Linux-Misc Digest #354, Volume #19                Sun, 7 Mar 99 22:13:08 EST

  Re: Help installing qt1.42 (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Good dhcpcd FAQ? ("A.G.")
  Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion (Bernhard Reiter)
  Re: Linux certification (Tom Ed White)
  command not found not solved with ./ (Dave Kortz)
  Re: Xwindows too BIG (Terry Davis)
  Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME! (WARGY)
  Re: More bad news for NT (jedi)
  Re: Sparc (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: checking installed rpms (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: Installed GNOME 1.0.1, now several pgms won't run... Help! (Donovan Rebbechi)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: Help installing qt1.42
Date: 2 Mar 1999 07:31:43 GMT

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999 11:50:18 -0500, Pat Palermo wrote:
>I'm trying to install qt1.42 over 1.33 on KDE 1.0. The package comes
>' Kde will not restart, as it gives me a ' cannot find libstdc++
>........'. I have to reinstall qt 1.33 in order to get kde to restart.
>I want to install so I can use kvirc.
>Any help on actual steps required to install would be appreciated.

your problem is that your KDE was compiled against qt-1.42.

You have three options: 

(a)     upgrade KDE to a version that is built against 1.42 ( such as KDE1.1)
(b)     recompile KDE using Qt-1.42

(c)     (the hack) perform the following steps:

(1)     install Qt-1.42         
(2)     make a directory /usr/lib/qt-1.42
(3)     copy the file /usr/lib/ to the directory /usr/lib/qt-1.42
(4)     re-install qt-1.33
(5)     install kvirc
(6)     make a script called "runkvirc" . Put it somewhere in your path.
Script shown below:

#       script to run kvirc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/qt-1.42:/lib:/usr/lib
exec kvirc

Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


From: Ding-Jung Han <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 16:01:12 -0500

I know it sounds stupid, but now I almost screwed my system... :~~~

It's all from upgrading the packages (rpm) from i386 to i686. I upgraded
the following rpms:


The first one I screwed is pam (or pwdb?)... Now everytime I boot into
Linux it failed loading, complaining an unresolved symbol
(something about frame_infor?), and I'm locked out from my Linux box!

I can still access the filesystem from WinNT (via a small utility). Now
how could I do to restore everything?

Any suggestion is APPRECIATED!!!



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Good dhcpcd FAQ?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 01:18:40 GMT

Could anyone point me in the direction of the subj.?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernhard Reiter)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion
Date: 8 Mar 1999 01:23:15 GMT

On 03 Mar 1999 21:16:29 -0700, Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernhard Reiter) writes:

>> >This is more of a desktop-implementation issue than an OS issue.
>> But it also is an os issue.
>> Ever had a chance to peek at NeXTStep. Especially the services?
>Yes, we had a lab full of them.  
> You *do* know that they run a
>particularly deranged flavor of BSD, thus showing that the GUI desktop 
>can be objectified under UNIX.
Yes, BSD style Unix with Mach underneath. 
I was not denying that.
But as I understood it, the OS architecture allowed for 
nice and very fast process communication, so I could
copy and paste a few megabytes sound file part between programs
quite fast. The X11 clipbord mechanics and even pipes would have been
significantly slower. So the OS does matter, though it might not be the
main issue.



From: Tom Ed White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux certification
Date: 07 Mar 1999 20:49:22 -0500

There are two not-for-profit programs from the Linux community:


The one seems to be farther along.

Tom Ed White


From: Dave Kortz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: command not found not solved with ./
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 18:05:14 -0500

I've been trying to run a script (ns-install for Netscape 4.51) and receive an
error: "bash:command not found"  After reading through this newsgroup I see that
the solution should be to add the directory to my path or type ./ns-install - I

I have tried both of these solutions, but without it solving the problem.  I am
logged in as root and have confirmed that bash is my shell.   I'm using Redhat
5.2 and (although I doubt I need to add the obvious) rather new at using Linux. 


