Linux-Misc Digest #509, Volume #24               Thu, 18 May 00 03:13:02 EDT

  AOL for Linux??? (David Bell)
  Huge icons in winlinux2000 (kai)
  Re: XFree86 4.0 rpms (Silviu Minut)
  Re: Calendar? (FyreFiend)
  modprobe problem during boot (Ulrich Brachvogel)
  Re: Changing KEY MAPPINGS... (root)
  Re: modprobe problem during boot (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (Michael Hofmann)
  Re: Help!:  Root password messed up (Koos Pol)
  console keymap vs. X keymap (K Mankoff)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux ("Richard Gill")
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (Koos Pol)
  average load of > 1 and 97% idle time??? (Alexander Loehr)
  Re: setting back partition 1 active (Wong Fat Keung)
  Re: Calendar? (Andreas Kahari)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (eyez)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (eyez)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Bell)
Subject: AOL for Linux???
Date: 18 May 2000 05:27:46 GMT

Hello!  I know this is going to sound stupid, but....  Is there an AOL client
for linux?  I've been using my AOL email addy for years, and can't change
it....  Thanks!

David Bell - Otherwise known as DB7654321

Remember to remove nospam, notrash or anything odd looking from my email
address. :)


Subject: Huge icons in winlinux2000
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 05:30:06 GMT

I'm using SVGA 8 bbp as forced hardware for intel i740 card.It boot up 
well but when it come to login menu..waaaahhh..!!!!what a huge icon ..I 
tried using other forced display card but it still the anyone 
can help me instead of downloading the new update from 
website because the updates has a large size of file..thanks a lot...

Posted via CNET


From: Silviu Minut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: XFree86 4.0 rpms
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 01:38:03 -0400

> You mean like this?

3) root:/opt/backup/RPMS/X4> rpm -ivh --test ncurses-5.0-12.i386.rpm
error: file /usr/bin/clear from install of ncurses-5.0-12 conflicts with file
from package ncurses-4.2-18
error: file /usr/bin/infocmp from install of ncurses-5.0-12 conflicts with
file from package ncurses-4.2-18
error: file /usr/bin/tic from install of ncurses-5.0-12 conflicts with file
from package ncurses-4.2-18
error: file /usr/bin/toe from install of ncurses-5.0-12 conflicts with file
from package ncurses-4.2-18
error: file /usr/bin/tput from install of ncurses-5.0-12 conflicts with file
from package ncurses-4.2-18

...and the list goes on and on and on...

It's not an rpm question.
ncurses-4 and 5 have many programs in common, so I can't install both
packages. If I upgrade (rpm -Uvh) the packages depending on ncurses-4
complain. It seems that one must force ncurses-5. My question is, has anybody
tried this without devastating consequences?

> Isn't Linux supposed have solved this DLL hell type problem?
> Can't one have multiple versions of a library installed at the same time or
> is this a RPM problem you refer to Silviu?
> Jim


From: FyreFiend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Calendar?
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 01:39:13 -0400

Thank you for replying.
I was looking for something like the BSD program "calendar" which looks 
for the file ~/calendar. In that file are dates and comments. So if my 
~/calendar file has "1/1 Happy New Year" in it calendar would show that 
message on the first of the year. I'm afraid I've become hooked on it 
for keeping track of birthdays, etc. I know about the X based ones but I 
was hoping for something text based.


In article <8fveq3$hen$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andreas Kahari 

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Fyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > Does anyone know where I could find a text based calendar program for
> > Linux like the one that comes with SunOS or BSD? I searched freshmeat
> > and RH's RPM page but all I could find were web or X based ones.
> Which calendar program comes with SunOS or BSD?
> There's always the 'cal' program, but you can't do your time planning
> with it...
> /A
> --
> # Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
> # All junk email is reported to the appropriate authorities.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Mind the spam trap. My real address is fyrefiend (at) mac (dot) com.
Flames just get deleted so don't bother.


