Linux-Misc Digest #726, Volume #23                Wed, 1 Mar 00 22:13:03 EST

  Re: one moment hda1 has space, the other hda1 full (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: Shell script help (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: resize linux partion (Richard Beri)
  Where can I find fnlib => 0.5 ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  My rc.firewall (Jean-Sebastien Morisset)
  Have an old C:\Windows drive. Will WINE work for me? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: links (Dirk Mueller)
  Re: Solaris and GUI ? (Len Philpot)
  Re: recursive grep? (Len Philpot)
  Re: Netscape Navigator, Adobe Acrobat Reader (nldgr)
  Linux flavors ("OOrkis")
  Re: Sound Files Conversion (Lee Maguire)
  Non-root users can't login (Jim McIntyre)
  Lookin for printing info (Jim McIntyre)
  Re: Linux + NTFS ("Ernestine Fitz")
  Re: compile/link error gcc with c++ ("Arthur H. Gold")


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: one moment hda1 has space, the other hda1 full
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 00:49:37 GMT

> So just now the following happened:
> I was minding my own business, being happy with hda1 being 70% full.
> Then I start KLyx, it complains that there is no space on /tmp/ and I
> check and who would have guessed, suddenly hda1 is 100% full!
> What gives?
> I cleaned up tmp and checked all processes and everyhting and still hda1
> was 100% full.
> So I reboot, log in and find it to be 99% full, can't belive it check
> again find it to be 86% full etc. until it's finally where it's supposed
> to be (namely 70%).
> anybody has any ideas what's going on?

I wouldn't trust that disk anymore. I had similar problems with a Quantum
disk. It had the same problem under Linux and Windows. The disk doesn't
exist anymore.



Subject: Re: Shell script help
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 00:51:35 GMT

Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I need to copy a portion of the directory structure if any file below
> that subdir has been modified within the last few days.
> Basically, our file structure looks like this:
> /data/company/client/project/other/subdirs
> What I need to do is copy the entire
> /data/company/client/project
> tree if any file below that point has been modified in the last n days.
> I can get a list of files using find, but beyond that I'm stumped.  I've
> tried a lot of different combinations of cut and other things to no
> avail.  awk might do it if I knew what I was doing.

Try to put the output of the find command into an env var and then
check the value if it. If it is empty, then no action necessary. Otherwise,



From: Richard Beri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: resize linux partion
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 19:53:29 -0500

I don't believe partition magic lets you resize ext2 partitions, you can
only create them, you can resize ms-dos partitions, but that is all.

Rod Smith wrote:
> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         AJAY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >   Accidentaly I have alocated more space for linux. Now I want to resize so
> > that to create one more linux partion and rest to create WIN partion. Can
> > somebody tell me how to do this???
> The easiest way to do this is to use the commercial Partition Magic
> program from PowerQuest ( There's also at least
> one open source ext2fs resizer (ext2resize, I think), but it's not nearly
> as easy to use, and it opens up serious potential for human error. I also
> don't know how reliable it is, even if it's used perfectly.
> --
> Author of books on Linux networking & WordPerfect for Linux


Subject: Where can I find fnlib => 0.5 ?
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 01:00:27 GMT

Enlightenment tells me I need this to upgrade.


Wade Segade

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (remove the obvious)


From: Jean-Sebastien Morisset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: My rc.firewall
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:03:24 -0500

I found one or two good examples of rc.firewall scripts, but nothing really
comprehensive. So, I sat down and wrote one (1200+ lines so far). I figure
others might also benefit from my efforts, so I've put my rc.firewall script
on my web site <>. It's
configured by a few variables, and there are some command line arguments. If
you get a chance to try it, let me know what you think.

