Rik van Riel wrote:
> > I believe this is a tuning issue, so
> > i do not complain :)
> Indeed. Now that the testing base for the VM patch
> has increased so much, there are a few as-of-yet
> untested workloads popping up that don't perform
> very well.
> I'm gathering details about those workloads and
> trying to fix them as best as possible.
> regards,
> Rik
> --
> "What you're running that piece of shit Gnome?!?!"
>        -- Miguel de Icaza, UKUUG 2000

Actually, I have been having problems with the latest Netscapes (provided by
RedHat) since the early 2.4.0test series.  It seems it goes into memory eating
mode every so often.  Closing netscape and restarting it makes things fine.  I
don't know if it is the kernel's fault or netscape's, but it is only netscape
that I have such problems with.  I almost wonder if it is a networking change
that causes it.  I remember such a bug in the late 2.1.x series.

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