I think it's time to get Christoph on the line and see what he has to say.  The
4096 number is a limit to the system, you can have a max of 4096 shared memory
segments systemwide.  Do you know offhand which programs are using(abusing)


safemode wrote:

> David Ford wrote:
> > No, those two are often empty.  Does the total of the first group's bytes
> > column match the used column of df?
> >
> > -d
> The sum of the Bytes used in the 4096 entries ipcs shows is WAY off from the
> bytes used in df if that's what you wanted to know.    df shows 109K in
> use... and that's easily beaten by the first entry in ipcs
> ------ Shared Memory Segments --------
> key       shmid     owner     perms     bytes     nattch    status
> 0x00000000 32769     root      600       503808    2         dest
> 0x00000002 131074    root      600       196608    2
> 0x00000003 163843    root      600       655360    2
> 0x00000000 3997700   root      777       5240      1         dest
> 0x00000000 4030469   root      777       5060      1         dest
> 0x00000000 4063238   root      777       4700      1         dest
> this is the first 6 entries ...  i'm not sure what you're getting at with
> this though..

      "There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are
      virtue and talents", Thomas Jefferson [1742-1826], 3rd US President

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