Linux-Misc Digest #354, Volume #18               Sat, 26 Dec 98 09:13:13 EST

  Embarrassingly dumb questio (Rich Grise)
  Re: E-mail client recommendations (Steve Lamb)
  Which book for newbie? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linker problem (Øystein Eftevaag)
  Re: Linker problem (Øystein Eftevaag)
  Re: Linux getright? (Jan Strohbehn)
  Re: Which book for newbie? (Andrew Chen)
  Re: Linker problem ("Martin Beier (Mad Maddelsen)")
  Re: Anti-Linux FUD (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Anti-Linux FUD ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Anti-Linux FUD (Richard Steiner)
  IP Masquerading & Ports ("!Xabbu")
  Re: Unable to load Interpreter! Help (ZioBudda)
  Re: looking for a very simple script (ZioBudda)
  Re: Compaq memory hole (ZioBudda)
  Re: Linux 1.2.8 Y2K compliant? (ZioBudda)
  Re: RedHat-5.x + multiple partitions on a disk (ZioBudda)
  Re: SuSE or RedHat (ZioBudda)
  Re: Unable to execute some scripts (ZioBudda)
  Re: Can't boot after Partition Magic 4.0 resizes (Øystein Eftevaag)
  Can't boot after Partition Magic 4.0 resizes (Bob Koss)
  Re: Printing problems with Epson Stylus Color 640 (Bruno Barberi Gnecco)
  Re: SuSE 5.3 experiences (Rick Knebel)
  Re: Anti-Linux FUD (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Linux getright? (Joseph Lam)


From: Rich Grise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Embarrassingly dumb questio
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 02:50:12 +0000

I know I should look this up on my own, and probably search dejanews and
go through
all my manpages, but maybe somebody's done this and has a one-word

I just discovered that my machine (generic 6x86, Slackware 3.3.0, kernel
thinks it's GMT. The time it reports, e.g:

 $ date
Sat Dec 26 02:45:17 GMT 1998

gives me the local time (Yes, it's 2:45 AM CST now). Which manpage tells
me how
to either tell the computer that it should be CST, or set the clock to
GMT? I remember something about time zones in the setup - I shouldn't
have to
go all the way back to that, should I?

Maybe man date? (This is another frustrating thing about Unix in general
I suppose it's not that different from the first time you see a C:>
but, if you know the command to use, you can find out what it does; but
you know what you want done, how do you find the appropriate command?)
Rich Grise
(No need to futz with my e-mail: I have a "delete" button!)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Lamb)
Subject: Re: E-mail client recommendations
Date: 26 Dec 1998 01:01:30 +0800

On 24 Dec 1998 20:32:50 GMT, brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     In news I'll agree wholeheartedly.  In mail, however, where the
>> likelihood of people having messages to actually thread, that is a different
>> story.  At least in news I can retrieve the previous posts from the server
>> if I feel like it.  Hard to do that with email once things are deleted.

>Then don't delete them, silly. :)

    With proper quoting there really is no need to keep gobs and gobs of
mail around.  In fact, there isn't a need to keep gobs and gobs of news
around.  It is only the rare time that I need to go back in a thread which
is where the news server comes it.

>> X-Mailer: PMMail 99 Professional (2.10.0271) For Windows 95 (4.0.1111)
>> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Now if only "LookOut!" would do that.

    Nah, get them to use a real email client.  ;)

>But getting anyone at Microsoft to realize that would be tough.

    Microsoft and "listen to the users" are mutually exclusive in a sentence
unless the latter is prefaced with "doesn't."

             Steve C. Lamb             | Opinions expressed by me are not my    | employer's.  They hired me for my
             ICQ: 5107343              | skills and labor, not my opinions!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Which book for newbie?
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 08:21:37 GMT

I've got quite a bit of dos/win31/win95 experience and would like to
get experienced with Linux.  The two books I'm considering as an
initial purchase are:
1. Red Hat Linux Secrets 2 ed., by Naba Barkakati, IDG Books
2. Special Edition Using Linux 4 ed., by Jack Tackett & Steve Burnett,
Que Books

I'll probably end up buying some kind of reference as well.  "Linux in
a Nutshell", maybe?

