Linux-Misc Digest #360, Volume #27               Wed, 14 Mar 01 15:13:02 EST

  Re: HOW TO: XWindows Client? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: ping, syslogd, startx woes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Books on Unix Kernel for non-programmer. (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: memory question (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Lilo with RH 7.0 Won't Enter Linux Automatically Anymore ("Kenneth Lafond")
  Re: Path Extraction (Thomas Zajic)
  Modem not receive and send faxs ("Cityline")
  Re: Books on Unix Kernel for non-programmer. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  /dev/null removed ("Frank Leischnig")
  Modem not receive and send faxs (Cityline)
  Creating a install disk ("Siddharth Vajirkar")
  Re: HOW TO: XWindows Client? (Daryl Fonseca-Holt)
  Re: waitpid() for a non parent process (Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner)
  StarOffice IMAP problem (Tim Limbert)
  Re: /dev/null removed (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: HOW TO: XWindows Client? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: /dev/null removed (Michael Heiming)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: HOW TO: XWindows Client?
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:37:32 GMT

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:28:47 GMT, "Tauno Voipio"

>"Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:98nicj$7jp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > Could someone give me directions on how to setup an NT XWindows Client
>> > (accessing a Linux XWindows server)?
>> >
>> > I just can't find an HOWTO anywhere...
>> >
>> > I'm just basically trying to display my XWindows session on my NT box.
>> >
>> You got it the wrong way around.
>> The X server must be running on your NT box,
>> the clients can be running on the linux box, displaying their X output on
>> the server.
>> So look for a X server for NT.
>> I use Exceed at the office (not-free), but there are free alternatives
>If anybody knows of a working and free X-server for NT (or even W95/98),
>tell us! AFAIK, there are none.

There are plenty. Take a look at Kenton Lee's website at

He lists a boatload of X servers for NT/W98/W95, along with everything
else you would want about X.

Lew Pitcher
Information Technology Consultant
Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


Subject: Re: ping, syslogd, startx woes
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:38:07 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 03/14/01 
   at 10:55 AM, Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> Did I mention the weird loopback behavior? ifconfig (and
>> /etc/hosts) tells me that 'lo' is 127.0.01. 

>If it is not a typo, you might wish to fix this. lo is normally

Unfortunately, it's a typo caused by vibrations from moaning and
gnashing my teeth.


     Felmon John Davis       
     Union College /  Schenectady, NY
     os/2 - ma kauft koi katz em sack


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Books on Unix Kernel for non-programmer.
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 13:38:26 -0500

"J.Smith" wrote:
> Dear all,
> Im looking for some books or web-resources that will help me understand the
> *nix kernel in some more detail, and was hoping that posting here would get
> me some good tips ;). Im looking for books that will help me understand the
> concepts and design decisions, rather than show me the source code. Since im
> not a programmer but a simple *nix system administrator, Lions' Commentary
> on Unix probably is not what im looking for here. Books that cover the *nix
> kernel in general (like BSD or SysV) rather than a specific implementation
> (like Solaris kernel) would also be preferred.
> Any and all suggestions are more than welcome,
> Thanks in advance.

You might want to look up the stuff in "The Bell System Technical
Journal". You may need to consult a good technical library to get
these, possibly on inter-library loan. This is a two-volume issue and
you will probably want both volumes. I no longer remember what is in
each volume.

M.D. McIlroy, E.N.Pinson, and B.A. Tague "Unix Time-Sharing System
Forward", The Bell System Technical Journal, July -Aug 1978, vol 57,
number 6 part 2.

Thompson, "Unix Implementation", "The Bell System Technical Journal,"
vol 57, No. 6, July-August 1978. 

I have "the Linux Kernel book" by Card, Dumas, and Mevel from John
Wiley (even contains Red Hat Linux 5.0 CD-ROM [obsolete] in the back).
You might want to borrow it before you buy it because it may not be
quite what you want.

