Linux-Misc Digest #379, Volume #19                Tue, 9 Mar 99 04:13:11 EST

  Can't run Java applets - Linux (Ben Sandler)
  Re: RPM utility under Windows? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: BEST HW For Linux NoteBook Project (David Fox)
  Soft Landing Systems (Sparkzz)
  Re: Exporting Windows filesystem for Linux... (Lee Sau Dan ~{@nJX6X~})
  Re: Used WWW.DEJANEWS.COM ! (Gary Momarison)
  ICMP Timestamp (Du Jinsong)
  Re: Memory regions and Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 2.2 Sound code (Seth Van Oort)
  Samba & W95 logon question (RAZOR)
  Re: BEST HW For Linux NoteBook Project (John Winters)
  Re: Oops-Error (Michael McConnell)
  Re: 2.2.2 and parport (Michael McConnell)
  Re: Netscape problems under Linux (Michael McConnell)
  Re: Problems with parport. (Michael McConnell)
  Re: what "rc" scripts exist for linux? ("Quiney, Philip (EXCHANGE:HAL02:HM10)")
  Re: CHEAP HW For Linux NoteBook Project (Jonathan A. Buzzard)
  freeciv-1.7.2 segmentation fault (Yen-chi R. Lin)
  Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME! (jik-)
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info ("Gary W. Sandvik")
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info ("Gary W. Sandvik")
  Re: More bad news for NT (David Steuber)
  Re: Help - rpm XFree86 & stuck between 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Ben Sandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't run Java applets - Linux
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 07:25:44 +0000

I am running Linux 2.0.34 (redhat 5.1), netscape 4.5, and jdk 1.1.7 from
I cannot run any Java applets from Netscape.  I have never been able to
do so.  I used to get errors about java.lang.Security_exception: classes
not signed or something to that effect.  Now, I get nothing (meaning,
space allotted to the applet, but no error message).  I tried writing
Hello World and running it via appletviewer, and I get the following
unpleasant response:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: classLoaderDepth0
        at java.lang.System.getProperty(
        at sun.applet.AppletViewer.mainInit(
        at sun.applet.AppletViewer.main(

I am able to run a text based Hello World using java HelloWorld.
$CLASSPATH is set to /local/bin/ns4.5/java/classes/java40.jar:.
$PATH includes my java bin.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- Ben

Ben Sandler
email me: sandler at ymail dot yu dot edu


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RPM utility under Windows?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 15:37:44 -0800

Great!  Got it.

Now, is there something available that will let me
untar an archive so I can reduce it to floppy-sized
chunks?  My Linux box doesn't currently have easy
access to the 'net, so I have to DL with w Win95 box.

*** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ***


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.portable,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: BEST HW For Linux NoteBook Project
Date: 08 Mar 1999 23:19:03 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Damerell) writes:

> David A. Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi Robert;
> >Robert Billing wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >>David Fox wrote:
> >>>You could get a Pentium 233MMX thinkpad 560X from Micro Warehouse for
> >>>$1299.
> >>Look, chaps, if you are going to crosspost to uk.comp.os.linux, could
> >>we have the prices in sterling as well please? Btw I have just picked up
> >>a Libretto, that runs Linux very well, for £600 (that's about $1000).
> >The GreenBack, the American Dollar, is ubiquitous.    It should be as
> >familiar as the rising sun in any first world country, second and third
> >world I'm not to sure about.
> Er, no. Countries without strong currencies of their own tend to have more
> need for the dollar. I've only ever used dollars or even known the
> exchange rate while travelling.
> Leaving your stupid 'America is the center of the universe' attitude
> behind, the point is partly that US prices cannot be directly translated
> into UK prices; the exchange rate doesn't provide an accurate idea of what
> the UK price would be. In a crossposted thread like this, US specific
> prices should not be sent to UK newsgroups.

US prices can easily be translated into UK prices: in the UK you can
buy this machine from MicroWarehouse for exactly $1299 U.S. dollars
plus any associated shipping charges, duties, customs and tariffs.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sparkzz)
Subject: Soft Landing Systems
Date: 9 Mar 1999 02:36:47 GMT

Whatever happened to them??

I ordered my first Linux distribution from them. (Linux 0.95pl12).

