On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Hetz Ben Hamo <het...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Erez,
> The latest versions of Ubuntu, as well as Fedora and OpenSuSE 11.x use
> the latest Xorg server which *does not* need the /etc/xorg.conf file.
> Everything regarding the card is being done automatically (probing
> etc), so when you install Fedora 10 for example, you won't find this
> file.

i am switching (trying to switch) to fedore 10
didn't work out of the box

> I assume that ATI tools do try to find this file, do a bit of parsing
> and modifying it. Since its not there, I suggest you re-create it with
> your distribution specific tools. "X --configure" creates a really
> messy file. Try to create a file with a settings for the open source
> driver, and then feed this to the atitool.

i created with X --configure on the open source driver.
on the ati binary it failed sith sig11 (segmentation fault)

> It's really not the sweatiest land here in NVidia world. I'm using a
> Windows XP machine here for some tests with Geforce 8500 1GB RAM and
> I'm testing some VMWare stuff. I spent a whole day to find something
> which is so simple with ATI: When a program sits on another
> non-primary monitor, when you make it full screen, it should be full
> screen on *that* monitor (VMWare full screen, not maximized window)
> and *not* on primary monitor. ATI have this function working for years
> in windows and guess what? not possible in NVidia's "twinview" mode.
> You can use the nView crappy stuff, but still vmware insists open full
> screen on primary monitor.
> So it really depends who develops your Linux driver. nVidia, Although
> not opening their driver's source code, is really trying to put any
> feature that their cards have to be supported under Linux. CUDA,
> PurePlay, Twinview etc - all suported under Linux these days with 1
> driver and easy install. ATI - a total nightmare on Linux, specially
> for the latest distributions.

what i care about is linux support. and it sucked for me on ati


> Hetz
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Erez D <erez0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > If you arg thinking of buying a new graphic card, and want to choose
> ati.... i wouldn't recommend that.
> >
> >
> > Although oficially ati has "catalyst" drivers for their new cards  - it
> didn't work on mine (which is supported)
> >
> >
> > i have recently bought a new computer. my old one had nvidia , and my new
> has ati 4550 passive.
> >
> > on nvidia, as i recall. if i didn't have distribution specific drivers, i
> could install the binary one.
> > picking it was easy. there was only one to pick from.
> > i installed it, and it worked.
> > on ubuntu, there was a distribuition speceific driver and it worked out
> of the box
> >
> > in ati - i had to choose from a list of around 20. neither had 4550 as an
> option. i chose the one marked as 'X550'
> > i installed the driver, it didn't tell me if it was the right driver or
> not.
> > rebooting as they asked, and running X, i got a distorted screen with
> horizontal lines on it.
> >
> > i erased /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and tried installing the driver again. when
> i ran "aticonfig --initial" it refused as i had no xorg.conf
> > i tried 'X -configure' (which worked before i installed the driver), but
> it failed with sig 11.
> > and now i do not have X, to find how to uninstall it ...
> >
> > it was good i had a backup of my xorg.conf (with the opensource driver)
> >
> > ati gave a link to where to send bug reports. i followed the link just to
> find a page full of information which didn't have any place to put a bug
> report on.
> > after nevigating for some time i found where i can fill a bug report. but
> i have to register first. i had to fill in many fields like what version of
> their catalyst driver i was using (and of-course the version which i
> downloaded the same day from their site wasn't there).
> > in the end i filed a bug report and went to bed.
> >
> > A day later i got an email: just press this link and login, and you will
> find an answer
> > i loged-in -> again many detailes, neither relevant.
> > i pressed the link again. this time one link was relevant - it was an
> answer to my bug report and it was:
> > quoting: "Although we have drivers for Linux posted on the ATI website,
> we do not provide technical support for driver or multimedia issues in Linux
> directly. "
> >
> > so i say again. i wouldn't recomend buying from ATI.
> > from now on. no ati neither amd for me.
> >
> > (with nvidia i used twinview and tv-out. i hope the opensource  ati
> driver supports this ...)
> >
> >
> > cheers,
> > erez.
> >
> >
> --
> Skepticism is the lazy person's default position.
> my blog (hebrew): http://benhamo.org

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