Linux-Misc Digest #458, Volume #26                Sun, 3 Dec 00 21:13:04 EST

  Re: Booting with 576KB conventional RAM ...or less. ("John D. Peedle")
  Re: Xterm question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Steve)
  Streaming Windows Media (Bruce Varney)
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Frame Buffering and Red Hat 7.0 (nope)
  Badly need help with a freezing box ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux Half Life Dedicated Server
  Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Kernel won't mount raid0 (Stephan A Suerken)
  Boot problems Redhat7 (Penpal International)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Setting up ftp server


From: "John D. Peedle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Booting with 576KB conventional RAM ...or less.
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 23:12:10 -0000

I don't think you have a memory problem here - you have proved that the
system can boot and run a kernel - after all, the installation completed
successfully. Are you sure you installed the right kernel?

John D. Peedle
RHCE - so I'm Biased!
Registered Linux User 167460

Juan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi.
> I've got a problem. A real one.
> About three years ago we bought a killer machine (by thoose days), a
> Fujitsu-ICL teamserver M754i, a quad PPro with 512MB RAM . The machine
> has been running OK until the moment we needed to upgrade the OS (that
> was UnixWare 2.1.2.) in order to install Oracle8i. The option were to
> spend lots of money and learning time with Unixware 7 or to install (
> tachannn!) Linux. We took the second option.
> I've been installing RedHat for several years, so I took  the RedHat 7
> CD-ROMs tha I had on my table, and I have succesfully installed several
> times in dual Pentium machines, and went to install the above mentioned
> machine. Installation went fine, but it was unable to boot the OS after
> finishing. After sometime discarding possible causes of the problem, I
> disabled the SCSI BIOS and got enought memory to boot from the boot disk
> made by the installation procedure. It would have been OK (not fine, but
> OK) except for the fact that the kernell in the floppy disk was a NON
> SMP kernel.
> The BIOS told that the conventional memory available was 576 KB, no
> matter what options I enabled or disabled  in the BIOS. There was no
> means to disable the system BIOS shadow on RAM, the only option left to
> increase the conventional memory. On the other hand, the kernell, when
> it boots, recognizes all the installed memory. I think the problem is
> with the boot loader that is unable to fit the whole kernel in memory
> due to the low ammount of conventional memory. Do you agree?
> From this point on I've tried several booting options :
>     - Making a boot disk with the smp kernel installed in the machine.
>     - Using  syslinux instead of lilo.
>     - Compiling lilo with LARGE_EBDA enabled and making a boot disk.
>     - Using GRUB instead of lilo
>     - Using loadlin from a msdos 6.22 disk instead of lilo.
> In the best cases the machine frozes after printing "OK, booting the
> kernel" in the screen.
> In the meantime I've got BootMagic and I'll try it on monday (if I dont
> get any better suggestion).
> Oh! Iforgot to tell you, I called Fujitsu support (Fujitsu Customer
> Services) and I was told that there was no way of disabling  the system
> BIOS shadowing, that was a feature included in the design of the machine
> and, by the way, Linux was not a supported OS for this machine. Good
> luck and goodbye.
> I would appreciate any suggesions, hints or workarounds to solve or
> overcome this problem.
> (Crying)
> I've tried to cut my veins with a Windows98 CDROM, but it did not work
> (even for this). Please help me!
> (Serious again)
> Thanks in advance.
> Juan.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xterm question
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 00:17:25 +0100

> whenever i start up xterm, rxvt, Eterm or some other terminal in
> Xwindows, it does not go to my home directory ie. $HOME. Instead, it
> goes to the directory I originally installed enlightenment from.

> What do i need to change to make the default directory [rxE]term go to
> my $HOME directory?

Nothing. They don't. They stay where they are launched from. Try it!

You might have some luck making them login shells (-ls to xterm), but I
don't see why even a login shell should do a cd to $HOME if it's not
started tehre, unless you put a cd $HOME in your .login or whatever is
the bash equivalent.

Or you could make a wrapper for them.

Or you might check the launch options in your window manager, which
seems to be enlightenment. But I use enlightenment occasionally, and I
can assure you that when it runs as window manager under my startx
or kde, then the xterms and Eterms run from my $HOME.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 23:40:43 GMT

I have the latest nvidia 0.9-5 tnt2 drivers loaded and XFree86-4.0.1
seems to be running. I am running Mandraxe 7.2 and the install wasn't
too bad.