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey 
^^-^^ 1:25pm up 11 days, 20:29, 3 users, load average: 2.03, 2.09,


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 19:36:17 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: memory question

Tim Limbert wrote:
> I have a RH7 system with 128MB of physical RAM, and a swap file of
> another 128MB. When I pull up the System Monitor,

What system monitor?

post the output of

cat /proc/cpuinfo
or/and (as root) 

top -bn 1

Michael Heiming

> I see that my total
> memory usage is 1,037,520K, with Staroffice alone using 968,100K.  What's
> up with that?  What don't I understand about these numbers?


From: "Kenneth Lafond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo with RH 7.0 Won't Enter Linux Automatically Anymore
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 10:44:13 -0800

Look in your /etc/lilo.conf file.  make sure the values timeout=XX and
default=label are correct and present, where XX is the number of secs to
timeout to the default, and label is the label for the image you want to be


"Meron Lavie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I installed RH7.0  a few months ago (it's the only OS on the machine).
> Up until last week, when I booted the computer, the Lilo would display
> "LINUX" (together with a picture of the man in the Red Hat in the corner),
> and then I could either press ENTER immediately if I was inpatient, or
> just wait a few seconds and by default Linux would then boot.
> Without warning, Linux is no longer brought up by default after a few
> seconds. I now am forced to manually press ENTER. This is a problem for me
> as Linux is my gateway, and we have power problems frequently - so I want
> be sure that my gateway will automatically come up if I;m not around to
> press ENTER.
> Any ideas?
> TIA,
> --
> Meron Lavie
> - World's Largest Hi-Tech Salary Site


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Subject: Re: Path Extraction
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 19:00:15 GMT

On 14/03/01, Young4ert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> If I want to extract the program name given the fullpath of the
> program, all I have to do on my LInux machine is the following:
>         ~/tmp> basename /usr/bin/basename
> and "basename" will return "basename".  Nothing is wrong about;
> however, if I want is the path of the program, i.e. "/usr/bin",
> what program should I use to extract the path given the program
> name in fullpath?

man dirname

-  Thomas "ZlatkO" Zajic  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Linux-2.2.18/slrn-  -
-  "It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw."  (M. C.)  -


From: "Cityline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem not receive and send faxs
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 22:36:08 +0300

Modem not receive and send faxs
Hello All!
I have a problem. I am using Red Hat 5.2 on my server and HylaFax as
fax-program. I have modem Zyxel U1496E+, it's good fax-modem. When I am
working in Internet, the modem's  work  is fine. But when I want to receive
or to send the fax, modem do not work! Transfer is beginning, run,run, and
... error!!!    The connection is dead. And this situation each case is
repeating. I think,  I incorrectly made settings of Hylafax or faxgetty, or
If You can help me, I shall be very grateful!  In Russia not enough
information about Linux, Hylafax, etc!
Best regards!


Subject: Re: Books on Unix Kernel for non-programmer.
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 19:37:49 GMT

Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> "J.Smith" wrote:
> > Im looking for some books or web-resources that will help me understand the
> > *nix kernel in some more detail, and was hoping that posting here would get
> > me some good tips ;). Im looking for books that will help me understand the
> > concepts and design decisions, rather than show me the source code. Since im
> > not a programmer but a simple *nix system administrator, Lions' Commentary
> > on Unix probably is not what im looking for here. Books that cover the *nix
> > kernel in general (like BSD or SysV) rather than a specific implementation
> > (like Solaris kernel) would also be preferred.

> You might want to look up the stuff in "The Bell System Technical
> Journal". You may need to consult a good technical library to get
> these, possibly on inter-library loan. This is a two-volume issue
> and you will probably want both volumes. I no longer remember what
> is in each volume.

> M.D. McIlroy, E.N.Pinson, and B.A. Tague "Unix Time-Sharing System
> Forward", The Bell System Technical Journal, July -Aug 1978, vol 57,
> number 6 part 2.