From: Ulrich Brachvogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: modprobe problem during boot
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 00:16:00 +0200

since installation of kernels >2.2.10 there repeatedly (ca. 20 times ) comes
following message: 
modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4
I looked into the start-scrips in init.d and also in /etc/modules.conf.
I didnt find any attempt to load a module of this name ( in modules.conf
the alias char-major-4 line is commented out).
Obviously the indicated error doesn´t any harm but I´d like to know what´s
the reason for it. TTFN :-))

// <( ) 
//    \______// 
//     \____/    Ulrich Brachvogel 
//       / \        "Save The Curlew!" 


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,nf.comp.linux
Subject: Re: Changing KEY MAPPINGS...
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 03:31:08 -0230

John David Bowden wrote:

> : > >Is there some way in KDE that I can change key mappings....???   For
> : > >example, if I wanted to use the <DEL> key that is located under the
> : > >numeric keypad the same way that the regular <DEL> key used, is there
> : > >some way that I can do this...   I'm using netscape messenger right now,
> : > >and it doesn't make use of the numeric keypad at all (unless the
> : > ><NUM LOCK> key on...
> Changing keyboard mappings has nothing to do with KDE -- it has everything
> to do with X.  You should have a look at the man pages for xmodmap.  It
> explains how it works, and has a few examples.  It might be necessary to
> check out xev (run it from a terminal to see the output), which will
> output the important information about mouse motion/clicks, and
> keypresses.
> John

So would I be able to set a key map which will be global throughout the X server,
in every program that will be running...???

Thanks for responding...


From: Prasanth Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modprobe problem during boot
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 06:11:16 GMT

Ulrich Brachvogel wrote:
> Hi,
> since installation of kernels >2.2.10 there repeatedly (ca. 20 times ) comes
> following message:
> modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4
> I looked into the start-scrips in init.d and also in /etc/modules.conf.
> I didnt find any attempt to load a module of this name ( in modules.conf
> the alias char-major-4 line is commented out).
> Obviously the indicated error doesn´t any harm but I´d like to know what´s
> the reason for it. TTFN :-))
> // <( )
> //    \______//
> //     \____/    Ulrich Brachvogel
> //       / \        "Save The Curlew!"

Does adding a line lie as follows to /etc/fstab (and then reboot) help?

none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0

FYI, module char-major-4 is not really module but an attempt by a
program to
access /dev/tty* files which are character devices with major number 4.

The other think I just did is do "modprobe -c" and in there I get

alias char-major-4 serial

Prasanth Kumar


From: Michael Hofmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 07:29:50 +0200

Foogar wrote:
> Something like an app that would randomly crash?  

No need to develop it. Some of us got it running every day: Netscape.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Koos Pol)
Subject: Re: Help!:  Root password messed up
Date: 18 May 2000 06:16:26 GMT

On 17 May 2000 16:43:19 GMT, David Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Now, I can't login as root from the console, but I can su from a normal user
| account.  After I'm in using su, I tried changing to root password and it
| looked like everything worked...  I exit back to the login and try root: 
| Still doesn't work!  So I logged in as a normal user and used su, it worked. 
| Without thinking, I cleared the root password entry in /etc/passwd --   Maybe
| I thought it'd reset the password?  Now I'm stuck... I can still use single
| user mode I guess.  I've got another machine running RH 6.1, could I copy the
| /etc/passwd on to the other machine?  I'm out of ideas.  Please help!  TIA

Haven't you forgotten the shadow password file? This may need to be updated
as well!
Anyways, a simple solution could be:
1 - boot with "linux init=/bin/bash"
2 - Cutting/pasting the password from a regular user to the root account.
    Now you can login as root with the password of the regular user.


Koos Pol
S.C. Pol - Systems Administrator - Compuware Europe B.V. - Amsterdam
T:+31 20 3116122   F:+31 20 3116200   E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check my email address when you hit "Reply".


From: K Mankoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: console keymap vs. X keymap
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 00:18:55 -0600

Hi *,

distro: RH6.2

i changed my keyboard layout by manually modifying
and then reloading the keytable. The problem is that whenever i start
xwindows, the keyboard reverts to its old bad layout. Any ideas?



From: "Richard Gill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 08:10:25 +0200

No, too difficult !!
He and the university team would have to work 3 years at least to randomly
crash like Windows !
They should rewrite completly the kernel, what a stuff !!!!