What are some good ways to test 3D effects, GL support, and hardware
acceleration for video cards / drivers in X?


Subject: Re: I need a good book on Sendmail
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 17:09:12 -0500

* Manfred Bartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Lamar Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Anyone know of a good book for Sendmail?
> I don't think it is impossible to write a really good book about a 
> bad program.  The most important documents about sendmail might be the
> long list of security exploits in its history, check the appropriate
> sites, e.g. sans.
> Do yourself a favour and use a different MTA.

Such as?

Sorry I disagree, Sendmail is a very good app, and if one is current
it's as secure as any app can be.

Steve - Toronto
work like you don't need the money
love like you've never been hurt
dance like no one's watching


Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 19:04:04 -0500
From: Bruce Varney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.test
Subject: Streaming Windows Media

Is it possible to play a Windows Media stream on a Linux box?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Freezing Box - *whimper*
Date: 4 Dec 2000 00:14:17 GMT

In <90eh4g$lg1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

]In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
]> >
]> > I work for Ossec International (, if you're interested in
]> > page/product/whatever). We have recently installed a firewall at a
]> > company in our base here in Sydney. Everything was going okay until
]> > three weeks in, when it suddenly stops, it just freezes - no
]> > input, nothing.
]> > We thought at first it might be a hardware problem/conflict of some
]> > kind so we took out the four-port ethernet card and replaced it with
]> > three standard ones. Then it was still freezing, so we just replaced
]> > the entire box with one with a quicker processor.
]> > It's still freezing.
]> > The only clues we have to what may or may not be happening is one
]> > in the Apache access_log which gives a line that looks like this:
]> > ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@
]> > right after the freeze is registered as happening.
]> > The company in question gets alot of emails every day; over 5,000.
]> > though they use Microsoft Exchange as their mail server ( we shan't
]> > hold that against them too much; we're a pretty easy-going company,
]> > companies go ) it still shouldn't be enough to freeze the box up
]> > entirely.
]> > We are using a slimmed-down SuSE 6.4 on the box ( slimmed down in
]> > it's a firewall; we don't have a compiler, or any other uneccessary
]> > stuff on there that might interfere with security in any way ).
]> > Please help! I am but a humble trainee with no clue as to why this
]> > happening. Any more freezes ( it's now once a day, at half three in
]> > afternoon, bang on time - sometimes more ), and they are probably
]> > to cancel the contract, and as we are such a new company, we need
]> > the contracts we can get!
]> >
]> > Sent via
]> > Before you buy.
]> If you run out of both physical ram and swap, it will freeze. Servers
]> can use a lot of memory, and if it has caching DNS on it, that too
]> You might want to monitor closely the amount of swap it has, and how
]> much is used, up till the time it freezes.
]> And if there is a slightly low power line voltage at that location, or
]> spikes and other surges, it can show up that way as well. Make sure
]> have a good UPS on the line that can handle brownouts. Make sure the
]> power supply in the machine is sufficient for the hardware.

]I'm pretty sure it's not a physical ram or swap problem because because
]the cpu and memory usage never falls below 50%. Most days, I've seen it
]hover at around 98% idle. We even have a top.log and there has never
]been any processor usage that has taken it anywhere near maximum
]Similarly, we are not using caching DNS. We are using external DNS and
]we don't cache it inside the firewall. It's not really acting as a
]The company in question has a pretty good UPS and a well insulated
]power supply already. Although it is entirely likely that there may be
]power surges, having spent alot of time troubleshooting on site, I
]think I can say that I don't believe it to be a power-supply problem in
]any way, which is what makes it all the more frustrating that I can't
]figure out why it's still freezing.

]As to your last suggestion about it being an i840, I realised I should
]have informed you, but it's an 810 chipset, so I don't think that is
]the problem, either.

Well, I would suspect a hacker attack. Make sure that you have updated
all of the security stuff on the system. If suse uses rpm do
rpm -Va |grep '^..5'>/tmp/verify
and see if thee is anything suspicious. (Some of the files will
certainly have changed, but if things like find, ls, ps have changed you
have a hacker attack).