> Thompson, "Unix Implementation", "The Bell System Technical
> Journal," vol 57, No. 6, July-August 1978.

> I have "the Linux Kernel book" by Card, Dumas, and Mevel from John
> Wiley (even contains Red Hat Linux 5.0 CD-ROM [obsolete] in the
> back).  You might want to borrow it before you buy it because it may
> not be quite what you want.

Two other very good options:

- John Lions' "Lions Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with source code"
  grapples with a fairly early version Unix, and was, for years, the
  only available kernel documentation;

- "The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System"
  by Leffler, McKusick, Karels,  and Quarterman.

  Obviously biased towards the BSD variations, but nonetheless
  contains a _lot_ of useful technical material.  And the BSD
  implementations had considerable influence on later Unixes, so this
  is hardly going to steer the reader to dramatically _wrong_

I would tend to think that both of these might be a slight bit more
precisely directed to M. Smith's needs than the works you mentioned.
Not dramatically so...
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
"It's difficult  to extract sense  from strings, but they're  the only
communication coin we can count on." -- Alan Perlis


From: "Frank Leischnig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: /dev/null removed
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:36:28 +0100


I removed /dev/null. Can someone tell me how to remake it? Maybe I
have to recompile the kernel, but I don't know if it would work.

Thank you for help.
Bye - Frank.


From: Cityline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem not receive and send faxs
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 22:51:02 +0300

Hello All!
I have a problem. I am using Red Hat 5.2 on my server and HylaFax as
fax-program. I have modem Zyxel U1496E+, it's good fax-modem. When I am
working in Internet, the modem's  work  is fine. But when I want to
receive or to send the fax, modem do not work! Transfer is beginning,
run,run, and ... error!!!    The connection is dead. And this situation
each case is repeating. I think,  I incorrectly made settings of Hylafax
or faxgetty, or modem.
If You can help me, I shall be very grateful!  In Russia not enough
information about Linux, Hylafax, etc!
Best regards!


From: "Siddharth Vajirkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Creating a install disk
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:54:53 -0800

I want to create an install disk which I can pop into a new machine (floppy
drive) and pull off the install file off the network and install that file
on the new machine. On rebooting the machine will come up with linux etc.
What I need to know is how to launch my install script automatically when
linux boots up.
- Sid


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daryl Fonseca-Holt)
Subject: Re: HOW TO: XWindows Client?
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 13:48:24 -0600

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:37:32 GMT, Lew Pitcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:28:47 GMT, "Tauno Voipio"
>>"Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>news:98nicj$7jp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>>> > Could someone give me directions on how to setup an NT XWindows Client
>>> > (accessing a Linux XWindows server)?
>>> >
>>> > I just can't find an HOWTO anywhere...
>>> >
>>> > I'm just basically trying to display my XWindows session on my NT box.
>>> >
>>> You got it the wrong way around.
>>> The X server must be running on your NT box,
>>> the clients can be running on the linux box, displaying their X output on
>>> the server.
>>> So look for a X server for NT.
>>> I use Exceed at the office (not-free), but there are free alternatives
>>If anybody knows of a working and free X-server for NT (or even W95/98),
>>tell us! AFAIK, there are none.
>There are plenty. Take a look at Kenton Lee's website at
>He lists a boatload of X servers for NT/W98/W95, along with everything
>else you would want about X.
>Lew Pitcher
>Information Technology Consultant
>Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group
>(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)

He said free. Kenton's page only lists those that have to be purchased, except
for Cygwin, but is is not complete. It currently will not run on on Win95/98,
only WinME, Win2000, and NT.



From: Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: waitpid() for a non parent process
Date: 14 Mar 2001 20:02:15 GMT

dave michael kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a function like waitpid() that will watch for a non-child process
> to die/exit?

