Linux-Misc Digest #306, Volume #21                Fri, 6 Aug 99 05:13:11 EDT

  terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) (Tiger)
  Re: NTFS on RH 6.0 (Coy A Hile)
  Problem with hardware (Helmut Artmeier)
  Re: sz or rz from Xterm -- How? ("T.E.Dickey")
  Need reference translate ksh script to bash (Apollo Wong)
  Re: nfs problems under RH6 (Matthias Meixner)
  Re: mount theory, lost space, and other sundry cack (William Burrow)
  Re: Need good Linux equiv to Win95/98/NT4 find text in file function (William Burrow)
  Re: Extract the first n characters from a stream? (Kenny Zhu Qili)
  Re: root pw problem - URGENT ("Aart Scheepers")
  Re: System copy to new harddisk (Matthias Meixner)
  Re: Remote switching between Suse and Redhat (Matthias Meixner)
  SV: SAMBA, Linux, Win98 ("Christian von Schultz")
  fips or Partition Magic? (eze)
  the mouse that didn't roar... ("bas van Weelde")
  Re: Traditional tar.gz software building (Jim Reidford)
  Re: System copy to new harddisk (Jim Reidford)
  Re: Quick Question:  ISO files (Philipp Maier)
  Re: ISDN success? (Philipp Maier)
  Re: DAO Cd-recording. ("Noah Roberts (jik-)")
  IMAP server and Netscape (Claus Tondering)
  System copy to new harddisk (jackson)
  Re: signal 11 during kernel compile -- will this solve it? (Vilmos Soti Chou)
  Re: LOST ROOT PASSWORD (Manuel =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=F6l=DF?=)
  Re: Power Failures & Linux ? ("Noah Roberts (jik-)")
  Where is kdepath? (Vinh Le)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT)
Date: 6 Aug 1999 04:57:22 GMT

Hello, can anyone help me to solve this problem? 
When I telnet from a MS windows machine (95 or NT same problem) to a
Linux machine (RH6.0), and start elm, then I get this error message:

[tiger@virgin tiger]$ elm
Your terminal does not support the "clear screen" function (cl).
Your terminal does not support the "clear to end of line" function (ce).
Your terminal does not support the "clear to end of display" function (cd).
Your terminal does not support the "cursor motion" function (cm).
Your terminal does not support the "move cursor up" function (cm).
Your terminal does not support the "move cursor right" function (nd).
[tiger@virgin tiger]$     
My .login file in the RH6.0 Linux is as follows:

set term = (`tset -I -m vt102:vt102 -m :\?vt102 -r -S -Q`)
unset term noglob     

And /etc/profile is as follows:
# /etc/profile
# System wide environment and startup programs
# Functions and aliases go in /etc/bashrc
PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
ulimit -c 1000000
if [ `id -gn` = `id -un` -a `id -u` -gt 14 ]; then
        umask 002
        umask 022
USER=`id -un`

for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
        if [ -x $i ]; then
                . $i
unset i                  
Check my enviroment settings by command 'set' 
Do a "set |more" I can see my current settings are:
PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$
    /usr/bin/mc -P "$@" >"$MC";
    cd "`cat $MC`";
    rm "$MC";
    unset MC

any suggestions how can I fix this?  I basically need to set TERM=vt102
(instead of TERM=ansi, or TERM=console which sometimes I get)
but I have not been sucessful. Please give your suggestions. thanks


                          \           `9_ 9  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
                           \ /\       (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Coy A Hile)
Subject: Re: NTFS on RH 6.0
Date: 6 Aug 1999 00:58:26 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Matthew O. Persico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The mount(3) page says that ntfs is a legal argument to -t. It isn't
>working for me. Do I have to do some kernel/module magic to make it so?

you have to have ntfs support in the kernel.  try 'modprobe ntfs' (as root)
to see if it's loaded and load it if it is not.  alternatively, you can 
compile the support into the kernel directly.  you may have to compile the
module if /lib/modules/<your version>/fs/ntfs.o does not exist, BTW.



