Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #26                Thu, 9 Nov 00 06:13:04 EST

  Re: changing shells (Jeff Howie)
  Re: Can't get "ln -sf" to work ("David ..")
  ssh problems (Matthew L Creech)
  Re: Reformating (dan)
  Re: Software RAID ("Giampaolo Tomassoni")
  Installing an FTP Server (Bob Hutzel)
  Re: is linux good for graphic design? (CDM)
  Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows (Peter)
  FREEWARE - Unix shell scripts (Richard Anderson)
  Re: Installing an FTP Server (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: linux print servers (NAVARRO LOPEZ, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel)
  Leer 'exit' desde el shell ("Angel")
  Re: multithreads + multiprocessors (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: RH7.0 'ls' bug? (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: How do you fix a reboot + fsck problem? (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: Problems with tcpdump and 100BaseT (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!! (Arnaud 
  Re: Named started? ("gonZo")
  Re: Mandrake install problems (Eric)
  Change of disk - server. (Ezio PAGLIA)


From: Jeff Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: changing shells
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 22:39:36 -0600
Reply-To: Jeff Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 06:29:42PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How do I change my shell from Bash to TCshell as the default?

    $ cat /etc/shells

To find what shells are available, then

    $ chsh
    New shell [/bin/bash]: /bin/tcshell
    Shell changed.


    $ man chsh

For more info.

 Sent via
 Before you buy.


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't get "ln -sf" to work
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 00:02:45 -0600

Timur Tabi wrote:
> Could someone explain this to me please:
> [root@one src]# ll
> total 16
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 ttabi    ttabi          17 Nov  8 11:22 linux ->
> linux-2.4.0-test2
> drwxr-xr-x   18 root     root         4096 Oct 30 17:52 linux-2.2.14
> drwxr-xr-x   14 1046     101          4096 Nov  8 12:13
> linux-2.4.0-test2
> drwxr-xr-x   14 ttabi    ttabi        4096 Nov  8 11:21
> linux-2.4.0-test9
> drwxr-xr-x    7 root     root         4096 Jun 12 18:07 redhat
> [root@one src]# ln -s -f linux-2.2.14 --target-directory=linux
> ln: linux/.: cannot overwrite directory
> [root@one src]#
> I specified the -f flag, so why doesn't it delete the target and force
> the link?

I think it is more like:

 ln -sf linux-2.2.14 linux
                Where linux would be target directory

Or you could also do it like this:

 [root@one src]# ln -sf /usr/src/linux-2.2.14 linux

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than: 98.795% of seti users +/- 0.01%.


From: Matthew L Creech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ssh problems
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:25:39 -0500

When I try to SSH into my own box, I get this error message:

#ssh blah@blah
blah@blah's password:
usage: login [-p] [name]
       login [-p] [-h host] [-f name]
       login [-p] -r host
Connection to closed.

Anybody know what this is about?  It worked fine before, but I've just
spent the day changing file permissions and stuff trying to make my
system more secure.  It apparently works fine as far as SSH goes (if I
type 'ssh blah@blah somecommand' it executes somecommand and spits out
the results fine), but I don't know why it's not giving me an
interactive shell.  Any help would be much appreciated.

Matthew L. Creech


Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:15:33 -0500
Subject: Re: Reformating


One of the best thing, that will ganrantee a clean and fresh harddrive is to
find out what company makes the hard drive and then go to their website and
see if they have a utility that writes all "0" to the harddrive, this will
make the harddrive appear as if it was "new" and never had been used.  Then
you shouldn't have any problem installing win98.


Cindy wrote:

> I hope I can make this sound right...My grandson tried to put Linux on his
> computer which already had Win 98 and when he tried to boot it up the
> screen says something about invalid partition.......I have tried to
> reformat the harddrive and it will let me but won't let me put win98 back
> on. How do I get rid of this invalid partition thing and get the harddrive
> back to  1 drive.
> --
> Posted via CNET


From: "Giampaolo Tomassoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Software RAID
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 08:39:44 GMT

"Jason from The Workshop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto nel
messaggio news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> redhat 6.2 lets you install on a software RAID partition.
> Redhat 6.1 does also now that I think of it and even has a nice GUI
frontend to
> create the partition.  Its what I have been using for some time now, not
that raidtab
> is hard, but it sure beats installing, creating the array and then

I tried it, but it seems you can create and install only raid0 devices, not
6.1 has a button with (well, let me remember) I guess 'Raid partition' on
it. It creates 0xFD partitions, but I recall it wasn't completely working.

I don't remember the installation steps I followed, so I may be forgetting
something or even wrong. I recall I had to perform a manual raid1 activation
due to lack of sufficient support in both redhat versions.

