Linux-Misc Digest #503, Volume #26                Sat, 9 Dec 00 19:13:02 EST

  Re: MySql is Unstable (Robert Heller)
  Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (Robert Heller)
  RedHat7 cdrom: open failed (Michael Robbins)
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Robert Kiesling)
  Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  windows 
again? (Scott Alfter)
  Re: RedHat7 cdrom: open failed (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE 
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (David)
  Re: kernel: svc: unknown version(3) when loading nfs ("Karl Heyes")
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Michael V. Ferranti)
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  Re: Changing ports for telnetd? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Chkconfig --add ??? how? (Dustin Puryear)
  Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Compiling DOSEMU 1.0.1 on Red Hat 7 (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  ISDN connection timeout (Aulne)
  Key Error on install ("Jason Greenbaum")


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MySql is Unstable
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:14:05 true

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows),
  In a message on 9 Dec 2000 19:32:23 GMT, wrote :

DWC> On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:04:42 -0600, Kim Houlne staggered into 
DWC> the Black Sun and said:
DWC> >We are in the process of redesigning a couple of database programs on
DWC> >our website.  We use the Linux platform.  One the the programmers that
DWC> >we received a bid from states " that when using MySql on Linux it is
DWC> >slow and changes are hard to make.  We can make it work by hardcoding,
DWC> >but it is not scalable.  Also MySql is not set up to be a business level
DWC> >database.
DWC> >
DWC> >How valid do you think this statement is?  And, if it is not valid can
DWC> >you tell me why?
DWC> This question, or something like it, comes up periodically.  There was a
DWC> large amount of argle-bargle on Slashdot within the last 2 months about
DWC> MySQL; go there and run a search on "MySQL" to bring up at least one
DWC> article with hundreds of comments about the relative performance of
DWC> MySQL and various other database engines.
DWC> MySQL is probably best in an environment where most queries involve
DWC> reading data instead of updating/inserting data.  If this isn't the
DWC> case, you can look at Postgres or spend money on Oracle.  The setup
DWC> procedure for Oracle on Linux is a royal pain in the arse, but it seems
DWC> to run fast and solid once it's in there.  Haven't played with Postgres
DWC> at all yet.

Postgres runs well and seems solid.  I've not done any serious timings
though.  Postgres 6.x has all of the extra goodies: transactions and
stuff like that (stuff missing from MySQL).

DWC> FWIW, Slashdot gets an obscene amount of traffic, and it uses MySQL as
DWC> the backend.  
DWC> -- 
DWC> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
DWC> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt
DWC>     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
DWC> -----------------------------/    I hit a seg fault....

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:14:07 true

  Sinner from the Prairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:44:23 +0000, wrote :

SftP> Alex Barylo wrote:
SftP> > Hi all,
SftP> > I need a text (not X) based visual FTP client, something like Midnight
SftP> > Commander but stripped down, without the ability to run external
SftP> > commands.
SftP> > Any ideas/suggestions will be greately appreciated.
SftP> Did you ever tried 'wget' or 'ftp'?
SftP> They work great!

ncftp has all of the silly curses type stuff (which I don't use since I
fire it up with -L most of the time) -- I think this is what Alex Barylo

SftP> Salut,
SftP> Sinner
SftP> -- 
SftP> [MaDuiXa PoWeR]
SftP> __________________
SftP>                   |\                 Linux User # 89976
SftP> =====Sinner==== >=--[]>- a Mach 2.5!!  Running on Mandrake 7.2
SftP> __________________|/                     Linux Machine # 38068

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: Michael Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RedHat7 cdrom: open failed
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 21:21:03 GMT

After installing RedHat7, whenever I use 'linuxconf' or 'netconf' I
recieve the following message on the terminal as well as in

cdrom: open failed
ATAPI device hdb:
   ERROR: Not ready -- (Sense key=0x02)
   (reserved error code) -- (asc=0x3a, ascq=0x01)
   The failed "Read Cd/Dvd Capacity" packet command was:
   "25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
cdrom: open failed
ATAPI device hdd:
   ERROR: Not ready -- (Sense key=0x02)
   (reserved error code) -- (asc=0x3a, ascq=0x01)
   The failed "Read Cd/Dvd Capacity" packet command was:
   "25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "

I only get these messages when there is no media in the drives.  Any
idea why this happens, or how to fix it?  It's pretty annoying.