I'll probably be using RedHat.  Is it worth trying other distributions
as well?

Thanks for any advice


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Øystein Eftevaag)
Subject: Linker problem
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 10:32:38 GMT

Well, I have a major problem when compiling, and I 
presume it's a linker problem... 
This is what happens: (example from compiling Enlightenment) 

ttfont.o: in function 'Efont_load': 
/usr/local/src/e/src/ttfont.c:774: undefined reference to '__bzero' 
/usr/local/src/e/src/ttfont.:776: undefined reference to '__bzero' 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 

This happens when with most of the software I try to compile, and
it seems to happen wherever memset() is encountered in the code. 

The problem arose after I messed around with a development version 
version of glibc, gotten from somewhere... 
I've since removed that, and installed several other releases 
of glibc, but nothing works... 

I've asked in all irc channels regarding linux I could find, 
but no one seems to have an answer, so this is my last 
chance... help me, please? 


Øystein Eftevaag


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Øystein Eftevaag)
Subject: Re: Linker problem
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 11:24:03 GMT

On Fri, 25 Dec 1998 14:37:13 +0100, "Martin Beier (Mad Maddelsen)"
>The *two* underscores in __bzero are strange, should be _bzero
>in my opinion!

I just did a bit more research, and it seems that the problem only
arises when the memset() sets all the bytes to NULL...
(i.e. memset(buffer, 0, length); )
My theory is that there's a #define somewhere that
defines memset(void *, '\0', int) to __bzero(), or something like
that... I haven't been able to track it down, however.

Any ideas?

Øystein Eftevaag


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Strohbehn)
Subject: Re: Linux getright?
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 12:31:28 +0100

Peter Lee wrote:

> Is there a Getright(win95/98) type of utility for Linux???
> Thanks
> Peter

I use wget, you can download it from (or so)


From: Andrew Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Which book for newbie?
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 03:01:39 -0800

I don't have experience with either of those books, but I just wanted to
chime in and give a recommendation for going to those hard-workers at the
Linux Documentation Project:

and taking a read of some of the guides there (especially the Getting
Started and the System Administrator's Guide). Those were very helpful to
me, and are surprisingly well written (good at writing code and writing
documentation are different things).

If you buy books about Linux, don't make them big books. What happens is
taht you will end up consulting by 'man' and looking at the HOWTOs more
than you will be reading those books. That's been my experience, anyway.

As to distributions, I'm a big fan of Debian, which I installed over this
Winter Break. I'd probably say that the Debian install actually seems
easier than the Redhat install (though I've heard the people say the
contrary). Just make sure you get the CD from, because
downloading major applications off a 28.8 takes a reaaally long time. I
miss the ethernet at the dorm.


On Sat, 26 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've got quite a bit of dos/win31/win95 experience and would like to
> get experienced with Linux.  The two books I'm considering as an
> initial purchase are:
> 1. Red Hat Linux Secrets 2 ed., by Naba Barkakati, IDG Books
> 2. Special Edition Using Linux 4 ed., by Jack Tackett & Steve Burnett,
> Que Books
> I'll probably end up buying some kind of reference as well.  "Linux in
> a Nutshell", maybe?
> I'll probably be using RedHat.  Is it worth trying other distributions
> as well?
> Thanks for any advice


From: "Martin Beier (Mad Maddelsen)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linker problem
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 14:37:13 +0100

Øystein Eftevaag wrote:
> Well, I have a major problem when compiling, and I
> presume it's a linker problem...
> This is what happens: (example from compiling Enlightenment)
> ttfont.o: in function 'Efont_load':
> /usr/local/src/e/src/ttfont.c:774: undefined reference to '__bzero'
> /usr/local/src/e/src/ttfont.:776: undefined reference to '__bzero'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> This happens when with most of the software I try to compile, and
> it seems to happen wherever memset() is encountered in the code.
> The problem arose after I messed around with a development version
> version of glibc, gotten from somewhere...
> I've since removed that, and installed several other releases
> of glibc, but nothing works...

