Linux-Misc Digest #379, Volume #25                Tue, 8 Aug 00 00:13:02 EDT

  Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 KDE ("Matthew Pang")
  Re: Sound applications? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 KDE (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Server names for fetchmail? (David Efflandt)
  Re: VNC and my proxy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: initrd lilo option? (David M. Cook)
  *Dire Need of Error Help* (N/A)
  <Dire Need of Error Help> (N/A)
  +Desperate Need of ERROR Help+ (N/A)
  Re: Size of /var/lib/rpm - why so big? (Michael Meissner)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (John Hasler)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (John Hasler)
  Re: MySQL vs PostgreSQL.... which is newbie friendlier? (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: +Desperate Need of ERROR Help+ (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 KDE (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: initrd lilo option? (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: *Dire Need of Error Help* (Shaun)
  RH 6.2 Network Trouble (srini)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Backup /usr files (permissions?), repartition, restore? (MH)
  i386 or i686 ("C.C.")
  Re: Backup /usr files (permissions?), repartition, restore? (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: i386 or i686 (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: RH 6.2 Network Trouble (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: reclaiming the master boot record? (Peter Mitchell)
  Re: INIT: Id "x" respawining too fast: disabled for 5 minutes -- and it won't stop! 
(Bill Unruh)
  Re: reinstalling LILO (Peter Mitchell)


From: "Matthew Pang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 KDE
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 10:11:36 +0800

After installation, I started KDE and found the the virtual screen was
bigger than the physical screen.  I tried to modify ViewPort 0 0 to disable
Virtual Desktop and Virtual 1024 768 to resize the resolution in "Screen
sections" XFree86Config.  But it did not help.  So I hope someone could give
me some advise.


Subject: Re: Sound applications?
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 02:19:21 GMT

I wrote:

> What I'm looking for right now is a program to concatenate sound files. Seems
> so simple, but...

I ended up converting them to .raw with sox, cat'ting them, and converting
back. As usual with Linux, where there's a will, there's a way, albeit not
always a direct route. :-)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 KDE
Date: 8 Aug 2000 02:25:14 GMT

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 10:11:36 +0800, Matthew Pang wrote:
>After installation, I started KDE and found the the virtual screen was
>bigger than the physical screen.  I tried to modify ViewPort 0 0 to disable
>Virtual Desktop and Virtual 1024 768 to resize the resolution in "Screen
>sections" XFree86Config.  But it did not help.  

How many resolutions did you configure?  A part of your /etc/XF86Config
(/etc/X11/XF86Config if the layout is like RedHat's) will look kind of
like so:
Section "Screen"
  Driver        "SVGA"
  Device        "Primary-Card"
  Monitor       "Primary-Monitor"
  DefaultColorDepth     32
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth       32
    Modes       "1024x768" "640x480" "400x300"

In the Modes line, if you have any mode larger than 1024x768, then the
virtual screen will be that size.  Edit the file manually, using emacs,
vi, nedit, or pico, and take out any modes higher than 1024x768.  (Or
run Xconfigurator, XF86Setup, or whatever Caldera's X-configuring
program is and don't configure any modes > 1024x768.)  This is just the
way X works, and believe it or not, there are some folks who really like
that virtual screen option.

>So I hope someone could give me some advise.
Speling chicker?  :-)

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /   Tyranny is always better organized     /    than freedom.
=============================/              ==Charles Peguy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Server names for fetchmail?
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 02:26:09 +0000 (UTC)

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 11:57:05 GMT, Mihaly Gyulai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm a bit confused about using hostnames with fetchmail...
>My address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], however I should
>use the server for fetching mail.
>User: my-user
>Mail server:
>Here is a detail from my .fetchmailrc:
># ./~fetchmailrc
>        protocol auto
>        fetchall
>poll via protocol IMAP
>        user my-user is misi here
>        pass jelszavam
>        fetchall
>My problem:
>When I try to fetch mails, it tries to use this address:
>It fails; I suppose this address does not exist.