Boy, that was a while ago!!!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Sau Dan ~{@nJX6X~})
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Exporting Windows filesystem for Linux...
Date: 09 Mar 1999 15:18:11 +0800

>>>>> "steve" == steve  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> Is there a way to export MS-Windows filesystem and let Linux
    >> mount it?  I have tried the following:
    >> mount -t msdos /mnt/public
    >> However, it wasn't successful...  

    steve> mount -t vfat /dev/whateveryourhdisnamed
    steve> /mnt/somemountpoint

I think this guy was trying to mount the drive over a network.

That's easy with Samba:

        smbmount // /mnt/public

You can  even do it as a  non-root user, provided that  you have write
permission  to  the  directory  /mnt/public (and  that  'smbmount'  is
properly installed [setuid root]).

With Samba, you can even export your Linux directories to your Windows
machines,  imitating  a Novell  or  NT  file  share.  Read  the  Samba
documentations and sample configuration files for details.

Lee Sau Dan                     $(0,X)wAV(B(Big5)                    ~{@nJX6X~}(HZ) 
|                        e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |


From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Used WWW.DEJANEWS.COM !
Date: 08 Mar 1999 18:39:50 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jess C. Gehin) writes:

> I found this to be one of the best resources for information on the web.  
> I always consult dejanews before looking anywhere else.  

Try and see if you like it better.

I'm not sure yet. It's based on Linux newsgroups only and is much
faster and has several neat features including categorized listings
of article threads, but I'm not sure how far back in history it goes.

Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at


From: Du Jinsong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICMP Timestamp
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 15:55:50 +0800

Hi, I found in kernel net/ipv4/icmp.c there is a function
icmp_timestamp(), which handles the incoming timestamp requests, but I
cannot find the function that deal with the replys(at IP or TCP layer).
Would you pleas help me?
Thanks a lot!


Subject: Re: Memory regions and Linux
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 07:53:12 GMT

Hello Mark,

Long time no see.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> [...]
> For Win95, there is a utility called XMSDSK, which does much the same
> thing. The only problem is that you can't use the ramdisk as swap - I
> use mine as my TEMP directory.

Yes you can, I should add this to the docs in next release.
Go to MS-DOS mode, edit system.ini, search in [386enh]
part for "PagingDrive" (or add it) it's normally set to C:,
change it to your RAMdrive letter.
Exit to Windows and you should see the swapfile in the
RAMdisk root.


Franck Uberto.

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Seth Van Oort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2 Sound code
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 03:15:47 +0000

You might want to search the kernel mailing list at

I'm sure someone else has noticed it.


Ewan Dunbar wrote:
> I've recently tried 2.2.2 and found the sound code awful. I'm going back
> to 2.0.36 for the time being. It freezes the whole system when it
> tries to load after a warm boot. Has anyone else noticed this?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eastman: He came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing RANDO!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ewan Dunbar
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Subject: Samba & W95 logon question
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 23:43:03 -0800

Hey guys! :-)
I have some questions about Samba. May be you'll help me out.
I'm reading about "Supporting Windows 95 Network Logins" in Samba book
by John Blair.
There is only one thing that i don't understand. If I want to enable W95
logins on Samba machine, how should i configure W95?
1) Do i need to enable in 'Client for Microsoft Networks' - "Log on to
Windows NT domain"? (if yes - what
should i put there? The Netbios name of my Linux puter or the workgroup
(domain ) name?)
2) Or by "Supporting Windows 95 Network Logins" samba only supplying  a
list of users for "user level" security in w9x?

Any, ANY tips are greatly appreciated .

Thanx in advance  :-)

Btw i'm using Samba Version 1.9.18p10 on Linux Redhat 5.2 with kernel
2.2.2. If i'll install Samba v 2.* will it support #1?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Winters)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.portable,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: BEST HW For Linux NoteBook Project
Date: 9 Mar 1999 08:15:10 -0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
David Fox <d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u> wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Damerell) writes:
>> Leaving your stupid 'America is the center of the universe' attitude
>> behind, the point is partly that US prices cannot be directly translated
>> into UK prices; the exchange rate doesn't provide an accurate idea of what
>> the UK price would be. In a crossposted thread like this, US specific
>> prices should not be sent to UK newsgroups.
>US prices can easily be translated into UK prices: in the UK you can
>buy this machine from MicroWarehouse for exactly $1299 U.S. dollars
>plus any associated shipping charges, duties, customs and tariffs.

Which rather neatly demonstrates why US prices are no use in UK
newsgroup.  There are so many variables to add on or knock off
(and H.M. C&E are so abysmal at calculating them right) that the
only meaningful price for a UK user is one quoted in GBP with all
the relevant taxes paid.