Next, I know on Mandrake 7.1 there was a bug which overflowed the nodes
on the / filesystem So although it indicted there was lots of disk
space, all the inodes were used up
Look in all the /var/log files and directories for a huge bunch of

When you moved to a new box did you just move the disks or did you

What happens if you do not run apache? (I know, it is supposed to be a
http server, so this is just a test).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (nope)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Frame Buffering and Red Hat 7.0
Date: 3 Dec 2000 18:15:24 -0600

Parse Error:  first sentence incoherent.  Before you say "None of [the
reasons why any card can't run VGA-16] wash," tell me this:  Have you
ever contributed any code to an X-server?  Have you even looked at the
code for various X-servers?  Have you dealt with the N+1 standards (or
lack thereof) among a random sample of 20 video cards?  It's a lot
harder than writing "hello world" .  Have you sent in bug reports to the
XFree86 team/your distro manufacturer for the particular problems you've
been having?  How are developers going to fix things if they don't know
what's wrong?

Another perfect example of floating a point non-seqetures,
All ove the above are non content to the argument as usuall,
It's what I haven't done, ya right, 
XVGA!^ was tried and a blank screen it is, 
As for writing code and sending? = non-sequenture to the the argument
If you want people to experiment and try an os that by the way may
be free but the boxed package support is not, the nebuluse they
the suppliers of that 59.95 boxed linux package needs to at least supply 
a 16 color vga driver that works.
The idea of paying the 69.95 is not having to "contribute to the code"
But then again that was predicted , people always divert to 
"nothing to do with " subjects when there ego gets waxed.


Subject: Badly need help with a freezing box
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 00:21:24 GMT

I work for Ossec International (, if you're interested in our
page/product/whatever). We have recently installed a firewall at a
company in our base here in Sydney. Everything was going okay until
three weeks in, when it suddenly stops, it just freezes - no keyboard
input, nothing.
We thought at first it might be a hardware problem/conflict of some
kind so we took out the four-port ethernet card and replaced it with
three standard ones. Then it was still freezing, so we just replaced
the entire box with one with a quicker processor.
It's still freezing.
The only clues we have to what may or may not be happening is one entry
in the Apache access_log which gives a line that looks like this:
right after the freeze is registered as happening.
The company in question gets alot of emails every day; over 5,000. Even
though they use Microsoft Exchange as their mail server ( we shan't
hold that against them too much; we're a pretty easy-going company, as
companies go ) it still shouldn't be enough to freeze the box up
We are using a slimmed-down SuSE 6.4 on the box ( slimmed down in that
it's a firewall; we don't have a compiler, or any other uneccessary
stuff on there that might interfere with security in any way ).
Please help! I am but a humble trainee with no clue as to why this is
happening. Any more freezes ( it's now once a day, at half three in the
afternoon, bang on time - sometimes more ), and they are probably going
to cancel the contract, and as we are such a new company, we need all
the contracts we can get!

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Linux Half Life Dedicated Server
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 00:30:08 -0000

I want to run a Linux box solely for a half life counterstrike server. 
What files do i need, what parts of the RedHat install do I need? And how 
do i set up the server?

Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 00:34:28 GMT

In comp.os.linux.x [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have the latest nvidia 0.9-5 tnt2 drivers loaded and XFree86-4.0.1
> seems to be running. I am running Mandraxe 7.2 and the install wasn't
> too bad.

> What are some good ways to test 3D effects, GL support, and hardware
> acceleration for video cards / drivers in X?

Mesa comes with a number of demos...  Xscreensaver and xlock both have GL 
screensaver's.  There are a number of game demos from Loki that use 
hardware accelerated GL.



From: Stephan A Suerken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Kernel won't mount raid0
Date: 04 Dec 2000 01:29:50 +0100


 I really applied all my research abilities ;) for two days now. So, I
guess the following either does not work for some strange reason, or I
might be doing something blatantly wrong.

 I have:

oo A RAID 0 array, identified in mdtab via

/dev/md0        raid0,16k,0,802eab69    /dev/hda3 /dev/hdc2

 Made under slink, now runs without problems under potato+raidtools.

oo Kernel 2.2.18pre23 and Kernel 2.2.17pre6 (both tried), with the
necessary RAID options (raid0, boot) enabled. Not as modules of course.

oo The lilo setup looks like:

image = /vmlinuz
        label = Orlok_Kernel
        root = /dev/md0

Note: the only parameter I am not really sure about is how to specify the chunk
size factor. However, I have tried several values. (16, 16k, 4, 8,...)

