Jayanth Vincent posts:

> As far as the hubs are concerned, if my NICs are going to be 10mbps and not
> 10/100mbps then I could make do with the cheaper 10mbps hubs, if i can get
> them that is.  But what happens when i want to upgrade.

The 100BaseT cards and hubs are twice as costly as the 10 MBps
ones !!  The upgrade path is tortuous in that u may have to change
the NICs and hub.   Test out everything and ask ur dealer to 
give u both the 100 and 10 MBps NICs and hubs before deciding.
Once again; full duplex, auto negotiation gives u good throughput.  
Care should be taken to have a good ground line across everything.

ragOO, VU2RGU.
Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.....Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W     FREE..Debian GNU/Linux

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