Linux-Misc Digest #331, Volume #25                Thu, 3 Aug 00 17:13:02 EDT

  RE: Inicio de Linux ("Miguel Martínez")
  Re: Slackware7 and vmlinux (mst)
  Re: Can I pass sockets between processes (Jay Dresser)
  XVidTune (N/A)
  Re: Why do I have to put "./" in front of "apachectl"? (Kent Perrier)
  Re: Oh no! (David Steuber) and mod_perl with Apache (David Steuber)
  Re: rsh and password (David Steuber)
  Re: correction (David Steuber)
  Re: paging scripts and other Qs ("Andrey Shapovalov")
  Re: 6805 assembler (Eric Y. Chang)
  Re: 6805 assembler (Eric Y. Chang)
  Re: NFS server fails: [nfssvc: Function not implemented] (Tom Eastep)
  Partiton Problem (Martin Racette)
  Re: gzip / zip / compress : 2 gig limit? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: at&t lex (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Re: rsh and password (brian moore)
  Re: rsh and password (Brian V. Smith)
  Re: at&t lex (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Monitor dies with Corel install (Eric Y. Chang)
  Re: the psychology of linux and the hacker ethos
  Re: Cron behaves differently on Sundays? (Carl Benson)


From: "Miguel Martínez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Inicio de Linux
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 19:12:18 GMT

José Luis Domingo López <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje de
> Remember that this is a linux newsgroup where english is the "official"
> language, and we should write in that language (although sometimes this
> doesn't happen). If we are unconfortable writing in english, we can go to
> the spanish-speaking linux newsgroups, es.comp.os.linux.*.
Sorry... You are right :)


Subject: Re: Slackware7 and vmlinux
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 11:32:58 -0400

John Roberts wrote:
> I got the boot manager problem sorted out.  ( I am using power boot) and
> now I have a question about vmlinux.  All of the books I have read on
> Linux state to look in /boot for the file vmlinux.  Slackware doe not seem
> to have it there.  In /usr/src/linux there is a file called vmlinux.  In
> the root directory there is a file called xmlinuz that is not executable.
> I copied vmlinux from /usr/src/linux to /boot just for grins and nothing
> seemed differant.  Linux still boots.  However, when I uname -a I get a
> kernal built last month.  The one in /usr/src/linux was built last night.
> So... what's the question?  Which vmlinux does slackware use? And how do i
> get the most recent build to work?  I did do a make dep, make clean, make
> bzImage on last nights build.
> The file /boot contains the following;
> boot.1601
> boot.b
> chain.b
> config
> map

Slackware, unlike other Linux distros, doesn't keep the kernel images in
/boot, but rather in /.
So, your current kernel is (after a fresh install, anyway, before you go
and build your own) /vmlinuz.

What I do after I build a kernel on Slack: go to
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot and take the bzImage, copy it to / under a
suggestive name, say bzImage-2.2.16 etc., then edit /etc/lilo.conf and
make an entry for the new bzImage, then run lilo and reboot. This way I
also keep my older kernels, which I can boot if something is wrong with
the new one.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jay Dresser)
Subject: Re: Can I pass sockets between processes
Date: 3 Aug 2000 12:43:15 -0700

> This is my problem I hope you can help.

> I have 3 processes A B and C running on a single processor. A writes to B
> via a socket, B reads the info and passes it on to C via a socket. Is it
> possible for B to pass A's socket to C  so they can read and write directly
> returning the socket to B when communication is over.

No, sorry.  A socket is local to a process, as are all fd's.  A
process cannot pass a socket to another process unless it forks it;
the child inherits open file descriptors.  This is commonly done with
Unix sockets.

I guess the obvious question is why doesn't A open a socket to B to
begin with, but I guess you have your reasons.