What happens if you remove the ' via'?  I have never seen that
used before, but the example in 'man fetchmail' is for tunneling to the
mailserver via a localhost port running ssh.  Normally you poll the
mailserver, not your ISP's domain.

>I don't know how to make fetchmail to use my original address.

I think you are turned around here.  The domain in your e-mail address has
nothing to do with retrieving mail.  All that matters is the mail server
to poll (, your username and password there and your
username here.  Don't even mention your e-mail address domain
( in .fetchmailrc.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: VNC and my proxy
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 02:26:22 GMT

Maik unruh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I also thought of connceting direcly from my server, which would work,
> but there is no X-Server running on my server. Is it possible to
> redirect the X-Output from my server to the X-Server on my Workstation?

Absolutely -- that's the essence of X. Something like this:

 myserver$ export DISPLAY=myworkstation:0.0
 myserver$ vncviewer &

Um, you may have to do something like this first:

 myworkstation$ xhost +myserver


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Subject: Re: initrd lilo option?
Date: 8 Aug 2000 02:29:36 GMT

On 8 Aug 2000 00:34:53 GMT, Peter Bismuti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In my old lilo.conf file there is an option:

>       initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.12-20.img

>I can't find it in the man pages, what does it do?  Do I need it,
>and if so where/how do I get the *.img file? 

Hmmm...there's an initrd(4) manpage on my RH 6.1 system.  You can also try

apropos initrd

initrd stands for INITial Ram Disk.  If you are booting from SCSI, the SCSI
modules get loaded into this ramdisk and booting continues from there.  If
you are booting from an IDE drive or compile SCSI support and the low-level
driver into the kernel, you don't need an initrd.  Otherwise, you need to
make a new initrd each time you upgrade the kernel or change your

Dave Cook


Subject: *Dire Need of Error Help*
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 02:30:04 GMT

**im using Linux Mandrake Complete 7.0**
>my computer is a Hewlet Packard Pavilion running Windows 98 second 
>my computer has 6.1 Gigabytes running at 450 MHZ.

    I have the partition magic installed and the computer re-boots and i 
go to select my partitiion size. After selecting a good partition size 
(2,800MB) leaving 2 Gigabytes on my computer free, it starts to install. 
OK everything is fine but after a short time i get the following 
error 'Error # 2005 ONE OR MORE LOST CLUSTERS ARE PRESENT'.......after 
clicking ignore it says it again then says 'Error # 983 TOO MANY ERRORS, 
PROCESS HALTED' *****What is the problem and how can i fix it?


Posted via CNET


Subject: <Dire Need of Error Help>
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 02:30:04 GMT

**im using Linux Mandrake Complete 7.0**
>my computer is a Hewlet Packard Pavilion running Windows 98 second 
>my computer has 6.1 Gigabytes running at 450 MHZ.

    I have the partition magic installed and the computer re-boots and i 
go to select my partitiion size. After selecting a good partition size 
(2,800MB) leaving 2 Gigabytes on my computer free, it starts to install. 
OK everything is fine but after a short time i get the following 
error 'Error # 2005 ONE OR MORE LOST CLUSTERS ARE PRESENT'.......after 
clicking ignore it says it again then says 'Error # 983 TOO MANY ERRORS, 
PROCESS HALTED' *****What is the problem and how can i fix it? thank you.


Posted via CNET


Subject: +Desperate Need of ERROR Help+
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 02:30:04 GMT

**im using Linux Mandrake Complete 7.0**
>my computer is a Hewlet Packard Pavilion running Windows 98 second 
>my computer has 6.1 Gigabytes running at 450 MHZ.

