Linux-Misc Digest #610, Volume #26               Fri, 22 Dec 00 11:13:01 EST

  Re: gnome (kristian ragndahl)
  Re: How does an OS really work? (Jean-David Beyer)
  audio: No such device (HELP) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Looking for a Fax Solution (Dr J A Gow)
  Re: logrotate "problems" (-ljl-)
  Re: automated file transfer between UNIX and NT (-ljl-)
  Re: qmail ! (Edwin Johnson)
  Re: How does an OS really work? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: How does an OS really work? (Martin Gregorie)
  Updating Linux causes previous working script files to error out (Jeff Pierce)
  Re: Clock is always behind unlike in WIN95-- what to do? (H Dziardziel)
  How to call 'stty' from inittab? ("Scott M. Navarre")


From: kristian ragndahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gnome
Date: 22 Dec 2000 12:23:52 GMT

>>>>> "D" == David  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    D> Shocky wrote:

    >>  Hi, How do i change the name of the icons in gnome? Tried
    >> Rightclick > properties and changed the filename but the name
    >> under the icon remains the game.
    >> Is there any way to change the sizes of the icons under gnome?

    Sure, the resize them in your favourite graphic application.

    >> I'm using Mandrake 7.2 and there is an icon(has a shortcut
    >> arrow at the bottom right of it) linking to a partition of my
    >> hd. How do i create another one of those shortcuts?

    Right click -> Symlink...

    D>  Triple click on the text below the icon and you can change
    D> it. When done just click the desktop.

    Actually, twice is enough.

kristian ragndahl,


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How does an OS really work?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 07:37:36 -0500

John Mazza wrote (in part):

> Regarding creating a new OS from scratch, the first step would be to
> thoroughly learn the archetecture and machine language of the target
> platform.  Next, one would want to decide what services the OS would provide
> for application programs, and design an API.  Once the API was designed, one
> would write code to control "generic" devices such as a TTY, disk drive,
> sound card, modem, etc.  Once this generic code was written, it would then
> be necessary to create device drivers interfacing them to actual hardware
> devices..  Then one would create a boot loader program that would allow the
> finished OS to be booted.

I did that in the late 1960s when I had to write an OS for a machine
that came without one (it was a Computer Control Company DDP-224 sold by
Honeywell at the time). But I would not do it that way now if I had to
do it again. I would do it another way.

I would design the API I wanted to present to the users (programmers)
first; i.e., the architecture I wished to present to the programmers. I
would figure out the strategies needed to provide that API. I would
consider ways to implement those strategies. Only then would I bother
with the architecture of the hardware and its machine language (which is
just another view of the hardware architecture), because the OS is a way
to present AN architecture to the programmers, based on the architecture
the hardware designer presented to me. I.e., an OS is a way to hide the
architecture provided by the hardware designer from the programmer by
presenting the programmer with a different (presumably more useful)
architecture (called the API) provided by the OS designer.

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 7:30am up 17 days, 16:17, 2 users, load average: 3.07, 3.14, 3.00


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: audio: No such device (HELP)
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:28:20 GMT


I'm trying to install and configure alsa drivers, libraries and

First off, a few questions:

"lspci" gives, amoung other things:

04:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: Cirrus Logic CS 4614/22/24
[CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator] (rev 01)

04:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10000
(rev 07)

04:08.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! (rev 07)

Which of these cards should I consider soundcard #0 and which one #1 ?
(DELL never mentioned the second card. They said the machine comes with
SB Live! )

Using my best unscientific judgement I edited /etc/modules.conf to be:

alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
alias eth0 3c90x
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
alias usb-controller usb-uhci

# ALSA portion
alias char-major-116 snd
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-cs461x
alias snd-card-1 snd-card-emu10k1

# OSS/Free portion
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-slot-1 snd-card-1

alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

alias sound-service-1-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-1-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-1-12 snd-pcm-oss

When I do "mpg123 *.mp3" , it tells me:

audio: No such device

This is strange, considering that I can load the modules successfully:

Module                  Size  Used by
snd-card-emu10k1        2192   0  (unused)
snd-emu10k1            21744   0  [snd-card-emu10k1]
snd-emux-mem            1808   0  [snd-emu10k1]
snd-pcm                32000   0  [snd-emu10k1]
snd-timer               9280   0  [snd-pcm]
snd-rawmidi            10144   0  [snd-emu10k1]
snd-ac97-codec         25216   0  [snd-emu10k1]
snd-mixer              24736   0  [snd-emu10k1 snd-ac97-codec]
snd-seq-device          3792   0  [snd-card-emu10k1 snd-rawmidi]
snd                    36928   1  [snd-card-emu10k1 snd-emu10k1
snd-emux-mem snd-pcm snd-timer snd-rawmidi snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer

Thanks in advance for all insight.


Sent via


Subject: Re: Looking for a Fax Solution
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:32:45 +0000

Peter Depuydt wrote:
> I'm looking for a Client/linux-server based fax solution that also has
> windows clients.
> Something in the genre of GFI's Faxmaker ->
> Basicaly I want want to run the run the fax-server on a Linux box (Incomming
> and outgoing). But I need a client software that runs under windows as well.
> Does such a piece of software exist ?? Is it being developed ??
> Or is it still a DIY-project (Do It Yourself)??

