Linux-Misc Digest #509, Volume #18                Fri, 8 Jan 99 00:13:09 EST

  Re: RAMDISK in RedHat 5.2, what are them for? Can remove them? (Choon-Cheng Chee 
(remove "removethis" in my e-mail))
  Need help with partitioning problem. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux on iDot computers? ("Eric G. Stern")
  Re: SAP-GUI (hamid misnan)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Start Linux from within windoze?? (Buck)
  Re: ISA/PCI Networking (Rdunzl)
  Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march? (thomas lyons)
  Re: gpm mouse problem ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: Adobe Framemaker on Linux? (J.H.M. Dassen (Ray))
  Re: Using kermit when not logged in as root (Gordon Haverland)
  Re: SuSE 5.3 and printing (Gordon Haverland)
  Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march? (jedi)
  Re: Newbie asks: why Linux? (jedi)
  Re: Linux fails to boot after dual-booting Windows 95;Reinstall LILO and it works 
again!? (Michael Powe)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Choon-Cheng Chee (remove "removethis" in my e-mail))
Subject: Re: RAMDISK in RedHat 5.2, what are them for? Can remove them?
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 13:38:12 GMT

On 5 Jan 1999 19:10:37 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Villy Kruse) wrote:

>The inital ram disk is only required to load the scsi driver before
>mounting the root file system.  If you don't have scsi you don't need
>the inital ram disk and the install procedure won't make one.
>In any case the space used by the initial ram disk will be released as
>soon as the real root file system is mounted.

I don't have SCSI. I wonder why they were created, and I doubt I have
specified SCSI support. Nevermind... I will leave them alone.

Thx for the reply! 8)

Choon-Cheng Chee
chee at mail-me dot com
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
* Watch my return address! Editing required !* 


Subject: Need help with partitioning problem.
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 22:55:30 -0500

I was trying to install Mandrake and RedHat from my second
hard disk.  I had it set as a fat32 extended dos partition
(drive g).  I had c through f on my first hard drive.

I defragged the drive 2 disk and shrank the fat32
partition to 1.2GB with Partition Magic 4 (in Win98).
Then made the difference a partition with Linux file
system.  Also made a swap area with PM4.

Then I tried installing RedHat.  I then erased and created 
partitions with Druid.  Over and over again.  I eventually
erased all the Linux partitions with Druid.  Thinking I have
a clean disk, I was going to expand the fat32 partition again.
But when I fired up PM4 this time, I get a "Partition error 
#113".  I look error 113 up and it says:

#113    Partitions overlap 

The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. If 
data partitions overlap, writing to one may destroy data in another.

This error is sometimes the result of an OS/2 FDISK bug. If free space 
exists within the extended partition, OS/2"s FDISK program allows a 
primary partition to be created that overlaps the extended partition.
 A logical partition is subsequently created in the space occupied by
 the overlapping primary partition. 

If a primary partition overlaps the end of the extended partition but 
does not overlap any logical partitions within the extended partition,
 the problem can be remedied by patching the partition table.

WARNING!  Only qualified individuals should attempt this repair. 
An incorrect patch could destroy all data on the hard disk. 
============= end of error 113 =================

I go to DOS and try running FIPS.  I've never run it, but
wanted to see what it said.  It gave the warning:

The drive contains overlapping partitions.  This is a serious

I ran FDISK.  It said some numbers that weren't correct.  I
don't remember what they were.

What should I do.  The fat32 (drive g) at the moment is having
no problems with reading and writing from Windows or DOS.  I
have no way do back up the files on this drive. 

My question is what caused this?  And can I fix this crossed
partition problem without losing any data?

Also, I should be getting a CD of RedHat in the mail in the 
next couple of days.  Should I just leave things as they are
and try to install RedHat properly on this disk the way it is?

Thanks for any help.  If you could email me, I would appreciate 
it.  My ISP changes news servers on the fly.  I might miss the
reply.  Thanks again.

South Bend, In. USA


From: "Eric G. Stern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Linux on iDot computers?
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 14:42:05 +0000

Jason Taverner wrote:
> I'm looking for a really cheap disposable machine to putter around with
> Linux on.  iDot computers look plenty cheap.  But I have no idea how
> well suited they are.
> Can anyone inform me?  Thanks in advance.