If you used Internet sockets you could have B pass A the "address" and
port number of the socket the C was listening on, then A could connect
to C, but it would be a different connection, not the one that B
already had open.  To help more I'd have to understand the

Another way that I commonly use to communicate between processes is
with shared memory (do 'man mmap').  The actual pages of RAM are in
both (2 or more) processes memory space and anyone can write to it.
I've had one master process and 30 slave processes all talking through
such a system.  You have to design it to handshake correctly of
course.  With this, in your architecture, you could have B pass A
the filename that B & C were using and everyone can rendesvous there.
If IPC is what you are trying to achieve, and it doesn't have to be
sockets, this might work for you.

> NB I am running Red hat 5.1 but will upgrade if this helps

Won't help.




Subject: XVidTune
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 18:30:05 GMT

my display is too big and i think running 'xvidtune' might help this 
except for the fact i dont know how? do i have to install it and if not 
how do i run it? (corel linux delux)

P.S. i know some of you may have noticed i have posted like 1,000 times on 
matters like this and you think im like a super-newbie but you have to 
understand that for some reason my computer is so poor in detecting 
configurations that i have basically had to rewrite the linux program just 
to see a screen......anyway any help can be nice.

Posted via CNET


From: Kent Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why do I have to put "./" in front of "apachectl"?
Date: 03 Aug 2000 14:53:14 -0500

"Chris Schachte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> According to the feedback, all seemed to go well and I could see the files
> in all the places I had been lead to expect them.  However, if I typed
> /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start, bash reported that there is no such
> file or directory.  After being confused for a while, I figured that
> apachectl was a script like configure and thus needed the ./ in front of it.

The only time you need to do this is when the command isn't in your path.
when you need to type './' that means you don't have '.', or your current
working directory, in your path (which is a GOOD thing).

I don't know why /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl didn't work, but it

We are in fact well and truly doomed.
                                -- Jamie Zawinski


Subject: Re: Oh no!
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:00:02 GMT

William McBrine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

' You are, and it has! :-) I D/Led the LAME 3.85 source the other day, and
' it was one of the smoother compiles I've had lately.

Awesome!  I'll fetch and build it at my earliest opportunity.  Have
they updated the psycho model yet?  A friend of mine found a song that
shows audible artifacts at V0 using joint stereo.  I haven't run into
that problem yet, but it never hurts to have the latest.  Well, almost

Right now, I'm messing with Apache 1.3.12+SSL.  The patch worked
without flaws.  The compile worked.  Now I am trying to get mod_perl
installed and the Apache bundle from CPAN.  CPAN seems to be awfully
unresponsive lately.  My DSL line lost synch for a while last night,
perhaps due to the lightening.  Still, that doesn't explain all of it.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

The problem with AI is that it has a mind of its own
        --- Devon Miller


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.lang.perl
Subject: and mod_perl with Apache
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:00:03 GMT

I seem to be missing the docs on  I am trying to fetch the
Bundle::Apache package with it, but it has not worked.  Can anyone
help me with this?  I am trying to get mod_perl working with Apache
1.3.12+SSL.  I have the mod_perl-1.24.tar.gz.  It seemed to build just
fine expcept that the install doesn't seem to have installed anything.

perl gave me this: <trimed>

I see you are building with Ben-SSL,
I'll set the SSL flags in mod_perl's Makefile
Will run tests as User: 'david' Group: 'users'
Checking VERSION..........ok
Checking for LWP::UserAgent......failed
Can't locate LWP/ in @INC (@INC contains: ./lib 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i586-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at 
Makefile.PL line 1056.

The libwww-perl library is needed to run the test suite.
Installation of this library is recommended, but not required.

Checking for HTML::HeadParser....failed
Can't locate HTML/ in @INC (@INC contains: ./lib 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i586-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at 
Makefile.PL line 1074.

Clearly I need to get LWP::* as well as Bundle::Apache.  If someone
can help me out with this, I would be most grateful.

