Linux-Misc Digest #401, Volume #18               Wed, 30 Dec 98 00:13:12 EST

  Re: Anti-Linux FUD (Daniel Demus)
  DHCPcd leasing addresses but rejecting them...  PLEASE read this, I really need help 
(8 days I've had this problem) ("john Doe")
  Re: A crazy idea (FTP install via null modem?) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Perl/Tk fails - na undeclared (Kevin Birch)
  Re: conflict with ppp ("Dennis")
  Re: Virtual domain question. ("Dr. S. Robert Senay")
  Re: Anti-Linux FUD (Tim Smith)
  Re: Modem Software (Bill Unruh)
  mod_perl doesn't work (S P Arif Sahari Wibowo)
  Re: patch for kernel (Rick Moen)
  Iomega ZIP & Red Hat 5.1 ("Teo Chun Lip")
  Re: Wordperfect 8 install problem (Bill Unruh)
  Re: expect messing with 8 bit stuff! (Don Libes)
  Re: ATAPI Tape (Sony SuperStation) problem. (Ken C. Moellman Jr.)
  Re: pppd permissions (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Pussy shot from behind  1232 (Gerald Pollack)


From: Daniel Demus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.x,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 15:29:14 +0100

Floyd Davidson wrote:
> Victor Danilchenko  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Floyd Davidson wrote:
> >
> >       Ummm, that's what "foreach" loops are for.
> >
> >cd /usr/X11R6/bin
> >for i in /opt/kde/bin/*
> >  do
> >  ln -s $i
> >  done
> >
> >       As easy to undo as it is to implement... And even allows you to keep
> >record of where everything came from, in case you don't use some package
> >management.
> That is disgusting!  Far better to just add to the PATH variable
> in that case.  (Well, at least for X11R6.  I have never looked
> at kde so I'm not sure about that one.)

KDE creates an environment variable called ... uhm ... $KDEDIR, IRRC ...
which it prepends to any kde specific program it calls.

Which is also a viable method to keep your path sane.



"It's not so bad, really...of all the voices in my head the only ones
 bother me are the three that work third shift and snore all day."

Drew Gillmore, rasfwrj

UIN: 11216730


From: "john Doe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DHCPcd leasing addresses but rejecting them...  PLEASE read this, I really 
need help (8 days I've had this problem)
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 10:13:40 -0800

My linux box is running Redhat 5.2 (brand new install) with DHCPCD
installed.  I followed the dhcp howto to the letter, but I still get this

My box leases an ip like its supposed to, but when it gets the IP and tries
to use it, it rejects it saying its already in use and says "falling back to

Is this a subnet mask problem?  (I do not have a subnet)

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Please don't reply in the newsgroup here, RATHER:

Please send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!!!  I really need help


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: A crazy idea (FTP install via null modem?)
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 21:46:04 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

> A null modem connection is a direct connection between the serial
> ports of two computers.  It requires a specially-wired serial cable
> (usually referred to as a "null-modem cable").  I think you're
> right... a serial connection would be rather slow.  It would probably
> be better to stick to parallel (for PLIP) or Ethernet connections.

FWIW, I recently did a RedHat install to a laptop via FTP over a crossover
cable, using common 10Mbit cards in both machines (pcmcia in the laptop, of
course) - no problem.

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From: Kevin Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: Re: Perl/Tk fails - na undeclared
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 04:10:21 +0000

Jack Frillman wrote:
: This appears to be an XS error. Anyone know what's going on here?
: anyone compiled Tk800.012 under RH5.1?
> I get the same error eith Red Hat 5.2
I also got this error under RedHat 5.2 and Perl/Tk 800.012.  It seems
that XS is not emitting the Xlib.c files correctly, as well as others.

I hate to "me too" here, but this is very fustrating, and I was hoping
someone had found a fix for this.