Coy Hile
"Theirs not to reason why; theirs but to do...."
Tennyson, "Charge of the Light Brigade"


From: Helmut Artmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with hardware
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 07:51:56 +0200

Hi out there!!

i am working on a Linux/IrDA problem (IrLAN, IrCOMM, IrLPT....) and i am

using dag brattli's ( irdadump for debugging...

Irdadump gives me output like:

09:02:09.620264 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 0
09:02:09.690178 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 1
09:02:09.750173 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 2
09:02:09.820145 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 3
09:02:09.880370 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 4
09:02:09.880676 xid:rsp 0x00005690 > 0xd152961e S=6 4 LnxMachine
hint=0d00 [ PnP Computer Printer ]
09:02:09.970153 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 5
09:02:10.060239 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 * Sim1-Client
hint=8404 [ Computer IrCOMM ]
09:02:10.100803 snrm:cmd ca=0xfe pf=1 0x00005690 < 0xd152961e
09:02:10.101164 ua:rsp ca=0xe6 pf=1 0x00005690 > 0xd152961e
09:02:10.101349 ua:rsp ca=0xe6 pf=1 0x00005690 > 0xd152961e
09:02:10.410419 rr:cmd < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:10.410742 rr:rsp > ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:10.430366 i:cmd  < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0 ns=0 LM slsap=0x03 dlsap=0x00

09:02:10.430721 rr:rsp > ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=1
09:02:10.450332 rr:cmd < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:10.450621 rr:rsp > ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=1
09:02:10.470325 rr:cmd < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:10.470615 rr:rsp > ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=1
09:02:10.490329 rr:cmd < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:10.490617 rr:rsp > ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=1
09:02:10.510326 rr:cmd < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:10.510616 rr:rsp > ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=1
09:02:10.530327 rr:cmd < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:10.530619 rr:rsp > ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=1
09:02:10.600323 rr:cmd < ca=0xe6 pf=1 nr=0
09:02:16.140711 ua:rsp ca=0xe6 pf=1 0x00005690 > 0xd152961e
09:02:17.070488 snrm:cmd ca=0xfe pf=1 0x00005690 < 0xd152961e
09:02:17.070888 ua:rsp ca=0xc0 pf=1 0x00005690 > 0xd152961e
09:02:17.071076 ua:rsp ca=0xc0 pf=1 0x00005690 > 0xd152961e
09:02:30.120204 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 1
09:02:30.180150 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 2
09:02:30.250359 xid:cmd 0xffffffff < 0xd152961e S=6 3
09:02:30.250670 xid:rsp 0x00005690 > 0xd152961e S=6 3 LnxMachine
hint=0d00 [ PnP Computer Printer ]

is anyone out there on earth, who can explain me this debugging
information. maybe someone knows IrDA and the protokoll layers or
irdadump and all possible output messages...

Thanks a lot

PS: Please send cc to mail adress



From: "T.E.Dickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sz or rz from Xterm -- How?
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 19:01:38 GMT

Gordon D. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can use sz in either direction with Minicom but can't seem to
> get either sz or lrz to work if I just telnet from an Xterm window.
> What's the secret?  My usual "sz <filename>" is not enough.
> "sz -f <filename> <receiving path> <filename>" doesn't do anything
> either.  Thanks.

perhaps your path isn't 8-bits?

For example, Solaris telnet:

     -8   Specifies an 8-bit data path.  Negotiating  the  TELNET
          BINARY option is attempted for both input and output.

Thomas E. Dickey


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Apollo Wong)
Subject: Need reference translate ksh script to bash
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 04:52:15 GMT

Hi there,

I need to run some script that is written for ksh in Linux, which does
not have ksh. Is there a reference out there discuss about the
difference betwen both shell (in script syntax and grammar wise)
available on the web?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Meixner)
Subject: Re: nfs problems under RH6
Date: 6 Aug 1999 06:35:44 GMT

Joseph Mendoza ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> NFS worked in RH6.0 out of the box just fine.  However, when I compiled
> 2.2.10 (and 2.2.9, 2.2.8, and 2.2.5) when it tried to run rpc.nfsd i
> would get a "nfssvc: Function not implemented" error, which prevented
> anybody from mounting my nfs'd dirs.. what am I NOt doing?  Is there
> something in RH (it works fine in Debian at home) that I need to pay
> attention to?

