encourage (by getting people to demand it) providers to sell PCs with
> Linux, in which a VM is installed and runs a MS-Windows XP image.

VM anyone can install. Asking VM installed with windows xp image will open
the door to charge extra charge for the image of XP.  After all, if it's not
registered image, after 30 days you can't use it anymore. You need to re-
install the image.

> Such a configuration will benefit the Free Software world by making it
> easy to bridge between MS-Windows XP and Linux (no more having to
> dual-boot the PC).
>                                           --- Omer
> On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 13:21 +0200, Dan Shimshoni wrote:
> > I wish that there will be some serious initiative to take advantage
> > of this precedent
> > and to change the current status of PC/latop computer market
> > in Israel ; I would wish that some
> > law will be passed that would enforce ***every*** computer store in
> Israel
> > to sale a PC/laptop with no OS on it, and also would enforce every
> advertisment
> > of these stores to declare this option clearly. This is election time
> now.
> > Maybe an Atzuma should be prepared  ? maybe some parliament members
> > will be interested in such an initiative ? Can anyone think of
> > something ?
> --
> "Kosher" Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
> are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
> (See also:
> http://www.zak.co.il/tddpirate/2006/04/21/the-grave-danger-to-the-deaf-from-kosher-cellphones/
> )
> My own blog is at http://www.zak.co.il/tddpirate/
> My opinions, as expressed in this E-mail message, are mine alone.
> They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
> I may be affiliated in any way.
> WARNING TO SPAMMERS:  at http://www.zak.co.il/spamwarning.html
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