I usually do the builds as david and only su when I do the install.
As I need the packages from CPAN in the perl tree, I expect I have to
run that as root.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

The problem with AI is that it has a mind of its own
        --- Devon Miller


Subject: Re: rsh and password
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:00:04 GMT

"Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

' To expound on that, use ssh, preferably, openssh.  The syntax is the
' same as it is for rsh, but everything is encrypted.  That last statement
' is probably over-simplified, but it should suffice. :-)

I've been trying to get openssh to work on my systems.  I have it
compiled without errors, but I can't authenticate:

david@solo:> ssh apostrophe -v
SSH Version OpenSSH_2.1.1, protocol versions 1.5/2.0.
Compiled with SSL (0x0090581f).
debug: Reading configuration data /usr/local/etc/ssh_config
debug: Applying options for *
debug: Seeding random number generator
debug: ssh_connect: getuid 500 geteuid 0 anon 0
debug: Connecting to [::ffff:] port 22.
rresvport: af=10 Invalid argument
debug: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug: Seeding random number generator
debug: Allocated local port 870.
debug: Connection established.
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
debug: Calling cleanup 0x805cbb0(0x0)

I've posted, begging for help, but I have received none :-(.  I would
love to be doing systme configruation of apostrophe with ssh as I plan
to move that machine to my ISP and will want to use ssh to administer
it remotely.  This includes file transferes.

I probably need to post more information, but I don't know what.  I
could sure use some help with this.


David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

The problem with AI is that it has a mind of its own
        --- Devon Miller


Subject: Re: correction
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:00:04 GMT

Andrew Bacchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

' I mean the 2.2.14-5.0 kernel, sorry.

I was just wondering how I managed to get so out of date!  I'm running
2.2.16 from on two machines and 2.2.14 on another that will
not be upgraded any further.

As far as I know, Raid 1 is the default.  I haven't played with the
raid settings though.  Sorry.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

The problem with AI is that it has a mind of its own
        --- Devon Miller


From: "Andrey Shapovalov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: paging scripts and other Qs
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 14:05:07 -0500

A little program called "chat" comes to mind. It'll send and expect stuff
from a serial port. I only used it w/pppd but I can't think of any reason it
won't work by itself.

"jtoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I was wondering if someone could give me an example of a bash script (or
> somethig similar) that would page (via modem of course) me when
> something goes wrong. Excuse my ignorance, but I know very little about
> stuff like AT& ATD and all those other short ascii codes.
> Another question Offtopic,
> I have built my own small network of primarily 486s with OpenBSD,
> FreeBSD and Linux(Any other suggestions for good free OSes?).

NetBSD, man.

 I have
> made my own apache website, DNS with BIND, SMB data server, and sendmail
> email server.  I am building this stuff for knowledge and practice, but
> I am running out of good ideas to keep building these machines.  I only
> want to build 486s (cheap, I bought a 486 50 mhz 16 mb ram, 503 mb hd
> with monitor for $50) that have an actual use. I don't want to build a
> server that doesn't do something that I won't  actually use, only
> servers that I can actually get work done on.  For example, would having
> a usenet server on a 486 be ok?  Also, good you give me your ideas on
> how to balance services on the servers(i.e. usenet and sendmail on 1
> server, SMB and NCP on another).  Thanks for your help!
> --
> Jason Toy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Y. Chang)
Subject: Re: 6805 assembler
Date: 3 Aug 2000 20:01:06 GMT

Hi Michel.  Thanks very much for the suggestion.  I actually sent an e-mail
to Todd Squires, the author of tpasm.  Although I fixed many of the bugs
(actually more like inconsistencies), he showed me how to fix the app note
code from Intersil with an intelligent text editor.  Then, he was able to
get it through tpasm without errors, without having to modify any source
code.  I saw so many errors in the output that I thought it was hopeless.
This code appears to be very actively maintained, even if it has a little
trouble with all the "flavors" of assembly out there.  Todd's point was that
it takes only a few minutes per 1000 lines to fix code, and all new code 
to be assembled will be written to spec, so mods to the program should not
be necessary.