I'm running Linux on an idot system.  There were lots of problems.  The
modem idot sold me is a winmodem although they had said it shouldn't be.
Basically any modem under $60 is probably a winmodem.
The graphics card was an i740 based card unsupported by xfree although
there is a free server available from redhat.  There was also a
commercial server that I was ready to get when I found the free one. 
The sound card is not supported even by the commercial OSS version.  The
moral is that you have to really check out everything and my impression
was that I wasn't able to do that before I bought.  The web site was not
very helpful or informative about what the system actually came with.

                                Eric Stern


From: hamid misnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SAP-GUI
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 15:20:58 +0800

Christopher Browne wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Jan 1999 00:20:12 +0100, Karl Esau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >the only thing that I still miss is a Linux SAP-GUI for SAP R/3.
> >SAP delivers X/GUIs for nearly every commercial Unix.
> >
> >Is there either a Linux SAP-GUI or is it possible to emulate X11
> >for AIX, HPUX or DIGITAL Unix binaries on Linux?
> I have run the Digital UNIX binaries on an OSF/1 box, and exported the
> display to a Linux box.  That's not the answer you wanted; the straight
> answer is that *none* of the existing Motif-based binaries will run on
> Linux.  The packaging tools that SAP AG uses don't run happily on Linux;
> that notably includes any attempt to run the Digital UNIX version on
> Linux/Alpha.  (I haven't had opportunity to try Linux/SPARC :-).)
> There is rumor of someone getting a Windows version of SAPGUI running
> atop WINE; I haven't had success thus far.

There should be a Java version of SAP-GUI which should work across OSes.
But I have not seen any in production just yet and wondering where can I
download that version. In SAP homepage, they were saying that the Java
version need to be connected to a Unix server (HPUX/DigitalUx/Sun) but
will probably won't run on Linux.


Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 02:52:44 GMT

David Kastrup writes:
> Well, in *our* country court cases are decided by the law, not by
> public votes, but of course, in the land that has made lynching
> popular the procedures might be different.

Perhaps they might be in that land, wherever it might be.  In the United
States, however, they are not.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


Subject: Re: Start Linux from within windoze??
Date: 8 Jan 1999 04:04:49 GMT

On Wed, 06 Jan 1999 15:07:13 -0800, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 01/06/99 
:    at 08:50 PM, Karl Kahre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
: >Create a boot floppy disk and boot from that onto your Linux partition.  No
: >dual boot is necessary, without the floppy it will boot into NT and you
: >can't see the Linux partition.  Boot from the floppy and it puts you into
: >the Linux partition.  Any Linux users would need a floppy, of course.
: Aha ... that's the ticket I need! Thanks!  (Hadn't thought about that for
: anything other than survival!)

I use a couple of lilo bootdisks. /etc/lilo.conf has to be pointed
at /dev/fd0. This way the PC only reads the boot sector of the floppy to
locate the kernel on my second harddrive. This makes booting much faster
than loading the kernel off the floppy like a standard bootdisk.

For best safety, use a separate hard disk for Linux. Done this way, the 2
OS's won't interfere with each other at all.
The posted address is bogus.


From: Rdunzl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: ISA/PCI Networking
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 09:04:56 -0600

Jim Finney wrote:
> Hello,
> I cannot get my Linksys ISA 10mb lan card to be recognized by the
> RedHat5.1 installation program.  I am trying to install it in a 100mHz
> Compaq and it is telling me that it "cannot find the device anywhere on
> the system".  I have tried several different IRQ and I/O settings but
> have not had success.  The card is recognized and works OK under Windows
> 98.  It is an older machine with an ISA/PCI bridge in it.  It supposedly
> will accept both ISA and PCI cards.

I have one, a PCI board. I had to tell the system it was ISA or it
wouldn't work. Then I just gave the install program the IRQ and it found
it. It wouldn't take with both IRQ and I/O or simply I/O settings.


First rule of intelligent tinkering - save all the parts


Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 22:15:59 +0000
From: thomas lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march?

I use SuSE and Win98. Here is the scoop...

