Linux-Misc Digest #598, Volume #26               Wed, 20 Dec 00 19:13:01 EST

  Re: SB-live & Kernel 2.2.18 (Frits)
  Re: MODEM SPEED; chump kppp retarded it, no? (John Hasler)
  Re: 2.2->2.4 pppd error: Couldn't set tty to PPP discipline: Invalid argument ("Dan")
  Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux ("Norman Dresner")
  Re: Sound Recording using ALSA? ("frank")
  Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux (Jan Panteltje)
  Re: text under icons in gnome (John Molitor)
  Re: Applix 5.0 is crap (John Molitor)
  Re: How is a GNU/Linux modem user supposed to do his offline www browsing? (Dylan 
  Re: MODEM SPEED; chump kppp retarded it, no? (John Todd)
  Alias under Bash shell not working. ("frank")
  Which X window manager support Unicode or 16-bit fonts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux (Dave Blake)
  Re: Sound Recording using ALSA? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: How to change the color in lynx/elvis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux (Andi Kleen)
  Re: Applix 5.0 is crap (Robert Lynch)
  Re: How to change the color in lynx/elvis (Graham Wilson)


Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:22:34 +0100
Subject: Re: SB-live & Kernel 2.2.18

Graham Vincent wrote:

> >My soundblaster-live was very well supported by my self-compiled Kernel
> >2.2.17.
> >Now using the new Kernel 2.2.18 there's not much live in my
> >Soundblaster.
> >What should I do to make it work under 2.2.18 ?
> >
> >    Frits
> >
> Hello Frits.
> I had to recompile with SBLive as a module rather than into the kernel to get
> it to work when I moved my RH6.2 up to 2.2.18
> Good luck!
> Graham

Thank you for your tip, meanwhile I do know ,that besides compiling the SBLive as a 
module ,in
slackware you also have to activate the appropriate modprobe line in 



From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: MODEM SPEED; chump kppp retarded it, no?
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 18:03:46 GMT

Dan Jacobson writes:
> why in my modem log does it have

> CONNECT 36000 V42bis

> on linux, whereas in windows98

> CONNECT 57600 V42bis

Linux is telling you the speed at which your modem has connected to your
ISP.  Windows is telling you the speed at which it has connected to your
modem.  57600 is slow enough to be a bottleneck when sending highly
compressible data, which is why I have pppconfig default to 115200.

> and futhermore, how're ya gonna connect with kppp if you're not running
> x-windows one day. Do the pros use 'pppd'?

Everybody uses pppd, but not directly.  The pro's configure ppp with
pppconfig, connect with pon, and disconnect with poff.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 2.2->2.4 pppd error: Couldn't set tty to PPP discipline: Invalid argument
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 08:39:29 +1100

Check the Changes file in the /usr/src/linux/Documentation directory.


"newuser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Ov206.738$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> # Linux 2.4.0testxx
> Dec 21 01:33:48 localhost pppd[539]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
> Dec 21 01:34:29 localhost pppd[539]: Serial connection established.
> Dec 21 01:34:29 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> Dec 21 01:34:29 localhost pppd[539]: Couldn't set tty to PPP discipline:
>  argument
> Dec 21 01:34:30 localhost pppd[539]: Exit.
> # Linux 2.2.x (same script, but pppd works)
> Dec 21 01:49:09 localhost pppd[556]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
> Dec 21 01:49:45 localhost pppd[556]: Serial connection established.
> Dec 21 01:49:45 localhost pppd[556]: Using interface ppp0
> Dec 21 01:49:45 localhost pppd[556]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
> Dec 21 01:49:46 localhost pppd[556]: local  IP address
> Dec 21 01:49:46 localhost pppd[556]: remote IP address
> Dec 21 01:49:47 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> net-pf-10
> ppp-2.4.0 installed and ppp compiled in (or a module) same error occurs,
> how do i fix it? on debian woody here.