From: Terry Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xwindows too BIG
Date: 8 Mar 1999 01:31:41 GMT

OK folks, I found what worked :) for any other schmucks like me ...
here's the answer....
cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
run   XF86setup
It worked beautifully. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions!!!
Terry D

Terry Davis wrote:
>  I've tried almost every resolution and looked for error files with no
> results. I'm wondering if I should reload Mandrake 5.3? I don't like the
> Idea since I just got my modem working. Oh well.. If nothing else I've
> discovered a wonderful group of people here in the Linux world.
> Thanks for all the suggestions but I'm still looking for the one that
> will shrink Xwindows.
> Thanks  Terry D.
> NF Stevens wrote:
> > 
> > Terry Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >Thanks for the quick response...
> > 
> > >I tried 1280x1024 (which is what my monitor docs say it will do at 
> > 
> > >No improvement. I then tried alt  cntl plus and it had NO affect then
> > 
> > >alt  cntl minus  also with no affect, nada , zip zilch. I wonder
> > 
> > >if there is something more sinister wrong. By the way Xwindows looked
> > 
> > >fine with my original installation of Red Hat 5.2.
> > 
> > Look at the output that X generates when it starts up. This is
> > usually saved to a file (.X.err in SuSE 5.2). Check for lines
> > such as
> > 
> > (--) S3: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 75.00 kHz. Deleted.
> > 
> > These will tell you why higher resolutions are not available.
> > Check the entries HorizSync and VertRefresh in XF86Config and
> > make sure they match what your monitor is capable of.
> > 
> > Norman
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME!
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 01:23:24 GMT

On Sat, 06 Mar 1999 22:48:56 -0800, jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Probably will have to download the tarballs and do configure, make, make
>> install on each and every one.  There are about 20 or so packages unless
>> you need other ones to satisfy dependencies of the GNOME packages.
>Unless GNOME has stopped depending on all sorts of things like it did
>when I tried to install it on my slackware,...he will have a long hard
>time of it.  He is on a Slackware box, Slackware doesn't come with all
>sorts of nonsence preinstalled like RedHat and over 1/2 the other
>distros.  And the GNOME depends list was not complete....I had to hunt
>down and download all sorts of stuff after I thought I finaly had it
>I highly recomend getting KDE instead, it is easier, nicer, and it will
>take you more time to download then install.  And not as long to
>download at that...

Hi guys,

Thanks for all your response. I appreciate it.

Ok I couldn't wait around so I installed WindowMaker from I installed the v0.51.0 tar file. I tell you this
'window manager' looks and runs awesome. I had a some difficulty
starting it as it kept telling me some fatal error with the display.
That problem got fixed thanks to my busy-and-rare-to-get-hold-of unix
'guru' friend.

You mention that KDE is much easier to install. On my plain vanilla
Slackware 3.6 machine, it had a problem which, to be honest, I can't
remember now what it was, but I know it ended with a problem so I gave

Has anyone tried the latest KDE with a fully installed Slackware 3.6?
I did a full install of Slackware 3.6, including the X Server
Development stuff.. I'm not sure if I should attempt to install KDE
now that I've got WindowMaker installed.. or can I?

Thanks again.

p.s. I'm beginning to love Linux (as long as I know how to use it).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 17:43:12 -0800

On Sun, 7 Mar 1999 17:38:01 -0600, Jon Wiest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>jedi wrote in message ...
>>>Yes, and?  This is such a tired old rant.  Just what is your point?  Are
>>>against widespread adoption of a GUI?  Does it bother you that someone
>>>money using a public idea?  Better get ready to shit all over RedHat.
>> Yes and it demonstrates that the free market is quite broken
>> when Bill can make so much money off of an incomplete and
>> broken copy of something that was available in the market-
>> place when he was still peddling very primitive versions of
>> DOS.
>Tell me you wouldn't have done the very same if you'd had the opportunity.