You need to compile kernel nfs server support into your kernel. 

Matthias Meixner                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: mount theory, lost space, and other sundry cack
Date: 5 Aug 1999 16:02:40 GMT

On 5 Aug 99 10:36:23 GMT,
W.G. Unruh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>mv /home /oldhm
>mkdir /home
>chmod a+rwx /home

I think that:  chmod a=rx,u+w /home
is sufficient.  Don't need the plebes mucking about in the home dir. ;)

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Subject: Re: Need good Linux equiv to Win95/98/NT4 find text in file function
Date: 5 Aug 1999 16:05:09 GMT

On Thu, 05 Aug 1999 11:51:30 GMT,
Don Feliciano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>find . -type f -print | xargs grep -l 'string'
>This will give you all the files containing 'string'

You can also use rgrep -r.  See man rgrep.

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


From: Kenny Zhu Qili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.unix.misc
Subject: Re: Extract the first n characters from a stream?
Date: 6 Aug 1999 06:10:34 GMT

Jon Skeet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Um, I expect head will do what you want it to.

But the SUN version of head can't specify number of characters or bytes.
Any other ideas?


From: "Aart Scheepers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: root pw problem - URGENT
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 18:22:15 +0200

1. Should work I think
2. True, will not work
3. Should work
4. See above.

Check the groups file, perhaps something wrong there ?
You should be able to make another user with root privilege, maybe you could
try that.

It might help if you post the passwd-line of root, and the groups-file with
the contents ?


Ps. Password empty = no spaces; root::restofline

J. Guy Stalnaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello all,
> On a Slackware 3.0 system, the root password suddenly no longer works.
> Only two individuals have root access to this system and neither of us
> have changed it.  The box is running (that is, it's been up for some
> time--boots into X) and we have just discovered that now we cannot make
> a telnet connection to the system as root, nor can we login to a new
> terminal as root.  Keep getting invalid password error.  We don't whan
> to shutdown -r if we'll be unable to get back in.
> Have tried:
> 1. deleting encrypted root password entry in /etc/shadow and replacing
> with nothing.  Result: cannot login.
> 2. deleting encrypted root password entry in /etc/shadow and replacing
> with *.  Result: cannot login.
> 3. to give someone root user/group access, tried changing user/group
> entries in passwd for the two logins we have (his and mine).  Result:
> cannot login.
> 4. used pwunconv to move shadow pw entries into /etc/passwd and tried 1.
> and 2. agian.  Result: cannot login.
> Any help is thankfully appreciated.
> Guy S.
> --
> *-------------------------------------------------------------*
>                         J. Guy Stalnaker
>  DoIT-Emerging Media Tech.              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  1210 W Dayton St Rm 4212                     wk. 608.263.8035
>  Madison WI 53706                             fax 608.263.3846
> *-------------------------------------------------------------*


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Meixner)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: System copy to new harddisk
Date: 6 Aug 1999 06:49:31 GMT

jackson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Question:  How to successfully transfer a complete bootable Linux-system
> to a new harddisk,
> and later removing the old harddisk from the machine

try (as root):

cd /
tar clf - | (cd /your_new_disk; tar xf -)

adjust fstab
use MAKEDEV to recreate the devices 

- Matthias Meixner

Matthias Meixner                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Meixner)
Subject: Re: Remote switching between Suse and Redhat
Date: 6 Aug 1999 06:42:25 GMT

Michael Scheferhoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hello,
> my problem is: I have a 17 GB harddisk, partitioned like this:
> hda1: 60 MB Swap
> hda2: 1GB Suse Linux
> hda3: 1GB Redhat Linux
> hda4: 14,... the rest
> I would like to be able to switch remote between these two operating
> systems, because this PC is administered remote and does not have a

You could try this:

Install 2 different lilo configs in the boot blocks of the partitions
and use the standard DOS MBR, which boots the partition marked active.
In this setup you should be able to use fdisk to mark the partition
active, that should be booted the next time.