On my system, I get

nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero
00000000 T bzero
         U bzero
         U bzero

The *two* underscores in __bzero are strange, should be _bzero
in my opinion!

Ok, maddel!
PGP key fingerprint = 4A E3 3B 9C E5 B9 E2 E4  DA 01 67 43 20 96 B9 1D


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.x,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD
Date: 26 Dec 1998 10:34:37 GMT

In article <76157j$s6u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
John Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <760rdq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Which programs in the sbin directories would "normal" users want
>>in their path?
>traceroute can be very useful.

It belongs in /usr/bin.

If some distribution puts it into an sbin, it should be moved to
where it belongs rather than adding an sbin to normal user's
PATH.  I can see someone assuming it is an admin tool, and
putting it into an sbin, but I do agree with you that normal
users can find valid reasons to run it.


Floyd L. Davidson                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                                        


Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 12:30:54 GMT

Let me add my $0.02 of opinion here,

        On Sat, 26 Dec 1998 05:03:50 -0600, Richard Steiner wrote
these thought provoking words :

   -> I hate centralized binary configuration files (time bombs, I say), and
   -> AFAIC OS/2 as just as guilty as Windows 9x and NT.
Yes, it is.
   -> >I have had to restore my OS/2 WPS from a backup on a number of
   -> >occasions because of the problems which I knew was directly related to
   -> >something that I did or totally mystifying. Interestingly I have never
   -> >had a windows registry problem that has prevented me from rebooting or
   -> >generated crytic messages about the registry being corrupted.
   -> I've not had that happen in a while, but with OS/2 2.1 things on my PC
   -> used to get screwed up maybe 2-3 times a year.  Most of the time it was
   -> related to something I was playing with, I think, but I was never sure.
I find that it happened most to OS/2 users who played a lot with their
systems, i.e., changing the wps settings often, installing and
uninstalling a lot of software and using removable media heavily.
Unimaint was very important to maintaining my WPS's stability and
WPSBackup was also very important.
   -> >I still think that OS/2 is by far the better OS and most of all that
   -> >no OS is perfect.  It's nice not having to be loyal to any of them and
   -> >just merely going with the flow, making objective assessments and using
   -> >the most suitable OS for my needs in a given time period..
   -> I've been using OS/2 too long to be completely objective about it (I
   -> mean, I really *like* the OS <grin>), but experience with other OSes
   -> gives one additional perspective, I think.
I have used all flavours of windows, OS/2, MacOS and *tried* linux.
OS/2 is the only one which took my heart in some sort of a way and yet
it seemed to be the that I have had the most disasters with requiring
reinstalls.:-/ One thing that I noticed was that once OS/2 was
configured and you left it alone and just used it with that
configuration without disturbing it too much it would go and go and
go......:-) I guess this is why the best stability experiences occur
when it's used in an office, network server environment...."the close
the door and turn off the light"...type of server.

   -> >I guess strange things like that do not occur on the great Linux now
   -> >does it?
   -> Just to provide one data point: Linux has only locked up twice on me
   -> for any reason.
   -> Once was my own fault (I piped /dev/mouse as part of a brilliant idea
   -> and caused problems and a lock-up), and the other was caused by XMAME
   -> taking over X (it really wasn't a lockup, but X was completely unusable
   -> and I couldn't get keyboard input in either to Ctl-Alt-Bkspace out of
   -> it).  Other than that, it's been absolutely stable.
   -> Even though I like OS/2 more than Linux on my desktop for various and
   -> sundry reasons, I can't say I've seen that level of stability in OS/2. 
   -> It's pretty good, but not perfect.  Linux is better in that regard.