    I have the partition magic installed and the computer re-boots and i 
go to select my partitiion size. After selecting a good partition size 
(2,800MB) leaving 2 Gigabytes on my computer free, it starts to install. 
OK everything is fine but after a short time i get the following 
error 'Error # 2005 ONE OR MORE LOST CLUSTERS ARE PRESENT'.......after 
clicking ignore it says it again then says 'Error # 983 TOO MANY ERRORS, 
PROCESS HALTED' *****What is the problem and how can i fix it? thanx.


Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Size of /var/lib/rpm - why so big?
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 07 Aug 2000 22:44:40 -0400

Vlar Schreidlocke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> But how do I resize (make larger) my /var partition without trashing
> everything in it?

There are commercial programs (partition magic, revision 4.0 or later) that
know how to resize Linux partitions, and I believe there is a GNU partition
program that does the same thing.  Whether it ships with Mandrake, I dunno.

Michael Meissner, Red Hat, Inc.
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
Work:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]           phone: +1 978-486-9304
Non-work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax:   +1 978-692-4482


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 00:55:31 GMT

blowfish writes:
> So, Debian is acting as the middleman.

No.  None of the money ever went near Debian.  Debian does not handle

> It's like you're a farmer.

As a matter of fact, I am.

> Without Debian. You might not have made that $25k.

This is true.  Had I attempted to market pppconfig as proprietary software
there is no way I would have gotten a penny for it.

> That $25k did not came from Debian directly.  But Debian sold your work
> for you, and paid you that $25k as your reward.

No.  Debian sells nothing.

> I know what Debian is...

You haven't a clue.

> He started a commercial venture right away with vc. Nothing wrong with
> that.

Correct.  All the Debian developers wish him well: many are in the computer
business thenselves.

> Time to get down to REAL MONEY MAKING BUSINESS.

Selling free software.  With the blessings and encouragement of the authors
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 01:07:30 GMT

blowfish writes:
> I said when the idea had became a tangible object/item. Then, that
> object, as based on the "once was only an idea" can then be owned.

> An idea before being materialised cannot really be owned. I have to agree
> on that.

If an idea cannot be owned, then embodying that idea into a tangible object
that you own cannot be theft no matter what you do with that object or how
you obtained the idea.

If an object embodying an idea can be owned, then converting objects that
you own into duplicates of such an object that you own cannot be theft, no
matter what you do with those objects.  
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


Subject: Re: MySQL vs PostgreSQL.... which is newbie friendlier?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:04:11 GMT

> >   MySQL (IMO) has a much better permissions infrastructure.  It is much
> > easier to define which users have access to which databases (or fields!)
> > from which hosts.
> > 
> >   MySQL lacks transactions and triggers (AFAIK), which Postgres does not.
> > 
> > J.
> > 
> You are correct. :-)
> MySQL is faster too, if you only need static data. But PostgreSQL seems
> to be more data friendly too (less chance of lossing data.)

Here is a link which lists a few dozen more free databases:

Prasanth Kumar


Subject: Re: +Desperate Need of ERROR Help+
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:07:33 GMT


> **im using Linux Mandrake Complete 7.0**
> >my computer is a Hewlet Packard Pavilion running Windows 98 second 
> edition.
> >my computer has 6.1 Gigabytes running at 450 MHZ.
>     I have the partition magic installed and the computer re-boots and i 
> go to select my partitiion size. After selecting a good partition size 
> (2,800MB) leaving 2 Gigabytes on my computer free, it starts to install. 
> OK everything is fine but after a short time i get the following 
> error 'Error # 2005 ONE OR MORE LOST CLUSTERS ARE PRESENT'.......after 
> clicking ignore it says it again then says 'Error # 983 TOO MANY ERRORS, 
> PROCESS HALTED' *****What is the problem and how can i fix it? thanx.
> --
> Posted via CNET

Go into Windows 98 and run scandisk. This usually happens because
Windows crashes so many times that the filesystem is left in a
inconsistent state that Parition Magic stops until you get it fixed.