        Actually, I would have acted quite differently as I have
        some pride in myself as a programmer and something 
        resembling an engineer. This is Billy's edge, he's a geek
        second and a shark wannabe first.

>Be that as it may, in this industry some standardization is helpful.  Being
>able to send someone a Word doc or Excel spreadsheet, and not have to worry
>about what they are using is great!  Computers are tools, most people
>shouldn't have to think about their innards.

        We had that quite a while before M$ came along to tie us
        to the annual forced upgrade. It is called ASCII. SGML
        variants will work for the rest.

>>>Did McDonalds dream up the first hamburger?  Who made the first taco chip?
>>>Should no one do anything ever again because someone else did it first??
>> The existence and market share of Taco Bell or McDonalds
>> don't interfere in any way with my decision to perhaps
>> tomorrow go to Carl's Jr., Wendy's, In&Out, Jack-in-the-box,
>> or Del Taco.
>Hey, and here you are, in a Linux newsgroup, probably using Linux to
>exchange messages.  Have you been "interfered with"?  No.  Are you
>oppressed?  No.  Are you using a GUI?  Probably.  Do you owe royalties to
>Apple or Xerox?

        Unlike Microsoft, Unix variants tend to give credit where 
        credit is due. Infact the bsdl is primarily about ensuring
        that credit is given where credit is due.

                Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
Neither will do a thing unless they really want to, or         |||
is coerced to the point where it will scratch your eyes out   / | \
as soon as your grip slips.

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Sparc
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 17:49:14 -0800

> Adrian Hands wrote:
> > 
> > I just bought a Sun Sparc IPC with RH5.2 installed (2.0.35 kern).
> > It seems to work okay, but it's really slow - about 25 % of the speed of
> > my Intel P-100.
> > Is this hardware really that slow or is something setup wrong ?

How much RAM does it have - that really makes a differenc. I'm writing
this using an IPC under Solaris 2.4 as a Xterminal and it works just
fine. Even local apps work ok since I increased RAM from 12 to 36 megs.
But a P100 - I don't think so.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: checking installed rpms
Date: 7 Mar 1999 19:04:57 GMT

On Mon, 08 Mar 1999 02:41:17 GMT, Robert Land wrote:
>On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 23:00:04 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>(Stuart R. Fuller) wrote:
>>So, someone has editted this file since it was installed.
>Thanks for your help Stu, but the output should remark something about
>a missing file. I'm looking for the config file for the fvwm2, the

should be under one of the following: 


it's called system.fvwm2rc. copy it to ~/.fvwm2rc

>fvwm2 menu complaines this file would be missing and I'm not able to
>find it on the mounted HDD's. I thought the verify option would help
>me - but it does not

The verify option will tell you if a files missing. eg

missing: /usr/bin/foo

Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: Installed GNOME 1.0.1, now several pgms won't run... Help!
Date: 7 Mar 1999 19:24:35 GMT

On Sun, 07 Mar 1999 16:04:03 GMT, Mister Homicidal wrote:
>I installed GNOME 1.0.1 along w/ Enlightenment via RPM's, and ran into
>a few problems, most of which I've fixed. This is Red Hat 5.2, btw...
>After the RPM install, I had to compile and install several previous
>versions of libg and libgtk to get things like electric eyes and
>gentoo to run. The GNOME rpm's had deleted older versions of these

This shouldn't usually happen. You probably installed using rpm -U instead
of rpm -i. My suggestion would be to try reinstalling the old 
version of gtk

>When I try to start linuxconf from a shell, I get the following
>message: remadmin (GUI frontend) exiting abnormally.
>When I try to start gnome-linuxconf, I get: error in loading shared
>libraries: Undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
>I've uninstalled linuxconf, and then reinstalled it, with no luck. I'm
>guessing that this is still a library problem, but which one?


ldd /usr/bin/linuxconf

to see what shared libraries it's linking against. If it was compiled 
against gtk 1.1 and is linking against a newer version, it won't work so well.

Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 



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