- Matthias Meixner

Matthias Meixner                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Christian von Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SV: SAMBA, Linux, Win98
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 07:57:16 GMT

Did you edit the 'C:\WINDOWS\hosts' file on your Win computer?
And Samba does not use encrypted passwords.
It could be changed, but it is easier to setup the Win computer.
Look for a file named 'Win95_PlainPassword.reg' on the Linux computer.
Add it to the win-registry (after a backup).

diskussionsgruppsmeddelandet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have a Win98SE machine connected to Linux and everything is working
> except for the SAMBA setup.  I followed the SMB-HOWTO but in VMWare the
> only system I see in 'Network Neighborhood' is the Win98SE system.  The
> NIC is set to and the Win98SE system is set to the IP
> address of
> Here's what I've done so far...
> In the /etc/smb.conf file I've changed 'workgroup = Federation'
> also changed 'server string = Linux Samba Server'
> also uncommented 'hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.'
> also changed 'security = share'
> and finally added:
>     [cdrom]
>     comment = Plextor UltraPlex
>     public = yes
>     writable = no
>     path = /mnt/cdrom
> Running 'testparm' gave me an OK and I have also manually started
> /usr/sbin/smbd and /usr/sbin/nmbd.  Can someone please tell me if what
> I've done is correct so far and how to completely get my Linux PC
> displayed in 'Network Neighborhood'?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: fips or Partition Magic?
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 16:06:01 GMT

i m a newbie!

fips or Partition Magic to install Linux?

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: "bas van Weelde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: the mouse that didn't roar...
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 09:35:57 +0200

After installation of Suse 6.1 which worked out to be very smooth, I
encountered the following problem: my mouse refuses to respond.
I tried almost anything.
The mouse is a mitsumi serial mouse, two button type.
When I look in kernel-mesages, I see that there is a ps/2 mouse port. What
to do? What kind of mouse should I select? and what port? tty0, or tty1? I
tried Sax, xf86config and xf86setup. Nothing seems to work. Do I need to do
a full re-install?
Please help me out!!





From: Jim Reidford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Traditional tar.gz software building
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 08:01:19 +0100

Harry Putnam wrote:
> While usually able to get software built in the traditional manner,
> I'm still somewhat mystified by the process and how it really works.
> When errors do comeup, I'm usually lost as to how to track them down.
> The INSTALL and README files that come whith GNU software usually
> contain enough to do the job, but not  enough to learn trouble
> shooting too.  ( not the place for that, of course)
> I'm hoping there is a HOWTO devoted to this or at least sections of
> HOWTOS but the titles don't look too promising.
> Where would one get a thorough description of how to build software
> from sources and how to trouble shoot that process?

A good plce to start if you are getting compile errors is the GCC HOWTO

Jim Reidford


"Due to financial constraints,
the light at the end of the tunnel 
has been turned off until further notice !!"


From: Jim Reidford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: System copy to new harddisk
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 08:04:08 +0100

jackson wrote:
> Hi,  to all Linux-users,
> Would be very grateful for any advice.
> Question:  How to successfully transfer a complete bootable
> Linux-system to a new harddisk,
> and later removing the old harddisk from the machine
> << SNIP >> 
Jim Reidford


"Due to financial constraints,
the light at the end of the tunnel 
has been turned off until further notice !!"


From: Philipp Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quick Question:  ISO files
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 09:52:43 +0000

Pearce wrote:
> If I download the Mandrake ISO onto a network drive using WS_FTP LE in
> a Windows/Novell network environment and then 'copy' the ISO file onto
> the local harddrive of a different Windows NT machine so that I can
> burn the image onto CD-R, will the file get corrupted during the
> 'copy' manuver?  If it will, can I download the ISO using Netscape and
> still maintain the integrity of the ISO file?  The NT box with the
> CD-R burner only has Netscape and no FTP access/proggie (they were all
> stripped off).
> I did this exact thing two days ago and got a spiffy, blue coaster for
> my efforts!