Thanks in advance,



Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How to get user input in a startup script?
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 21:23:34 GMT

"Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I have two servers (a primary and a backup) which share a RAID array
> between them, and so I do not want each server to mount that RAID filesystem
> automatically (definitely not a good thing to have the same filesystem
> mounted by two seperate servers at the same time).
>   I have modified my /etc/fstab file to use "defaults,noauto" to prevent it
> from automatically being mounted.  But now I would like to add a section to
> my /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit (right after the 'mount -a' command already in
> there) to ask the user if they would like to mount the RAID, before
> continuing with startup.
>   I have tried using the '#!/bash/sh' method of 'echo'ing the question and
> using 'read' to get the users response.
> But after the user enters the input (in this case 'n'), it gives the error:
> /etc/rc.sysinit: [n: command not found
>   So, how do you get user input in the '#!/bin/sh' format that the startup
> script uses?

It's wrong in line 1, I guess.  You want the pathname of the
executing prog.  This works ok:


echo -n "What is your name? "
read name
echo "Hello, " $name

Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Web Page :
Linux FAQ:
Tired of spam?  Please forward messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Scooter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.quesions
Subject: Netscape POST/passwd field problem
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 16:33:09 -0500

I apologize if this problem has come up before, but I did a search of
the deja archives and did not see anything like it.

Whenever I try to log into a site that has user authentication, it
fails. The problem seems to occur with POST method using the INPUT tag
with TYPE="passwd". This has happened on more than one site. It first
occured on Netscape 4.61 running on RedHat 6.1, so I installed Netscape
4.76, but the problem persists. Interestingly, the problem occurs with
both http (yahoo mail) and https (my credit union).

With yahoo mail,  when I enter the correct name and password I just get
dumped back into the login screen, and it looks the same as if I had
gone there directly. If I do NOT enter a password in the box, I get an
error message "Invalid Password ID". If I enter gobbledygook for a user
id, I get "Invalid User ID", which to me seems to indicate that a server
side edit is working properly -- no way in hell could javascript contain
all the yahoo user id's!

With my credit union, I get the following response to entering my
correct username and password: "Error: WERROR - Undefined error: no
returned code." It's a static html page. Not very helpful.

Oddly enough, my roomates machine running Netscape 4.74 on Win98 does
not have this problem. Both boxes share the same gateway, BTW, which is
using ipchains for firewalling.

Is this a known bug with Linux Netscape? Anyone ever seen this behavior?


Scott Williams


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Alfter)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  
windows again?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 21:51:49 -0000

Hash: SHA1

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
misterbooboo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>DOS fdisk (windows fdisk) does not erase the partitions for Linux since it
>cannot read them.

It doesn't have to be able to read "delete partition" and then
select "delete non-DOS partition" to nuke the Linux partitions.  It'll ask
for confirmation (less than for FAT filesystems); say "yes" and it'll be

 / v \
(IIGS(  Scott Alfter (remove Voyager's hull number for email address)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: RedHat7 cdrom: open failed
Date: 9 Dec 2000 22:01:59 GMT

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 21:21:03 GMT, Michael Robbins 
staggered into the Black Sun and said:
>After installing RedHat7, whenever I use 'linuxconf' or 'netconf' I
>recieve the following message on the terminal as well as in
>cdrom: open failed
>ATAPI device hdb:
>   ERROR: Not ready -- (Sense key=0x02)
>   (reserved error code) -- (asc=0x3a, ascq=0x01)
>   The failed "Read Cd/Dvd Capacity" packet command was:
>   "25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
>cdrom: open failed
>ATAPI device hdd:
>   ERROR: Not ready -- (Sense key=0x02)
>   (reserved error code) -- (asc=0x3a, ascq=0x01)
>   The failed "Read Cd/Dvd Capacity" packet command was:
>   "25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
>I only get these messages when there is no media in the drives.  Any
>idea why this happens, or how to fix it?  It's pretty annoying.