Here's the "rc.firewall --help" output:

> rc.firewall parameters:
>     --help      This command summary.
>     --strict    Use "strict" firewall rules. Outgoing connections are
>                 refused to un-safe ports (i.e. NFS, SMB, Xwindows,
>                 etc.)
>     --relaxed   Use "relaxed" firewall rules. This mode permits
>                 outgoing connections to any port. If you need to
>                 port scan a host, run your firewall using this
>                 parameter first.
>     --accept-ext-{service}-clients {host|ip|subnet}
>                 Override configured values. These parameters are useful
>                 when you want to open-up a service temporarily.
>                 Examples:
>                     rc.firewall --accept-ext-ftp-clients any/0
>                     rc.firewall --accept-ext-telnet-clients \

And here's the top section of the script which is used for configuration:

> #!/bin/sh
> # rc.firewall v1.0 by Jean-Sebastien Morisset, February 29th 2000.
> #
> # I created this script using several sources, one of which is David A. 
> # Ranch's excellent Lunix configuration docs available at
> # <>.
> # Linux Firewalls by Robert L. Ziegler from New Riders Publishing
> # (ISBN: 0-7357-0900-9) is another essential reference for any Linux 
> # Firewall administrator.
> #
> # Setup:
> #
> #   Save this script as /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall. You'll probably want to
> #   call it from your rc.local script, or let your dhcpcd client call it
> #   after is configures your public IP address.
> #
> #   Review the VARIABLES section bellow and make any necessary changes.
> #   You'll probably have to change the internal and external interface 
> #   names (eth0 and eth1). Review the allowed services too. Leave the 
> #   string empty to deny the service.
> #
> #   A few command line arguments are available. Execute "./rc.firewall
> #   --help" to view the command summary.
> # ======================================================================
> # ======================================================================
> # These variables should be customized for your environment.
> # Default operating mode (strict or relaxed). This setting can be 
> # over-ridden by the command line --strict or --relaxed parameter.
> #
> MODE="strict"
> # Internal network interface (LAN). Leave this string empty if you don't
> # have an internal LAN (you're only connected to the Internet).
> #
> # External network interface (Internet).
> #
> # Used by variables bellow - don't change.
> #
> ANY="any/0"
> # If you get your IP address by DHCP from your ISP (Videotron, 
> # Sympatico, etc.), you'll have to set this variable to your
> # DHCP server's hostname. If you don't know what it is, you can
> # use the "$ANY" variable. Accepts are logged by default.
> #
> # The NTP server hostname where you get your time.
> #
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # External (Internet) hosts allowed to connect to firewall services.
> # Seperate each hostname with a space. These variables can be 
> # over-ridden on the command line.
> #
> #       Example: ./rc.firewall --accept-ext-ftp-clients any/0
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Accept PING from the host(s) you enter.
> #
> # Note: One of the message sub-types, Fragmentation Needed, is used to 
> # negotiate packet fragment size. If you deny outgoing type-3, network
> # performance could be affected.
> #
> # Accept FTP connections from these host(s).
> #
> # Support passive mode FTP. Leave this variable empty unless you really
> # need it. Passive mode allows connecting to any high port from any
> # other high port.
> #
> # If you're hosting an internet domain, set this variable to "$ANY". 
> # Caching DNS input/output is allowed by default.
> #
> ACCEPT_EXT_FINGER_CLIENTS=""    # Accepts are logged by default.
> ACCEPT_EXT_AUTH_CLIENTS="$ANY"  # Accepts are logged by default.
> # Masq Modules 
> #
> # Most TCP/IP-enabled applications work fine behind a Linux IP 
> # Masquerade server.  But, some applications need a special module to 
> # get their traffic in and out properly.
> #
> # Note: Some applications do NOT work though IP Masquerade server at 
> # ALL such as any H.323-based program. Please the IP-MASQ HOWTO for 
> # more details.
> #
> # Standard modules: cuseeme ftp irc quake raudio vdolive
> #
> IP_MASQ_MODULE="ftp quake raudio"
> # 2 hrs timeout for TCP session timeouts.
> # 10 sec timeout for traffic after the TCP/IP "FIN" packet is received.
> # 160 sec timeout for UDP traffic (for ICQ users).
> #
> IP_MASQ_TIMEOUT="7200 10 160"
> # Enable multicast routing on external interface (yes|no)?
> #
> # If you have IP Accounting installed, enter the path to your ipacset
> # file. If ipacset is found in this directory, it'll be executed to add
> # your accounting rules.
> #
> # If you haven't heard of ipac, I strongly suggest you install it. You
> # can see a sample report at <>.
> # The distribution of ipac is available from
> # <>.
> #
> IPAC_BINDIR="/opt/ipac/bin"

Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Personal Homepage <>;
UNIX, the Internet, Homebrewing, Cigars, PCS, and other Fun Stuff...
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night you can hear Windows NT reboot!


