Hello all,

I have an account with mantraonline.com and use ppp + sendmail +
fetchmail to access it. It had been working fine till sometime last week
when sendmail started reporting host name lookup failures. The problem
is as follows:

My mail client sends mail to the localhost's sendmail for queueing. Once
I'm connected, the /etc/ppp/ip-up script runs the mail queue by invoking
"sendmail -q &" and waits for the mail queue to empty before
disconnecting. But the mail queue is no longer being emptied. Instead
all queued mails are "marked" with a "deferred: host name lookup
failure: del1.mantraonline.com" message.

However, if I point my mail client directly to del1.mantraonline.com, I
am able to send the mail across. I am also able to fetch my mail using
fetchmail without any problems. Furthermore, I am able to ping various
Internet hosts while connected (eg., www.yahoo.com, www.linux.org). The
problem seems to be with only my localhost's sendmail.

The most puzzling part of the matter is that it's been working just fine
for many months now! I haven't touched my config in ages
(/etc/sendmail.cf, /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/ppp/*). I log in
as root only to shutdown my system.

Any help on this matter will be deeply appreciated. TIA.


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