Linux is for VERY advanced users and as such, will have a small user
base. If everyone was required to be a mechanic before they drove a car,
the road would be very empty. By the same token, Linux requires
heavy-duty computer skills as well as ALOT of time to configure.

While Linux might be good as a web server using apache, etc., as a desk
top machine, it fails. Maybe in 2-3 years it might be different, but for
right now, Bill Gates wins.


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gpm mouse problem
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:02:41 -0500

I had a similar problem.  My mouse is a MS Intellimouse PS/2.  The mouse
would work at the console and work in X window, but when I exited X the
mouse would barf if I moved it in the console - then hang at shutdown where
yours does until I jiggled the mouse a little.

I found the problem was the RH5.2 gpm package itself.  I downloaded and
installed the 'imwheel' package which contains a patched version of gpm and
everything now works fine.  ( I remember I had to manually edit the mouse
configuration file because RH5.2 'mouseconfig' didn't know about the new
options in the patched gpm - 'imps2' for my mouse.)

Running with imwheel also lets me use the wheel on the Intellimouse.

I downloaded the 'imwheel' RPM package (imwheel-0.9.5.tar.gz) from:

Charles Sullivan

Kent Hunter wrote in message ...
>I recently installed Red Hat 5.2 and any time I shut down, the systems
>on "Terminating gpm mouse services."  Is there any sort of patch available
>for this problem?  I plan to reinstall linux soon (to set my partitions the
>way I want them), and I wonder if it would be a problem to simply not
>install the gpm daemon.  I've never been without it and am not sure how
>useful it really is.
>Thank you,
>Kent Hunter


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J.H.M. Dassen (Ray))
Subject: Re: Adobe Framemaker on Linux?
Date: 7 Jan 1999 14:58:14 GMT

Hilary McClure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Has anyone tried running one of the Unix versions of Adobe Framemaker on
>Linux? They advertise versions for Solaris, HP, AIX, and SGI IRIX, but
>not for Linux.

To run binaries from another operating system, they need to be for the same
architecture you're running Linux on. If it's Intel, that means only the
Solaris/x86 binary would be a possibility (AFAIK, there's no HP-UX, AIX or
IRIX for x86). I suspect chances with a SCO binary are higher though.

You might want to ask in comp.text.frame (the FrameMaker newsgroup) too,
though I doubt it's been done (A DejaNews Power Search on "linux" in
comp.text.frame yields no obvious success stories.)

Adobe's engineers have compiled FrameMaker on Linux without any
difficulties, but those in control don't see a market for a Linux version.
(See Probably the same goes
for other Adobe products like Distiller.

Rather than attempting to emulate another OS's FrameMaker binary, I'd advice
you to put pressure on Adobe for a Linux version, or to consider switching
to a DTP package vendor that supports Linux.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.


From: Gordon Haverland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Using kermit when not logged in as root
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 07:59:04 -0700

Frank da Cruz wrote:
> In article <76vso2$bc8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Tim Hedger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I've set up Kermit (using the Redhat rpm installation) on my Redhat 5.2
> : Linux machine.
> :
> : Having spent some time getting it configured properly (with entries in the
> : relevant init files to configure the modem etc) as root, I logged on as
> : another user and tried to use it.
> :
> : I got errors in the startup of kermit, when it tried to SET LINE
> : /dev/modem - I got "permission denied"

> Please read the UNIX appendix of "Using C-Kermit" or the section of
> ckuins.doc (C-Kermit for UNIX Installation Instructions) on "Dialing Out and
> Coordinating with UUCP".
> The same obstacles must be dealt with in UNIX no matter what communication
> software you are installing.  Minicom happened to come preinstalled this way
> so you didn't notice it.

I just went through a reinstall of C-Kermit on a SuSE 5.3 install.

YAST likes to set /dev/modem to point to /dev/ttyS_, instead
of /dev/cua_.  Maybe the RedHat setup is similar.

Even running as root, this produces odd kermit behavior.
Try setting /dev/modem to point to the cua device.

My kermit setup is: kermit is owned uucp in group uucp and
is SUID.  /dev/modem and/dev/ttyS_ are owned by uucp
in group uucp as well.

I hope this helps.