From: "Norman Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 21:51:46 GMT

It depends on your architecture.  Linux's clock in Alpha CPU's is 1 KHz; in
x86, 100 Hz. That's the limit of the time resolution for most common
functions as a user.  You might want to check out Real-Time Linux as an


H. P. Friedrichs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello:
> I am working on an application for the closed-loop control of a
> pneumatic system. The plan is for an A/D board to read the value of a
> pressure sensor, perform some control-law calculations, and then output
> a control value through a D/A to a valve. I set up a bench-top version
> of this system running in Quickbasic under DOS, and found acceptable
> performance with a 3 mS frame rate, i.e., measure, calculate, and
> control at 3mS intervals.
> My goal is to migrate this to Linux, and then later enhance it with
> 2-channel control, a nice user interface, GPIB support, and network
> capability. Through the courtesy of the Linux Lab Project, I found a set
> of board drivers that I have tweaked for use with my I/O boards. With
> the modules installed, I can read from the A/D's, and I can write to the
> D/A's. What I need now, is a way to pace this process.
> Is there a system timer function that could somehow trigger the process
> described above with reasonable precision at the prescribed 3mS frame
> rate? If so, how would this be accomplished? Any URL's or code examples
> you could point me to?
> It bears mentioning that I would still classify myself as a "newbie"
> where Linux is concerned, so be gentle! Many thanks in advance.
> Pete Friedrichs
> Honeywell
> Tucson, AZ


From: "frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound Recording using ALSA?
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:03:01 GMT

Yes, I followed mini-Howto for ALSA.  Just download the most recent stable
version and it works great for me.  Good luck and thank you for the info.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Panteltje)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:02:28 GMT

On a sunny day (Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:19:54 -0700) it happened "H. P.
Friedrichs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>I am working on an application for the closed-loop control of a
>pneumatic system. The plan is for an A/D board to read the value of a
>pressure sensor, perform some control-law calculations, and then output
>a control value through a D/A to a valve. I set up a bench-top version
>of this system running in Quickbasic under DOS, and found acceptable
>performance with a 3 mS frame rate, i.e., measure, calculate, and
>control at 3mS intervals.
>My goal is to migrate this to Linux, and then later enhance it with
>2-channel control, a nice user interface, GPIB support, and network
>capability. Through the courtesy of the Linux Lab Project, I found a set
>of board drivers that I have tweaked for use with my I/O boards. With
>the modules installed, I can read from the A/D's, and I can write to the
>D/A's. What I need now, is a way to pace this process.
>Is there a system timer function that could somehow trigger the process
>described above with reasonable precision at the prescribed 3mS frame
>rate? If so, how would this be accomplished? Any URL's or code examples
>you could point me to?
>It bears mentioning that I would still classify myself as a "newbie"
>where Linux is concerned, so be gentle! Many thanks in advance.
>Pete Friedrichs
>Tucson, AZ
This will not work in Linux,
due to the multitasking environment the kernel will switch tasks every so many
milliseconds, and sopme preemptive stuff (like reading from disk) may cause
long waits.
maybe 'real time Linux'.
This sort of timers should really be done in hardware.
I personally think 3 mS is a bit short.
Anything like that I move to a dedicated processor.

There is unfortunatly no maximum delay guarantee possible that I know of..

For control applications using normal Linux is dangerous anyways, unless the PC
is used for nothing else perhaps. 

It all depends.


From: John Molitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: text under icons in gnome
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:19:49 GMT

David wrote:

> John Molitor wrote:
> > 
> > I'm sure this is easy to do, but I just can't figure out how to do it.
> > 
> > How does one make the text under the icons in gnome blend in the with
> > backgound?  Currently, the text is in a white block that shows up on a
> > blue background.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > John
> Right click on the desktop:
> Choose: Desktop Properties
> Choose: Use shaped text
Duh! That was easy.  I'm a long time KDE user getting familiar with gnome.