Prasanth Kumar


Subject: Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 KDE
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:08:29 GMT

"Matthew Pang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After installation, I started KDE and found the the virtual screen was
> bigger than the physical screen.  I tried to modify ViewPort 0 0 to disable
> Virtual Desktop and Virtual 1024 768 to resize the resolution in "Screen
> sections" XFree86Config.  But it did not help.  So I hope someone could give
> me some advise.

Try eliminating that line instead of using '0 0'.

Prasanth Kumar


Subject: Re: initrd lilo option?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:12:31 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti) writes:

> In my old lilo.conf file there is an option:
>       initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.12-20.img
> I can't find it in the man pages, what does it do?  Do I need it,
> and if so where/how do I get the *.img file? 
> Thanks again

You need it mostly for SCSI systems with modular scsi drivers because
there are too many to be compiled into a standard kernel. The problem
is that the full system cannot be accessed until the modules are
loaded and the modules cannot be loaded until it can view the
filesystem. So the solution is that a temporary ramdisk is created
during bootup with the appropriate drivers. As to how to create such a
file, readup on the mkinitrd command (atlead for Red Hat derivitaves.)
For ide systems, you don't need this since there is only one driver
which is built into the kernel.

Prasanth Kumar


Subject: Re: *Dire Need of Error Help*
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:04:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, N/A 

> **im using Linux Mandrake Complete 7.0**
> >my computer is a Hewlet Packard Pavilion running Windows 98 second 
> edition.
> >my computer has 6.1 Gigabytes running at 450 MHZ.
>     I have the partition magic installed and the computer re-boots and i 
> go to select my partitiion size. After selecting a good partition size 
> (2,800MB) leaving 2 Gigabytes on my computer free, it starts to install. 
> OK everything is fine but after a short time i get the following 
> error 'Error # 2005 ONE OR MORE LOST CLUSTERS ARE PRESENT'.......after 
> clicking ignore it says it again then says 'Error # 983 TOO MANY ERRORS, 
> PROCESS HALTED' *****What is the problem and how can i fix it?

I've no experience with dual-booting, but it sounds to me like you've 
got a disk problem. Lost clusters may indicate an issue with the drive's 
directory info. Assuming Windows is the other OS running on the drive, 
try booting to Windows and running both scandisk and defrag.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove mypants to email me) |
Operations and Support, Host with the Most |
Quality, affordable, feature-packed webhosting. Serving you is our business.

This post is comprised of personal opinions which belong to me, not my boss.


From: srini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH 6.2 Network Trouble
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:13:41 GMT


My RH 6.2 installation appears to be working ok in general. One strange
thing though is that I cannot telnet or ftp to the box. Nor is apache
running. I seem to remember that previous RH distributions by default
made all this automatic. (I can telnet out, ftp out and netscape to the
www etc)

Any clues/pointers would be appreciated.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:15:15 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when blowfish would say:
>John Hasler wrote:
>> blowfish wrote:
>> > Didn't you said that you made $25k from Debian...
>> No.  I said I made $25k as a _result_ of having contributed to Debian.
>Okay. It's indirect in a way. But you wouldn't have made that $25k if
>you did not contribute to Debian.  So, Debian is acting as the

If Debian does not participate in the transaction, which (based on the
fact that I had a similar transaction last year) I'm certain that they
didn't, then they are not a "middleman."

>It's like you're a farmer.  

John Hasler isn't "like" a farmer.  He _is_ one, outright.

>You grow the crops, turned the wheat that
>you grow into flour. Then some bakery, bought your flour, turned them
>into bread, and sell the bread to the consumer, you never even know who
>bought the bread, but the money the consumer paid for the bread at the
>bakery, indirectly translated into yuor income.  Isn't it!?

Suurre...  Alternatively, it could be regarded that John Hasler received
a subsidy from the Finnish government to the tune of $25K.  After all,
Finnish subsidies went to the university that Linus Torvalds attended,
and much of this falls out of the activities that occurred as a result
of that.