 The kernel runs smoothly until it has to mount /. I.e., before, /dev/md0 gets
assembled correctly (literally the same messages as you get with raidtools), but
the mounting of / always fails with:

EXT2-fs error (device md(9,0)): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 64 not
in group (block 3670038)!
EXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted!
The numbers can vary..

 Althouh it looks like my fs is corrupted (or needs to be updated
somehow), this not the case, as I have currently set up a initrd
solution, which runs smoothly. The only difference seems to be the way
how /dev/md0 gets assembled, via kernel (no-no) or via raidtools (ok).

I would be delighted if someone could shine a light on me. Does it,
for example, work with newly made arrays (mine have been made under



s-Stephan A Suerken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
s-Debian-related mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Penpal International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Boot problems Redhat7
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 02:20:44 +0100

I've got some serious problems booting RH7 linux. The system boots till
it gets an message from linuxconf: "Notice. The root device in fstab has
changed to /dev/hda5" (something like that).  Cotinue booting and it
stops booting after this message: "Switching to runlevel 3" After this
another line appears, but it dissapears to quick to read. The only I
could read was "sending signal" Then it gives the login windows. Can
anyone say what I've done wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Frank de Bot!

Using Suse Linux 6.2 with kernel 2.2.13 UP
  2:15am  up 22:03,  2 users,  load average: 1.67, 1.30, 1.20
Detected 115 processes, 56 unique processes with 4 unique users


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Kernel won't mount raid0
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 02:00:54 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc Stephan A Suerken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> /dev/md0      raid0,16k,0,802eab69    /dev/hda3 /dev/hdc2
> oo Kernel 2.2.18pre23 and Kernel 2.2.17pre6 (both tried), with the
> necessary RAID options (raid0, boot) enabled. Not as modules of course.
> image = /vmlinuz
>         label = Orlok_Kernel
>         root = /dev/md0
>         read-only
>         vga=4
>         append="md=0,0,16,0,/dev/hda3,/dev/hdc2"

waaaaaaaaaaah. Raid mirror root. Bad bad bad. Can you really do this?
It'd requires heaps of special support in the kernel! Where did you see
that you could? (Yes, *I* know that one can, with lots of prayer, but
it's not something that the random person in the street should assume
is just a normal situation that requires no effort).

> ---
> EXT2-fs error (device md(9,0)): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 64 not
> in group (block 3670038)!
> EXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted!
> ---

Yes, well, not surprised. Go find a kernel that is guaranteed to do
raid mirror root, and set it up for it. You need at least::


and possibly more.



Subject: Re: Freezing Box - *whimper*
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 01:16:29 GMT

