Linux-Misc Digest #331, Volume #24                Mon, 1 May 00 04:13:03 EDT

  Re: Can someone tell me how to disable shadow passwords? (redhat 6.1) ...EOM (marge 
  Linux Users' Group of Davis, May 2 - OpenSSH and Secure File System (William 
  Re: es1371? ("David ..")
  Re: Corel Linux "make install"??? ("David ..")
  Re: shared KDE menu (Koos Pol)
  Re: Script Telnet Sessions (Koos Pol)
  My RH6.0 system has been hacked, how to protect it?? (Bo Berglund)
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Yanglong Zhu)
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Yanglong Zhu)
  Mandrake 7 using MSN dial-up ("Ryan Felton")
  Re: Can't get 8.1.5 to install on Linux ("Graeme Farmer")
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Tim Hockin)
  Re: I think I have been HACKED!!! (Bo Berglund)
  If u could win any tech-related prize ... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Idiot desktop question (Eric)
  Linux install on Compac 7360
  Re: Linux Samba Problem... (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon (Yanglong Zhu)


From: marge schott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can someone tell me how to disable shadow passwords? (redhat 6.1) ...EOM
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 22:12:45 -0700

If I run pwunconv, it will replace the 'x' in /etc/passwd with the
hashed  password, but new users will still be shadowed. Any ideas how
to completely remove the shadow package?


On 30 Apr 2000 20:21:53 GMT, "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>marge schott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: can someone tell me how to disable shadow passwords in redhat 6.1?
>pwunconv (and man pwunconv, shadow, etc).
>Unless RH have done something funny, that is. It's possible.


From: William Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Users' Group of Davis, May 2 - OpenSSH and Secure File System
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 05:25:32 GMT

  The meeting will be held on:

    Tuesday, May 2nd, 2000
    at 6:30pm

  The meeting will be held at:

    Z-World, Inc.
    Room 9 (Meeting room)
    2900 Spafford Street
    Davis, CA 95616

  * OpenSSH and SFS - Henry House

    Henry House will be discussing OpenSSH, a free version of the
    SSH (Secure Shell) suite of network connectivity tools that
    encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate
    eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other network-level attacks. 

    Henry will also be discussing the Steganographic File System (SFS),
    which provides secure encryption of all the data on a partition while
    hiding it in a way, that no one can prove its existence.

  For details on this meeting, maps, directions, public transportation
  schedules, etc., visit:

  LUGOD, the Linux Users' Group of Davis, is a non-profit organization
  dedicated to Linux, a free, Unix-like Operating System available for
  a number of computer platforms.

  Meetings are held on the first Tuesday and third Monday of each month
  at the headquarters of Z-World, Inc., at 2900 Spafford Street in Davis.

  Please visit our website for details:



From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: es1371?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 00:20:40 -0500

Janet wrote:
> "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Janet wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> It's called a SoundBlaster Live, but it doesn't seem to use the emu10k1
> chipset...
> Janet

You will find information about the SB Live and linux here.

Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Corel Linux "make install"???
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 00:32:40 -0500

Carlos Alves wrote:
> I have recently installed Corel Linux on my old desktop machine. I wanted to
> install some third party source package, X-ISP. I unzipped it, etc, and went
> until the step where I was told to browse to the directory and type "make"
> and then "make install." I browsed to the directory, and after typing in
> "make," I got the following error:
> bash: make: command not found
> I got similiar results from "make install."
> Please help, but be as simplistic as possible in the instructions, as I am
> relatively new using Linux.
> Thanks in advance for the help

cd /into/package/directory

Then enter:  make install

Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Koos Pol)
Subject: Re: shared KDE menu
Date: 1 May 2000 06:10:24 GMT

On Sat, 29 Apr 2000 22:37:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| I have a small network of Suns and PC's all running Linux. Because of
| the hardware mix, the KDE binaries are installed on each system. I have
| some common apps that I would like to add to everyones menus but,
| because each computer has KDE locally installed I can not figure out how
| to do such a thing. In the near future, I will need to be able to give
| different menus to different groups... any ideas???

After a quick thought I'd think you might try to NFS mount a directory from
$KDEDIR/share/applnk onwards. This could point to different locations
depending on the o.s.. I don't know how KDE will handle it, but I think it's
worth a try.

