Linux-Misc Digest #379, Volume #21               Thu, 12 Aug 99 22:13:09 EDT

  Re: mutt and SMTP server
  Ready to TRASH SuSE 6.1 ("Gilbert Groehn")
  Re: neaten some simple scripts...{new to these things} (Abdullah Ramazanoglu)
  Re: Any Support for PCI Modems? (Cameron L. Spitzer)
  USR ISDN (Jerry Craker)
  Re: prinitng a man page (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Samba 2.03 and Microsoft Cobol (Chris Mahmood)
  SMP performance monitor (Bas Rijniersce)
  Re: SMP performance monitor (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: What I think of linux. (Surendar Jeyadev)
  Re: Weird colors in X and Modem Problem ("Anita Lewis")
  Re: route problem: Can't add gateway address ("Andrey Smirnov")
  wicked 3d ("Ruairi")
  Re: guaranteed annual income (Bloody Viking)
  Re: Viewing bootup messages RH 5.2 (Jon Bloom)
  Re: renames /usr/lib to something else (Peter Radcliffe)
  Re: guaranteed annual income (Bloody Viking)
  Re: guaranteed annual income (Bloody Viking)
  Resizing partitions (Craig Stewart)
  Re: Viewing bootup messages RH 5.2 (Warren Bell)


Subject: Re: mutt and SMTP server
Date: 12 Aug 1999 18:55:37 GMT
Reply-To: this newsgroup

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999 11:52:31 -0500, Charles M  wrote:
>I've seen a number of posts praising mutt. I've been using pine, but 
>wanted to try mutt. For the most part, I like it, but how do 
>you set mutt up for your mail server to send mail? Right now, it doesn't 

>From my .muttrc... (press shift g to connect and retrieve from the mail

# If you want mutt to connect to your service provider and get your
# pop3 mail, answer the questions below, then when you're in mutt & 
# connected, press the capital 'G' key.
set pop_delete                          # Delete mail after retrieving it.
set              # Your internet service providers mail server
set pop_user=whatever                   # Your username: = login:
set pop_pass=secret                     # Your password: = secret


From: "Gilbert Groehn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Ready to TRASH SuSE 6.1
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 19:50:42 -0400

Hello fello Linus devotees;

After about ten days of trying to get SuSE 6.1 up and
running for some simple internet communications,  I am
ready to junk this mish mash of bogus packages, lousy
support, and adfinitum.   Four hours of waiting on the
SuSE help line (which is only open 11:00/5:00 on Mondays
and Thursdays resulted in a few minutes of next to worthless
help.   Bill Gates does not have to lose any sleep if SuSE
is what the competition is going to be in IMHO.

My problem;

Got the entire package installed and configured to what I
thought was there.   It turns out all of the Applix applications
were expired demo's that would not work and they also had
dependencys to other packages. When I removed the Applix
applications it totally screwed up Kppp.

I got KDE  up and properly configured and was able to log on
to my ISP through Kppp a couple of times.  Next Kppp kept
returning a message that the pppd daemon had 'died unexpectedly'.
I reloaded the ppp.rpm several times to no avail.  This happened
(I think) after the bogus Applix expired demo packages were
removed.  Think they must have had dependencies to Kpp somewhere??

When I finally got through to Suse's help line they said ...oh yes..
we know about this.  You must get a patch on our www  FTP site.
How in the hell do you get a patch if you can not log on.  The
SuSE rep. then guided me through setting up 'wvdial' which will
in no way connect to my ISP (worldnet.att,net).   It dials in fine
but without the CHAP and DNS values that are I had entered in
Kppp there is no way to conect to ATT without CHAP or a script.

My intent is to learn LINUX and I now need to know if there is a
commercial package available that will minimize the installation
bugaboos so that I can start learning.

I must say that the plain text version of SuSE worked flawlessly
and minicom also dialed out oK.

I appreciate all of the help you folks have given me in the last
few days but I am at the point where I am fed up with SuSE and
I'm looking for the best package that is any
reasonable cost.

I picked up a limited version of CALDERA that came with a SAM's
book on learning Linux and will give this a try until I find the ultimate

Thanks for any help.

Gil Groehn


From: Abdullah Ramazanoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: neaten some simple scripts...{new to these things}
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 02:34:00 +0300

Nevyn wrote:

Merhaba Nevin,

> i have 2 scripts set up to cheack for new users every so often, the
> point is i want to make them into just one scipt....the contents of the
> scripts are below, if anyone has any suggestions plase mail them to
> me,..

