Linux-Misc Digest #498, Volume #26                Sat, 9 Dec 00 00:13:01 EST

  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  windows 
again? ("misterbooboo")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
  Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem" (E J)
  Re: amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem" ("Arthur H. Gold")
  OpenFirmware (Luke A. Guest)
  Re: Can't use RealPlayer (E J)
  opening application fullscreen automatically (Peter Bismuti)
  Raid - Removing? ("Claudio Corsi")
  VCD player on Linux (Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (Glitch)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for   (Glitch)
  Re: Pop to imap to client? (Liquor)
  Re: Pop to imap to client? (Liquor)
  Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES! (Zen Sorcerer)
  accessing NTFS partition from Linux (sreeni)
  Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID (Glitch)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  windows 
again? (Troutman)
  Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID (Dances With Crows)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (Muhammad 
Azmi B Selamat)


From: "misterbooboo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  
windows again?
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 20:55:04 -0600

This does not work, per my experience and the RH7 web site instructions.
(this was how I originally tried to do it - it really does not work)

DOS fdisk (windows fdisk) does not erase the partitions for Linux since it
cannot read them.

Further suggestions appreciated.

Jon - I love Jesus Christ
"E J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Goodbye linux!
> Use windows fdisk /mbr to get rid of lilo
> Use windows fdisk to remove all linux partition and use windows fdisk to
> create the new windows partition.
> Use windows format  to  format the new windows partition.  If you
> originally have a C disk, the new partition will appear as D disk.
> misterbooboo wrote:
> > I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
> >
> > I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
> >
> > How do I do this?
> >
> > Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
> >
> > Specifics appreciated.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > --
> > Jon - I love Jesus Christ
> >


From: "misterbooboo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows 
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 20:57:14 -0600

This is what the RH site says, however, I do not have an install floppy. Can
I not use the CD somehow?

If not, how do I make an install floppy?

(I tried this with a RH7 CDR using "expert" but although it said it saved
partition deletions to disk, it obviously did not do so - per DOS fdisk
after rebooting)

Jon - I love Jesus Christ
"James Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Gotta use the Linux version of fdisk on the install floppy (at the Boot:
> prompt, type linux expert) select install, not upgrade. When it comes to
> partitioning the drive select FDISK, in FDISK type [p] to print out
> partition tables, and remove the Linux partition with the [d] command.Quit
> with a [w] command to save to disk or [q] to change your mind. Wouldn't be
> bad idea to run fdisk /mbr at the DOS prompt to clean your master boot
> record. You will have to repartition and format the new partition.
> "misterbooboo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
> >
> > I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
> >
> > How do I do this?
> >
> > Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
> >
> > Specifics appreciated.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > --
> > Jon - I love Jesus Christ
> >
> >
> >


Subject: Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem"
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 02:55:47 GMT

You are clueless because the Lucent WinModem is brainless (no controller
At least the Lucent WinModem is still usable under linux unlike some other
brainless PCI modems.
You need the Lucent WinModem drivers from

Beldar wrote:

> Trying to effect a dialup connection under RH7.0, I'm getting the error
> "Unable to initialize modem".  I'm clueless.  I've got a Lucent WinModem on
> COM3, so I'm using /dev/tty/s02.  It ain't workin'.  Can anybody help?
> Thanx.


Subject: Re: amd k6 - signal 11
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 11:21:13 GMT

: Well, my old machine has an amdk6 -233 and I get signal 11 when doing
: cpu intensive ops (compiling gcc).  I look at the signall 11 faq/page.
: My cpu doesn't match the serial number.  I yanked out the memory one at
: a time and it still signals 11.  So I figure it must be cpu.  
: However, I can't find any place that sells the k6-233 (which is the max
: the Motherboard can handle).
:   Any ideas?
:     Kurt

Is your CPU-fan spinning fine? Has the heatsink become loose? 
Do you have heatcompound or one of those nasty pads between the
CPU and the heatsink? Has this stuff hardened?
Any other fans blocked with dirt or dead?

I bet your CPU is becoming too hot!