Koos Pol
S.C. Pol - Systems Administrator - Compuware Europe B.V. - Amsterdam
T:+31 20 3116122   F:+31 20 3116200   E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check my email address when you hit "Reply".


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Koos Pol)
Subject: Re: Script Telnet Sessions
Date: 1 May 2000 06:04:44 GMT

On 28 Apr 2000 12:30:33 -0400, Jeff Workman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Alliett) writes:
| > I am wondering if there is a way to script the following or if someone
| > has a better idea for automating this process.
| > 
| > Essentially I telnet into 5 LINUX boxes, RH 6.1 to check the disk
| > space on the drives.
| > 
| > I am wondering how I can automate the process into 1 script file to
| > telnet to the server specifing a username and password then issue the
| > command df -k and redirect it to a file then close the connection and
| > continue on to the next server and do the same thing and append the
| > results of df -k.
| Sounds like a job for expect ( or, if you do perl,
| the Net::Telnet module (

This is a job for rsh and nothing else:
rsh somemachine df -k /usr/local

Koos Pol
S.C. Pol - Systems Administrator - Compuware Europe B.V. - Amsterdam
T:+31 20 3116122   F:+31 20 3116200   E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check my email address when you hit "Reply".


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bo Berglund)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux..setup
Subject: My RH6.0 system has been hacked, how to protect it??
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 06:42:00 GMT

I would like to know if there ia a website or such dedicated to the
protection of Linux systems from being hacked?

My experience:
I have a RH6.0 machine which I use to test out web pages before
sending them to my main site. It sits on a permanent address on the
Internet through an ISDN router. On the same router also sits an NT
server firewall (Altavista Firewall) and behind that the rest of the
company network. All Windows of course.
About two weeks ago the company network went dead and it turned out to
be the Linux machine that had started sending masses of network
traffic (network card LED always on). After pulling the LAN connection
from it things calmed down and the connections to the company could be
When I got there a week ago I connected the monitor to the machine to
find that it was in the middle of booting up asking for user keyboard
entry. This might have been caused by someone powercycling the PC when
the problem happened, I am not sure here.
Anyway I moved the LAN connection to be inside the firewall and made
some small checks (I am not a very knowledgeable Linux person so I
really don't know where to look or which tool to use). The system
apparently now agin ran fine and I could use the web server (Apache)
to access the local mirror of the main site.
After I left the site they reported that the local LAN had begun to
act up so they pulled the Linux LAN connection once more and it was
again fixed, but now my test machine is gone....

Is there anyone out there who can tell from this very  scetchy
description what is going on and what I could do to fix it?
And is there some protection software one could easily install on the
system to stop hackers from doing this damage?


Bo Berglund
Software developer in Sweden

PGP: My public key is available at the following locations:


From: Yanglong Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 01:30:21 -0700

Todd Knarr wrote:

> In comp.os.linux.misc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yanglong Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wake up to a horrific reality that some computer manufacturers may be
> > trying to suppress and uproot Linux and all other free Operating
> > Systems. How? They make computers that do not read nor write those free
> > OS bootdisks in drive A. It is a very bad trick upon us free OS users.
> Well, that would require a BIOS that cannot boot from floppies. Or
> CD-ROMs either, for that matter. _That_ makes the usual "reformat and
> reinstall $OS" process impossible as a side-effect. It also makes
> booting from an emergency floppy ( like the ones MS OSes make )
> impossible. Any company that does this will acquire a _very_ bad
> rep among the non-Linux community very quickly. My guess is that
> this won't ever happen. Note that "cannot boot from floppy" is
> completely different from "boots from the hard drive first, floppy
> only if no bootable hard drive is present". The first is a problem,
> the second is the normal way my computer is configured ( to prevent
> virus problems from bootable floppies and CD-ROMs ).
> And it's trivial to work around, if you know computer hardware. Just
> find the model of motherboard in the machine, and go to a BIOS upgrade
> vendor and get a new BIOS for it that _does_ include floppy-boot or
> CD-ROM-boot support. Flash it in, end of problem. While the computer
> makers might remove floppy-boot support, the BIOS makers themselves
> won't for very obvious reasons ( think Flash ROM upgrades or initial
> installs on blank machines ).
> --
> Collin was right. Never give a virus a missile launcher.
>                                 -- Erk, Reality Check #8

Make a Win98 bootable disk and boot from the Win98 bootable disk is not an issue.
That's how I repartitioned the hard drive. The key issue is the intensional (I assume)
selectivity for which systems to support and which not. I guess computer manufacturers
behaviour is legal, but immoral, filthy, and greedy. They want make computing as
complicated as possible so that more people will ask for support, therefore buy their
support. They lure people into their trap by selling their computers a little bit
cheaper. What a reputation. We need to expose these companies. Relentlessly.