Foogar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message :
8fub69$71d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Something like an app that would randomly crash?  Windows could be
> by that!
> --
> ========================================
> to reply via email, send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "Mongoose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> |   I was thinking, maybe not just servers and stuff, but an application
> | that windows users have but linux doesn't. Something that would give
> | windows users more of an incentive to move to linux, or help them
> | migrate to linux.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
Date: 18 May 2000 01:35:28 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> So what is the problem with doing this in the KDE desktop? 
>KDE isn't free.

For sufficiently bizarre definitions of free.

>And GNOME is nowhere near fully-developed.

There is gnorpm which seems roughly the same as kpackage, but the KDE
filemanager starts kpackage in install mode when you click on
a *.rpm file.  Gnorpm has an install mode but doesn't seem to
take filenames on the command line.

>Perhaps.  I've never actively administered a RedHat system.  Are all
>of RH's configuration tools proprietary or non-free? 

I've seen the claim that they are all GPL'd.  Didn't matter that
much to me - the iso is available for download so they are at
least free in the usual sense.

>If they were open source and portable between distros, I'd
>think they'd show up in Debian.  (After all, Bonobo and friends have.)

I haven't touched Debian since my first experience with dselect in
1996 or so.  I'm sure it has improved since then but I couldn't
deal with their attitude about how much better dpkg/dselect was
(when it didn't even work on a lot of systems) compared to rpm.
I'd be very surprised if that attitude every goes away to a
point where they would share rpm tools with RedHat.

  Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Koos Pol)
Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
Date: 18 May 2000 06:20:59 GMT

On Wed, 17 May 2000 14:39:01 GMT, martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| How about an easy-to-use text editor ? (console, not GUI please :) ?
| One without a million complex commands, but with ability to select
| text with shift+arrow keys, like most dos/windows/os2-based editors
| do, F2 to save a file instead of Ctrl-x + Ctrl-s or something and
| those other features that are standard on other operating systems.
| Basically, a simple editor that doesn't need a 300-page tutorial. 
| I can't find any of those in linux. Not for console anyway.
| --
| Martin

Oh yes you can! Try FTE. It does exactly all what you requested :-)

And it runs on Unix, Windows, OS/2,...

Koos Pol
S.C. Pol - Systems Administrator - Compuware Europe B.V. - Amsterdam
T:+31 20 3116122   F:+31 20 3116200   E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check my email address when you hit "Reply".


From: Alexander Loehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: average load of > 1 and 97% idle time???
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 08:53:38 +0200


I've got a machine running Samba, Apache and Squid for routing.
Sometimes the machine displays a load avergae of > 1 (up to 1.66)
although the idle time is about 97%. I don't understand this.

Any ideas?

Dipl.-Inf.            omp computer gmbh  Tel. 05251-15098-146
Alexander Löhr        Nordstraße 21      Fax. 05251-15098-190
Systemprogrammierung  D-33102 Paderborn  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wong Fat Keung)
Subject: Re: setting back partition 1 active
Date: 18 May 2000 06:41:06 GMT

Dances With Crows ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: On 16 May 2000 08:23:22 GMT, Wong Fat Keung 
: <<8fr0hq$rs0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
: >     I've set up linux (red hat 6.0) in new partition with a few OS
: >in other partition.  I need to manually using fdisk to set back the
: >active partition to 1.  How can I do it automatically when I logout?

: There is absolutely no reason you should need to do this every time you
: shutdown or reboot.  Which boot loader are you using, and how have you set
: it up?  Both LILO and *BSD's bootloader are perfectly capable of booting
: WinXX if they're set up correctly.  I strongly suggest you read the LILO
: Howto at and see if you can
: figure out how to set things up correctly.

        I use "System Commander Delux 4.0" to load different OS.  It is
my first time to use it.  I don't know why the program couldn't set the
active partition back to 1 automatically.  In additon, could LILO load
other OS besides the WinXX?