>So.  What difference does it made?  You're going through a middleman one
>way or another.
>Without Debian. You might not have made that $25k.
>That $25k did not came from Debian directly.  But Debian sold your work
>for you, and paid you that $25k as your reward.

I received a similar amount, out of similar activities.  I have no
organizational affiliation with Debian, and it is _not_, in _any way_,
reasonable to consider that anything at all came "from Debian,"
which, by the way, _isn't a corporation._

>> > But have you thought about where that $25k from Debian came from?
>> I know exactly where it came from.  None of it came from Debian: Debian has
>> no money.
>> > Debian must be making money in order to pay people like you.
>> Debian pays no one.  If you nderstood what Debian is you would know that.
>I know what Debian is...

Can you describe Debian in one sentence?

>But even Debian's founder (forgot his name), I believe he just graduated
>from MIT from what I've read a few days ago. He started a commercial
>venture right away with vc. Nothing wrong with that. I guess he knew his
>free-riding days are now over. Time to get down to REAL MONEY MAKING
>> > Also. You did contradicted your own idea of *free software*,...
>> I did no such thing.
>> > ... as you have taken the money from Debian as a reward.
>> I did no such thing, but even if I had I would have in no way contradicted
>> my idea of free software (which I have written about here and elsewhere).
>> > Isn't that your codes should be *FREE* as in money - free, unlike
>> > non-GNU-GPL codes-which costs money, as in *FREE BEER* too!?
>> Quite the contrary: software is not free if it cannot be sold.  Read the
>> Debian Free Software Guidelines at
>I don't use Debian anyway.

Which is utterly irrelevant to the question.
Rules of the Evil Overlord #157. "Whenever plans are drawn up that
include a time-table, I'll post-date the completion 3 days after it's
actually scheduled to occur and not worry too much if they get
stolen." <>


Subject: Re: Backup /usr files (permissions?), repartition, restore?
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 20:17:54 -0700

> NO!!! ( capitals intensionally used as in a blood curdling scream)

Thanks for the warning, but I was already concerned, which is why I

> cp has an option to preserve the user/group id's. It's in the man page .
> man cp at the xterm or the console

I used cp -a which is supposed to retain owner/group/permissions,
symbolic links, and directory structure.  Unfortunately, it does not
appear that it actually does this--at least not when copying to another

> I only know of one way to do this :
> as root, copy out the entire /usr tree ( with the option to preserve group
> and owner data ) , tar and gzip it, and put it somewhere safe. Preferably
> another hdd on another computer .You could even use samba and dump the file
> on a w2k drive.

I've tried using tar before but have experienced very odd results such
as reporting files as "not found in archive" while clearly listing
them.  Also, reporting unmatched files when verifying.  Makes me very
uneasy, regardless of all the comments I've received to the effect "but
tar has been used reliably for years".


Subject: i386 or i686
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 21:52:05 -0500

I'm using redhat linux 6.2 and trying to upgrade the kernel. Can anybody
tell me how can I figure out which rpm should I use:
kernel-2.2.16-3.i686.rpm or kernel-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm? What's the
difference of i386 and i686?

Thanks a lot


Subject: Re: Backup /usr files (permissions?), repartition, restore?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:36:48 GMT


> > 
> > NO!!! ( capitals intensionally used as in a blood curdling scream)
> Thanks for the warning, but I was already concerned, which is why I
> posted.
> > 
> > cp has an option to preserve the user/group id's. It's in the man page .
> > man cp at the xterm or the console
> > 
> I used cp -a which is supposed to retain owner/group/permissions,
> symbolic links, and directory structure.  Unfortunately, it does not
> appear that it actually does this--at least not when copying to another
> machine.

I assume you are doing this as root because you cannot fully maintain
attributes as a normal user.