Microsoft is NOT the answer. Microsoft is the Question.
The answer is: "NO!"
Friedhelm Mehnert,  Berliner Allee 42,  22850 Norderstedt,  Germany
phone + fax: +49-40-5236562        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 20:20:00 -0600
From: "Arthur H. Gold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem"

Beldar wrote:
> Trying to effect a dialup connection under RH7.0, I'm getting the error
> "Unable to initialize modem".  I'm clueless.  I've got a Lucent WinModem on
> COM3, so I'm using /dev/tty/s02.  It ain't workin'.  Can anybody help?
> Thanx.
It's /dev/ttyS2

Artie Gold, Austin, TX  (finger the account
for more info)
Given a choice between likely disappointment and certain
I'll take the former every time.


From: Luke A. Guest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OpenFirmware
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 03:33:07 +0000

Hi all,

Please excuse the cross post, but I think that this is an important issue.

The PC hardware has not really changed over the years and to be frank, the 
BIOS has only really changed when Microsoft has forced it to.

There are a number of OSes on the market for the PC, but the existing 
firmware is totally outdated and hacked so much so that that there are more 
undocumented calls than need be. Notonly that, but the BIOS does not 
contain the API required for a modern operating system and needs to be 

What I am calling for is an opensource move to produce a standard firmware 
for PC hardware, thus providing a replacement for the existing BIOS 

Sun, Apple, and other hardware macnufacturers have opted for the 
OpenFirmware standard, but still the PC is left behind. Using OpenFirmware 
would reduce the hassle of putting the machine into a standard state - 
protected mdoe, for example - and provide a standard interface for all OSes 
to boot from.

So, I am posting this message to all the major hardware newsgroups in the 
hope that somebody will take note.

Please understand that this is not the fist time that this has been tried, 
OpenBIOS, GnuBIOS, LinuxBIOS, Tiara, etc. are all opensource groups who 
have tried to accomplish this task and so far, most have failed. What is 
needed is some help from the hardware companies.

I mention this because both Sun and SGI are fully committed to opensource 
projects, but as far as I know only Sun have an implementation of 
OpenFirmware - OpenBoot - available. SGI could make use of this also on 
their platforms. But to have this as a standard would be such an advance in 
the computer industry proving that not just one company can make a 
difference especially if we could get motherboard manufacturers on board 

I would advise any company who is interested in providing information/help 
should contact one of the above groups. But failing that, should set up a 
project on SourceForge.

Thank you for listening to this rant,
Luke A. Guest.


Subject: Re: Can't use RealPlayer
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 03:30:25 GMT

I think you are probably the old version of real player is hiding somewhere
living with your freshly install real player
$ which realplay # findout where your real player is living.  The default
should be the following
$  /usr/X11R6/bin/realplay      # check if the real play is the right
On the realplay Help->About
RealPlay [tm] (Unix)

If real player is living in the wrong place, it is probably the old real
player (Beta Real Player 7?)taking over from the newer real player.  Just
remove the older player.
If the version number is the latest version, get the lastest version.

Carfield Yim wrote:

> Jynx wrote:
> > On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 01:29:20 +0800, Carfield Yim scribbled:
> >
> >> I am using gnome. After I download Real Player and install, it tell me
> >> that the version is expired and need to update, but it is a fresh
> >> download from How can I do?
> >
> >
> > W/O more information....   What is the system date on your machine?
> >
> > Jonesy
> I haven't alter my system date by any way, it just follow the calendar,
> and the system I use in Mandrake 7.2


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: opening application fullscreen automatically
Date: 9 Dec 2000 03:51:50 GMT

Is there any command that I can use to open an application full screen
(maximized) automatically? 



From: "Claudio Corsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Raid - Removing?
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 23:07:19 -0500

I've set up a software raid1 during the install of redhat6.2. Is there
anyway to revert the configuration back to a normal harddrive setup so I can
use the two drives independently



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah)
Subject: VCD player on Linux
Date: 9 Dec 2000 12:17:44 +0800


Is there a VCD player on Linux, free or commercial?




Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 23:30:38 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for 

i find it hard to contemplate why people have so much trouble using MS
fdisk to delete a linux partition. Why do you think they gave the option
to delete NON-DOS partitions?  USE IT. I have and i havent had any
trouble and yet people on here SOMEHOW do. It's beyond me.

misterbooboo wrote:
> I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
> I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
> How do I do this?
> Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
> Specifics appreciated.
> Thank you,
> --
> Jon - I love Jesus Christ


Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 23:33:11 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  

misterbooboo wrote:
> This does not work, per my experience and the RH7 web site instructions.
> (this was how I originally tried to do it - it really does not work)
> DOS fdisk (windows fdisk) does not erase the partitions for Linux since it
> cannot read them.
> Further suggestions appreciated.

is Linux a NON-DOS partition? Yes. Is there an option in MS FDISK to
delete NonDOS partitions? Yes.  Have I done it without any problems?

So whats your problem?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Liquor)
Subject: Re: Pop to imap to client?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 04:28:17 GMT

The moving finger attributed to Pat did write:

<much help>
) Pat D.

Thank you. 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Liquor)
Subject: Re: Pop to imap to client?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 04:28:19 GMT

The moving finger attributed to David Reiss did write:

) On Thu, 07 Dec 2000, Liquor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<Snip of much help> 
) > Before I go off to RTFM (assuming I can find a suitable FM) 
) > on these two packages, perhaps someone would have some 
) > ideas or opinions on alternate servers or methods?
) imapd + fetchmail is by far the easiest way to go, and works quite well
) too (in my experience). I doubt you'll find a better tool than fetchmail
) for downloading mail, though UW imapd leaves a bit to be desired (in
) terms of customizability and performance). It's unbelievably simple to
) set up, though, so you should start with that and switch if you find it
) doesn't meet your needs.
) --David Reiss
Thank you sir, I'm off to find the FM.....


From: Zen Sorcerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES!
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 04:30:09 -0000

Try removing the up2date package:

rpm -e up2date

I had the same problem...after applying all the latest updates everything
is now fixed.


Marek Futrega wrote:
> I have a problem which makes the system to freeze (stop) just like it
> would with a hardware problem, but this is not a hardware problem!
> I had a chat server program running on celeron400/128mb with standard
> redhat6 installation, and it used to run without stopping for weeks,
> sometimes even months (it was stopped only on system reboots, or when the
> power went off).
> Then I moved it to a different server (celeron300/96mb/kernel2.2.17)
> running redhat7 and the problems began. It caused the server to freeze,
> that is to stop without no messages on the console or in the logs; it
> didn't respond to pings; switching consoles was impossible; simply dead!
> I thought it was a problem with my old software (exactly the same as
> on the first machine, where it run perfectly), which typically keeps a few
> hundred (500-900) active connections and does what an irc server does,
> i.e. sends messages over tcp/ip to users from other users, or with the
> hardware. CPU usage is in the range of 40-60%, the process runs on an
> unprivileged user rights.
> Then I moved to a different server (pentium3/256mb) and installed a
> COMPLETELY NEW version of the chat software (c++ application), but the
> server was again running redhat7 with kernel 2.2.17. Unfortunately, the
> problem did not disappear. It caused (and still causes) the system to
> freeze approximately after 1-3 days of working, on a regular basis. I've
> downgraded kernel to 2.2.16, but it didn't help. RedHat7 was updateded
> lately, but again without any success.
> Anybody has an idea what could cause the problem? Note, that this is not a
> problem of memory or descriptor leaks. In such cases the kernel wouldn't
> just die without any messages in the logs or on the console.. Also note
> that the problem is not with the hardware (I hope!), because it happens
> on a celeron400/96mb and pentium3/256mb as well. The only thing those
> servers had in common was the system (RedHat7) and my chat server software.
> If possible, include CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED], please.
> thanks,
> Marek

Posted via CNET


From: sreeni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: accessing NTFS partition from Linux
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 04:30:07 -0000


I have installed Linux and NT in one machine. Is there any way, I can 
access the Ntfs partion from Linux system.