To append script1 to the end of script2: # cat script1 >> script2

> script 1 -passwd
> echo report login names
> echo ============================
> echo date +%m-%y
  ^^^^ remove
> echo ============================
> echo Name-UID-Description
> echo
> cut -f 1,3,5 -d: /etc/passwd | sed -e 's/:/ - /'
> script 2 -passwd.renew
> mv -f passwd.current passwd.prev
> ./passwd > passwd.current
  cp -f passwd passwd.current
> mv passwd.added passwd.added'date +%m%y'
                              `date +%m%y`
But you are time-stamping previous run's output with todays date. I
would swap this line with the next one.
> diff passwd.current passwd.prev > passwd.added
> im using SuSE 6.1 and i guess all i really want to know is how to print
> the echo's as well as the command in the first script into a file from
> within the second script.......i think....any ideas about neatening it

To write a command's *standard* output to a file: # command > file
Both to console and a file: # command | tee file

To append it to the end of file: # command >> file
Both to console and file: # command | tee -a file

This is by no means exhaustive. Not every command writes to std-out.
Many writes certain parts of output to std-out, and other parts to
std-error (though it is not necessarily an "error message"). Since both
std-out and std-err are redirected to console by default, you will not
notice which is which while working at console. But when you redirect it
to a file, some parts may go to the file while others still go to
screen. To send std-err and std-out combined to a file, use 2>&1 at the
end. E.g. # command > file 2>&1
And please don't take my word without cross checking with "man bash".
Sometimes I lie :)

> up will also be welcome....i'm new at this

I would suggest reading "man bash" thoroughly is a near-must. It is long
and crammed with info. Read it slowly and don't skim: You will never
regret it.

Abdullah Ramazanoglu    [ aramazanoglu AT demirbank DOT com DOT tr ]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron L. Spitzer)
Subject: Re: Any Support for PCI Modems?
Date: 12 Aug 1999 19:14:46 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Michael McConnell wrote:
>On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Jon Skeet wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> >  I Just got a PCI Modem and found out that they are not supported at all
>> > in Linux.

Some are.  It's not the PCI-ness that's the problem.
The cheap modems that aren't supported in Linux generally use the
host CPU to do the digital signal processing instead of a DSP chip
on the modem.  It happens that most common PCI-resident modems use
this cost-cutting trick.

>> >Is there anyone who is looking into that? This is not a
>> > winmodem (it does not say "winmodem", but it says you need windoze)

Many PC add-in products say "designed for Windows-95" because there is
a strong belief in marketing departments that they lose sales if they
don't say it.  And many vendors are afraid Microsoft will hurt them if
they advertise Linux compatibility.
(3Com seems to be getting over that.  Today I saw an ad for a PC Card modem
from them, claiming it worked with Linux.)

You get a very strong hint that a modem is "soft" (that is it does
not have its own DSP) if it says it requires a Pentium-class processor
of a certain speed.
A device driver that does modem DSP functions is quite compute-intensive;
a 486DX-100 probably can't do it.
A 386SX-25 can keep up with a traditional "controller-based" modem.

The win-printers really bug me.  I almost bought a Xerox-P8.
Then checked the Linux Printers Database (link in the Printing-HOWTO) and
found out it's a paperweight.  My buddy bought a Lexmark 3200, another
paperweight.  And there is no processor-speed hint on the packaging of
either one.



From: Jerry Craker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USR ISDN
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 11:07:46 -0400

I have seen different things on the net regarding USR Sportster Internal
ISDN support for Linux.  I was wondering if ANYONE had this working.
Currently, I have to run an NT server with Apache proxy, in order to
share my connection with the rest of my network.  What I would like to
do is share the ISDN connection with the rest of the network via Linux.
I have Redhat 6.0 installed with the kernel at 2.9.  I have a Compaq
10/100 Ethernet card (also seemingly unsupported-but will replace if
necessary), an old NE2000 Ethernet card, and my USR ISDN (ISA).  If
anyone has any ideas on how to get the ISDN piece to work, I would
appreciate it.  I have viewed everything on line (well, maybe not
everything-but as many as I could find) and the ISDN documentation, but
have not been able to get this to work.