        If you find out, let us know.  I got aggravated by this sort of thing
a while back and wrote a brief script to do it.  Obviously you're looking for
a C solution, not a shell one, but the methodology will be the same -

while (specified process is found in process table)
        { sleep for a while and check again }
# good, we fell out of the loop
continue with program...

        Shouldn't be too hard.  My interpretation of it is at if you're interested.



From: Tim Limbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: StarOffice IMAP problem
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 19:51:36 GMT

I am running StarOffice 5.2 under Red Hat 7.  When I access my IMAP=20
e-mail account, every time I open a new message, I get an error saying=20
that the server returned the error "missing required argument to UID=20
STORE".  Aside from giving me this message, everything seems to be=20
working fine.  I also get the message when I reply to an e-mail.  It=20
doesn't stop anything from working, it's just annoying.  I can't find=20
anything wrong in the settings.  Any suggestions?

P.S.  I have no problems whatsoever using the same account from my Mac=20
with Outlook Express 5.0.2.


Tim Limbert


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: /dev/null removed
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:04:04 GMT

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:36:28 +0100, "Frank Leischnig"

>I removed /dev/null. Can someone tell me how to remake it? Maybe I
>have to recompile the kernel, but I don't know if it would work.

Recompiling your kernel won't recreate /dev/null

I can tell you two different ways to recreate /dev/null

1) as root,
   cd /dev
   ./MAKEDEV std

2) as root
   mknod /dev/null c 1 3
   chown root:sys /dev/null
   chmod a+rw /dev/null

Lew Pitcher
Information Technology Consultant
Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: HOW TO: XWindows Client?
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:06:18 GMT

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 13:48:24 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daryl
Fonseca-Holt) wrote:

>On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:37:32 GMT, Lew Pitcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:28:47 GMT, "Tauno Voipio"
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>"Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>news:98nicj$7jp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>>>> > Could someone give me directions on how to setup an NT XWindows Client
>>>> > (accessing a Linux XWindows server)?
>>>> >
>>>> > I just can't find an HOWTO anywhere...
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm just basically trying to display my XWindows session on my NT box.
>>>> >
>>>> You got it the wrong way around.
>>>> The X server must be running on your NT box,
>>>> the clients can be running on the linux box, displaying their X output on
>>>> the server.
>>>> So look for a X server for NT.
>>>> I use Exceed at the office (not-free), but there are free alternatives
>>>If anybody knows of a working and free X-server for NT (or even W95/98),
>>>tell us! AFAIK, there are none.
>>There are plenty. Take a look at Kenton Lee's website at
>>He lists a boatload of X servers for NT/W98/W95, along with everything
>>else you would want about X.
>>Lew Pitcher
>>Information Technology Consultant
>>Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group
>>(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)
>He said free. Kenton's page only lists those that have to be purchased, except
>for Cygwin, but is is not complete. It currently will not run on on Win95/98,
>only WinME, Win2000, and NT.

Hmmm... I'm currently runnin MI/X on both Win98 and WinNT (free)
and Hoblink X11 on Win98 (again free)

Both are listed on Kenton's website. Perhaps you didn't look hard

Lew Pitcher
Information Technology Consultant
Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 21:05:01 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: /dev/null removed

Frank Leischnig wrote:
> Hello,
> I removed /dev/null. Can someone tell me how to remake it? Maybe I
> have to recompile the kernel, but I don't know if it would work.
> Thank you for help.
> Bye - Frank.

Sorry but his is really funny, you deleted /dev/null, once I read an amusing
aricle somewhere, which stated: For decades UNIX sysadmins had been directing
files to /dev/null an now it would be full...:-)

Honestly, you don't need to recompile your kernel, not even reboot...:-)

you can create a new /dev/null with mknod

crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root       1,   3 Jun 24  2000 /dev/null

mknod --mode=0666 /dev/null c 1 3

Should do the trick...:-)

Good luck

Michael Heiming



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