On Tuesday 31 March 2009, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > Very different. Math is a complete no go, hebrew and english is a mess,
> > mixed hebrew/english documents and numbers are rarely imported properly,
> > enumerations are messed up completely and changing the document language
> > to hebrew to match the original permutes tab aligned ellements
> Are you talking about documents created with Word then opened in OOo,
> or documents created in OOo then opened in Word. With the former I
> understand your point, but for the later I have had no problems (I
> have not tried math).

I had a real mess once when I took a mixed Hebrew/English document created 
with Word and then opened it with OOo. I then fixed it up under OOo, but when 
I looked at it under Word it was a mess over there !

> >> > 2) Convince your collaborators to use Open Office. This is suprisingly
> >> > easy, many people are willing to get rid of MS Office. Although I
> >> > personally prefer MS Office and use OOo out of necessity (Linux user),
> >> > I find that most people prefer OOo for some reason, once they see it.
> >> > Go figure.
> >
> > Tried using personally but sad to say it's incredibly unstable in terms
> > of styles and I still haven't managed to find out how to change the
> > headers/footers mid way through the document, something that is very easy
> > with word.
> >
> > On the other hand I'm using lyx almost exclusively so who am I to talk
> > ...
> I tried to get into Lyx but I had a hard time with Hebrew, davka (what
> is "davka" in English).

  The day is short, and the work is great,    |  Aharon Schkolnik
  and the laborers are lazy, and the reward   |  
  is great, and the Master of the house is    |  aschkol...@gmail.com
  impatient. - Ethics Of The Fathers Ch. 2    |  054 3344135

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