It worked perfectly for me the other day. Cannot see any reason why your
file should get corrupted during copying (expect disk failure etc.)...

Information about Sylt and Maerklin mini-club:


From: Philipp Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: ISDN success?
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 09:50:51 +0000

Aaron Dershem wrote:
> I'm looking into ISDN at home.  I can't get xDSL or cable modem, so it looks
> like this is the only high-speed option for me.  What kinds of experiences
> has anyone had?  Also, if you can recommend any hardware that is compatible
> with SouthWestern Bell (my local baby-bell), that'd be even better.
> I'll be connecting it (I hope) to my Red Hat 5.2 box running the 2.2.6
> kernel.  This is so I can use ipchains to masquerade a Mac and a Win98
> computer.

Hi Aaron,

I have a Teles ISDN card at home (Teles So 16.3 ISA) and I use SuSE
Linux 6.1. The quickest way I found to get ISDN working is to use KISDN:
It is a very convenient tool and install without any problems. Moreover
you do not have to worry at all about fiddling with some odd
configurations - it just works fine.

I even wrote a small section about KISDN on my homepage:

Good luck!

Philipp Maier

Information about Sylt and Maerklin mini-club:


Subject: Re: DAO Cd-recording.
From: "Noah Roberts (jik-)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05 Aug 1999 22:53:28 -0700

Knut Erik Langø <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am searching for a utility which can record cd's in DAO-mode, maybe
> something like cdrwin for Windows. I'd like to be able to backup my
> Playstation games. 



From: Claus Tondering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IMAP server and Netscape
Date: 06 Aug 1999 09:09:35 +0200

I'm looking for a Linux IMAP mail server that works well with Netscape
IMAP mail clients.

Does anyone have any experiences with Cyrus, or with IMAP from the
University of Washington?

Any other suggestions?

Claus Tondering


From: jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: System copy to new harddisk
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 10:25:52 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi,  to all Linux-users,
Would be very grateful for any advice.

Question:  How to successfully transfer a complete bootable Linux-system
to a new harddisk,
and later removing the old harddisk from the machine

Have been successful so far in doing:
1)  Setting up the new drive  as slave
2)  Copying the windows98  on the new  Primary Partition with
3)  Creating and  Formatting new portions on the new  drive   (native
82) and swap (83)
     swap (250MB) native  12000MB
This the  status quo now!!!!

Now I guess. Problably  I have to  mount   the new  native
/dev/hdb3    on a   new directory ????

How can I then transfer   (they told me to use  cpio) all the data  to
the new native  partition??

so that I can make it bootable   and can reinstall    lilo  for

Finally the old harddisk should be removed.

I thank you all so much for any  help!!!!!

Especially   what are the  parameters for cpio

Is it
cpio   copy-pass     /dev/hda3    /*       /dev/hdb3   /*     ?????

Ownership and permissions   must be the same in the new version

dev/hda3 ( my original system with all data)
dev/hdb3 (my empty new  system partition)

Thank you so much gentlemen!!!!

bye from JOHN
Hans Prader,Penzendorf 84  A-4552 WARTBERG/Kr. AUSTRIA/EUROPE
*******************L I N U X  I S  A L I V E***********************
pics from Mt.Kailash-Western Tibet

