On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Rik van Riel wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Dietmar Kling wrote:
> > i thought i add a report to the new VM in 2.4.0pre9
> > 
> > My Machine has 256 MB of memory 
> > I left it for two hours ( several Netscapes -Instances,
> > Mail and xmms running _nothing in swap_ )
> > 
> > When I tried to restart my work after 2 hours,
> > the machine started swapping madly.
> Does this swapping storm get less (or even go
> away?) when you apply my small patch to test9-pre1?
> http://www.surriel.com/patches/2.4.0-t9-vmpatch

I think I might have a similar problem with 2.4.0-t8-vmpatch2, related to
caching. Without the vmpatch, my standard system 'used' would be near 28mb
actual in use, the rest cached or in buffers. When I tried vmpatch2, standard
usage eventually got up to 44mb when using the same programs and processes,
with 1600kb of buffers and about 78mb of cache (with 2 days of uptime).

Then I tried a: find / -name *.pdf

The size of the buffers increased to 16mb as expected, but also the amount of
memory 'in use' also increased by 16mb! Free shows:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        126516     123312       3204          0      16496      46084
-/+ buffers/cache:      60732      65784
Swap:        32124          0      32124

That 60732 figure used to be around 44000 before the 'find'.

I'm trying test9 to see if that behaves any better, then I'll try

Have you encountered this buffer problem before, Rik?

Byron Stanoszek                         Ph: (330) 644-3059
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