From: John Molitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Applix 5.0 is crap
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:26:31 GMT

Christopher W. Aiken wrote:

> Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ->Hi there: have now started to use your applixware 5.0 and thought I let
> ->you know how crappy it is. Tried to insert a graphic into a word
> ->document. Have done that countless times with version 4. First of all
> it's ->no longer possible to move a single number once you typed it
> somewhere ->into the graph. Then I saved and exited and a nice symbol
> appeared in my ->word document but not the graph. Clicked on it and get
> error message that ->it's already open for editing - well, it isn't. Then
> saved the word ->document, reopened it, nice symbol again. Printed it - no
> graph only your ->stupid symbol. Clicked on it and applixgraphics comes up
> empty. Great, ->thanks for wasting my time. Pls refund my money. Being in
> the software ->industry does not excuse everything. Ciao,
> ->                                                Gerald
> ->
> And this is posted in a Linux news group, why???
> Contact ApplixWare...
Well now we know to be wary of buying Applix 5.0.  I for one, appreciate 
the info.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dylan Thurston)
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.linux.isp,alt.netscape,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: How is a GNU/Linux modem user supposed to do his offline www browsing?
Date: 20 Dec 2000 22:22:44 GMT

In article <91io94$1to$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan Jacobson wrote:
>How is a GNU/Linux modem user supposed to do his
>offline www browsing?  [Don't tell me to use somethng that I can't see Chinese
>or picutes in.]

I suspect wwwoffle ( will do
what you want: you set it up as a proxy server and it caches all pages
that you look at through it.  It's easy to see a list of all cached pages,

Best Luck,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Todd)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: MODEM SPEED; chump kppp retarded it, no?
Date: 20 Dec 2000 21:51:53 GMT

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 00:32:44 +0800, Dan Jacobson 
>why in my modem log does it have
>CONNECT 36000 V42bis
>on linux, whereas in windows98
>CONNECT 57600 V42bis
>Is it true that "it's OK, don't worry, no biggie."?
        Usually the reported CONNECT speed is just the computer-
to-modem speed, which you set. The modem-to-modem speed is usually
reported as CARRIER. You can play with the "W" term in your init
string if you're interested.

>and futhermore, how're ya gonna connect with kppp if you're not
>running x-windows one day. Do the pros use 'pppd'?

        kppp is just a front end for pppd.
>[mandrake 7.2]
> E-mail: restore ".com."  ???
>Tel:+886-4-5854780; starting in year 2001: +886-4-25854780

The lap of Linuxury
|<de in RH6


From: "frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Alias under Bash shell not working.
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:54:29 GMT


I am using RH6.2 with bash shell.  I added following line in my
alias l='ls -al'

But after reboot and relogin, my shell still won't recognize my alias l.  I
tried the same line in my /etc/profile.  Still not working.  Can you help
me?  Thank you very much.



Subject: Which X window manager support Unicode or 16-bit fonts?
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:52:19 GMT

Hi, there,

I am running Linux 6.2 with GNOME and Enlightenment.
I would like to know if there is a X window manager that can
display Unicode or other 16-bit fonts on the window title bar and
the pull-down menu!

If anyone know such manager, please let me know!

Roger Shum

Sent via


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Blake)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux
Date: 20 Dec 2000 22:51:13 GMT

Jan Panteltje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This will not work in Linux,
> due to the multitasking environment the kernel will switch tasks every so many
> milliseconds, and sopme preemptive stuff (like reading from disk) may cause
> long waits.
> maybe 'real time Linux'.
> This sort of timers should really be done in hardware.
> I personally think 3 mS is a bit short.
> Anything like that I move to a dedicated processor.

I wouldn't be too silly. 

I run psychophysical tasks using audio under linux, and 
with nothing else running it gets about 1 msec accuracy.

With the low latency kernel patches, and an unloaded machine 3
milliseconds will be a snap.