From: Yanglong Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 01:37:58 -0700

Steffen Kluge wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yanglong Zhu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I bought a Compaq Presario 5834 two weeks ago. I bought this computer
> >with Linux in mind. But after days of trying and calling support service
> >reps, I'm left stranded with a computer not at all of any use to me. At
> >this moment, I don't know how widespread this phenomenon is. But I urge
> >everybody who loves these free OS and free softeware in general do a bit
> >investigation to monitor this computer industry's new move.
> I rather suspect a problem on your side, maybe if you give some
> more information we can help you trouble-shooting?
> Cheers
> Steffen.
> --
> Steffen Kluge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Fujitsu Australia Ltd
> Keywords: photography, Mozart, UNIX, Islay Malt, dark skies
> --

What do you want to know?

I can provide this at this point.

Make a Win98 bootable disk and boot from the Win98 bootable disk is not an
That's how I repartitioned the hard drive. The key issue is the intensional
(I assume)
selectivity for which systems to support and which not.

I guess computer manufacturers behaviour is legal, but immoral, filthy, and
greedy. They want make computing as complicated as possible so that more
people will ask for support, therefore buy their support. They lure people
into their trap by selling their computers a little bit cheaper. What a
reputation. We need to expose these companies. Relentlessly.


From: "Ryan Felton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mandrake 7 using MSN dial-up
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 01:12:23 -0500

I know it's kind of against the point, but I was wondering if anyone had any
insights on how to set up the KPP of Mandrake Linux 7.0 using MSN as an
internet service provider. I've gotten it to work under Corel Linux by
commenting out an   auth   under the file: /etc/kpp/options   .........
However, Mandrake only has the specifications for a lock file under
/etc/kpp/options    .... Just wondering if anyone had any insight?

Ryan Felton


From: "Graeme Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't get 8.1.5 to install on Linux
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 16:50:49 +1000

check out the documentation at  there is a bug in the
enlightenment gui, use kde or other and you should be OK.



From: Tim Hockin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: 1 May 2000 07:06:34 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Yanglong Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Make a Win98 bootable disk and boot from the Win98 bootable disk is not an
: issue.
: That's how I repartitioned the hard drive. The key issue is the intensional
: (I assume)
: selectivity for which systems to support and which not.

: I guess computer manufacturers behaviour is legal, but immoral, filthy, and

I have serious doubts that this is, in-fact, what is happening.  I
apologize for my "blame the user first" attitude, but experience has shown
me time and time and time again that it is a 99.99% chance that the error
lies between the keyboard and chair (abbreviated as EBKAC).  How many times
have people reported to me compiler bugs, CPU bugs, motherboard bugs, libc
bugs, kernel bugs, BIOS bugs.  Time and time again it is something they
misunderstood or screwed up.  

For a BIOS to figure out what OS was on a boot disk woul dbe pretty tough.
They;d have to look for specific key delimiters - which you can prove by
changing.  I'm not sure how you are booting your floppy, but look at
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/setup.S and consider changing some of the
'signatures' and seeing what difference it makes.

Tim Hockin
This program has been brought to you by the language C and the number F.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bo Berglund)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: I think I have been HACKED!!!
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 07:11:44 GMT

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 19:35:05 GMT, Simon Brooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>However, I've documented how I set up my own firewalls at 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Brooke)

I don't seem to be able to access the instant-firewall document, is it
offline or is the URL misspelled?

