On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Dietmar Kling wrote:

> i thought i add a report to the new VM in 2.4.0pre9
> My Machine has 256 MB of memory 
> I left it for two hours ( several Netscapes -Instances,
> Mail and xmms running _nothing in swap_ )
> When I tried to restart my work after 2 hours,
> the machine started swapping madly.

Does this swapping storm get less (or even go
away?) when you apply my small patch to test9-pre1?


> I believe this is a tuning issue, so 
> i do not complain :)

Indeed. Now that the testing base for the VM patch
has increased so much, there are a few as-of-yet
untested workloads popping up that don't perform
very well.

I'm gathering details about those workloads and
trying to fix them as best as possible.


"What you're running that piece of shit Gnome?!?!"
       -- Miguel de Icaza, UKUUG 2000

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