-- Jerry Craker --


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: prinitng a man page
Date: 12 Aug 1999 16:06:21 -0700

"Mahmood Ezad Butt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What command do we give to print a man page ???
If you want PostScript output, 'groff -Tps man_page.1 | lpr', for
ascii, 'groff -Tascii man_page.1'.  See groff(1) for the full story.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Samba 2.03 and Microsoft Cobol
Date: 12 Aug 1999 16:09:38 -0700

Abner Graham Jacobsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just installed Caldera 2.2 with samba. I have an application made with
> Microsoft Cobol 4.0 
That wouldn't be Visual Cobol++, would it?


From: Bas Rijniersce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SMP performance monitor
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 21:53:49 +0200


Does anybody now a performance meter for Linux that supports more than
one processor (like the ones in BeOS/WinNT). I know KDE has Ktop that
has SMP capabilties, but since I don't want to install all KDE/QT libs
I'm looking for an alternative (WindowMaker dockapp would be perfect

Any suggestions?


Bas Rijniersce                       Phone +31 341 550545
Oude Telgterweg 81                   Fax +31 341 562940
3851 EA  Ermelo            
The Netherlands                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP performance monitor
Date: 12 Aug 1999 16:08:40 -0700

Bas Rijniersce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> Does anybody now a performance meter for Linux that supports more than
> one processor (like the ones in BeOS/WinNT). 
There are patches for the ps package to give proper output.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Surendar Jeyadev)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: What I think of linux.
Date: 12 Aug 1999 17:03:10 GMT

In article <sm9s3.813$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jonathan Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Let me hlep with the average. I'm 19, been hearing good things about Linux
>for 1.5 years, and just got around to trying it out this month. To first
>answer the subject line: I love Linux! My mom says I should be a linux
>salesman (and I'm not generally a pushy person). I'm having the usual
>beginner difficulties , but figuring it all out is half the fun! There's so
>many neat things about Linux. I've alrady installed on 2 computers .
>For what it's worth: I seem to differ fron you guys in that I don't really
>care for the command-line stuff (although I'm beginning to get used to it).
>I wonder if it's because my first computer (when I was 8) was a '85 or '86
>model Mac. So I learned on a GUI based sytem, and y'all learned on the Dos
>prompt. Some university would probably be interested in this survey! My firt

That really shows how young you are. Some of us were punching cards
when Microsoft did not exist. If fact, we were downright lucky! We
finished graduate school without even having heard of Windows (which
is why we still prefer command lines to stupid GUIs ... I have an
Apple, too!).

>PC was a either a 286 or 386, Win 3.0
>More for the average: I have a friend, age 26 I think, that's been running
>Red Hat for a few years. Then I've got 2 friends, one's a programer, the
>other uses his computer many hours each day. They're both in their upper
>40's ( yes, it's possibe to have good friends who are much older than you)
>and they're really interested in Linux, but just won't make the dive (the
>second one's had Linux on a partition for a year, but won't really look into
>it). So maybe it takes more effort to convince older folks ? They're not far

You mean they are 40 and know only Windows ....?

>from it though. It should help them to take the dive, now that I'm using it
>Happy Linuxing :-)
>        JW


Surendar Jeyadev         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Anita Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Weird colors in X and Modem Problem
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 20:03:44 -0400

This is your DNS and it goes in /etc/resolv.conf.  You have to use and
editor and write it in there.  Or you can use linuxconf and under Networking
it has DNS.

To find this information in Windows do My Computer/Dial-up Networking.
Right click on the hookup you are using ie Prodigy or whatever and select
Properties.  Then pick the Server types tab, click on TCP/IP Settings and
you will see two numbers (or at least one)  Primary and Secondary DNS.

In resolv.conf you write   nameserver  where this is that
number with decimal points in it.  If one group of numbers is just two
digits, then just put those two in (no leading zero).

I think that is what you are referring to.


Sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> First X with KDE and the Voodoo3 XFree86 X server SOMETIMES displays wierd
> colors or has only a few linmes at the top of the screen.  I'm running
> Mandrake 6.0 which I hear is very close to RedHat 6.0.  This only applies
> to 16bit color modes (and up I think) not when I just type startx.  I have
> to restart X with startx -- -bpp 16 several time before I can get it to
> work with the righjt display.  If anyone could help me with this it would
> help greatly.
> Secoundly my modem which isn't a winmodem because it's too old (33.6) and
> it has a slew of jumpers on it.  I don't even know what make it is but it
> works fine in Win98 (uck!) as a generic 33.6 modem.  And under Linux
> running X11 and KDE with kppp I get it to dial connect and it says I'm
> connected at 33600 but Netscape and the KDE browser type file manager both
> say that I'm not connected.  I read somewhere that I need to put some info
> in a conf file and that info is some what like and I can
> find it  out in windows.  But where?  I'm obviously a newbie to Linux.
> I've had it for 2 days.
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


From: "Andrey Smirnov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: route problem: Can't add gateway address
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 17:05:20 -0700

Your ifconfig statement for eth0 looks like etho (with letter 'o'). Make
sure it's eth0 (with '0' - zero!).

