Linux-Misc Digest #529, Volume #27                Wed, 4 Apr 01 15:13:03 EDT

  Re: No network until tcpdump?! ("Sergio Masci")
  Re: Secure File deletion (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: need help with tv tuner card and xaw tv (root)
  How to control time to wait when opening a socket ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Free Telnet Servers (Ralph)
  Re: difference between ext2fs and reiserfs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PLEASE HELP!, MY LINUX have been HACKED~ (Hal Burgiss)
  What are servers/services ? (Arctic Storm)
  Re: PLEASE HELP!, MY LINUX have been HACKED~ (Bill Unruh)
  Re: scripting (John Thompson)
  Re: Secure File deletion (John Thompson)
  Re: I would like to register a complaint ... (John Thompson)
  Re: Stupid Mistakes (John Thompson)
  Re: migrating /home from / (John Thompson)
  what 'language' to learn (andi)
  Netscape 4.76 unter Suse 7 - Plugins (Holger Schlicker)
  Getting information on mounted partitions (Alexandre Oberlin)
  Re: Newbie question (David Mehringer)
  Re: FAT CR/LF conversion (Chiefy)
  Re: what 'language' to learn (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: Linux games (Cray Drygu)


From: "Sergio Masci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No network until tcpdump?!
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 18:10:18 +0100

Anton Suchaneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9afj75$9gc$02$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi guys,
> I have a problem:
> Sometimes not even pings can reach me until I start tcpdump. I have a
> Xircom PCMCIA Card in a Dell Inspiron 3800. Any ideas?
> Bye
> Anton

If this is a combo card (or even if the PCMCIA driver thinks it is), then
the driver is looking at the wrong port first (e.g. TP instead of coax). I
used to get the same problem with a 3com PCMCIA card. Look in the pcmcia
config and change the default port (can't remember all the details, you need
to look in the faqs and howtos, its in there somewhere).



From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Secure File deletion
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 13:13:07 -0400

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> > If I do an fopen() in write mode, abstract thought (all I was really
> > relying on) doesn't conclusively establish things either way.
> The low-level semantics is not defined in the manpage (though POSIX may
> have something more to say), just the algebraic properties ..
IIRC, if you do an 

fopen(const char* filename, "r+");

it should open the file in "update mode" where you can read and write
the file, but leaving the unchanged parts of the file alone. While all
the manual page says is:

       r+     Open for reading and writing.  The stream is  posi­
              tioned at the beginning of the file.

The POSIX man page says:

        "r+"    for update (reading and writing: all existing data is

IIRC, what happens is that your file is left alone except for the
parts you change. In principle, you could fseek somewhere, fread in a
little of the file, change just one byte, and fwrite it back, and the
rest of the file would be unchanged. I do not see any reasonable way
to do that other than by leaving the original file in place and
changing only the affected block. So if you wished to mess up a file
by overwriting it, you could just seek here and there (or perhaps not
seek at all), and just overwrite it.

Of course, the implementation could be to copy the file and stuff in
the changes as they go by, but if it were a very large file (say, an
entire database file), and you did this often, the performance would
be unacceptable).

If you choose to skip the fopen, fseek, fread, fwrite overhead because
you are trying to zap the entire file, I believe using just open(2)
will do it, if you open it in O-RDWR mode because they cannot delete
it for fear that you will just be modifying something in the middle,
in which case they will want to change only one block. I know I did
that when I wrote a DBMS in the late 1970s, and I sure would have
noticed if the system copied the entire file everytime I changed an
entry in the database.

If you opened the file O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, of course, they could
delete the whole file (without erasing it), and starting over.

Remember, though, that if security is really your concern, the least
you better do is remove the hard drive from the machine, drive a road
roller over it, and than take it to the recycling center and watch
them shred it into metal confetti.