Also other distributions (like Caldera and even the SuSe 1 ton cds) seem to
miss the point in raid1: none of them let create a raid1 device and install

By the way, the reason is even simple: if you want to mirror the boot device
(like I everytime want) you'll find that lilo woun't install any boot
reference to /dev/mdX, because the MD device virtual-disk geometry is faked.
If you want to mirror the boot device, you have to stop raiding it, run lilo
on the 'true' device and, than, restart and reconstruct the raid. This is a
trick that probably is too much for many distributions.

Anyway, I believe that correctly supporting raid1 at install time is a must.
But other ways would be appreciated too, like the one available in a WinNT
environment: you specify an active partition on a disk and a free area on
another, click 'establish mirror' and that's all... Too easy.

Why shouldn't be the same on Linux? Are we wimp?



Giampaolo Tomassoni Information Systems Consultant 8 Aprile 1948, 4 Tel/Fax: +39-0578-21100
I-53044 Chiusi (SI)  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Bob Hutzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing an FTP Server
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:33:32 -0500

How can I go about allowing users to ftp into my system without
rerunning linux setup. I have telnet working fine thanks to the help of
you guys. Anon-ftp is giving a dependency requirement for ftpserver to
install. --nodeps does not work. I'm confused as to how to go about
this. Thanks in advance, Bob


Subject: Re: is linux good for graphic design?
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 09:31:51 +0100

Some more packages....


"Doug Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I would do anything to drive bill into the ground. So I want to use linux.
> Is it any good for doing graphic production? And do I need a special
> version of all my software to use it on linux?
> --
> Posted via CNET

Opinions expressed herein are my own and may not represent those of my employer.


Subject: Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 09:19:38 GMT

On Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:19:44 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>With an accounting system, it will _surely__ be more efficient
>[counting Therbligs; see "Therbligs: The Keys to Simplifying Work"
><>] to enter numbers
>on a menu screen looking like:
>1. G/L     4.  Payroll
>2. A/R     5.  Sales
>3. A/P     6.  Inventory
>[_] Enter 1-6, or Esc to exit
>As compared to having to mouse around to click on icons or to pull
>down menus.
>Counting the milliseconds, it will take fewer milliseconds to press
>"2" than it does to move your hand away from the keyboard, grab the
>mouse, negotiate a path to the right spot, and then click on the "A/R"

About 100,000 Australians use text based accounting systems as you
describe. About 600,000 use graphical accounting systems. There are
also users of mixed systems but they total way less then 600,000.

On the graphical systems beginners get going with 1 hour of training.
On the text base systems, people require 6-8 hours training and a lot
of practice.

I notice Accountants with many years experience on text based systems
swapping to GUI based systems so the interface works the same as their
spreadsheet application, word processor and email program.

There are plumbers that want to focus on plumbing, not accounting
systems yet are up and running with the current generation of graphic
user interface based accounting systems.

Australia's massive changeover to GST was predicted to be worse than
the results of the 2 digit date design decision. The availability of
accounting systems with easy to follow GUIs made the changeover easy
for a lot of small businesses. Plumbers, electricians, cleaners and
others all learning the daily grind of invoicing etc easily. 

I have never measured the time delay involved in moving my hand from
the mouse to the keyboard for those few infuriating fossil programs
that require the typing of a 1 digit number in a box when a drop down
menu is so much easier and more accurate. For input of 1 - 6, a drop
down menu eliminates mistakes like typing in 8.

Of course some people can type really fast with character based
systems. They are the ones most in need of RSI prevention measures
such as using the mouse. The old typewriter had a regular paper change
to prevent constriction of the blood supply in your forearm.

Moving your hand from where ever you have it now to the mouse is a
great relief.

For graphic intensive operations, such as some activities in
PSP/Photoshop/Gimp, the use of a touch pad and cursor keys provides
the same break from the mouse as the mouse provides from the keyboard.

Get a GUI so you can do it every way.

And remember for at least 10 minutes of each hour:

                   get your hand off it!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Richard Anderson)
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 01:11:07 -0500
Subject: FREEWARE - Unix shell scripts

Korn shell scripts for text processing, file and directory processing,
customizing your login environment, disk space management, performance 
analysis, system monitoring and system security.  It includes generalized 
login environment files for the Korn shell, bash and the C shell.

Some of the functions of Typhon:

* Substitute one text string for another in all files in a directory tree,
  skipping non-text files. The substitution strings can be regular expressions 
  or plain text. 

* Display all subdirectories as a visual directory tree.

* Copy a file to multiple remote hosts, with disk backup of the target file on
  each host. 

* List all subdirectories in one or more directories, including symbolic links
  to directories. 