John Winters.  Wallingford, Oxon, England.

The Linux Emporium - a source for Linux CDs in the UK
See <>


From: Michael McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Oops-Error
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:52:41 +0000

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Daniel Rudolph wrote:

> Hi!
> I thought Linux is stable... until I got that error message:
> Everytime - or nearly everytime - I umount my ZIP drive
> connected to the parallel port, I get a print-out of all
> processor registers introduced by the word "Oops!".
> After this, I have to reboot to reuse my ZIP-drive.
> I call it "unstable" because the error message does not come
> up immediately, but after working normally for a few minutes.
> I am using the 2.0.32 kernel.

Have you tried 2.0.36? I certainly have had no problems with my parallel-port
zip drive. IIRC, later versions used a much faster driver too.

-- Michael [kick the bit-bucket to reply]
Eridani Star System  --  The Most Up-to-Date Red Hat Linux CDROMs Available
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +44-8701-600807


From: Michael McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.2 and parport
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:45:20 +0000

Another thing, which got me until I spotted it, is that the lp number may
have changed. My printer used to be on lp0, it's now on lp1.

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Robert Lynch wrote:

> Ajit Krishnan wrote:
> > 
> > i'm having a problem with the parport and parport_pc modules with rh 5.2 (2.2.2)
> > if i compile them directly into the kernel, i am able to print without any problems
> > however, if i compile them as modules, then I can't print......
> > parport is loaded by modprobe and is used by lp
> > parport_pc is not loaded automatically (i can load it but it makes no difference)
> > the file queues without any problem....but the output of loq is "printer offline?"
> > 
> > has anyone experienced something like this before?
> > 
> > thanks
> > 
> > ajit
> Try putting these lines in your /etc/conf.modules:
> # Options
> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> options parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7
> Bob L.
> -- 
> Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- Michael [kick the bit-bucket to reply]
Eridani Star System  --  The Most Up-to-Date Red Hat Linux CDROMs Available
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +44-8701-600807


From: Michael McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape problems under Linux
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:50:10 +0000

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Al Wang wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm running Red Hat 5.1 on a PII-233.  I'm experiencing two annoying
> little quirks with Netscape 4.07, and I'm just wondering if other people
> have seen the same thing:
> 1) Even though I'm running X-windows in 24-bit color, the Netscape
> buttons are all in black-and-white.  Images appear to be displayed in
> their proper color depth, it's just the Netscape interface itself that's
> not getting any color.

I get that too. Though, since my bog-standard videocard only has 2Mb RAM
(Cirrus 5446!!) I tend to use 16-bit colour (so I can use 1024x768), and
Netscape's icons are perfectly happy. If your card supports it, have you
tried 32-bit colour?

> 2) If I start netscape with a local html file as an argument, like
> 'netscape index.html', it takes a LONG time to start up.  We're talking
> 3-4 minutes.  If I start up netscape with no arguments, it comes up very
> quickly(although for some reason, it still starts up with a Red Hat
> documentation screen, even though my preferences are for it to be set to
> a blank page)

Not tried that. When developing web stuff, I tend to use the httpd local to 
my machine.

> Any help on either of these issues?  Would upgrading to 4.5 do the
> trick?

I'm not sure. I'm using Netscape 4.08.

-- Michael [kick the bit-bucket to reply]
Eridani Star System  --  The Most Up-to-Date Red Hat Linux CDROMs Available
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +44-8701-600807


From: Michael McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Problems with parport.
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:43:37 +0000

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Jeremy wrote:

> Hi!
>  I recently changed to the 2.2.1 kernel. I had 2.0.35. I got everything
> to work BUT my LPT1 and the Zip drive on it.
> I have a printer on LPT2 on a IO card, it works fine,  but for some
> reason parport sees it a /dev/lp0, and totally ignores my LPT1!  Also
> ppa.o will not see my Zip drive, even if I put it on LPT2 instead of my
> printer. ppa just responds that the Device or resource is busy. LPT1 is
> the on-board parport on my motherboard, I have tried all settings in the
> BIOS (SPP, ECP, EPP, ...ect) and parport will not see it. I have tried
> many combinations of compiling support in the kernel and as modules,
> turned auto probe on and off, compiled ppa as a module, or in the
> kernel, ect....  I cannot think of any more possible combinations.  Is
> there any debugging that I can turn on? Any Ideas? Both ports and my Zip
> drive worked fine in 2.0.35.  - Jeremy

This caught me out at first. In 'make menuconfig' directly under the parallel
port option, there's one for PC-style hardware. You need to switch that on.