Subject: links
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 01:30:21 GMT

What is symbolic and hardlinks?When would I use symbolic oppose to 
hardlinks and why?Why can't I use one in all cases?What is a link?

Posted via CNET


Subject: Have an old C:\Windows drive. Will WINE work for me?
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 02:03:34 GMT

I currently have Linux on first hard drive, /usr on second. Lost the power
supply on a second PC, but still have its C:\Windows drive. Is there an easy
way to make WINE work for me? What steps are involved? Thanks!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Dirk Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: links
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 03:07:39 +0100

> What is symbolic and hardlinks?When would I use symbolic oppose to
> hardlinks and why?Why can't I use one in all cases?What is a link?

Begin at the beginning:

What is a link?
        A link it's not the file itself, but only a reference to this
        file. The original file is stored in another place (directory).
        But you need this file - which always has to be the same file 
        as the original - in another place. That's why you create a link
        to it.
What is a softlink? 
        Do the following:
        % touch file    (generates a file)
        % ls -l file    (lists the file)
        -rw-r--r--    1 mio      user     0 Mar  2 file
        % ln -s file slink      (generates a softlink to this file)
        % ls -l slink   (lists your slink)
        lrwxr-xr-x    1 mio      user     4 Mar  2 slink -> file
        The link is only a reference to your file. Nevertheless you can
        put this link elsewhere in your filesystem and can do the
        same what you can do to the original file. But it's still a 
        softlink. When you remove the original file, the link references
        nothing, it's a dangling link then.

What is a hardlink?
        Do the following: (the file 'file' is already present - see above)
        % ln file hlink (generates a hardlink to your file)
        % ls -l hlink
        -rw-r--r--    2 mio      user     0 Mar  2 hlink
        Here is no obvious reference to our file anymore. But in this
        long listing the 'link count' increases, indicating that file 
        (and link) has to be linked twice.

A little bit deeper?
        Ok, now the truth: Every file is a link. The filesystem has a
        great table, where all the files it contains are listed. This
        is called the inode table. Here all the references to the
        physical data called 'file' are stored. When you read a file,
        the read()-func looks up in this inode table where to look for
        the data you requested. 

        You can look up the inode entry for your files.
        % ls -i file
        29462436 file
        ^^^^^^^^ the inode is like an address for the file.

        The softlink has an own inode pointing to data, which points
        itself to the linked file.
        % ls -i slink
        29462437 slink

        Why so complicated? The hardlink simply has the same inode like
        the file.
        % ls -i hlink
        29462436 hlink

And when should should I use softlinks and when hardlinks then?
        The advantage of softlinks are:
        - You can use them across different filesystems, because they're
          not using the same inode table.
        - You can track them better, because it is listed, where the
          original file is.

        The advantage of hardlinks:
        - You don't loose a single byte on the filesystem, only in the
          inode table (not a real advantage - who cares of single bytes 
        - You can remove your original file here without effect for the
          link: The data is still on the filesystem and appears via the 
          directory of the link in the usual manner. The data on the 
          disk is not touched, only the link count has been decreased.
          (But this is not a brandnew backup-technique: Remember, the
          hardlink has to be on the same filesystem, i.e. on the same


    Dirk Müller                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Len Philpot)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Solaris and GUI ?
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 02:21:18 GMT

On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:41:21 +0100, "Miroslav Skoric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>Wonder if Solaris has a GUI (XFree, KDE, Gnome...)? If not, could a GUI be
>>post-installed into Solaris?

Solaris already has a GUI; in fact, that's basically what Solaris is:
SunOS + XSun + CDE (in Solaris 2.6+) + some other misc stuff.

CDE (IMO) isn't the most usable GUI ever, but you can work around it,
more or less.