Part of Typhon is distributed as freeware, part as a commercial product.  You
can download the freeware or purchase the product at

Richard Anderson, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer, Raycosoft


Subject: Re: Installing an FTP Server
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 09:45:56 GMT

Bob Hutzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How can I go about allowing users to ftp into my system without
> rerunning linux setup. I have telnet working fine thanks to the help of
> you guys. Anon-ftp is giving a dependency requirement for ftpserver to
> install. --nodeps does not work. I'm confused as to how to go about
> this. Thanks in advance, Bob

A ftp-server_nnnn.rpm package should be on the distribution CD.  If it
isn't, or installation is a going to be a problem, you might try
installing from source code the Linux port of the BSD server.  It's
downloadable from and from  It's not
too hard to install, is thought to be more secure than tftp or
whatever, and you can configure it either for Pluggable Modules or
shadow passwords.  There's already an answer about how to install it
in the FAQ at the address in the .sig.  To configure an "anonymous"
user, refer to the ftpd man page and to the Network Administrator's
Guide at, which should also provide some
additional and necessary security tips.

Robert Kiesling
Linux FAQ Maintainer 


From: NAVARRO LOPEZ, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel 
Subject: Re: linux print servers
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 09:41:30 +0100

> I'm trying to make one of my linux boxes a print server for our
> network.  I am running lpd and can get it to print to the printers but I
> can not get it to accept any requests from other machines. I have
> allowed all hosts in hosts.lpd and hosts.equiv (only until I get it
> working) and still no go.  When I print on a client box and then type
> lpq I see the following message:
> waiting for queue to be enabled on longduck
> Rank   Owner      Job  Files                                 Total Size
> 1st    root       0     ...                                  16408 bytes
> longduck: lpd: color1: Your host does not have line printer access
> any suggestions?

Yes: strangely enough hosts.lpd DOES NOT support regexps so you should
either delete hosts.lpd at all (from top of my memory, this means
everbody is allowed) or match IPs (or names) explicitly and one by one.


From: "Angel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Leer 'exit' desde el shell
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 10:17:05 GMT

        How can I see if a shell that I run from another shell has exited
whith 0 or 1  (exit 0  or  exit 1) ?

        I work with bash and ksh.

Thank you

Angel Belda


From: Raymond Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: multithreads + multiprocessors
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 12:20:11 +0100

Linux will gain performance on a SMP with threaded applications. It
strongly depends on the appliactions (IO forinstance) how well the
application scales on SMP.
Even with Threads it might occur that a application is way slower on SMP
than on a single CPU.

I don't know about any functionality in the thread libraries to lock a
process to one CPU. I do however no that it is possible with some kernel
patches. The TUX webserver is threaded and keeps a process locked on a
CPU. I though that this was an extra kernel patch, but don't pin me down
on that.

I do however know that with standard forked or threaded applications
migrate from CPU 0 to 1 and vice versa, slowing down the system

Is your appliaction IO oriented? Or strictly matimatical, if the latter
is the fact, then I can suggest programming your appliaction in such a
fashion that you get instruction parallelism gaining about 95% speed.
(Depending on the method how you access your data).

There is a great SMP HOWTO that lifts the vail on all these issues and
it is sure worth reading.



> hi :
> I would like to ask does the linux kernel 2.2.X or above
> supports processor affinity for threads ?  That is, the
> programmer can specify/bind/lock a particular thread to
> one particular processor.  If it is, can anyone tell me
> how to ?  If it isn't, is there any tools that can
> help in doing that ?
> many many thanks.
> cheers,
> Kai
> -----------------------------------------
> "Ah, 'All things come to those who wait.'
> They come, but often come too late."
> -----------------------------------------


From: Raymond Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: RH7.0 'ls' bug?
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 12:21:04 +0100

Hmm let me see, RedHat a .0 release, MAJOR UNSTABLE. =-)



> /bin/ls --version gives: ls (GNU fileutils) 4.0x
> when run by root on a filename.rpm file,
> "/bin/ls -F --color" displays it in red color, while when run by a
> non-privilaged user, same command doesn't color the filename.rpm
> (permissions: -rw-r--r--)
> This just seems weird.
> Wroot
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: Raymond Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you fix a reboot + fsck problem?
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 12:27:10 +0100

My idea is that one of you partitions isn't being removed from the /etc/mtab file.
When a partition hangs in their it is assumed that the system isn't been shutdown

What you should do is shutdown, mount the partition right write and clear out all
the info in the mtab file.

This is not only a SuSE problem, it also happend to RedHat systems and infact
I beleive it is a bug in somewhere in the kernel. On the RH system that I saw it
occur it also occured due to the fact that the xlock or xscreensaver crashed.