If security is not quite that important, just disassemble the hard
drive, remove the platters and expose them to a heavy duty magnetic
tape degausser (one at a time), and then drill a bunch of holes in
 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey 
^^-^^ 1:00pm up 2 days, 19:50, 3 users, load average: 2.22, 2.19, 2.14


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: need help with tv tuner card and xaw tv
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 17:32:45 GMT

Andrew Diaczyk wrote:
> I have a pinacle systems studio pc tv card.  My computer runs red hat 6.2.
> It seems to find the card when it starts up.   How do I setup the tuner and
> xawtv.  Reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also use the pinnacle studio pctv card.
Here part of my /etc/modules.conf

alias char-major-81 bttv
pre-install bttv modprobe -k tuner; modprobe -k i2c-core; modprobe -k
options bttv pll=1 radio=0 card=39
options tuner type=8

also if you can hear the TV card audio (from the TV tuner audio out) but
only see a black TV window, try starting xawtv with a different bpp
#xawtv -b 16



Subject: How to control time to wait when opening a socket ?
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 17:44:40 GMT

How to control time to wait when opening a socket ?

Thanks for reading this,

Do you know how to control the timeout of the "socket" connect
function. I think it is possible to do with the sysctl executable.
Better yet, do you know the proper syntax for the C function "sysctl"
which will control this,

Thanks so so much for helping,




Subject: Re: Free Telnet Servers
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 19:35:26 +0200

IP: -- port: 23/tcp

Ninja IX wrote:
> Hello
> Does anyone know any list or just one telnet or rlogin server, allowing
> anonymous users to log in and use basic shell commands
> It could be usefull to make tests from outside on a internet-connected box.
> Thx


Subject: Re: difference between ext2fs and reiserfs
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 17:51:48 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith) writes:
> In article <w3my6.122397$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > 
> >> Unfortunately, both ReiserFS and ext3fs suffer from the same file-
> >> and partition-size limits as ext2fs. These are starting to become
> >> issues for some people -- particularly the 4GB file-size
> >> limit. Therefore, unless those limits are raised, neither of these
> >> filesystems will really do as more than a stop-gap measure.
> > 
> > Hum?  "The same file-size limits as ext2fs" would indicate something
> > slightly over 4TB.
> > 
> > With 4KB blocks, the limit on filesize is 4TB + 4GB + 4MB + 12 * 4KB.

 Nope. Check this out, from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/ext2_fs.h:

Nope.  Check this out.

[cbbrowne@chvatal:testdeb] dd if=/dev/zero of=5g bs=1G count=5
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
[cbbrowne@chvatal:testdeb] ls -l 5*
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     5368709120 Apr  4 11:59 5g
[cbbrowne@chvatal:testdeb] uname -a
Linux chvatal 2.4.1 #3 Sun Feb 11 23:12:45 CST 2001 i686 unknown

And a similar test demonstrated that ReiserFS indeed does _NOT_ have
the same constraints as ext2; it has a much stricter limit,
restraining file sizes at this time to 2GB.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
"64-bit integers aren't silly.   For instance Bill Gates, of Microsoft
fame, is now worth more than  $4 billion.  You can't represent his net
worth in 32 bits in dollars, let alone cents."  -- Charlie Price


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Re: PLEASE HELP!, MY LINUX have been HACKED~
Reply-To: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 4 Apr 2001 13:59:09 -0400

On 4 Apr 2001 09:57:46 -0400, Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>You've been cracked by a new worm, because you did not apply the updates
>to fix security holes. I beleive these are the exact same holes that are
>used by Ramen and Lion worms: wu-ftp, rpc, LPRng (IIRC).

Also, BIND.

Hal B


From: Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What are servers/services ?
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 18:01:07 GMT

I often read about servers and services, and I think I know what it is, but 
not fully.

I'm not talking about someting like a file server or a printer server; they 
obviously allow clients computers to access files on hard drives on the 
host computer, or allow printing.  A host computer providing a service to a 
client computer referrs to a network of computers.

However, if you go to the Hurd section of GNU website, it says that Hurd is 
a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel.  Servers?!
When you talk about the "X server", what is being served?  If you have a 
single, isolated computer running Linux & XFree86, how can you have a 
server?  The concept of a host system providing a service to a client 
system cannot apply here; no network.

How does a server/service pertain to a Daemon?

Servers/services are also seen in Win2K, so it must have something to do 
with operating systems, in general.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: PLEASE HELP!, MY LINUX have been HACKED~
Date: 4 Apr 2001 18:25:39 GMT


>Dear all,

> Today I turn on my linux and I recieved a mail from sendmail regarding
>a failed message posted to
>someone in . SO i check it out and it basically it says the

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 03:15:21 +0800
>From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Warning: could not send message for past 4 hours

Yup, you have been hit by the adore worm. See

It has sent your stuff to three different main addresses. Perhaps some
are now being shut down.