Kevin Birch


From: "Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: conflict with ppp
Date: 29 Dec 1998 22:53:01 GMT

Charles Stack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article <76ale9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Did you compile with PPP support enabled?
sure i did.


From: "Dr. S. Robert Senay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Virtual domain question.
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 17:52:50 -0500

mcv wrote:

> Hi,
> If I set-up my Linux PC with the virtual domain blahblah.blah, and set-up
> the DNS service on my PC, can other internet users connect to blahblah.blah
> or do I need to register this domain so it can be accessed?
> Cheers,
> Mark.

Okay folks here is a bit of wisdom that seems to be slow making it to market,
but so incredibly useful I'm amazed it isn't spreading like a forest fire in
dry woods...  DNS can be a tricky beast yes, but impossible no...  The first
smartest thing you can do is get your LOCAL domain working correctly and make
certain that your connection to the net if not static is at least reliable and
dynamic WITHOUT intervention...  I.E. if the pipe goes down for any reason it
will come back up on its own...  That said and done, there is really no need
to give out your IP address to have other people reach your lan, and you
should have some level of protection between you and the outside...  So,
routing internally will dealt with by DNS, next you need an external
connection that SHOULD be on the otherside of some form of firewall,
potentially this could be as simple as two DIFFERENT adapters in you routing
machine, one for external connections on one IP and one internall with a
DIFFERENT IP.  In this fashion you can provide yourself with some protection
see the Firewall HOWTO...  Then once you have a connection tested and working
with an IP that you can see on the internet, stop in at and
sign-up for service there...  A virtual domain ( is available
for something inexpensive (around 20 dollars US when I signed up) on an annual
basis, what they offer is not just an address but DNS server service on the
net that keeps things updated for you no matter how often your connection goes
up and down...  You run a small client on one of your machines that reports
your NET IP address anytime your connection goes up or down and keeps the
tables fresh...  In this fashion your server is ALWAYS available...  Let the
folks at TZO know a happy customer sent you...  Once you have this nailed, it
doesn't much matter what kind of connection you are using, or who your service
provider is...  It's the ULTIMATE shoestring SOHO...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Smith)
Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD
Date: 29 Dec 1998 20:12:11 -0800

Roger Espel Llima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Worse, many (most?) X apps don't provide a way for you to select text without
>>copying it.
>what is "worse" about that?  X's behaviour doesn't even have the notion
>of "copying" : you select with a button, and drop with another.  it could
>hardly be easier, simpler or more practical.
>when, after learning X's way, I first encountered a GUI that made me
>specifically copy the selected text, I wondered what on earth the point
>was.  and I still do, for that matter.

It's a matter of background, I suppose.  I come from a Unix background,
so find the way X combines two separate function (selecting text and
copying text) to be ugly.  The problem with doing it that was is that
there are many situations where you want to select text in order to do
some operation other than copying.  E.g., you select text and press the
delete key to delete it.  Why should copying be part of deleting?

The place this is most annoying is when you do a select/copy, then
switch to the place you want to paste on a different virtual screen, and
notice you'd like to do some editing before pasting, and you happen to
select something.  Oops...there goes your copy buffer.

--Tim Smith


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Modem Software
Date: 29 Dec 1998 22:57:05 GMT

In <769h80$ni0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Is there any software be it commercial or freeware that you can run under
>Linux to use the modem as an answering machine, recieve faxes, forward
>messages, call into to retrieve messages etc?? Thanks.. gkg

If your system uses certain voice chip and uses class 2/2.0 fax then the
mgetty/vgetty combo may work. If type 1 fax, then look at hylafax (but
no voice)


From: S P Arif Sahari Wibowo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mod_perl doesn't work
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 16:49:13 -0600
Reply-To: S P Arif Sahari Wibowo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I have to apache server in this system, one is ordinary apache web server
(right now version 1.2.6), the other is apache-ssl from redhat secure web
server 1.0. I just update the secure web server to version 1.2.6-3

My problem is mod_perl, which is working fine under the ordinary web
server (at least the Apache::Registry), didn't work at all under the
apache-ssl, although I already set the conf files as it should be. I even
put the perl-status handler (Apache::Status) with no avail, it gives this

File Not Found

The requested URL /perl-status was not found on this server.

