On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Rik van Riel wrote:

> It would be better to put that in a userspace tool like
> vmstat.

Or modify 'free', which is what I was going to do. How would I find the number
of actual pages-in-use from those variables? I've tried adding and subtracting
several and can't seem to get the 26mb number from the first output of
/proc/meminfo that I showed in my last email:

Buffers:         16648 kB
Cached:          35276 kB
Active:           2036 kB
Inact_dirty:     37264 kB
Inact_clean:     12624 kB
Inact_target:        4 kB

=>  -/+ buffers/cache:      26628      99888


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