Turn off the utility that's trying to automount the CD-ROM drives.
There should be an option somewhere in Sawfish/Enlightenment that allows
you to automatically play audio CDs or mount data CDs, so set that
option to "NO".  If that still doesn't solve the problem, recompile your
kernel and turn off automounter support.  If you do have to recompile
the kernel, remember that DeadRat 7.0 shipped with an unstable GCC that
can't properly compile a kernel.  Use "kgcc" instead of gcc to compile

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE SEE SIG **)
Subject: Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive.
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 22:24:23 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kevin Croxen:


|> apparently exists a compatibility problem with the current version of
|> pcmcia card manager services (found in Slack 7.1) and some older 486
|> laptops.

I think I just got bit by this...I'm using tomsrtbt (Linux on a floppy) on a
Gateway Handbook 486; it apparently has no qualms starting a Linksys PCMLM56
combo modem/ether card, and the ethernet stuff is fine. But miterm (tomsrtbt
minimalist terminal emulator) is extremely slow; it reminds me of a BBS link
20 years ago at 300 baud or worse. On the old 486 desktop, both ethernet and
miterm dialup with tomsrtbt seem to run at top speed. Version is PCMCIA Card
Services 3.0.12 on this rollout of tomsbtrt. I'm off to try to run down info
on Google later, and other suggestions for 486 laptop PCMCIA are welcome.



Regards, Weird (Harold Stevens) * IMPORTANT EMAIL INFO FOLLOWS *
Pardon the bogus email domain (dseg etc.) in place for spambots.
Really it's (wyrd) at raytheon, dotted with com. DO NOT SPAM IT.
Standard Disclaimer: These are my opinions not Raytheon Company.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.quesions
Subject: Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 22:43:56 GMT

Scooter wrote:
> I apologize if this problem has come up before, but I did a search of
> the deja archives and did not see anything like it.
> Whenever I try to log into a site that has user authentication, it
> fails. The problem seems to occur with POST method using the INPUT tag
> with TYPE="passwd". This has happened on more than one site. It first
> occured on Netscape 4.61 running on RedHat 6.1, so I installed Netscape
> 4.76, but the problem persists. Interestingly, the problem occurs with
> both http (yahoo mail) and https (my credit union).
> With yahoo mail,  when I enter the correct name and password I just get
> dumped back into the login screen, and it looks the same as if I had
> gone there directly. If I do NOT enter a password in the box, I get an
> error message "Invalid Password ID". If I enter gobbledygook for a user
> id, I get "Invalid User ID", which to me seems to indicate that a server
> side edit is working properly -- no way in hell could javascript contain
> all the yahoo user id's!
> With my credit union, I get the following response to entering my
> correct username and password: "Error: WERROR - Undefined error: no
> returned code." It's a static html page. Not very helpful.
> Oddly enough, my roomates machine running Netscape 4.74 on Win98 does
> not have this problem. Both boxes share the same gateway, BTW, which is
> using ipchains for firewalling.
> Is this a known bug with Linux Netscape? Anyone ever seen this behavior?
> TIA,
> Scott Williams

Did you "Enable JavaScript" in the browser? 

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.873% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "Karl Heyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kernel: svc: unknown version(3) when loading nfs
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:06:54 +0000


> This fix wasn't too hard to find.
> There is a routine in the nfs script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs that
> checks for version 3 of nfs. Because I am running a version 2, for
> the moment I have commented out the routine from running. mountd no
> executes without an argument.

NFSv3 needs to be selected on the kernel compilation (possible
module, I not sure). Only use the recent versions of the kernel
(2.2.18pre2x) with it though. It might be a good idea with NFS 2 as
there has been a few updates wrt NFS.



From: Michael V. Ferranti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the command to  . . . ?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:05:19 +0000

And [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

>What is the command to find the occurance of a string in a group of
>files in a directory?

        grep "string" <filespec>

        'grep "Hello World" *.txt' will search all the *.txt files in the
current directory for the string "Hello World".  'man grep' for more info
on the various switches that grep uses.  Be sure to enclose strings with
whitespace within quotes, or the latter parts of the string will be
mistaken for filenames.