I will still check out your tool.

Thanks, Eric

Michel Catudal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have written one. If you are interested in improving it I could publish the source 
: on my web site.

: -- 
: Vous en avez plein l'casse du plantage avec Ti-Mou?
: C'est l'temps d'essayer Linux
: We have software, food, music, news, search,
: history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Y. Chang)
Subject: Re: 6805 assembler
Date: 3 Aug 2000 20:05:41 GMT

Hi Bob.  Thanks for the tip.  I will check this out.  When I first
looked at the www page for ASxxxx, it looked kind of large and it also
included a relocatable linker.  I am only working on small MCU programs.


Bob Hauck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: On 1 Aug 2000 17:31:53 GMT, Eric Y. Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: >Hi.  Does anyone know of a good assembler for 6805 Motorola micros?

: The ASxxxx assemblers by Alan Bladwin cover that one and several
: others (6804, 6809, 6811, 8051, etc).  Most docs claim they run on DOS,
: but if you get the source they will compile on Linux as well.  Further
: info can be found at:


: >What I am looking for is something that will assemble already
: >existing files from vendors app notes.  

: I don't know how close ASxxxx is, but it comes with the ASSIST09 and
: BUFFALO monitors.  There are patches for gcc to make it generate 68hc11
: code that is compatible with this assembler.

: -- 
:  -| Bob Hauck
:  -| Codem Systems, Inc.
:  -|


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Eastep)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: NFS server fails: [nfssvc: Function not implemented]
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 12:59:24 -0700

Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
>I am trying to setup a NFS server.  I installed knfsd-1.2.2-4 on my
>RedHat 6.0 box (kernel 2.2.16).
>However, when I boot or try to run rpc.nfsd I get the message:
>    nfssvc: Function not implemented
>The NFS-HOWTO says very little about how to setup the server.
>Any hint would be appreciated
This is a FAQ -- you need to enable NFS server support in your kernel. In
order to be offered that option, you must enable "Prompt for
experimental/incomplete code/drivers" under code maturity options.

Tom Eastep             \  Eastep's First Principle of Computing:
ICQ #60745924           \  "Any sane computer will tell you how it
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       \   works if you ask it the proper questions"
Shoreline, Washington USA \___________________________________________


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Racette)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Partiton Problem
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:13:41 GMT

Hi guys,

I've installed Mandrake 7.1, and since I
let it create it's own partitions 
instead of creating them with Partition 
Magic, I have a problem with the other 
partition on that same disk. I can't 
access them with Partition Magic, nor 
with OS/2's FDISK.

The error message I have with Partition 
Magic is as follow:

"This error occurs under some operating 
systems when logical partitions are not 
chained together in the expected order. 
DOS, OS/2, Windows 95, Windows 98, and 
Windows NT require that logical 
partitions be chained together in 
ascending order. Some other operating 
systems do not require this. For 
example, some versions of the Linux 
FDISK utility chain logical partitions 
together in the order they are created. 
This error message identifies a very 
dangerous situation; using the DOS FDISK
in this situation can cause loss of one 
or more partitions. "

I need to resize some of the partitions 
that are access with OS/2, and WIN98

If you have any advise how to correct 
this I would appreciate

Thank you in advance

Merci a l'avance


ICQ #48552954


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gzip / zip / compress : 2 gig limit?
Date: 03 Aug 2000 16:07:18 -0400


> Hi all,
> I have a Linux fileserver for my company of ~60 people.  I have about
> 40 gig of data uncompressed.  I back up to tape, but I'd also like to
> be able to tar it (with compression, like tar -cvzf), or zip it, or
> something.  Unfortunately all methods die at the 2 gig limit mark.  I
> assume this is a limitation of the compression program rather than the
> ext2 filesystem isn't it?

ext2 on ia32 does not support 2GB files.

i am not sure about the limits on tar.  are you using tar *directly*
to your tape device?  for example:

$ cd /dir/tree/to/back/up
$ tar cvzfb /dev/your-tape-drive 200 .

i usually set the TAPE environment variable to the tape device if i
have one or the floppy /dev/fd0 if i don't (yes, the floppy can be
used like a tape!).  then you don't need any "f" option.