Apart from Wolfgang's suggestion (the excellent Hylafax) there is another
route which may be preferable as it is possible to use any platform
as a client, providing it can format a print job as PostScript and send
it to a remote lpd or Samba printer.

Firstly get mgetty+semdfax (comes with quite a few distros or you can get
source from and compile it) and configure
it according to the documentation. Then install an lpd (and Samba if
desired) printer with its filter script entry in printcap pointing to a
little script called faxfilter which can be found in the mgetty+sendfax
distribution. This script may need some modification, if only to translate
the German notification messages.

Now install a Postscript printer on the client, and point it at the 
remote print queue. All that then has to be done to send a fax is to use
a wordprocessor or something similar to include the string
'Fax-Nr : <number>'
in it somewhere (be sure that the Postscript driver is one which includes
the string in the file without altering it) and print it to the fax printer
queue. The fax will be sent.

If this method appeals to you, I can provide more details as to its 
configuration if you send me some email. I am an OS/2 developer and I use
this method regularly to send faxes using my Linux (SuSE 7) based server.


 _________________ ______________________________________________________
|                 |                                                      |
|                 | Dr. J.A. Gow M.Eng AMIEE                             |
|      \||/       | Research Associate, Power Electronics Research Group |
|       \/        | Leicester University                                 |
|   __  00        | University Road                                      |
|  /  \/  \_@     | Leicester, UK.                                       |
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|_________________|________|THIS IS A MICROSOFT-FREE ZONE!|______________|


From: -ljl- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: logrotate "problems"
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:36:37 GMT

In article <91t8qp$9ci$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Uhg!  My logrotate is not performing as I would expect, resulting in a
> "bunch" of log files being kept.
> Example:
> I have tons of the following files in my /var/log/news directory:
> news.notice.2.gz.3.gz.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz.1.gz.2.gz
> I also have tons of those type of file in my /var/log/mail directory
> There is nothing strange in my logrotate configuration files that I
> find.  (I would not know what to put in the configuration files to
> this happen...)
> Any help will be well received.

Which distribution?

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

Sent via


From: -ljl- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: automated file transfer between UNIX and NT
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:54:13 GMT

In article <91s8a4$gs1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> I am looking for a solution to transfer files automatically between a
> UNIX box and a NT box. These two boxes are connected through a LAN.
> Each box has two directories, inbound & outbound. Each one send the
> files in its outbound directory to another one¡¯s inbound directory.
> Does anybody know is there any shareware/freeware/third-party product
> which can meet this goal? I have not selected the UNIX  type, so any
> UNIX, Linux/HP-UX/AIX/Solaris, whatever is OK. However the  NT version
> is 4.0.  I would appreciate if somebody help.

NT has ftp which can be run under cron or its equivalent; also it
has rsh.  Neither protocol is secure.  If this is important then
you can use ssh, freely available for NT and Unix.  There's a whole
set of Unix-ish utilities available for NT.

Check out:

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

Sent via


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Johnson)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: qmail !
Date: 22 Dec 2000 14:01:36 GMT

If you mean receiving from an internet provider, you should get either
getpop3 (what I use) or fetchmail. After the mail is received, then qmail
distributes it to the correct person/mailbox, etc.


On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:27:30 +0800, Rick Goh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello all,
>I have set up qmail and managed to start it. But then what?
>There is no documentation of how i can receive email through the qmail
>Is there any good documentation of qmail from step1 (installation) to the
>point i can receive pop emails on the client machines?

~   Edwin Johnson ....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~
~       ~
~                                         ~
~ "Once you have flown, you will walk the ~
~ earth with your eyes turned skyward,    ~
~ for there you have been, there you long ~
~ to return." -- da Vinci                 ~


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: How does an OS really work?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:25:05 GMT

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 07:37:36 -0500, Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>John Mazza wrote (in part):
>> Regarding creating a new OS from scratch, the first step would be to
>> thoroughly learn the archetecture and machine language of the target
>> platform.  Next, one would want to decide what services the OS would provide
>> for application programs, and design an API.  Once the API was designed, one
>> would write code to control "generic" devices such as a TTY, disk drive,
>> sound card, modem, etc.  Once this generic code was written, it would then
>> be necessary to create device drivers interfacing them to actual hardware
>> devices..  Then one would create a boot loader program that would allow the
>> finished OS to be booted.
>I did that in the late 1960s when I had to write an OS for a machine
>that came without one (it was a Computer Control Company DDP-224 sold by
>Honeywell at the time). But I would not do it that way now if I had to
>do it again. I would do it another way.
>I would design the API I wanted to present to the users (programmers)
>first; i.e., the architecture I wished to present to the programmers. I
>would figure out the strategies needed to provide that API. I would
>consider ways to implement those strategies. Only then would I bother
>with the architecture of the hardware and its machine language (which is
>just another view of the hardware architecture), because the OS is a way
>to present AN architecture to the programmers, based on the architecture
>the hardware designer presented to me. I.e., an OS is a way to hide the
>architecture provided by the hardware designer from the programmer by
>presenting the programmer with a different (presumably more useful)
>architecture (called the API) provided by the OS designer.