: That said, if for some screwy reason you HAVE to do this, make a backup
: copy of the MBR first, then use fdisk to set partition 1 to active, then
: make a copy of this new MBR and add in a line to your shutdown script:

: # dd if=/dev/hda of=/root/bootsector1 bs=512 count=1
: # fdisk      (set everything manually)
        It seems fdisk could operate only interactive but not with
command line argument to do it automatically.  Am I right?  Besides,
does there any other program could do it automatically? 
: # dd if=/dev/hda of=/root/bootsector2 bs=512 count=1
: (in shutdown script)
: dd if=/root/bootsector2 of=/dev/hda


Best regards,


From: Andreas Kahari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Calendar?
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 06:54:23 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  FyreFiend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for replying.
> I was looking for something like the BSD program "calendar" which
> for the file ~/calendar. In that file are dates and comments. So if my
> ~/calendar file has "1/1 Happy New Year" in it calendar would show
> message on the first of the year. I'm afraid I've become hooked on it
> for keeping track of birthdays, etc. I know about the X based ones but
> was hoping for something text based.

Oh, *that*.

It's included in the 'bsdmainutils' package for Debian GNU/Linux, see
There shouldn't be a problem finding it for e.g. Red Hat or Sussie
(sorry :) or Mandrake, but I don't know where to start looking. You can
always get the tar.gz file from the Debian site and compile it yourself.


# Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
# All junk email is reported to the appropriate authorities.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (eyez)
Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 06:53:16 GMT

quoting <Leslie Mikesell>:
>I haven't touched Debian since my first experience with dselect in
>1996 or so.  I'm sure it has improved since then but I couldn't
>deal with their attitude about how much better dpkg/dselect was
>(when it didn't even work on a lot of systems) compared to rpm.
>I'd be very surprised if that attitude every goes away to a
>point where they would share rpm tools with RedHat.

>From my experience with debian, dpkg/dselect/apt *IS* better than rpm.
The biggest problem with rpm's on debian is that the dependency databases
for rpm as compared to the dpkg/apt ones are completely incompatible.
however, debian's distributions do currently contain the 'rpm' program as
well as 'alien', so you can convert an rpm to a .deb... debian has strived
to make the dpkg system work completely, in such a way that debian's
children (stormlinux, corel, libranet, et cetera) are all fully compatible
with debian. Any of these systems could be updated to debian with little
effort through the apt-system, and That would work reversely. Also, apt
could check each of the mirror sites for each of these distributions, and
update packages from all of them just as effortlessly. (Don't argue with me, I 
had a concurrent debian-Woody/StormLinux-Rain system for a while). That's a 
level of consistency that RedHat with it's SuSE/Mandrake/Caldera spawns can't

I've had to install some rpm packages on my debian system before, and it's
not hard to do, but it annoys me just the same that nobody ELSE supports
any package format but rpm.

>  Les Mikesell

Rando Christensen
<perception is reality>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (eyez)
Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 06:58:42 GMT

quoting <Koos Pol>:
>On Wed, 17 May 2000 14:39:01 GMT, martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>| How about an easy-to-use text editor ? (console, not GUI please :) ?
>| One without a million complex commands, but with ability to select
>| text with shift+arrow keys, like most dos/windows/os2-based editors
>| do, F2 to save a file instead of Ctrl-x + Ctrl-s or something and
>| those other features that are standard on other operating systems.
>| Basically, a simple editor that doesn't need a 300-page tutorial. 
>| I can't find any of those in linux. Not for console anyway.
>| --
>| Martin
>Oh yes you can! Try FTE. It does exactly all what you requested :-)

Fte is truly a Wonderful editor, and by far my favorite for programming use
in linux. (Hey, I never thought i'd say it, but color-coding things CAN
come in handy! ;)

Joking aside, it's a wonderful tool for programming, and plain editing. i
have my VISUAL environment variable set to it, and do much of my editing
with it, Though my quick-n-dirty(TM) edits are done in Vim.

>And it runs on Unix, Windows, OS/2,...
>Koos Pol
>S.C. Pol - Systems Administrator - Compuware Europe B.V. - Amsterdam
>T:+31 20 3116122   F:+31 20 3116200   E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Check my email address when you hit "Reply".

Rando Christensen
<perception is reality>



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