> I read about somebody compiling gzip to support larger files, but don't
> have a clue where to start.  Can anybody help me create compressed
> files greater than 2 gig?
> Aaron
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin E Cosgrove)
Subject: Re: at&t lex
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:16:55 GMT

In article <8m95jt$4r6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Thomas Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> what sort of compatibility problems?
> (the only ones I've noticed have been bugs in lex - or old versions of flex)

        I've noticed that legacy lex tolerated bugs in legacy .l
        files which flex, even with -l, will not tolerate.  An
        argument for bad code?  "No, don't squash that bug!  I'm
        counting on it!".   ;-)


Unless otherwise noted, the statements herein reflect my personal
opinions and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: rsh and password
Date: 3 Aug 2000 20:21:18 GMT

On Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:00:04 GMT, 
 David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ' To expound on that, use ssh, preferably, openssh.  The syntax is the
> ' same as it is for rsh, but everything is encrypted.  That last statement
> ' is probably over-simplified, but it should suffice. :-)
> I've been trying to get openssh to work on my systems.  I have it
> compiled without errors, but I can't authenticate:
> david@solo:> ssh apostrophe -v
> SSH Version OpenSSH_2.1.1, protocol versions 1.5/2.0.
> Compiled with SSL (0x0090581f).
> debug: Reading configuration data /usr/local/etc/ssh_config
> debug: Applying options for *
> debug: Seeding random number generator
> debug: ssh_connect: getuid 500 geteuid 0 anon 0
> debug: Connecting to [::ffff:] port 22.
> rresvport: af=10 Invalid argument
> debug: Connecting to [] port 22.
> debug: Seeding random number generator
> debug: Allocated local port 870.

Icky... Remove the suid bit from ssh.  You don't need it.

> debug: Connection established.
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

"Hey, I tried to tell them who I was, and they hung up on me!"

> debug: Calling cleanup 0x805cbb0(0x0)
> david@solo:> 
> I've posted, begging for help, but I have received none :-(.  I would
> love to be doing systme configruation of apostrophe with ssh as I plan
> to move that machine to my ISP and will want to use ssh to administer
> it remotely.  This includes file transferes.
> I probably need to post more information, but I don't know what.  I
> could sure use some help with this.

Server logs would be interesting.

My guess is that your build of ssh is using tcp wrappers (or libwrap,
the library version of the same) and hanging up on you when you connect.

Brian Moore                       | Of course vi is God's editor.
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
      Usenet Vandal               |  for it to load on the seventh day.
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian V. Smith)
Subject: Re: rsh and password
Date: 3 Aug 2000 20:17:38 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Nobels) writes:

|> does rsh send a password over the network?

No, you must have the hostname and user name of the source machine 
in the .rhosts file on the destination machine for rsh and rcp to work.  
Thus, no password is necessary or passed.

Brian V. Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL; they don't pay me enough for that.
Check out the xfig site at

 To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the  
 glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big 
 as it needs to be.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin E Cosgrove)
Subject: Re: at&t lex
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 20:22:53 GMT

In article <8m9nd3$h46$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M Sweger) writes:
> I remember seeing about 2-3 months ago that at&t lex is free now.
> Check Kernighan and Ritchies Web site.

        Do you know their URL?  Web searches for K&R-like words
        turn up far too many false positives.