Good luck!

Youjip Won <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Dear Linux guru,
>    I am fan of linux, but never ever able to get the network setup in
> one shot. This time was not an exception. After several trials and
> errors, I am finally writing this message in a hope that I could get
> some help.
> To make long story short, I cannot add gateway to routing table.
> Here's what had happened. I can ifconfig and route add 'lo' and 'etho'.
> When I do "route add default gw", it does not complain.
> BUT, if I type 'route' to verify the gw in routing table, it goes to the
> infinite loop. It only shows the first two lines in routing table(lo,
> eth0) and goes into infinite loop. I eagerly hope that someone have had
> similar problems and provide me some clue.
> Please refer to the attached script.
> Thanks a mil!!!!
> Youjip
> Script started on Thu Aug 12 21:40:56 1999
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# ifconfig
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# route
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# ifconfig lo
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# route add -net
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# ifconfig etho
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# route add -net
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# route
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
>       *        U     0      0        0
> lo
>    *        U     0      0        0
> eth0
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# route add gw
> [root@sobaek network-scripts]# route
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
>       *        U     0      0        0
> lo
>    *        U     0      0        0
> eth0
> ===> Goes to infinite loop


From: "Ruairi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: wicked 3d
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 20:37:09 +0100


I got myself a Metabyte Wicked 3d Vengance 16mb graphics card based on the
3dfx Voodoo Banshee.

Does Redhat 5.2 support this?




From: Bloody Viking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: guaranteed annual income
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 00:25:28 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Richard Kulisz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:>an attitude problem. If a person has good health and he or she can work,
:>he or she has to do everything to get a real job. For people who do not

: And this "everything", does it involve organ selling, pushing drugs, or
: prostitution?

Oops. You can't do that. You must try everything legally possible to find
the elusive job! Doing illegal commerce is cheating. You must play by the

:>succeed in getting a job social security should provide an income. Our
:>government has the policy that those people who don't want to find a job

: And you determine this how? "Hmmm, I don't think I like your face ..."

More like "don't want a job" translates to "don't want to work for so
little you'd be homeless". These inhuman republicans think that someone
can live on nothing. 

:>get less money from social security. You can't compare the situation in
:>countries the way you do, some people would call it their culture and you
:>could really insult them with what you're saying.

: So your proposed solution is to beat people. If they aren't sufficiently
: obsequious then you whip them until they are.

Or let a fellow inmate butt-rape them!

: Helping people get jobs is possible, but it takes a lot of money; a
: hell of a lot more money than the pittance "welfare" gives people.
: So on the one hand, you're complaining about people being on welfare
: but the only reason they're on welfare is because you're a selfish
: stingy rat bastard.

Of course. Then these same cretins complain that they can't find qualified
people. What they mean by "qualified people" of course is people who are
pre-loaded with their exact desired knowledge, look like movie stars, able
to live on minimum wage, etc. 

: He's not insulting you for your opinion, he's pointing out that you're
: an inhuman immoral creature with no empathy whatsoever for the plight
: of your fellows. And by attaching so much importance to your own petty
: selfish interests, you prove it.

"I've got my slice of the economic pizza! Get your own!"

CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
 First Law of Economics: You can't sell product to people without money.

4415563 bytes of spam mail deleted. 


From: Jon Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Viewing bootup messages RH 5.2
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 20:22:02 -0400

Warren Bell wrote:
> This doesn't show the services starting, as in:
> starting httpd: httpd
> starting syslogd: syslogd
> starting atd: atd
> etc...
> It just shows the boot messages up to that point.  I'm getting some
> weird message tward the last services starting, anywhere else I can
> check?

Have you tried pressing Shift-PgUp?

Jon Bloom, KE3Z
Electronic Publications Manager (Software, CD-ROMs and Web site)


From: 26$10$[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Radcliffe)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.questions,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: renames /usr/lib to something else
Date: 12 Aug 1999 20:17:08 GMT

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> probably said:
>I made a mistake in renaming /usr/lib to /usr/lib.bak and I can't run
>any command (ls, mkdir, mv etc.) even after I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>to /usr/lib.bak. It always tries to find /usr/lib/ Please help.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used by /usr/lib/ to find libraries, not
used to find

Get your media out, boot from CD, mount /usr to /mnt and mv it back.