I'm glad to see that your experience has validated my opinion. In "Operating
Systems: Design and Implementation", Andrew Tanenbaum says essentially the same
thing as you did about operating systems: that "the function of the operating
system is to present the user with the equivalent of an extended machine or
virtual machine that is easier to program than the underlying hardware." He goes
on to express the same top-down view of OS development as you have.

This is remarkable only because it is contrary to how OS design and
implementation is usually taught.

Lew Pitcher
IT Consultant, Development Services
Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group

(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employers')


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Gregorie)
Subject: Re: How does an OS really work?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:16:52 GMT

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:25:05 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew
Pitcher) wrote:

>On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 07:37:36 -0500, Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>John Mazza wrote (in part):
>>> Regarding creating a new OS from scratch, the first step would be to
>>> thoroughly learn the archetecture and machine language of the target
>>> platform.  

That's basically how IBM seem to have designed the S/360 OS (MVS) and
its predecessors - and look what a monster THAT is to use - the JCL is
derived from the hardware architecture and looks like assembler.

>I'm glad to see that your experience has validated my opinion. In "Operating
>Systems: Design and Implementation", Andrew Tanenbaum says essentially the same
>thing as you did about operating systems: that "the function of the operating
>system is to present the user with the equivalent of an extended machine or
>virtual machine that is easier to program than the underlying hardware." He goes
>on to express the same top-down view of OS development as you have.

...and I suspect HE learnt from Dijkstra's 'abstract machine' approach
to program structures. This approach required the bottom level
functions to be designed to define an API that closely matches the
ideal architecture for the task the program is implementing.

>This is remarkable only because it is contrary to how OS design and
>implementation is usually taught.
....but all good, modern OSs are built top down, from MULTICS (the
granddaddy of them all)  via VME/2900,  OS/400 and UNIX (all designed
around 1970 BTW) to Plan/9 and Linux. 

The rest, and this certainly includes RSTS and its clones CP/M and
MS-DOS, together with GUIs like Windows, seem to have been blindly
cribbed from earlier implementations with little understanding of what
is really needed in a decent OS.

gregorie  | Martin Gregorie
@logica   | Logica Ltd
com       | +44 020 76379111


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 10:23:37 -0500
From: Jeff Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Updating Linux causes previous working script files to error out

I recently upgraded, actulally built a new drive,to Slackware 7.1,
kernel 2.2.16,, from kernel 2.0.16.
I started transferring files to this new install, especially mt scripts
for ISP ppp connection. My system presently runs a cron job to stay
connected. It cae from a hoato years ago and has always worked fine.
Every two minutes the script is called.
Well, on the new install it broke on a script syntax error.
the script is:
if [ -f /etc/ppp/stay ] ; then
 if [ -f /var/run/ ] ; then
  ping -c4 -l3 2>&1 | grep "0 packets" > /dev/null && \
  { /usr/sbin/ppp-off > /dev/null 2>&1 ; sleep 2 ; /usr/sbin/ppp-on2 }

The error is 'unexpected token "else" in line 6'
The else of the if? Huh?

Out of deseration I changed the "{}"'s to "()"'s in the previous line,
since they do the same thing.

That fixed the problem!!!!
Ok, the problem is fixed. The question remains what caused the error in
this installations version of bash, /sbin/sh linked to bash, to begin
with? The "{}" are LEGAL for grouping commands together. Pages 265-266
of the infamous Hayden books "UNIX Shell Programming" second edition.
Plus, it worked previously......

Second, how do you find out the bash version installed?

Jeff Pierce

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H Dziardziel)
Subject: Re: Clock is always behind unlike in WIN95-- what to do?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:47:26 GMT

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 11:07:13 +1030, PoD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dragan Colak wrote:
>> Denis wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > In the morning when I turn on my PC I have the correct time, but during
>> > the day my clock in Linux always gets behind by a few minutes at least.
>> > However, if I work in Windows (which I have also on my PC) it doesn't
>> > happen. Why is that and What do you think I can do?
>> > Thank you.
>> > Denis
>> Hi Denis,
>> are you running some kind of ntp daemon? I use xntpd. It gets its time
>> from a time server. If the local time and the server time differ the local
>> time is not changed at once, but in small steps. Maybe that's what you
>> are realizing.
>> Hope this helps
>> Dragan
>Also look at man adjtimex.

There is a clock minihowto also.  Linux time is not hardware clock
time but o/s time basically as it is designed from networking roots.


From: "Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: How to call 'stty' from inittab?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:46:31 GMT


  During my searches through the linux sites, I came across an example which
ran 'stty' from /etc/inittab.  Well, I lost track of where I found this and
cannot for the life of me find it again.  I would like to know how to do
this and also if it is a good idea to do it here rather than in an init
script such as rc.local.

  From what I remember, the format was something like this:
m0::bootwait:/bin/stty {options} ttyS0

  Is this correct?  Or should the {options} come after the "ttyS0", or what?

Thanks in advance for helping me straighten this out,
  Scott Navarre



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