-- Michael [kick the bit-bucket to reply]
Eridani Star System  --  The Most Up-to-Date Red Hat Linux CDROMs Available
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +44-8701-600807


From: "Quiney, Philip (EXCHANGE:HAL02:HM10)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: what "rc" scripts exist for linux?
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 08:02:41 +0000

M Sweger wrote:
> Hi,
>    I was just wondering what types of "rc" scripts exist out there for
> Linux and what tar file names they go by? I.E SysV vs. BSD style.
> Presently Redhat seems to use SysV whereas slackware uses BSD. I'll
> assume there is also a version that is a cross between SysV and BSD
> for linux.
>     I'm trying to rebuild the Linux system from the ground up, but don't
> know the "rc" script package names or which of the ways is best.

The package which contains the rc scripts in RedHat is called
initscripts, however this is only the basic ones. Here is a (partial)


It also contains links from the /etc/rc.d/rc?.d to the scripts in

You will find that other packages which run as daemons usually have the
start script supplied with them.

Check out the man page on 'chkconfig' which I think makes this very easy
to manage and the SysV way is my favourite (mind you its the only way I
have managed unix systems).


Phil Q

Phil Quiney                             Digital PowerLine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              Nortel Networks,
Telephone: +44 (1279) 402363            London Rd, Harlow,
Fax:       +44 (1279) 402885            Essex CM17 9NA,
                                        United Kingdom.

"This message may contain information proprietary to Northern 
Telecom so any unauthorised disclosure, copying or distribution
of its contents is strictly prohibited."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan A. Buzzard)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.portable,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: CHEAP HW For Linux NoteBook Project
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 19:35:02 +0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        John Sarapata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I got a refurbished 75 MHz 8M 486 for $315 from I have since sunk
> much more money into it, but the total cost of the system so far is:
> Laptop: $315
> Extra 8M RAM: $15
> Floppy drive: $60
> Microphone: $1
> Ethernet/Modem PCMCIA card: $77
> Total: $468 (about 280 GBP)
> It is a Toshiba 2150CDT, and works quite well. 

About 280GBP my foot, you can expect to pay around £230 for a T2400CS, and
a Satellite Pro 2150CDT will cost about £300 for the standard specification
machine full working. You would be charged more in GBP for the extra 8MB of
RAM than you payed in USD.

Which goes to show how you can't just use the exchange rate and come up with
a sensible price in GBP.

Quite why this thread is cross-posted to uk.comp.os.linux I have no idea,
but the guy asking about notebook prices was from the US in the first place.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Northumberland, United Kingdom.       Tel: +44(0)1661-832195


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yen-chi R. Lin)
Subject: freeciv-1.7.2 segmentation fault
Date: 9 Mar 1999 08:44:07 GMT

This sounds an old problem, but I couldn't find solutions via DejaNews

The compilation was fine.  The civserver was running fine.  But civclient
gave me "Segmentation fault" without core dump.  Any hint?

I am using Linux 2.2.3, glibc-2.0.7pre6, and XFree86-  TIA.


Yen-chi Roger Lin      


From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME!
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:41:23 -0800

Bob Taylor wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, I *WAS* going to install both from scratch to compare the install
> > procedure on both current releases.  Problem is that there are no
> > directions for putting GNOME on a slackware box.  It doesn't even look
> > possible without installing glibc2 deleopment packages.  Then if I had
> > all that, man that list of files is just enourmous....nothing is worth
> > all that.  GNOME has gotten worse not better.
> If you don't know how to install GNOME in a Slakware distribution then I
> would say you don't have the knowledge to run a Slakware distribution.

Shutup.  I been using slackware for 2 years and have installe dnumerous
packages.  The simple fact is that there are directions for installing
GNOME on slackware, if there were I could read them and do it.

I did see instructions on installing from tar.gz source on RedHat which
said it should be possible on other systems.  Scanning that page I saw a
long list of rpms and tarballs, looks like a major pain.  It also states
that you need glibc2 which I have a binary of...but no compiler support
for.  If it really does depend on glibc2 only stuff, that was really
quite stupid on the developer's parts...Makes GNOME rather uncompatable
with a large amount of the world.

Anyway, I can see why a newbie would be lost,...just looking at that
list and I was overwealmed, I am not doing it.  Thats why I recomend KDE
to any slackware user, it depends on less, and with a few minor upgrades
it can be easily installed from a slackware package or the source.