Bo Berglund
Software developer in Sweden

PGP: My public key is available at the following locations:


Subject: If u could win any tech-related prize ...
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 07:08:09 GMT

...for under US$700 what would it be?  I'm suppose to find a prize
that's compelling for isp/asp linux techies for a
contest.  I haven't a clue what might excite linux folks like you.
Some thoughts I've had were:

- pda (ie. handspring or palm)
- mp3 walkman
- web cam
- digital camera

I'd really appreciate it if you could drop some feedback because I'm
clueless! Boss just tells me I can get any prize for under US$700 to
give away.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Idiot desktop question
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 06:37:40 GMT

> I played with Linux Suse KDE for the first time yesterday. Within
> minutes, in my own imbecilic way,  I had activated a command that sent
> cockroaches crawling all over the screen. Now I can't find the menu
> that turned them on -- or how to turn them off!
> Help?
> Please?
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
use the `ps -fu YOUR_USER_NAME` command to find the PID of the program,
(it's probably listed as xroach or something alike)
then use the kill command to stop the process. (kill PID)


Subject: Linux install on Compac 7360
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 07:30:03 GMT

I was trying to install Linux but unable to setup the graphics because of 
the on-board graphics of the motherboard.

Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Linux Samba Problem...
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 07:11:24 GMT

[Note FollowUp-To: header]

Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[Samba problem]

>----------------In Windows 98----------------
>I used Client for Microsoft Network
>I marked Login to Windows NT Domain, and filled with "MYGROUP"
>I used IPX/SPX and TCPIP protocol

You don't need IPX .

>1. What is mean by "IPC$" ?

IIRC, InterProcess Communication Share . It's an administrative share
that is required to have Windows Networking running.

>2. In Windows 98, I can see the linux server in network neighborhood,
>but when I click on it, it prompts me to enter a password for
>\\Linux\IPC$ to make connection. I never set any password in the Linux
>Samba server, why this happened?

You'll need to have the same Username/Password combinations on
both systems, AND you'll have to make sure that both systems agree
on the kind of password used (encrypted vs. plaintext). Win98 defaults
to using encrypted passwords, Samba doesn't. Read the file encryption.txt
in the Samba docs.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: Yanglong Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 02:47:51 -0700

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<tt>Tim Hockin wrote:</tt>
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>In comp.os.linux.misc Yanglong Zhu &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<p><tt>: Make a Win98 bootable disk and boot from the Win98 bootable disk
is not an</tt>
<br><tt>: issue.</tt>
<br><tt>: That's how I repartitioned the hard drive. The key issue is the
<br><tt>: (I assume)</tt>
<br><tt>: selectivity for which systems to support and which not.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>: I guess computer manufacturers behaviour is legal, but immoral,
filthy, and</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>I have serious doubts that this is, in-fact, what is happening.&nbsp;
<br><tt>apologize for my "blame the user first" attitude, but experience
has shown</tt>
<br><tt>me time and time and time again that it is a 99.99% chance that
the error</tt>
<br><tt>lies between the keyboard and chair (abbreviated as EBKAC).&nbsp;
How many times</tt>
<br><tt>have people reported to me compiler bugs, CPU bugs, motherboard
bugs, libc</tt>
<br><tt>bugs, kernel bugs, BIOS bugs.&nbsp; Time and time again it is something
<br><tt>misunderstood or screwed up.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>For a BIOS to figure out what OS was on a boot disk woul dbe pretty
<br><tt>They;d have to look for specific key delimiters - which you can
prove by</tt>
<br><tt>changing.&nbsp; I'm not sure how you are booting your floppy, but
look at</tt>
<br><tt>/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/setup.S and consider changing some
of the</tt>
<br><tt>'signatures' and seeing what difference it makes.</tt><tt></tt>
<br><tt>Tim Hockin</tt>
<br><tt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</tt>
<br><tt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</tt>
<br><tt>This program has been brought to you by the language C and the
number F.</tt></blockquote>
<p><br><tt>Well, you might be the one I have been looking for, although
your EBKAC principle does seem to be hard to swallow.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>I'm trying to give different parameters to circumvent the tricks.
But time has not allowed me to finish that. I hate to troubleshoot alone.
And also I want to warn people early. That's why I posted the message.
I'm not a computer whiz. But I'm not a complete newbie either. I have installed
Linux on my older computer many many times for many different reasons.
The most important and decisive test is to do what you suggested. But to
get a conclusive result and useful interpretation, I need some computer
whiz to cooperate with me to do the test. Are you the one I'm looking for?</tt>



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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