From: Bloody Viking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: guaranteed annual income
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 00:31:15 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy A.T.Z. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Richard Kulisz schreef:

:> If people are dying in a tidal wave, are you gonna complain they didn't
:> "do a single thing to get" to higher ground?

: You know much better then to place this comment.

Actually he does. It's classic social Darwinism as practised by our GOP

:> And this "everything", does it involve organ selling, pushing drugs, or
:> prostitution?

: Do I really have to spell it out for you. Alright, someone should do everything
: but may not do anything which is against the law.

Ah, "You must do everything you can but you must play by OUR rules!" 

: You can help by not giving to much money if they're unemployed. This causes
: some people to stop searching for a job. If you are unemployed you can get
: education and the government reduces the cost if you hire people who are
: unemployed for more then one year.

Get an education without money to pay for it? Yeah, right. Listen here,
idiot. You should move to America where social Darwinism is in vogue. Care
to trade places? I'd love to move to the Netherlands. Then you can live in
your utopia. 

:> He's not insulting you for your opinion, he's pointing out that you're
:> an inhuman immoral creature with no empathy whatsoever for the plight
:> of your fellows. And by attaching so much importance to your own petty
:> selfish interests, you prove it.

: What is inhuman and immoral if you require people who have good health and are
: unemployed to do everything to get a job. Well, NOTHING. If they don't want to
: find a job then it is their own choiche and I think they shouldn't get more
: money from the government then the minimum required to stay alive. And perhaps
: they shouldn't get money at all.

The GOP in Amerika would absolutely love you. This is exactly what they
think. And what do we have to show for our efforts at implimenting your
utopia? A lot of crime. 

CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
 First Law of Economics: You can't sell product to people without money.

4415563 bytes of spam mail deleted. 


From: Bloody Viking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: guaranteed annual income
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 00:50:04 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy A.T.Z. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: That's what the whole system is about. If one lose a job and can't find another, he 
: she can eat, pay the rent, gasbills, water etc.

And you'd rather let them starve to death or keep them contained in prison
if they try to survive anyways by means of getting a job in an illegal
industry. Are you a fan of our Newt Gingrich, by the way? He advocates the
death penalty for entrenepeurs in the illegal drug industry. Why do people
take up such jobs? Could it be that jobs don't exist for them in the
law-abiding sector? 

Since you advocate starving the unemployed, what will you advocate next to
clean up the streets of the homeless walking skeletons? I know of one
Deutschlander who came up with an ingenius solution. Can you say
"gasswagen"? Or "Zyklon B"? You are a complete and total scumbag fuckwit
who should be gassed along with the homeless in your pet solution. No,
better yet, why don't some homeless stick you in a shower and pump it full
of the exhaust from your own car. If it's good enough for "them" it's
plenty good enough for you. 

CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
 First Law of Economics: You can't sell product to people without money.

4415563 bytes of spam mail deleted. 


From: Craig Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Resizing partitions
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 14:51:01 -0500

Can anyone tell me if I can add space to my "/" partition.  It is
currently only 100M, but I have 2GB of unpartitioned space on my hard
drive.  I would like to add some of the unused space to the / partition,
and was wondering if there was a non-destructive way to do this.

Thanks in advance,
Craig Stewart


Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 13:06:18 -0700
From: Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Viewing bootup messages RH 5.2

This doesn't show the services starting, as in:

starting httpd: httpd
starting syslogd: syslogd
starting atd: atd

It just shows the boot messages up to that point.  I'm getting some
weird message tward the last services starting, anywhere else I can

coffee wrote:
> Warren Bell wrote:
> >
> > What file stores the boot up messages, like:
> >
> > starting amd: amd
> > starting httpd: httpd
> > starting sendmail: sendmail
> > etc..
> >
> > I'm seeing a couple messages that I want to check out but they're going
> > by too fast.
> >
> > Warren Bell
> > --
> > ####### Remove ERASE to reply #######
> Just type in 'dmesg' at the prompt and it will display
> the boot up messages. Then use your shift/pgup/pgdown to move
> around and view.
> --
>         Newbie Problems? Visit for help
>                 coffee at indy dot net * ICQ 1614986
>                         Kokomo, Indiana, USA

####### Remove ERASE to reply #######



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