Michel Catudal wrote:

> When I had the screensaver installed I would get deadly crashes.
> Not wanting a forced fsck on reboot just because the X was crashed I gave
> it a software reboot command and told it not to do fsck. On the next boot
> it gave me a warning that there was some problem on one of the disk so I figured
> out that the crash of X did more than just keep me from accessing the keyboard
> and mouse. I was logged in telnet thru my son's computer not being able to
> do anything on my PC.
> One time trying to reboot without succes I was trying different reboot commands
> which I don't remember. Anyhow what happens now is that everytime the PC reboots
> it does a fsck whether there is a clean shutdown or a crash.
> Which script have the offending code that force this bullshit?
> This is on SuSE professionnal version 7.0
> I have allready asked for help at SuSE but from what I see they only interested
> in receiving my checks and no more. The distribution is good but the service
> is useless.
> --
> Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
> then it's time to upgrade to Linux.
> We have software, food, music, news, search,
> history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: Raymond Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems with tcpdump and 100BaseT
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 12:27:48 +0100

None what so ever.



> Has Anyone had problems using tcpdump on a 100BaseT network?


From: Arnaud Kok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!!
Date: 9 Nov 2000 10:35:16 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In article <7vaO5.1094$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The URL fails :-(  Guess somebody moved on.

The URL was mistyped it's:

Btw. Another program you can use is rescuept (it's what i once used). If
gpart failes you can give it a try. You'll find it at:
(There is also a link to gpart there)



From: "gonZo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Named started?
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 10:38:22 GMT

most likely you'd use the command
/etc/rc.d/init.d/named start

to start up bind. to see if it is up type
/etc/rc.d/init.d/named status

and /etc/rc.d/init.d/named stop
to stop the thing again.

It is suggested to watch syslog after starting named to see if anything acts
as you want it to.

tail -f /var/log/messages

should show that info.



"Raymond Doetjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Which version of named are you running?
> I saw this happen once on a RedHatbox with Version 4.3.something (NOT 9).
> If you have a version younger then 4.3.9 or younger then 8.2.2p5
> UPGRADE QUICKLY. Then your dies might be a thing of the past also.
> Raymond
> Wayne Pollock wrote:
> > Suggest you check the error logs.  Maybe named has some entries
> > explaining why it dies.
> >
> > It sounds like your named runs ok for a while then dies unexpectedly.
> > A temporary work-around it to not start named via the standard Linux
> > method of an rc shell script.  Instead, add an entry for it directly
> > in /etc/inittab and use the "respawn" option.  This way, init will
> > automatically restart named any time it dies.
> >
> > But, check the error log (/var/log/messages) first!
> >
> > -Wayne Pollock
> >
> > Jay wrote:
> > >
> > > We are running a secondary DNS service on a Linux Red hat 6.2 OS
> > > We had no problems initially but then we stopped getting authoritative
> > > responses from this machine.
> > > A colleague went into /etc/ and typed named and then all was fine.
> > > Now twice this week we have not been getting an authoritative response
> > > the box, so we go into /etc/ and type named and nothing happens...
> > > from the cursor dropping down a line and just flashing (without a
> > > typing ps shows nothing to do with named.
> > >
> > > Is it not running?
> > > If not then why?
> > > If not then how do we stop it from stopping?
> > >
> > > Jay


Subject: Re: Mandrake install problems
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 11:39:42 +0100

CSNI wrote:
> I changed the bios setting to enable the memory hole.
> at the cdrom install I got:
> Intatll exited abnormally -- received signal 11
> sending termination signals
> sending kill signals
> Unmounting file systems
>         /proc
>         /tmp/rhimage
> it is safe to reboot..........


Don't enable it, the poster meant you should disable it.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,it.comp.os.linux.sys
Subject: Change of disk - server.
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 10:46:55 GMT

Dear linux guru's and masters,

through your kind help, we learned how to make backups and rescue
diskette in order to restart our system in case of crash.

Yet our present aim would be to study the actions needed in case of
change of the server. Suppose you strongly touched a lot a
applications : DNS, sendmail, procmail, web server, perl applications,
news server, ftp area, web server and web pages. And you are not able
to rebuild the exact order of actions you made.

Practically I need to change only the disk device, the ethernet card, 
and so, but the software would remain the same.

What to do ?
Thank you.

Versione per il newsgroup italiano:

Cari amministratori linux,

grazie anche al vostro aiuto, abbiamo imparato i meccanismi di
ripartenza, ricostruendoci una rescue diskette con il kernel,
applicando i moduli opportuni etc.

Pero' ora mi chiedo che cosa fare se in caso di crash bisogna cambiare
macchina oppure in ogni caso vorremmo cambiare disco con quello di
un'altra tecnologia. Supponete che abbiamo toccato fortemente ed in
maniera a volte difficile elementi del sistema e che quindi quello che
e' nel salvataggio completo ci interessa fortemente. Non e' cioe'
fattibile rifare da capo gli ambienti di dns, sendmail, procmail,
webserver, news server, squid, ftp etc.

Cosa occorre fare per trasportare il sistema su un nuovo disco ?




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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