I have tried both, I have installed both.  KDE I installed quite easily
numerous times on a Slackware distro, GNOME I could only get to work on
RedHat and I had to force the rpms in at that.

So, newbie who doesn't know were to start with GNOME,...I wish you all
the luck.  I have heard rumors of someone who actually managed to get
GNOME to install on slackware, but I have yet to meat one first hand.


From: "Gary W. Sandvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: 9 Mar 1999 03:25:19 GMT


Is there a reason for posting a blank message wiith a Happy.exe attachment?

Regards and God Speed,


Gary W. Sandvik
309-676-0224 (fax)
Wilson Fletcher wrote in message
<01be6a0e$16472400$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Maybe you wouldn't complain so loudly if you had ever tried using a dodgy
>brothers network card on a big network. Cheaper network clones often don't
>guarantee unique MAC addresses and I have personally been burned by this.
>ie. have a look at the messages produced bu dhcpd and then tell me you want
>everyone in the world to be responsible for configuring their own MAC
>Now unique ID's in software or processors etc I can understand complaining
>about but the unique ID in network cards (forgive my naivete) seems to be
>for a very good reason.
>Wilson Fletcher
>Anthony Ord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
>> On 27 Feb 1999 11:31:44 -0500, Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> >"David A. Frantz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >
>> >> There are lots of reasons to not buy Intel, but this strikes me as one
>> >> the worst.    Every Network CARD ever installed in a PC has a unique
>ID and
>> >> no one ever complained about them.     The best thing the Linux
>> >> could do is to get behind a non Intel platform.
>> The K7 is going to be worth a look.
>> >The unfortunate thing is
>> >> that the only other Mass produced computing platform is the MAC.
>Not that
>> >> there is anything wrong with the MAC, its just that the PowerPC seems
>to be
>> >> under performing as far as performance increases go.
>> >
>> >1) the MAC addr can easily be changed
>> >2) the MAC addr can only be retrieved directly from a local LAN
>> >3) many machines (token ring, PPP, ATM) don't have an ethernet MAC
>> And modems don't have them, which is how most people connect to the
>> internet.
>> Regards
>> Anthony
>> --
>> -----------------------------------------
>> | And when our worlds                   |
>> | They fall apart                       |
>> | When the walls come tumbling in       |
>> | Though we may deserve it              |
>> | It will be worth it  - Depeche Mode   |
>> -----------------------------------------


From: "Gary W. Sandvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: 9 Mar 1999 03:25:20 GMT

caution the above post has a happy.exe attachment!

Wilson Fletcher wrote in message <7c1idl$3bv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...


From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: 08 Mar 1999 17:46:14 -0500

GUI time line:

        MIT (X)
         ----- Free X

The mouse was invented at SRI.  I forget the name of tha actual

I don't know exactly when MIT's X Window System came out.  It was a
little after PARC, I think.  I think it was before Apple.

David Steuber
s/trashcan/david/ to reply by mail

Where was it you said you wanted to go today?  Sorry, you can't get
there from here.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Help - rpm XFree86 & stuck between 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 03:19:50 GMT

I had the same problem.  There should be symbolic links at
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 directory for the following:
twm --> ../../../../etc/X11/twm
xdm --> ../../../../etc/X11/xdm
the same for fs, xinit,xsm and XF86Config.
I had actual directories there instead of links.  I renamed all the
existing directories and created the links.  The install of XFree then
worked find...

On Sun, 07 Mar 1999 08:55:54 -0500, Doug Paradis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I have recently tried upgrading my rpm install on RedHat 5.2 to go from
>XFree86 3.3.2 to 3.3.3.  In the install,  I get the following error
>after following the instructions very carefully.  Now my XFree86 install
>is a mix of 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.  The only package that is still 3.3.2 is
>the main XFree86 package.  I have done a verify on the rpm file and even
>re-downloaded it to make sure it doesn't have any problems, so I have to
>assume it has something to do with my config.  I am not an X 'pert' and
>woudl appreciate any help.
>Thanks - error message is below
>warning: /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers saved as /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers.rpmsave
>warning: /etc/X11/xdm/chooser saved as /etc/X11/xdm/chooser.rpmsave
>warning: /usr/X11R6/bin/startx saved as /usr/X11R6/bin/startx.rpmsave
>warning: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/ saved as
>warning: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm saved as
>unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/twm: -2147483639:
>Operation not permitted
>error: /main/rpm/XFree86- cannot be installed



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