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>Hi,&nbsp; to all Linux-users,
<br>Would be very grateful for any advice.
<p>Question:&nbsp; How to successfully transfer a complete bootable Linux-system
to a new harddisk,
<br>and later removing the old harddisk from the machine
<p>Have been successful so far in doing:
<br>1)&nbsp; Setting up the new drive&nbsp; as slave
<br>2)&nbsp; Copying the windows98&nbsp; on the new&nbsp; Primary Partition
with Disk-Wizard
<br>3)&nbsp; Creating and&nbsp; Formatting new portions on the new&nbsp;
drive&nbsp;&nbsp; (native 82) and swap (83)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; swap (250MB) native&nbsp; 12000MB
<br>This the&nbsp; status quo now!!!!
<p>Now I guess. Problably&nbsp; I have to&nbsp; mount&nbsp;&nbsp; the new&nbsp;
native&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /dev/hdb3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; on a&nbsp;&nbsp; new
directory ????
<p>How can I then transfer&nbsp;&nbsp; (they told me to use&nbsp; cpio)
all the data&nbsp; to the new native&nbsp; partition??
<p>so that I can make it bootable&nbsp;&nbsp; and can reinstall&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
lilo&nbsp; for dualboot.
<p>Finally the old harddisk should be removed.
<p>I thank you all so much for any&nbsp; help!!!!!
<p>Especially&nbsp;&nbsp; what are the&nbsp; parameters for cpio
<p>Is it
<br>cpio&nbsp;&nbsp; copy-pass&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /dev/hda3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
/*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /dev/hdb3&nbsp;&nbsp; /*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<p>Ownership and permissions&nbsp;&nbsp; must be the same in the new version
<p>dev/hda3 ( my original system with all data)
<br>dev/hdb3 (my empty new&nbsp; system partition)
<p>Thank you so much gentlemen!!!!
bye from JOHN
Hans Prader,Penzendorf 84&nbsp; A-4552 WARTBERG/Kr. AUSTRIA/EUROPE
*******************L I N U X&nbsp; I S&nbsp; A L I V E***********************
</a>pics from Mt.Kailash-Western Tibet&nbsp;&nbsp; <a 



From: Vilmos Soti Chou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: signal 11 during kernel compile -- will this solve it?
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 07:07:41 GMT

Eric Wyles wrote:
> I have an old 486 and I'm trying to recompile the kernel.
> During the 'make zImage' I get a signal 11 with gcc.

grep sig11 /usr/src/linux/Documentation/


Have you recompiled your kernel today?


From: Manuel =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=F6l=DF?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 10:18:16 +0200

> This is also why you can change the boot order in your BIOS so it won't
> boot from floppies, at least, that is what I have always assumed that
> was
> for.

I heared that even if you have set a BIOS-password it is possible to come
the BIOS-setup using a build-in-password which is there for the case that
you forget your BIOS-password. A friend showed me a list of such passwords
a book about data-security for Award- and AMI-BIOS. (Dos not seem to make
much sense, does it ;-) )
  But even if that does not work, if someone has physikal access to the
box, it is
always possible to put an other Harddisk into to boot a "rescue"-system
and get
access to the system.

So keep your computer in a locked room ;-)


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 --------------------OOo------- ( )------,
| Manuel Hölss                       \    '---------------------------___
| Institut Für Theoretische Physik II |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\
| Heinich-Buff-Ring 16               / tel:   +49-641-99-33343             ----
| D-35392 Giessen                   | look at: |
               \____/   \   O ooo
                         \   \   °
                          \   ) /


Subject: Re: Power Failures & Linux ?
From: "Noah Roberts (jik-)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05 Aug 1999 23:08:52 -0700

"Gordon D. Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I know about uninterruptable power supplies but can't go
> there just yet.  My question is:
> For a single-user home system, just how serious are power
> failures?  There have been several outages lately and my
> system always seems to recover, though it takes a little
> time.  I know that I can lose data not yet stored, but is 
> there any danger to applications or to the set-up of Linux
> or X ?    Thanks.

On rare occasions it can cause HD problems which the standard fsck -f
will not fix.  The only time that ever happened to me is my mom shut
off linux during the boot procedure.


Subject: Where is kdepath?
Date: 6 Aug 1999 08:42:54 GMT


I just installed the KDE updates from RedHat and now
I get a:

kdepath=/usr/bin unknown command

when I log in.  Where is this variable set?  I tried
grepping for it with no luck.





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