RTLinux would be another option when you want to get even
closer to the limits of the hardware. However, truth be told,
standard linux with a relatively unloaded machine (especially
avoid disk IO) is in the right ballpark already. Low latency
patches will take care of all but the most stringent real time
(meaning guaranteed timing resolution) requirements.

I think people who say multitasking is inappropriate have never
spent any time trying to make standard linux work by actually
quantifying an unloaded machine.

Dave Blake


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Sound Recording using ALSA?
Date: 20 Dec 2000 23:16:25 GMT

In <x2706.2014$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>I installed ALSA drives and all my sound works great.  However, I can't use
>sound recording.  It says : sox not installed.  I can't find any information
>about sound recording device in ALSA documentation or their web site.  Could
>anyone give me some help?  Thank you very much.

Well, the first thing I would do is to install sox. sox is a sound file
translator. It is in rpm if your distro uses rpm ( and is part of every
distribution I think)
If after you have installed sox, it still does not work, then you need
to worry some more.


Subject: Re: How to change the color in lynx/elvis
Date: 20 Dec 2000 22:48:29 GMT

Otto Wyss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lynx and elvis and probably some more do use too dark colors so I can't
> read them on my monitor. Where can I change these colors either for all
> or for each programm?

Edit lynx.cfg. 


From: Andi Kleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Question About Timing Functions Under Linux
Date: 21 Dec 2000 00:25:48 +0100

"Norman Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It depends on your architecture.  Linux's clock in Alpha CPU's is 1 KHz; in
> x86, 100 Hz. That's the limit of the time resolution for most common
> functions as a user.  You might want to check out Real-Time Linux as an
> alternative.

You can also just recompile a i386 linux kernel with a higher HZ constant to get
a faster ticking clock.



From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Applix 5.0 is crap
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:42:18 -0800

John Molitor wrote:
> Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
> > Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ->Hi there: have now started to use your applixware 5.0 and thought I let
> > ->you know how crappy it is. Tried to insert a graphic into a word
> > ->document. Have done that countless times with version 4. First of all
> > it's ->no longer possible to move a single number once you typed it
> > somewhere ->into the graph. Then I saved and exited and a nice symbol
> > appeared in my ->word document but not the graph. Clicked on it and get
> > error message that ->it's already open for editing - well, it isn't. Then
> > saved the word ->document, reopened it, nice symbol again. Printed it - no
> > graph only your ->stupid symbol. Clicked on it and applixgraphics comes up
> > empty. Great, ->thanks for wasting my time. Pls refund my money. Being in
> > the software ->industry does not excuse everything. Ciao,
> > ->                                                Gerald
> > ->
> >
> > And this is posted in a Linux news group, why???
> > Contact ApplixWare...
> >
> Well now we know to be wary of buying Applix 5.0.  I for one, appreciate
> the info.
> John

Just a data point, FWIW. I'm not sure exactly what problems the
original poster had, but after reading his post I opened a blank
Applix 5.0 Words doc and inserted a jpg into it.  It worked fine.

I've been using Applix Office for some time and recently upgraded
to 5.0. I don't use it very heavily, but I have no complaints so
far.  It's pretty good for ~ $50 + S/H from LinuxCentral (price
when I bought it).

Just my $0.02.

Bob L.
Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to change the color in lynx/elvis
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:49:13 -0800

Otto Wyss wrote:

> Lynx and elvis and probably some more do use too dark colors so I can't
> read them on my monitor. Where can I change these colors either for all
> or for each programm?
> O. Wyss

The long and the short of it is that there are several script files that do
all that sort of work, and they rely on resource files to hold the
configuration information.  It's worth finding out how it works so you can
fearlessly modify them to make X do what you want it to.

First, you have to find out about resources.  Start at man X.  I found it
to be a bit of a journey, but on the way I learned how to get mc to use
netscape instead of lynx, and quite a bit about bash scripting as well.

Good luck.  G.



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