> On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 10:02:21AM +0530, KARAMVEER SINGH(97007053) wrote:
> > Does anybdy here working on implementing active networks on linux.. or any
> > one working on LRP (linux router project) ?? Or ever doing any  sort of
> > research on that..?
> Traditionally, Linux has not been very strong in academic research, compared
> to BSD, especially in networking. However, that is changing
> gradually. This year's SOSP for example, had 2 papers each on Linux and
> FreeBSD and 2 or 3 on Windows NT.

You may be right in some sense but there are many things whihc people r
trying to implement on linux.As i told about LRP. this is a project to
making linux as a full optimesed router. Secondly, there r many
orginations in world where active networks projects on linux is going on.
One of them is IITB itself.
Karamveer Singh
Room 216, Hostel 6
Indian Institute of Technology
Ph:-> 022 5781023

            /V\       L   I   N   U   X
           // \\  >Don't fear the penguin<
          /(   )\
               |  "Where do you want to go today?"
               |  "As far from Redmond as possible!"
               |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

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