Linux-Misc Digest #321, Volume #26               Thu, 16 Nov 00 02:13:01 EST

  Linux GIF images (p e a r c e)
  Re: Linux GIF images (Hal Burgiss)
  Test  ---ignore me, just @home trouble checking ("pl")
  Re: Program to convert Unix file format to DOS / Windows format. (Jeff Howie)
  Re: the relation between Linux and GCC (Robert Kiesling)
  How to setup dual/multiple monitors ? (Arctic Storm)
  Re: future of the Desktop Wars (Jerry L Kreps)
  Print Screen key ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Connecting the output of one printer filter to another. (mike)
  Re: RANDOM shell variable in bash (Roy Wilson)
  Re: Print Screen key ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KDE2 and RH7.0 trouble (Minko Markov)
  Re: i815E + AGP Riva TNT2 ? (Harold Oga)
  Re: Lilo and moving an IDE disk (James Richard Tyrer)
  RH 6.2 shutdown problems ? ("Jerry Queirolo")
  Re: Help... X Windows runs at a crawl.. Be my mentor,, Please (Eric)
  Re: national fonts with Konsole (Petasis George)
  Re: Path problem (Eric)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (p e a r c e)
Subject: Linux GIF images
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:16:59 GMT

ANyone know where I can find a "powered by linux" GIF image that I can
insert into the opening page of my website?  Something like the small
GIF file on the redhat page in the lower left-hand corner.

Thanks in advance!

REPLY TO: pearce AT orangedelta DOT com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Re: Linux GIF images
Reply-To: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:23:25 GMT

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:16:59 GMT, p e a r c e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>ANyone know where I can find a "powered by linux" GIF image that I can
>insert into the opening page of my website?  Something like the small
>GIF file on the redhat page in the lower left-hand corner.

You might check these sites

Hal B


From: "pl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Test  ---ignore me, just @home trouble checking
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:29:12 GMT


From: Jeff Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Program to convert Unix file format to DOS / Windows format.
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 21:14:46 -0600
Reply-To: Jeff Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 09:11:03PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     I just saw a request on this list for a program to convert DOS files
> to Unix.
>     I would like a program to convert Unix format to DOS

All that is needed is to add an extra carriage-control to the end of
each line. A short perl line like this will do:

    $ perl -pe 's/$/\r/' unix.file

Where 'unix.file' is the input file (could be *). This will leave the
original file with a '.org' extension. Just replace the above ''
with '-i' if you don't want the backups.


 Sent via
 Before you buy.


Subject: Re: the relation between Linux and GCC
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:35:31 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hartmann Schaffer) writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Robert Kiesling  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...
> >Minix was constrained by its design for the 8086 and 80286, and did
> >not use GCC at all, but, as you said, used the Amsterdam Compiler Kit,
> >IIRC.  Minix also has a commercial license and at the time, was at
> to be fair, only few people had internet access then, and tanenbaum
> felt going through a publisher was the best way to make it widely
> available.  the license was designed to let people experiment with the
> system, but you couldn't  distribute modifications without going
> through the publisher.

The license from Prentice-Hall didn't allow distribution of the
source code that came directly from them.  There was a Minix 
FTP site.  A good number of the Unix programs had been ported
over, and some were rewritten so they would fit in the 64K 
code/data memory space.

I e-mailed this originally, because it seems off topic here.

Robert Kiesling
Linux FAQ Maintainer 


From: Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to setup dual/multiple monitors ?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:38:28 GMT

How to setup dual/multiple monitors ?
Is dual monitor possible in Linux?  Multiple monitors?
I have RedHat Linux 7.0.
Has anyone successfully installed multiple monitors?  How did you do it?



From: Jerry L Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: future of the Desktop Wars
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:44:58 -0600

Tyler Larson wrote:

> I have both KDE and Gnome installed on my computer (running RH6.2) and
> have come to the conclusion that I like Gnome more for its
> customizability,
> but am still not content with either one.  It seems that KDE has won
> as far as stability and ease-of-use is concerned, but Gnome still has won
> over more users over KDE where I work (where KDE, Gnome, IceWM and many
> others come installed on all the systems, and are equally accessable to
> every user) because the people like all the wonderful things they can do
> to it (Gnome). Gnome can certainly be made to suit a user's preferences
> and wishes much easier and to a greater degree; but at the same time,
> stability and consistency are very important as far as productivity is
> concerned.
> With the release of KDE 2, it seems that a lot of the issues I had against
> KDE were addressed, and if they add a few more features, I may switch. 
> The opinion amoung some of the other SysAdmins here is that eventually
> Gnome will will "win" (once it becomes more stable and consistant) because
> it caters more to the type of user who runs Linux anyway: the type of user
> who needs to be able to change anything and everything he wants to about
> his computer setup in order to be content--no restrictions.
> What do you think that the future of the Unix/Linux desktop will look
> like? Which desktop environment do you see becoming the standard for this
> platform,
> or will there never be such a standard?  I'm not asking which *is* better,
> I'm asking which do you think *will be* better 5 years from now.  Where
> do you see the most potential?