--               Michael V. Ferranti [blades&inreach*com]
Linux Counter Reg.ID# 177869    GNUke The Planet!
Sign The Linux Driver Petition:


From: Scooter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.quesions
Subject: Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:12:25 -0500

David wrote:

> <snip for brevity>
> Did you "Enable JavaScript" in the browser?
> --
> Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
> Registered with the Linux Counter.
> ID # 123538
> Completed more work units than 98.873% of seti users. +/- 0.01%

Hmmm... the "Enable Javascript" button is selected in Preferences, so I would
think so. Is it possible that there is still a problem with Javascript
despite this? I had assumed that javascript interpretation (unlike the JVM
for applets) was built into Netscape itself. Perhaps I'm wrong about that.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear)
Subject: Re: Changing ports for telnetd?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:16:44 GMT

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:30:01 GMT, Patrick M Geahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Here's the problem I'm having - I'm attempting to switch ports with
>regard to ssh and telnetd.  I've changed the ssh launch line to
>"$PATH/sshd -p 23", which seems to work.  I've changed /etc/services for
>sshd to be port 23, and telnetd to port 22.  Now, ssh incoming works OK,
>but telnet incoming connects, then says "bind:address in use".  Same
>problem if I switch to some other random port that I know isn't in use.

If you have ssh why use telnet? Anyway, confirm that your /etc/services is:

telnet          22/tcp

and /etc/inetd.conf is (similar to):

telnet stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd

I know you said you updated /etc/services, but you may have port 22
hard-coded in /etc/inetd.conf.

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <$email = "dpuryear"."";>
Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear)
Subject: Re: Chkconfig --add ??? how?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:20:49 GMT

On Sat, 9 Dec 2000 00:07:56 -0800, Flej Ling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have installed Apache web server and start it via the command
>"/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd". However, I want it to be run on every boot up
>so I try to add it via "chkconfig".
>I have tried the following and none of these commands work:
>chkconfig  --add  httpd
>chkconfig  --add  /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
>Every time I get the message "error reading information on service httpd: No
>such file or directory"

chkconfig, at least under Linux, is used to adjust the run-levels at which 
various init scripts located in /etc/rc.d/init.d run. You need to create the
appropriate init script for httpd (just use it to wrap apachectl), and then
use chkconfig. Be sure to read the manpage for chkconfig as it requires
certain lines to be in each init script that it manages.

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <$email = "dpuryear"."";>
Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network


From: "Rodney Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need Help installing Linux Please!
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 16:21:52 -0700

This is my first post in this news group. I have a unique situation and NO
linux experience to help guide me through. I own a copy of TurboLinux
Workstation 6.0. And would like to install it on my high performance
machine. HOW!!!

I want to install it as per following:

T'Bird 950
256mb PC133 2,2,2 hsdram (the best money can buy!)
asus a7v w/kt133 chipset and latest bios (bios is cd-rom bootable
Linksys LNE100TX v4.1 fast ethernet lan card (pci)
adaptec2940 w/jaz1gb connected to it.
Atapi cd-rom 50x udma33(runs great!)
Onboard PromiseUltra100 ide controller w/my hd connected to it.

Here's my config and I'm hoping to not have to change it.

Primary mastr ide=enabled=Atapi cd-rom 50x udma33 bootable (runs great!)
Primary slave ide=disabled
secondary mastr ide=disabled
secondary slave ide=disabled

ONBOARD ata100 (only one drive is on this controller and it runs a hell of
allot better here than on the ata66 controller by far!)
Primary master ide=Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 7200rpm ata66 10.2gig Partition
C: D: E: and F:

C: drive=2gig=WinME(running super good)
D: drive=750mb=WindowsME swapfile&IE5.5 Temp internet files (Cache) For
preventing WindowsME defragmentation.
E: drive=3.75gig=Empty=I'm reserving for TurboLinux Workstation 6.0.
F: drive=3.75gig=Full with all my important data (my only local storage and
backup!) cannot loose this data!!!