Unless otherwise noted, the statements herein reflect my personal
opinions and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Y. Chang)
Subject: Monitor dies with Corel install
Date: 3 Aug 2000 20:21:36 GMT

Hi.  I am having a few problems with monitors dying under Corel
installation.  The monitors die shortly after the splash screen
(that has the 3 tux portraits on the left hand side).  I have
traced this problem to a peculiar scan mode change a few seconds
after this screen.  The only monitors that seem to burn are the
old fashioned two-mode inductor switched ones (in which an 
inductor is switched in with a relay to attain a different scan
range).  The symptom is a shorted horizontal output transistor.
The monitors work fine after this transistor is replaced.

The problem does not occur with modern monitors with firmware
or hardware invalid scam mode lockout.  Other than replacing
with all modern monitors, how does one get past this problem?
Actually, since the problem is known, monitor upgrades are not
that big a deal anyway.  Has anybody else seen this problem?



Subject: Re: the psychology of linux and the hacker ethos
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 15:29:19 -0500

I'm in computer chip (Digital IC DSP) design. Here are my reasons for using Linux:

1) I wanted more familiarity with the UNIX type environment I work with every day-
mainly so that I could debug programs at work with my knowledge from home.

2) I wanted a good X environment so I could work from home. I also wanted a 
good programming environment. 

3) I wanted to learn more about operating systems. 

I also knew I'd encounter a "roadblock", such as a broken program or configuration 
issue, as I would with *ANY* computer configuration. But with opensource at least 
I have a fighting chance of fixing things.

Ultimately, it does come down to motivation.  I'd like to learn to play the 
piano, but would have no place to play it and no time to play it. It's a 
good and noble goal but I have to decide how I'm going to spend the finite hours of 
my life I have been given and what is important to me and Piano playing is not it. 
I do spend time volunteering and dancing. That's how I've decided to 
utilize my time. It's no different for any other career or life-oriented 


shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings to one and all,
>     Now, I dont really know how to approach this subject, but... well Im
> having trouble with my whole learning
> process. I possess no great love of an operating system that crashes
> frequently, which is the main driving force for my learning linux as
> opposed to using Windows. Other than that though I have very little
> motivation. This problem also plagues my quest to learn a programming
> language, ANY programming language... Ive tried to learn c, c++, perl,
> python, even HTML causes me to stumble and turn into a vegetable...
> these things seem to me like lack of motivation, or laziness, or perhaps
> im am just not at the right age to start cramming all of these things
> into my cranium. I know this is a bit off-topic, and also that its not
> really a question one can answer in concrete terms,  but im making this
> call out to all listening; my path to linux is obscured, show me the
> light!

> =)

> shawn


From: Carl Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cron behaves differently on Sundays?
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 13:26:13 -0700

I found a sort-of explanation for the following. Truth be told,
some of my systems had this line in the root crontab:

       0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/sbin/sendmail -q

but some had

       0,15,30,45 * * * /usr/sbin/sendmail -q

The missing * in the latter caused cron to interpret my command
as the day of the week, and the remaining token, "-q", as an
option to the shell.

The reason it didn't complain 6 days of the week, I am guessing,
is that "/usr/sbin/sendmail" didn't match up to any day except
Sunday. That is, the command was never running except Sundays.

An examination of /var/log/cron on all the systems showed that
the ones with 4 stars ran sendmail every 15 minutes as intended,
while the ones with only 3 stars did not.

I guess one way around this (besides typing it right!) would be
to have some sort of network-wide job scheduler.

--Carl Benson

Carl Benson wrote:
> Here's an odd one. I have many systems running RedHat 6.2 or 6.1.
> They all have the same entry in root's crontab:
>         0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/sbin/sendmail -q
> The purpose of this is to clean out /var/spool/mqueue, because
> none of these systems run sendmail as a daemon (for security
> reasons).
> Six days of the week, this works fine. But on Sundays, from 00:00
> to 23:45, every occurrence of this command yields the following
> message in an e-mail to root:
>         Subject: Cron <root@cachalot> -q
>         X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
>         X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/root>
>         X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/bin>
>         X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>
>         /bin/sh: -q: bad option
> This is so bizarre! Why only on Sundays? Any ideas?
> --Carl Benson



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