Linux experience in general far exceeds that of the windows. My
anecdotal experience is quite strange again, it would appear. I have
been using NT4 workstation for about 5 months now and it has locked up
on me *once* and this occurred when using beta software. I have had no
problems BSOD's. I guess this is why I cannot muster up
the were withal to learn linux and migrate to it yet. A poor computing
experience is not really a reason also taking into account that I am
no programmer.:-/

-== Allie ==-

Allie Martin (Mr.)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 05:03:50 -0600

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
spake unto us, saying:

>I had an OS/2 lockup once while working, hit the reset button and it
>would not reboot after that. A chkdsk run did not work at all. 
>I did a WPS restore from a backup that I had.....this backup was made
>with third party software by the way....and I was fine. The ini files
>got corrupted somehow. I guess the OS/2 ini file concept and structure
>should be ditched as well eh?

I'm jumping in the thread late.  But IMhO yes, it probably should.  :-)

I hate centralized binary configuration files (time bombs, I say), and
AFAIC OS/2 as just as guilty as Windows 9x and NT.

>I have had to restore my OS/2 WPS from a backup on a number of
>occasions because of the problems which I knew was directly related to
>something that I did or totally mystifying. Interestingly I have never
>had a windows registry problem that has prevented me from rebooting or
>generated crytic messages about the registry being corrupted.

I've not had that happen in a while, but with OS/2 2.1 things on my PC
used to get screwed up maybe 2-3 times a year.  Most of the time it was
related to something I was playing with, I think, but I was never sure.

>It's really interesting how experiences differ.

Yes.  I'd almost call it "fascinating".  Some of the things I hear are
hard to believe, but most is not.

>I still think that OS/2 is by far the better OS and most of all that
>no OS is perfect.  It's nice not having to be loyal to any of them and
>just merely going with the flow, making objective assessments and using
>the most suitable OS for my needs in a given time period..

I've been using OS/2 too long to be completely objective about it (I
mean, I really *like* the OS <grin>), but experience with other OSes
gives one additional perspective, I think.

>I guess strange things like that do not occur on the great Linux now
>does it?

Just to provide one data point: Linux has only locked up twice on me
for any reason.

Once was my own fault (I piped /dev/mouse as part of a brilliant idea
and caused problems and a lock-up), and the other was caused by XMAME
taking over X (it really wasn't a lockup, but X was completely unusable
and I couldn't get keyboard input in either to Ctl-Alt-Bkspace out of
it).  Other than that, it's been absolutely stable.

Even though I like OS/2 more than Linux on my desktop for various and
sundry reasons, I can't say I've seen that level of stability in OS/2. 
It's pretty good, but not perfect.  Linux is better in that regard.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
       OS/2 + Linux (Slackware+RedHat+SuSE) + FreeBSD + Solaris +
        WinNT4 + Win95 + PC/GEOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
              I feel more like I do now than when I arrived


From: "!Xabbu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP Masquerading & Ports
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 13:44:40 +0100

Heya ,
I have a serious question about IP Masquerading:

I am using my Linuxbox to masquerade the TCP packets of a Macintoshbox. The
programm I want to use on the Macintosh does the following:
It connects to a server using a default port and the IP address of the
server (works fine)
Then the server sends the Client (my Mac) the list pf IP addresses of other
users on the server. (works)
And also does this to the other users on the server (sends em my IP)
But then the connection between the users and me is not managed thourgh the
server but directly, so they have to try to lookup my IP and send the chat
packages to it. But because of Masquerading the packets never connect to
correct port, and my Linux machine doesnt know to which IP address forward
the packets on which port ...
So I cant see other users but the admin of the server.

I tried following:

ipfwadm -F -a m -P tcp 1024:20000 -D 1024:20000 -b

and for udp :

ipfwadm -F -a m -P tcp 1024:20000 -D 1024:20000 -b

Now the Linux machine should normally forward ALL packets on the correct
port to the Network machin on eth0 from the ISDN interface, not regarding
what kind of packages they are, wont it?