In article <90enkp$qee$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh) wrote:
> In <90eh4g$lg1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> ]In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> ]  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ]> >
> ]> > I work for Ossec International (, if you're interested
> ]our
> ]> > page/product/whatever). We have recently installed a firewall at
> ]> > company in our base here in Sydney. Everything was going okay
> ]> > three weeks in, when it suddenly stops, it just freezes - no
> ]keyboard
> ]> > input, nothing.
> ]> > We thought at first it might be a hardware problem/conflict of
> ]> > kind so we took out the four-port ethernet card and replaced it
> ]> > three standard ones. Then it was still freezing, so we just
> ]> > the entire box with one with a quicker processor.
> ]> > It's still freezing.
> ]> > The only clues we have to what may or may not be happening is one
> ]entry
> ]> > in the Apache access_log which gives a line that looks like this:
> ]> > ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@
> ]> > right after the freeze is registered as happening.
> ]> > The company in question gets alot of emails every day; over
> ]Even
> ]> > though they use Microsoft Exchange as their mail server ( we
> ]> > hold that against them too much; we're a pretty easy-going
> ]as
> ]> > companies go ) it still shouldn't be enough to freeze the box up
> ]> > entirely.
> ]> > We are using a slimmed-down SuSE 6.4 on the box ( slimmed down in
> ]that
> ]> > it's a firewall; we don't have a compiler, or any other
> ]> > stuff on there that might interfere with security in any way ).
> ]> > Please help! I am but a humble trainee with no clue as to why
> ]is
> ]> > happening. Any more freezes ( it's now once a day, at half three
> ]the
> ]> > afternoon, bang on time - sometimes more ), and they are probably
> ]going
> ]> > to cancel the contract, and as we are such a new company, we need
> ]all
> ]> > the contracts we can get!
> ]> >
> ]> > Sent via
> ]> > Before you buy.
> ]>
> ]> If you run out of both physical ram and swap, it will freeze.
> ]> can use a lot of memory, and if it has caching DNS on it, that too
> ]can.
> ]> You might want to monitor closely the amount of swap it has, and
> ]> much is used, up till the time it freezes.
> ]>
> ]> And if there is a slightly low power line voltage at that
location, or
> ]> spikes and other surges, it can show up that way as well. Make sure
> ]you
> ]> have a good UPS on the line that can handle brownouts. Make sure
> ]> power supply in the machine is sufficient for the hardware.
> ]>
> ]I'm pretty sure it's not a physical ram or swap problem because
> ]the cpu and memory usage never falls below 50%. Most days, I've seen
> ]hover at around 98% idle. We even have a top.log and there has never
> ]been any processor usage that has taken it anywhere near maximum
> ]capacity.
> ]Similarly, we are not using caching DNS. We are using external DNS
> ]we don't cache it inside the firewall. It's not really acting as a
> ]server.
> ]The company in question has a pretty good UPS and a well insulated
> ]power supply already. Although it is entirely likely that there may
> ]power surges, having spent alot of time troubleshooting on site, I
> ]think I can say that I don't believe it to be a power-supply problem
> ]any way, which is what makes it all the more frustrating that I can't
> ]figure out why it's still freezing.
> ]As to your last suggestion about it being an i840, I realised I
> ]have informed you, but it's an 810 chipset, so I don't think that is
> ]the problem, either.
> Well, I would suspect a hacker attack. Make sure that you have updated
> all of the security stuff on the system. If suse uses rpm do
> rpm -Va |grep '^..5'>/tmp/verify
> and see if thee is anything suspicious. (Some of the files will
> certainly have changed, but if things like find, ls, ps have changed
> have a hacker attack).
> Next, I know on Mandrake 7.1 there was a bug which overflowed the
> on the / filesystem So although it indicted there was lots of disk
> space, all the inodes were used up
> Look in all the /var/log files and directories for a huge bunch of
> files.
> When you moved to a new box did you just move the disks or did you
> reinstall?
> What happens if you do not run apache? (I know, it is supposed to be a
> http server, so this is just a test).

We cannot use the rpm command because our distribution of SuSE is not
the standard one. It's a slimmed down copy of it, for security reasons.
We check the files using MD5, and nothing appears to have been changed.
If it is a hacker attack, I want them working for me! because there's
no record on any other of the logs listing this as a potential attack.
For this reason, one of my co-workers thought that perhaps it was their
mail server (exchange) sending bad requests to the firewall, but I
don't know, now.

When we moved boxes, we did a complete re-install, and then uploaded
the backup, with the old settings, which is why I'm wondering whether
this could perhaps be a conflict in some setting somewhere. I don't
know enough about smwrap to be able to say so, though, with any
certainty, and I don't know how to find out.

It would be difficult to test how the box runs without apache because
it's a working model - it's in use 24 hours a day - and taking it down
just to run some experiments is going to really piss off this company.
We have a similar setup to this troublesome location in another place,
and they also have Exchange, and nothing there seems to go wrong, so I
really don't know whether taking down Apache would help. The only
difference in locales is that this problematic place has a user base of
ninety or so, and the other (working one) is smaller.

It's very confusing, and very frustrating. I really appreciate all the
suggestions, though, because at least I can find out what the
problem /isn't/, and may be therefore narrow down the scope a little

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Setting up ftp server
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 01:30:07 -0000

I have linux-mandrake 7.2 complete and I am trying to setup a ftp server. 
I installed wuftp but it does not work.  I tested with ftp and
get the  message Connection refused.

With a previous version of redhat 6.1, I had no problems after installing

What am I missing?

Any help or resources would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Posted via CNET



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