Do you have any idea why it isn't working? This is the information about
my system:

Linux version: 2.0.34 #1 Fri May 8 16:05:57 EDT 1998 i586 unknown

packages installed:


Thank you.

                                    S. P. Arif Sahari Wibowo
  _____  _____  _____  _____           [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 /____  /____/ /____/ /____
_____/ /      /    / _____/


From: Rick Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: patch for kernel
Date: 30 Dec 1998 03:09:54 GMT

[Newsgroups snipped, for follow-ups]
In comp.os.linux.setup Peter Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Silly me - I figured the instructions would come with the patch
: or be found somewhere obvious where I got the patch from
: (eg, at

You'll want to have a look at

Cheers,                   The cynics among us might say:   "We laugh, 
Rick Moen                 monkeyboys -- Linux IS the mainstream UNIX now!
rick (at)  MuaHaHaHa!" but that would be rude. -- Jim Dennis


From: "Teo Chun Lip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Iomega ZIP & Red Hat 5.1
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 12:13:26 +0800

I had a parallel port ZIP attach to lpt1 of the printer port.

I do not know how to install or get Red Hat 5.1 to recognise it.

Mounting /dev/lp1 is not possible as it said lp1 is not a block device.

In Redhat 5.1 I access the installation floppy of Iomega

but the only file/dir is lost+found;
What does it mean? lost+found

Hope somebody can guide me to install this ZIP drive
because I read some where that ZIP can be used in Linux

What is it file system?

Thank you for any reply and suggestion.
Will appreciate if you could e-mail me straight


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Wordperfect 8 install problem
Date: 29 Dec 1998 23:02:32 GMT

Wueppelmann) writes:

>I'm having a problem installing WP8 that's similar but a little different from
>the ones that I've seen.  I was hoping someone would be able to offer me some

a) make sure that you do NOT have anything in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable ( echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH  to see)
b) Make sure that you do have your  set up
(mine under Redhat 5.1 is

and then run ldconfig

I had immense problems because I had entries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Don Libes)
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.tcl
Subject: Re: expect messing with 8 bit stuff!
Date: 29 Dec 1998 17:12:17 -0500

   I have many small scripts like the following:

   [brusso@laptop bin]$ cat phlegm-term.tcl
   source /home/brusso/bin/.passwds
   eval spawn telnet phlegm
   set timeout 20
   expect ogin:
   send "brusso\r"
   expect assword:
   send "${phlegm-brusso}\r"

   I have one file (chmod 700) where I keep passwords for dozens of
   ((( I don't need a lecture on security! )))

   These have been working great for about a year and a half.

   All of the sudden (this morning)  I find that when I use them to get
   into other
   boxes the cursor keys and backspace and escape and function keys are not
   right!!  I don't remember changing anything.

Ask your system administrator what changed.  Obviously something did.
Perhaps you need to do another configure.

If that doesn't help, you should list what versions of Expect, OS, etc.
you are using (and what versions you *were* using).



Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 23:06:50 GMT

or you could DOwnload wvdial! :)

it acts strange on my system when it dials.  it will dial then say something like
waitning for prompt, then after a min or two it will say "no prompt, starting pppd and
hoping for the best,," then I minimize the terminal window,,and I am surfing!!!!  it
may do that,,but it DOES work :) just make sure you read the readme!! :)

what may be causing your hangups is what was causing mine,  In my case my ISP uses an
NT server for authentication and NT uses a form of authentication that does NOT have
any prompts at all (at least none that you can "see") it uses CHAP   wvdial handles
chap pretty well I have connected it to 4 isp's already and no probs,,,another thing
you can do is go to and get kde which comes wiith a nice graphical PPP
dialer called kppp  easy to set up and easy to use :)
Hope this helps