I see a WIN-WIN situation.  They both have to remain true to LInux and the 
libraries that Linux requires.  Applications may diverge and become desktop 
dependent, as is already taking place.  BUT, there is nothing stopping folks
from loading both desktops and cherry picking the features and apps they 

Five years from now I see KDE4 as rock solid as Linux itself, with power 
the Win OSs could only dream of and the number of apps utilizing the Qt 
toolkit approaching 5,000.   Apps like Quanta and QCad are only the 
beginning, and I'm not referring to those bundled with the desktop.  
KDevelop is already an important world class tool.   In five years it will 
be the defacto standard GUI RAD development tool. Nothing like the link 
between KDE and KDevelop is even on the horizon for GNOME.   If the gap 
between KDE and GNOME continues to widen most newbies coming from Gates 
dictatorship will migrate to KDE.   Those that currently proclaim the 
glories of the command line will move toward GNOME, always "being the last 
by which the new is tried."
Both KDE and GNOME developers will pick the best from the StarOffice 
release to enhance both their products.   SO5.2 will be the last version of 
SO that anyone will recognize.  Sun will get little economic return from 
their use of SO to fight against M$ and in five years Linux 3.0.x will 
retire propriatary unicies, leaving only Linux and Microsoft doing battle.  
While Linux has helped revive intererst in the more stable and propriatary 
unicies, tthe greed in their own licensing policies, combined with the ever 
increasing power of Linux will do them in, and they won't have billions in 
'investments' to keep them afloat.

I see Helix failing to sell propriatary versions of what GNOME will give 
away.  The power of C++ will continue to be expanded, resulting in a 
greater gulf between KDE and GNOME apps, as far as ease of applicaton 
development is concerned.  GNOME will always be struggling because coding 
on top of GTK+ takes a rare breed of individual to rapidly produce stable 
apps.    I recall GNOME being formed shortly after KDE to 'fight' KDE 
(because the Qt license wasn't GPL then) and even though they've had 
essentially the same amount of time to produce results, the difference in 
quality and quantity is remarkable.  GNOME is still trying to achieve 
stability and recently began yet another 'reorganization' - read more 
delays.  Icaza still makes speechs on why Windows has a better 
multitasking/multiuser paradigm than Linux. which he claims he can emulate 
with his CORBA, bonobo components.  But, talk is cheap.

Five years from now memory will be in the 50 GB range, for $50, and disk 
capacity will be 5-10 TB.  CPU speed will be 5-10GHz with boxen containing 
2 to 8 cpu's.  The military will have diskless, instant-on battlefield 
computers that will have the current power of boewolf clusters, and will 
have Linux as the OS.  (The military won't want the NSA peeking through any 
'back doors'!)  

But, I'm no prophet.


Subject: Print Screen key
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:55:02 GMT

Hi --

I code in C under Linux, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to
effectively trap the "Print Screen" key -- WITHOUT entering into any
special "raw" mode.

Most other "function" keys send an escape sequence starting with '\33',

It seems that pressing Print Screen, however, sends a "Signal 3" to most
programs, which means that they then print "Quit" to stdout and then

Anyone dealt with this before?



p.s. Note that I'm not concerned with actually printing a screen dump /
screen shot. I just want to use the key. Thanks.


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Connecting the output of one printer filter to another.
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 05:06:21 GMT

    how would I send the output from one printer filter to another.
I am using "smbprint" as a printer filter to my Win95 printer. I would
like to add a pre-filter to that to be able to modify the input to
the existing smbprint filter.




From: Roy Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RANDOM shell variable in bash
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 05:30:03 -0000

Paul, thanks.

Paul Kimoto wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Roy Wilson wrote:
> > Before posting, I had attempted what I think you are suggesting. I have 
> > version 1.14.7(1) of bash and my bash(1) man page is dated in 1995.
> > your version provide the information I'm after?
> Hmm.  I have bash 2.03 (Debian) and the man page says that RANDOM will be
> between 0 and 32767.  Of course, if you're using a different bash
> the behavior could be different ...
> -- 
> Paul Kimoto
> This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images, 
> hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
> and may be a violation of international copyright law.

Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: Print Screen key
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 05:37:43 GMT

Dan Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:>It seems that pressing Print Screen, however, sends a "Signal 3" to most
:>programs, which means that they then print "Quit" to stdout and then

: So, you have the obvious answer: trap SIGQUIT.

Ah, yes:

        (void)signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);

Thank you so much!



Subject: Re: KDE2 and RH7.0 trouble
From: Minko Markov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 05:49:02 GMT

"Kirk R. Wythers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I managed to get all of the kde2 rpms installed on my RH7 box. Trouble
> is when I try and start the kde desktop I get the kde2 splash screen,
> the little kgandolf tip thing, but that's it. I am left with a frozen
> gray screen, no toolbar, no nothing. the only thing I can do at that
> point is ctrl-alt backspace to kill the x server and login with gnome.
> Does this issue sound familiar to anyone?

