Hi Andrew, David,

David Miller <da...@davemloft.net> writes:

>>> +bool dsa_uses_tagged_protocol(struct dsa_switch_tree *dst)
>>> +{
>>> +   return !!dst->rcv;
>>> +}
>>> +
>> You need to be careful here. This is in the hot path. Every frame
>> received uses this code. And think about a distro kernel, which might
>> have DSA enabled by default, yet is unlikely to have any switches. You
>> are adding a function call which can be called millions of times per
>> second....
> Yeah, we really can't make this change.
> This isn't glibc where we're trying to hide the implementation of "FILE *"
> behind accessor functions that caller can't see.  We inline things when
> performance dictates, and it does here.

Thanks for the explanation, this wasn't obvious to me at all. So inline
is mandatory here. Would a dereference like "!!dst->tag_ops->rcv" have
an significant impact on performance?



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