All I want to do is install linux on my Empty E: drive. (should be no
problem, Right?)  But every time I boot with linux cd or floppies, the
install program tells me that no ATAPI cd-rom was found even though I just
booted off it (stupid machine!). Everything here is top quality including
the cd-rom so there's no excuse! I even tried installing from hard drive but
the linux fdisk was to intimidating to risk my data on drive F: It did not
resemble the microsoft fdisk I used a thousand times so I did not go any
farther. If it just would tell me the assignments I'm used to like fdisk in
dos does I would not have hesitated. But I dont know what drive it wants to
partition or how it works and since I have no room for error=WHY YOU ARE

I have read the user guide and understand everything, but it does not
support installation from Hard Drives (which is how I always install
OS'es=via my F: drive) nor give one clue how to do what I'm wanting to do.
It is a very, very easy task with the windows kernel and I'm sure one of you
readers know just how to help me! SO PLEASE HELP ME!!!

My name is Rodney and I am a computer technician living in the USA. I have
no linux experience as I only have delt with windows PC's. The configuration
above is my design and it runs windows unbeleivably well. I have used my E:
drive to install win2k with not a hitch. I will be waiting by the computer
for hopefully tons of emails in the next few hours. I want to thank anyone
in advance for what ever help you can give me! Thanks!

My time now is Dec, 9th at 4:20Mountain time (In the State of New Mexico,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How to get user input in a startup script?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:28:02 GMT

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 21:23:34 GMT, Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>"Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

An alternative solution, and probably cleaner as it doesn't require human
intervention, is to have the first computer that mounts the array to create
a flag on the file system. If the other computer then mounts the file system
it should detect the flag and unmount the file system and continue on it's
way. (There are a few gotcha's here that are left to the reader to fix.)

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <$email = "dpuryear"."";>
Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: Compiling DOSEMU 1.0.1 on Red Hat 7
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:28:13 GMT

Who ever said [EMAIL PROTECTED] couldn't write what follows?:
>Hi all,
>I'm attempting to build DOSEMU 1.0.1 on a stock Red Hat 7 system. I have
>to build a custom patched version of DOSEMU so that I can play old DOS
>games with working sound. However, when I try to run the configuration
>script, I get the following message:

On the subject of dosemu and sound, has anyone ever gotten dosemu sound
working at all? I have RedHat 6.2, and simply NEED sound working. Can some
either help me directly, or direct me to some help? The program I want to
run is called Impulse Tracker, if anyone has heard of it. It's use is to
compose music; Thus is absurdly useless without sound. Everything else works

Thanks in advance for help.


Bryan Hoyt


Baruch's Observation:
        If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


From: Scooter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.quesions
Subject: Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:25:47 -0500

David wrote:

> <snip>
> Did you "Enable JavaScript" in the browser?
> --
> Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
> Registered with the Linux Counter.
> ID # 123538
> Completed more work units than 98.873% of seti users. +/- 0.01%

Oh for the love of God...
   I had the cookies turned off. Did it a couple of weeks ago to check
something else and forgot about it. Sorry to have bothered everyone. The
JavaScript comment jogged my memory -- thanks.


Subject: ISDN connection timeout
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 23:22:36 GMT

Hello all,

  Mandrake 7.2, KDE 2.0, the ISDN connection made with DrakeConf is heavily
subjected to a timeout.  After x time of inactivity it closes.  Like for
instance, the time of writing this message.  I have to keep a ping going on
at 30 s interval to keep the line up.

  Anyone know what config file to twinkle in order to get a truly stable ISDN



Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Jason Greenbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Key Error on install
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 18:31:55 -0500

I am trying to install RedHat Linux 7.0 on my PC.  When I run the setup
disk, the kernel boots and a few other things happen before I get the
following message:
Key Error: RIVA TNT2

Then linux proceeds on unmount all the filesystems and cancel the install.
FYI: I have a Viper V770 Ultra video card w/ a RIVA TNT2 processor.  Does
anyone know a way to solve this?  Please let me know.  Thanks.




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