 - Len Philpot -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]           (personal)
 ---------------> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 (work)
 ----- ><> ----->  (web)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Len Philpot)
Subject: Re: recursive grep?
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 02:22:02 GMT

On 1 Mar 2000 20:42:06 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Miles) wrote:

>>>> But I want more than just *.*, I want all the files in every sub-directory
>>>> too.
>>>grep -r "StringIwant" *
>>What grep are you using?  GNU's grep doesn't do that.
>>      -frank

rgrep, not grep

 - Len Philpot -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]           (personal)
 ---------------> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 (work)
 ----- ><> ----->  (web)


From: nldgr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape Navigator, Adobe Acrobat Reader
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 02:40:24 GMT

Leonard Evens wrote:

> The most common reason people can't get this to work is that
> they leave of the '%s' following the command to invoke the
> acrobat reader.

You're saying you can print by invoking /usr/bin/lpr % s?  If you are,
then there must be something wrong with my computer.  I've tried every
sequence of commands that are related to whatever; I'm missing something
somewhere; but I don't know what.


From: "OOrkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux flavors
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 21:44:09 -0500

I'm a little confused. I am trying to leave Win98 and move on to Linux, but
I cant figure out what is the real difference between all those Linux
flavors (Red Hat, Mandrake, Debian etc...) ?  I just got Debian Linux, was
that a good move ?
Any feedback would be apreciated. Thanx !


From: Lee Maguire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Sound Files Conversion
Date: 2 Mar 2000 02:36:24 -0000
Reply-To: {$news-reply$}

Jason Ng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I convert raw PCM u-Law sound files to other format such as .au or
> .wav in Linux?
> Where can I download the required programs?

You might want to track down SoX - which is probably packaged for
your distribution - or from

Lee Maguire <{$news-reply$}>


From: Jim McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Non-root users can't login
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 02:51:01 GMT

I was  unable to login as any user other than root today. When I entered
the user name and password, X seemed to restart on me, and brought me
back to the login prompt. I didn't get nat message  for an incorrect
user name or password, and when I get the user password and account
expiration dates, everything seemed OK. I deleted the users and
recreated the accounts, but this meant that I also lost all of the
information in the users' home directories.
A solution like this isn't practical if a lot of users are involved

Has anyone had to deal with a problem like this before? I'm using RH
6.0, KDE


Jim McIntyre


From: Jim McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lookin for printing info
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 02:55:46 GMT

My printer was behaving strangely today. When I tried to print a job, I
got a lot of scrambled text,  followed by one line of text on each of
several pages. Eventually, I deleted the jobs in the queue and started
over again. The next time, everything printed OK.
Any suggestions on what causes this, and what to do when this happens?

Also, where can I get some good information on printing in linux? For
such an important topic, the Linux books out there, offer very little on
how to manage networking printing.


Jim McIntyre


From: "Ernestine Fitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux + NTFS
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 03:01:08 GMT

I don't know about RH6.1, but  you can certainly mount a NTFS filesystem
read/write under SuSE6.1. I would suggest mounting read only, however
because depending on the size of the partition, and the size of the files
you copy over, you can end up corrupting the NTFS when mounted read/write.


Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 19:43:56 -0600
From: "Arthur H. Gold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: compile/link error gcc with c++

Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> When I try to compile a very simple test program written in c++ (Hello World!)
> gcc gives the following output:
> /tmp/ccLFx9IU.o: In function `main':
> /tmp/ccLFx9IU.o(.text+0xf): undefined reference to `cout'
> /tmp/ccLFx9IU.o(.text+0x14): undefined reference to `ostream::operator<<(char
> const *)'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> the C and fortran compiler work well. I upgraded to gcc 2.95.2 lately, but I
> am still using the binutils from gcc includes the libstdc++, which
> has been compiled at the same time. I have also installed libgpp (after the
> compilation failure, but the results are unchanged).
> Does anybody know where the problem is and how I can solve it?
> Thanks,
> __________________________________________________
> Martijn Brouwer               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Looks like you're trying to compile C++ with gcc.
It can be done; however, you'd have to add explicit options to link in
the relevant libraries.
Use g++ instead; g++ is a front-end to gcc that set the appropriate
linking options for you.


Artie Gold, Austin, TX  (finger the account for more info)
A: Look for a lawyer who speaks Aramaic...about trademark infringement.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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