I u have any idea how I can set the route so the Linuxbox will do what I
want (forward everything on every port to the networkbox) then PLEASE answer



From: ZioBudda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unable to load Interpreter! Help
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:10:37 +0100

On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, Scott Hadley wrote:
> Have a big problem - have a client that has a 2.0.29 and doing core
> dump - with a message on the console that says - unable to load
> interpeter.

seems no ram for load interpeter (=the shell). or the interpeter(=the
shell) is not long avaible (delete from the crash?)
download muLinux ( and see the shell

Merry Christmas and Happy GNU year
Morelli <ZioBudda> Michel                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: ZioBudda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: looking for a very simple script
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:10:18 +0100

On 14 Dec 1998, Charles Wilkins wrote:
> Hi,
> I want a simple script to prompt me for a filename and then perform a
> command on that file.

make the script in bash/tcsh environment.
and man require

Merry Christmas and Happy GNU year
Morelli <ZioBudda> Michel                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: ZioBudda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compaq memory hole
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:10:34 +0100

On 18 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've noticed that I only seem to have 14 or 15 Meg of RAM under RH5.0 
> Linux when in fact my Compaq Presario 4814 has 64 Meg of RAM.  I've 
> done a little research on the web and it appears that others have had 
> this problem, especially with Compaqs, and that it's due to a memory 
> hole in BIOS that Windows ignores, but that Linux doesn't.  Supposedly,
> there is a BIOS setting that can eliminate this problem.  Does anyone
> know any more about this or how I would go about fixing it?

enter in the bios setting.
find something like "limit memory to 16MB". unset this.
if you have not this item pass the size of memory to linux via lilo. e.g.
lilo: your_label ram="64M"

Merry Christmas and Happy GNU year
Morelli <ZioBudda> Michel                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: ZioBudda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux 1.2.8 Y2K compliant?
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:10:22 +0100

On 15 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone know if Linux 1.2.8 is Y2K compatable? I don't want to

Linux is Y2K compliant, but is not Y2038 compliant.

Merry Christmas and Happy GNU year
Morelli <ZioBudda> Michel                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: ZioBudda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat-5.x + multiple partitions on a disk
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:10:28 +0100

On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, ishwar rattan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering if it is possible to
> 1. install Redhat-5.x in a way that it can use several partitions
>    on a disk? (context: would the like / on an IDE disk partition, and the
>    rest /usr etc. on SCSI disk partitions). An attempt to install always
>    puts the whole system on a single disk partitions.

it is the normal to have / in a single partition and /usr in another one
and /home in one again.
> 2. boot from a floppy disk (the system still on hard disk..)?

make zdisk when recompile the kernel.

Merry Christmas and Happy GNU year
Morelli <ZioBudda> Michel                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: ZioBudda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SuSE or RedHat
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:11:14 +0100

On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, darkstart wrote:
> Hello,
> Please help me choose a Linux distribution: SuSE or RedHat ?

alt.. stop the religion war...

> Particularly, I'm considering:
> 1.  Ease of Installation with X, and upgrades too.

> 2.  Totally commandline oriented installation -- no X, and upgrades too.


> 3.  Stability.


> 4.  Minimum patches on new installation.

all and no-one.

I use RH.

Merry Christmas and Happy GNU year
Morelli <ZioBudda> Michel                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: ZioBudda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Unable to execute some scripts
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:10:24 +0100

On 16 Dec 1998, Charles Wilkins wrote:
> Hi,
> The first line of the configure script is #! /bin/sh and it is linked to

the line must to be
#! /bin/sh

Morelli <ZioBudda> Michel                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Øystein Eftevaag)
Subject: Re: Can't boot after Partition Magic 4.0 resizes
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 13:25:20 GMT

On Sat, 26 Dec 1998 12:50:46 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Koss) wrote:

>Can anyone tell me how to get up and running again?

I assume you want to boot the filesystem on our harddisk, and not
on a floppy, right? Then you don't need a root-disk, that's just
a floppy with a filesystem on it.

If you use the standard RedHat bootdisk, you'll get a
screen with some text, and a prompt.
At this prompt you can specify what to use
as root (it should be mentioned in the text as well).
>From memory, it's something like:
"mount root=/dev/hda1"
(replace /dev/hda1 with whatever device is your main root partition)
Press enter, and it should boot your linux system just as usual.

