On Tuesday 27 Jul 2010 13:15:13 Israel Shikler wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a C program that reads one line of text from the keyboard.
> The original program was written 10 years ago and was compiled with cc on
> AIX 4.x.
> I used the gets() function which was the only option available at the time.
> Recently, I had to port the program to gcc on Linux, but I was confronted
> with lots of segfaults.
> So, I had to change the function to getline() which is much more stable and
> secure.
> However, I was asked to maintain the new version on AIX 5.3 as well.
> When recompiling the program on the AIX machine I was confronted with the
> lack of getline() in AIX implementation of cc.
> I do not have gcc on that machine, and installing it would be an option of
> last resort .
> I am looking for an alternative to getline(), that would be portable to
> both Linux and AIX.

Will fgets be OK enough?



        Shlomi Fish

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