Bill Unruh wrote:

> >Hmmm... I still have this problem after two weeks. There *must* be a
> >damn simple solution to this but every Linux resource seems to say:
> >"Ask the next guy..."
> >In the meantime, I've installed Win98 on the other half of the hard
> >time. Dailing in took all of 1 minute but Win98 has already crashed
> >innumerable times (and I mean innumerable). It will be nice if my
> >Linux ever works (the ppp part of it, that is). It's never once
> >crashed.
> OK, let's analyse it.
> Try doing the following.
> pppd /dev/ttyS0 57600 debug connect chat -v "" "AT" "OK" "ATD5555555" "CONNECT" ""
> to see what happens. It will probably not work. (Note the 5555555 should
> be your ISP's phone number. The ttyS0 should be ttyS1 if your modem is
> on COM2 rather than COM1) Now look in /var/log/messages to see what it
> says there.
> It will show the dialing etc. and then some messages from pppd If it
> talks about "8 bit clean" then the remote system is probably not trying
> to run ppp at the connection time. Add "ogin:"  "username" "assword:"
> "password" to the end of the above and try again. looking in
> /var/messages to see what it says. (if the chat scripts times out
> waiting for ogin: then it probably is not trying to send you a login
> prompt). Does this get ppp going? (ie no "8 bit clean" messages).
> etc. Keep trying things and looking to see what the result is in
> /var/log/messages.
> (in fact open another window and type tail -f /var/spool/messages there
> to see in real time as the error messages come in.)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken C. Moellman Jr.)
Subject: Re: ATAPI Tape (Sony SuperStation) problem.
Date: 29 Dec 1998 18:06:56 -0500

Solved my own problem.. got the 2.2.0 pre1 kernel and all is well.

Ken C. Moellman Jr. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


 Help!  I have a Sony SuperStore Internal IDE tape drive.  It accepts 6.6
 and 10GB (3.3 and 5.0 uncompressed) tapes.  I cannot get linux to write or
 read to the device correctly. I get lots of nasty errors while booting:


Ken C. Moellman, Jr.
Administrator, MU*Net Networking.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: pppd permissions
Date: 29 Dec 1998 23:08:16 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Paul Griffiths 

>Thomas Frese wrote:
>> kitty[/boot]19:imci
>> /usr/sbin/pppd: using the name option requires root privilege
>> kitty[/boot]20:

name is a protected option. If you really need it, put it inot the
/etc/ppp/options file instead as root.
Also make sure that pppd is rwsrxrx permission (chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd)

>> This happens although I've executed
>> chmod a+s imci
>> so everything should be executed with root permissions....(this
>> worked under RH5.0). Any suggestions?
>> Thanks a lot
>> Tom
>> kitty[ppp]26:cat imci
>> #!/bin/sh
>> /usr/sbin/pppd connect "/usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/ppp/" name
>> 03075xxxxx

>SetUID doesn't work with shell scripts, because it's security loophole,
>so you are not running pppd with root priviledges (unless you log in as
>root). Writing a small C wrapper to issue that command line using the
>system() function should work however.

>Paul Griffiths


From: Gerald Pollack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Pussy shot from behind  1232
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 23:40:16 -0500

David Steuber wrote:
> Norman Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> -> Is there no way to stop people from using a Linux newsgroup like this.
> There sure is.  You track them down and kill them, execution style.
> Leave a note behind explaining why they had to die.  If you are stupid
> enough to get caught, make sure you get some jurors who use usenet or
> AOL.  They won't convict you.

I assume that this was meant as a joke, but I hope you will be more
careful in future about how you use language. I'm personally not a porn
fan (and even if I were, I wouldn't want it turning up here), but I find
the message that you are complaining about far less offensive than your
(I hope facetious) call for violence. 

Gerald Pollack
Dept. of Biology, McGill University



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