Gordon Haverland


From: Gordon Haverland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SuSE 5.3 and printing
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 08:06:08 -0700

John Meissen wrote:
> Well, I've adapted to most of SuSE, and overall I'm pretty happy. But
> I have one major problem left....I can't print.

I too have a 5.3 install, and printing is strange.  Supposedly
"magic" print formatting is installed, but only a couple of
formats actually seem to print.  Trying to fund where in the
spooling setup the files are getting eaten by turning on
various debugging features hasn't been helpful either.

If you are used to big lpr spooling systems, what you might
try (which is what I intend to do), is to go to ASTART 
(or AStArt) and get a copy of LPRng and associated printing
utilities.  I have a LPRng setup at work, and you can crank
up the debugging high enough to track down where files
mysteriously get eaten.  It is overkill for a home printing
setup, but it works.  There is a HOWTO at ASTART on setting
up LPRng.

Gordon Haverland


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march?
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 20:38:01 -0800

On 7 Jan 1999 17:25:30 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jerry says...
>>How does Linux fit in?
>>First, Linux is both the server and workstation OS.  It is essentially
>first, the cost is the last thing a home user will look at.


        No, the first thing the 'home user' is gonna look
        at is is 'everyone else' using it.

        Then will come price.

>the proof is simple. Linux has been free for how many years now? 9 years?
>ok, let say 3 years just to be fair. (we have to give Linux some slack).
>This thing has been free for 3 years, and yet %90 of home users still use
>windows and applications written for windows. I see them at Fry's each day,
>buying windows based shrink wrapped applications and games like crazy, boxes
>and boxes of them. They leave and yet come back for more. and none of it
>is free!
>isn't that amazing?
>may be ease of use and good office application and higher quality of end
>user type applications on windows has something to do with it?

        Nope. Home users don't want MS bundleware because it's
        good, they want it because 'everyone else' is using it.

                Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
Neither will do a thing unless they really want to, or         |||
is coerced to the point where it will scratch your eyes out   / | \
as soon as your grip slips.

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Newbie asks: why Linux?
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 20:42:28 -0800

On 7 Jan 1999 17:47:40 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, somebody says...
>>of course you can do a lot more w/ linux.   many config options at the
>>console and X level.   but many users don't need this.
>>anyway,  i am not trolling for Be or bashing linux.  just stating my
>>opinion that most new people don't need the techno-shock of linux.
>I agree completly!
>I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "but many users dont need
>I think an end user type computing system does not need all those additional
>features that a commerical/backroom/server type of system would need.
>for a starter, and end user system need NOT be a mutliuser system.
>This alone cuts allot of complixity out. One Box = One User.

        Yes it does. That contributes considerably to system
        stability. Remove it and stupid and malicious people
        can play havoc with the system (like they can with
        MacOS and WinXX).
        That's why NT is somewhat multiuser.

>The problem with Unix as an end user system is that it was designed as
>a multi-user, commerical/server type Operating system. And now to try to
>offer this same system for somone at home who just needs a box to play
>a game on, balance their checkbook, write a document, draw a picture etc..
>is not working, becuase it is forcing the user to have to manage and learn
>all the extra complixity that they have no need for.
>This is why I think systems like BeOS, Mac or Windows are better suited
>than Unix as an end user/home user/consumer type computing system.

        Run BeOS on your machine and then come and comment on things.

                Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
Neither will do a thing unless they really want to, or         |||
is coerced to the point where it will scratch your eyes out   / | \
as soon as your grip slips.

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux fails to boot after dual-booting Windows 95;Reinstall LILO and it 
works again!?
Date: 07 Jan 1999 20:14:36 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Hardwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Eric> So the order of events is like this: 1. Turn on machine; Get
    Eric> LILO boot: prompt.  2. Choose Windows 95; Win95 boots
    Eric> correctly.  3. Shut down Win95; Reboot machine; Get LILO
    Eric> boot: prompt.  4. Choose Linux; Watch boot messages (gets
    Eric> past HDD detection, mounting drives, fsck) 5. Machine
    Eric> reboots itself when loadable modules line is displayed
    Eric> (Loading vfat...), right after vfat item is displayed.

Have you tried disabling the loading of the vfat module to see if that
is causing the problem?


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- --
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

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