I compiled KDE2.0 myself and never had ever any problem with
it. It is quite time-consuming, but is really easy. About your
problem: try to remove the whole ~/.kde directory first. Even better,
rename it to something, in case you want to restore it afterwards,
or if you have valuable info in it.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harold Oga)
Subject: Re: i815E + AGP Riva TNT2 ?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 05:57:25 +0000 (UTC)

Jacek M. Holeczek wrote in
>I am considering buying a new i815E based motherboard.
>I would like to use TWO displays. One (lower resolution) using the
>build-in i815 graphics, the other one (high resolution) using an
>additional NVIDIA Riva TNT2 AGP card.
>Is it possible ? Can I use an AGP graphics card AND the build-in
>graphics card of i815 simultaneously ? Or will plugging an AGP graphics
>card switch off the build-in graphics card of i815 automatically ?
   On my CUSL2, and I would assume all the 815e based motherboards,
   plugging in an AGP card will disable the onboard video.  To get 2
   displays using the onboard video, the other card must be a PCI card. 

"Life sucks, deal with it!"


From: James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Lilo and moving an IDE disk
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 06:32:02 GMT

Phil Whiles wrote:

> I have the following h/w:
> Tyan Trinity S1598 mobo
> IBM Deskstar 46Gb HD
> Chaintech ATA100R pci controller (HPT370)
> I wish to have the following IDE config
> CD             Mobo Pri
> CDRW       Mobo Sec
> IBM HD     HPT370 Pri
> ST HD        HPT370 Sec
> (All on Master)
> I can only install RH onto the IBM HD if it is on the mobo controller.
> OK ....
> I install RH, then modify the lilo.conf (floppy) with the append="ide2
> etc etc"
> Then I can use :
> Lilo: linux root=/dev/hde2
> (Having moved the IBM HD back onto the HPT370 of course).
> This all boots hunkydory, RH boots from the HD, and can see all the
> other IDE devices around.
> My question is : how can I config the lilo.conf to use root=/dev/hde2,
> to save me having to issue this on the lilo command line each time ?
> If I modify lilo.conf to have /dev/hde2, then rerun lilo, it complains :
> "Fatal : Not a number : "/dev/hde2"
> Errr....
> Regards
> Phil Whiles
> I have installed Redhat 7.0 (several times !) on to this HD.

When you move a disk, you need to edit "/etc/fstab"

Then you need to edit "/etc/lilo.conf"

And, finally run "/sbin/lilo"

If you need more specific details, post your additional questions.



From: "Jerry Queirolo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH 6.2 shutdown problems ?
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:39:35 -0800

Recently I had a power outage.  Since then, my red hat 6.2 server starts and
runs fine, but when I shutdown, I get errors.  It looks like at startup, the
PID's are stored in /var/run (like,, ...)
I've verified that the PID listed in those files is accurate.  When I
shutdown, after X comes down and it goes console, I'm used to seeing
messages like "Stopping xxx [OK]".  Since the power outage, I see something
like "Stopping xxx [error] invalid PID".  Checking in /var/log/boot.log
shows xfs: xfs shutdown failed, gpm: gpm shutdown failed... for most
services.  I'm new to this stuff and don't know where to look to see what's

Thanks in advance for any pointers,
Jerry Q.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help... X Windows runs at a crawl.. Be my mentor,, Please
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 07:58:51 +0100

> A pentium ii 300 should not be running as slow as you are describing.
> Logged in as root from the command prompt run:
> xf86config
> This will run you thru a script to reinstall your hardware for X.  It sounds
> to me like maybe your memory for your graphics card is not correct or
> maybe your not using the right graphics driver.  At the same time you
> can fix your mouse problem by selecting a generic mouse driver instead
> of the microsoft one.
> Good Luck,

Good advise, but make a backup of your current XF86Config file first.

The mouse is easy. the intellimouse works better when using the IMPS/2
protocol instead of the PS/2 protocol (change it in XF86Config)



From: Petasis George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: national fonts with Konsole
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 09:00:23 +0200

> Hi,
> Can anyone please tell me how to use national fonts with Konsole?
> With xterm it's easy: "xterm -fn FontName" , but I like konsole better.
> Thanks in advance!
> Wroot

I am not a KDE expert, but I think the new KDE uses unicode.
In order to see correctly non-iso8859-1 letters, konsole
has to know your locale. In my system I set the "LANG" variable
to hold my locale and I used kde's control panel to set also the language.
After restarting, konsole was able to correctly display ok characters in my



Subject: Re: Path problem
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 08:09:25 +0100

> > What does `echo $PATH` return?
> >
> > This will work (if you use bash or ksh):
> >
> > (on one line)
> >
> > export PATH=$PATH:.
> >
> > now if you enter
> >
> > `echo $PATH`
> >
> > you will see . is listed there
> >

I sure hope you tried exactly the steps described above first.

If that really failed (which I fail to see why) you should check if
you're using the shell you're expecting. run `echo $SHELL` if it doesn't
turn up either bash or ksh, I'm a lot less surprised.

And you did these commands on the command line? They won't work if you
try to run them from a script. And try to escape export from the shell
once (You didn't create an alias or so for export?) 

try the following too:

`\export PATH=$PATH:.`

and then

`\echo $PATH`

That will prevent aliases you may have created to be used.

What does `which export` return?




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