Alan Cox wrote:

> I have about 16 after 2 days. Thats a fairly typical desktop (gnome
> gfm and everything else is a terminal window)

Whoa now?!  16 shm segments?    ....if that's true something is terribly

wrong with either X or the kernel's handling of shm .... that's scary.
is currently what i'm seeing  after only 30 min of X
------ Shared Memory Status --------
segments allocated 2008
pages allocated 13842
pages resident  12281
pages swapped   1120
Swap performance: 5517 attempts  1120 successes

------ Semaphore Status --------
used arrays = 0
allocated semaphores = 0

------ Messages: Status --------
allocated queues = 0
used headers = 0
used space = 0 bytes

It increases every time i execute the command   ipcs -u
i am not even running the amount of apps i normally do.  This seems to
be a
leak, but i'm not sure if it's from X or the kernel.   I'm leaning
towards X
at this point.  But the real problem i have with is the kernel is
when the requests for shm segments goes over the max for a while.

(could not mail back directly to alan   *shrugs* )
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: does not like recipient.
550 rejected: administrative prohibition
Giving up on

go figure

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