Øystein Eftevaag


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Koss)
Subject: Can't boot after Partition Magic 4.0 resizes
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 12:50:46 GMT

Yes, I get the famous LI freeze. No problem, just boot from floppy and
rerun lilo, right?

Well, that assumes that I can boot from floppy, which I can't. I have
a Redhat 5.1 *boot* disk, which I made while I was installing, but it
askes for a *root* disk, and this is where I'm stuck.

I've read the Bootdisk-HOWTO, but like most HOWTO's, it applies to
every distribution of every version of every kernel and I can't
extract what exactly I'm supposed to do for my system.

Can anyone tell me how to get up and running again?



From: Bruno Barberi Gnecco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Printing problems with Epson Stylus Color 640
Date: 26 Dec 1998 07:36:03 -0600

Ramin Sina wrote:
> Hi all and happy holidays,
> I give the following commnad to print a postscript file on my suse 5.2
> gs -sDEVICE=uniprint
> and I get the error  below and no printout. Can someone tell me what am
> I doing wrong ( I can print text files with lpr with no problem)
> Thanks,
> Ramin Sina

        Try to use another -sDEVICE, like stc600? or some eother stylus
Did you *REALLY* check that interface between the chair and the keyboard?
Bruno Barberi Gnecco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ICQ #1383173 - PGP 5.0i user 
[I'm running Linux] -=-=- Electric Engineering at Politechnic School, USP
Check my homepage at * C, 3D graphics, and more


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Knebel)
Subject: Re: SuSE 5.3 experiences
Date: 26 Dec 1998 13:41:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jerry Lynn Kreps wrote:
>> In his obvious haste, Matthias Warkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:

>I love my SuSE 5.3  (I used RH 5.0, 5.2 They are nice, but SuSE is
I am in the process of trying Suse now and the one thing that is really
irritating is that it is hard to make a ppp connection.

For a major distro they should put more work into a good user interface like
either redhat or debian.

Maybe I just am not looking in the right place.

How do you set up ppp on your system with suse.

What program do you use.


>su to root. 
>locate code_c    (or any fraction of the name)

Rick Knebel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD
Date: 26 Dec 1998 12:43:30 GMT

Richard Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Just to provide one data point: Linux has only locked up twice on me
>for any reason.
>Once was my own fault (I piped /dev/mouse as part of a brilliant idea
>and caused problems and a lock-up), and the other was caused by XMAME
>taking over X (it really wasn't a lockup, but X was completely unusable
>and I couldn't get keyboard input in either to Ctl-Alt-Bkspace out of
>it).  Other than that, it's been absolutely stable.
>Even though I like OS/2 more than Linux on my desktop for various and
>sundry reasons, I can't say I've seen that level of stability in OS/2. 
>It's pretty good, but not perfect.  Linux is better in that regard.

Interesting comments, to say the least.

I would point out that technically neither of your instances is
a case of Linux locking up.  The results in your case are the
same though, so it makes no difference.  If you are stuck where
you can't do anything except reboot, it might as well be a Linux

However, one nice thing about Linux, or any multi-user OS, is
being able to access it in other ways to clear such problems.
If you had had even a plain old ascii terminal tied to a serial
port you could have logged in and killed the X server to clear
the problems.  A more interesting way is to have more than one
computer handy, and have them networked.  Then you can just
telnet in and do the same thing.

That concept can be expanded to a number of things too, like
offloading a lot of miscellanious stuff onto the other computer.
And since the second computer isn't really too important, it can
be any old cheap, slow, or whatever is available clunker you can
find.  Let it run the modem, the printer, the scanner, the CDR,
the tape drive, the sound system, do some big long compile job,
or whatever.


Floyd L. Davidson                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                                        


From: Joseph Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux getright?
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 20:49:29 +0800

On Sat, 26 Dec 1998, Peter Lee wrote:

> Is there a Getright(win95/98) type of utility for Linux???
> Thanks
> Peter

You can either try the Java version of Getright or use the 'wget' command.




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