Please give the detailed procedure for that if possible.

with regards,


Posted via CNET


Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 23:36:11 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID

all it's saying is u don't havepermission to view the contents (this
would be read permission) of the specified location.

run find as root and u won't see it. RAID has nothig to do with it. 
IT's saying u don't have permission thus it is  a file system issue.
REad the error and seek the solution.

you will get th emessages as soon as find finds a directory in which the
user u are logged in as doesn't have permission to access what the find
command is accessing.

running as root u do not get these errors however u have to be logged in
as root

"Scott M. Navarre" wrote:
> Hello,
>   I have set up software RAID1+0 and I am now getting these two messages
> immediately after invoking the 'find' command:
> find: /proc/6/fd: Permission denied
> find: /proc/116/fd: Permission denied
> and then 'find' continues on as normal.
>   After doing a 'ps -ef |grep 6', I determined the following:
> 1) process '6' is 'mdrecoveryd'
> 2) process '116' is 'raid1d'
>   So my question is:  Is it normal to get these messages for 'find' after
> setting up soft RAID?  If not, then what can I do to fix it (it is a little
> annoying to have these pop up everytime I look for a file).
> Thanks in advance,
>   Scott Navarre


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Troutman)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  
windows again?
Date: 8 Dec 2000 23:49:26 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glitch) graced us with the following:

>i find it hard to contemplate why people have so much trouble using MS
>fdisk to delete a linux partition. Why do you think they gave the option
>to delete NON-DOS partitions?  USE IT. I have and i havent had any
>trouble and yet people on here SOMEHOW do. It's beyond me.

You know, I would have agreed with you until last week.  I have installed 
dozens and dozens of linux systems, including 6 or 7 dual boots.  I have 
played quite a bit with partitioning and repartitioning in lab 
environments.  Had not had a problem using dos fdisk to remove a 
partition.  Then I was playing with a box with a corrupt partition table.  

hda1            /boot           50Mb
hda2            /mnt/dos        4Gb
hda3            extended        6Gb
hda5            /               3Gb
hda..... etc ...

Power failure during a write corrupted the table, and since it was a lab 
machine, it dodn't really matter.  fdisk would not remove the non-dos 
partition.  Period.  Kept telling me that no logical drives existed, but 
that the extended couldn't be removed because logical drives existed.  
Endless loop.  Nothing linux rescue mode couldn't wipe out ;-)


Mike Troutman


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID
Date: 9 Dec 2000 04:55:59 GMT

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 02:10:12 GMT, Scott M. Navarre staggered into 
the Black Sun and said:
>  I have set up software RAID1+0 and I am now getting these two messages
>immediately after invoking the 'find' command:
>find: /proc/6/fd: Permission denied
>find: /proc/116/fd: Permission denied
>and then 'find' continues on as normal.

This is probably normal, as I used to get the same errors on a system
without RAID of any sort.  Those were with kswapd, not the RAID kernel
processes, but similar in scope.  You can exclude /proc from your find
command by adding the string
    -path '/proc' -prune -o    
to your command line.  It's highly unlikely that what you're looking for
is in /proc, after all.

Don't know specifically what causes this; possibly the file descriptors
the RAID device driver is using are the device nodes that correspond to
the raw disks in the array, and the kernel prevents any user processes
from getting to these because doing so could cause a Serious Filesystem
Problem.  Any info from someone who *really* knows what's going on would
be appreciated....

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: Muhammad Azmi B Selamat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for 
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 13:05:08 +0800

If all the suggestions given to you is too difficult to understand or just
impossible to accomplish, I suggest you checkout the brand and model of your
hardisk and surf into its manufacturer website to look for the Hardisk
formatting software. This software usually format and returns your hardisk to
its original state just like when you first bought it.


Md Azmi

misterbooboo wrote:

> Hi,
>     I did this. The install program (run from CD) said it had saved changes
> to disk. I then 3-fingered it to reboot but the extended non-DOS partition
> is still there per MS fdisk so I'm stuck :-(
> Seeking further suggestions,
> --
> Jon - I love Jesus Christ
> "Paul Filipowicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:90s4pp$i17g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > The MS-DOS fdisk will not see the Linux partitions. You need to re-run the
> > Linux install program, and get to the partition part. Remove all Linux
> > partitions and exit the installer. Then run MS fdisk and continue from
> > there.
> >
> > ~~~
> >
> >
> > "misterbooboo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
> >
> > I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
> >
> > How do I do this?
> >
> > Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
> >
> > Specifics appreciated.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > --
> > Jon - I love Jesus Christ
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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