> > I only know of one way to do this :
> > 
> > as root, copy out the entire /usr tree ( with the option to preserve group
> > and owner data ) , tar and gzip it, and put it somewhere safe. Preferably
> > another hdd on another computer .You could even use samba and dump the file
> > on a w2k drive.
> I've tried using tar before but have experienced very odd results such
> as reporting files as "not found in archive" while clearly listing
> them.  Also, reporting unmatched files when verifying.  Makes me very
> uneasy, regardless of all the comments I've received to the effect "but
> tar has been used reliably for years".

Prasanth Kumar


Subject: Re: i386 or i686
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:40:28 GMT

"C.C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm using redhat linux 6.2 and trying to upgrade the kernel. Can anybody
> tell me how can I figure out which rpm should I use:
> kernel-2.2.16-3.i686.rpm or kernel-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm? What's the
> difference of i386 and i686?
> Thanks a lot
> Changrong

i686 for a Pentium II or newer
i586 for a Pentium I (and possibly AMD?)
i386 for every thing else (also a safe default)

You can use 'uname -m' to find what is currently installed and
/proc/cpuinfo to find more about your cpu.

Prasanth Kumar


Subject: Re: RH 6.2 Network Trouble
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 03:44:21 GMT

srini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> folks,
> My RH 6.2 installation appears to be working ok in general. One strange
> thing though is that I cannot telnet or ftp to the box. Nor is apache
> running. I seem to remember that previous RH distributions by default
> made all this automatic. (I can telnet out, ftp out and netscape to the
> www etc)
> Any clues/pointers would be appreciated.
> regards
> srini

Most network services are not installed(or even running) on recent Red
Hat Linux by default unless you do a server install I think. So go
into 'ntsysv' to enable what you want and if any are missing, then
install those rpms. You will probably need the inetd rpm if it isn't

The reason for all this is because people complained that running
servers by default will it too easy for unknowledgable people to run
unnecessary services and weaken the security of their systems.

Prasanth Kumar


From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: reclaiming the master boot record?
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 20:33:20 -0700

Your system may be like mine, which is

Partition 1 - Win95 C: = hda1
Partition 2 - DOS extended -> Win95 D: = hda5
Partition 3 - Linux native = hda3
Partition 4 - Linux swap
I have LILO installed on partition 3.

If partition 1 is set active, Windows boots with no sign of
Linux. If partition 3 is set active, the LILO prompt gives
me a choice of booting Linux or Windows.

If yours is like this you need to use fdisk (the DOS one
will do) to set the Linux partition active.

regards - Peter

* Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web 
Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping.  Smart is Beautiful


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: INIT: Id "x" respawining too fast: disabled for 5 minutes -- and it won't 
Date: 8 Aug 2000 03:57:11 GMT

In <8mnemq$qs5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dave Brondsema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

]I have a RH 6.2 system installed with the "Server Installation".
]Everything seems to be working fine now, but while I was working some
]bugs out, I restarted several times in succession.
]Now I get the following message after everything boots and starts (no

]INIT: Id "x" respawining too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

This refers to the line starting with x: in /etc/inittab . inttab keeps
restarting its programs which die. If it restarts to fast, it will wait
5 min ( for you to correct the error) and then try again. 

This is teh xdm or gdm or whatever . Go into /etc/inittab and reset the 
line to 

Then try to figure out why xdm/gdm/kdm is crashing (llok in the logs)

]If I just wait, it appears a 2nd time (5 minutes later) and will never
]If I hit enter, I can log into the system (text-only).  Every 5 minutes
]the message will re-appear.

]I've tried waiting a long time while: 1) the computer is off   2) I'm
]logged in  3) I'm not logged in.

]How do I fix it so the windows system will automatically launch after
]everything boots???

]Thanks in advance

]Dave Brondsema

]Sent via
]Before you buy.


From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: reinstalling LILO
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 20:40:32 -0700

You can make hda3 your Linux partition, put LILO on this
partition use fdisk to make it active. Windows format
might set partition 1 active, but you can change it back.

See the thread on reclaiming the boot sector in this


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