They got in through one of the security holes which you forgot to patch
(It is important that you keep up to date with the security patches for
your system-- from


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scripting
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 10:45:58 -0500

Philip wrote:

> There is a program that I run which is when start then asks 3
> questions.  I answer these three questions the same each time.  Isn't
> the a way in which I can write a script which will answer these
> questions for me.
> mode?: "term"
> choose option : "3"
> what language is best suited for this.  I was wondering if a shell
> script would work.

Check out "man expect." 





From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Secure File deletion
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 10:58:33 -0500

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:

> Hugh Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Im a recent convert to Linux. Ld like to be able to securely delete swap and
> > other temp files in Linux Mandrake. In Windows I used scorch for the swap file
> > and eraser for the rest. Any suggestions for linux.
> man dd. Overwrite it with zeros (then delete it, if appropriate).

How 'bout overwriting with random data (ie, /dev/random)?




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I would like to register a complaint ...
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 11:03:50 -0500

KCmaniac wrote:
> I realize this isn't the argument clinic, but I would like to register a
> complaint.
> There is a very fundemental concept in the DOS/Windows world of being
> able to format a partition, after which you can begin again compiling
> data into that empty but very much functional partition.  WHY DOESN'T

Err... what's wrong with "mkfs?"




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Stupid Mistakes
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 11:18:21 -0500

Skylar Thompson wrote:
> I made two very stupid mistake today by resizing partitions (I have
> Win98 and OS/2 3 in addition to RedHat 6.1) without making a rescue
> floppy or a backup (the backup was next on my list actually, and
> the floppy was forgotten about soon after the installation and
> configurationended late at night).
> Well, now the kernel cannot be found, and I am stuck with a dilapidated
> system on the Linux Central RedHat 6.1 distribution CD. I can mount my
> system, but I cannot get LILO to print out the kernel location information;
> it keeps on saying that /dev/sdb5 cannot be found even though I used
> that to mount that partition in the first place. I plan on trying to make
> a backup tomorrow and install a new system and get everything
> straightened out with the new kernel. If that fails, I guess I would have
> to wipe my current installation and start over from scratch, but I would
> like to avoid that.
> Can anyone offer any help?

Boot from the install CD, type "linux rescue" at the boot: prompt
and wait for bash to come up.  Mount your old "/" partition in a
convenient place (eg "mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb5 /mnt/utumno"), and
run "chroot /mnt/utumno /sbin/lilo" to write the new kernel
location into lilo's boot record.  Reboot.  Enjoy...




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: migrating /home from /
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 11:22:04 -0500

Christian Huebner wrote:
> "Sudhakar R." wrote:
> >
> > I currently have /home residing on / and would like to make more room on
> > my / partition. So I've decided to use fips to shrink my windows
> > partition and free up some space on my hard disk where I can put
> > /home. Can someone please detail the necessary steps that I shud
> > follow.
> >
> > I can work with fips and free up some space on my harddisk. How do I go
> > about formatting this new space into an ext2 filesystem and then how do I
> > migrate /home to this new partition.
> You need to do the following steps:
> 1) Backup your home directory or better your whole disk.
> 2) Use fdisk to create a new partition in the space you freed using fips.
>    Be sure to set the partition type right.
> 3) Use mkfs to create an ext2-filesystem on the new partition.
> 4) Mount the new ext2-Filesystem to /mnt.
> 5) Transfer your data. I dont recomment using cp or mv. I suggest using
>    tar instead. ( cd /home; tar cf - * |(cd /mnt; tar xvf -) )
> 6) Erase all data in /home. Did I tell you to backup your home directory
>    or even better, your whole disk?
> 7) Unmount your new home partition from /mnt and mount it to /home to
>    test it.
> 8) If it works, add a line to /etc/fstab to make it mount automatically
>    on boot time.
> If you have major problems understanding this I suggest you find someone
> to do it with you or your data might get hurt.

I'd suggest another step: make sure you have a working bootable
linux floppy before you begin.  By changing the number and types
of your existing partitons there is a very good chance that lilo
will not be able to find your kernel when you reboot.  If this
happens, boot from your floppy and re-run lilo to write the new
information to the boot record.




From: andi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: what 'language' to learn
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 18:48:53 GMT

I'm new to linux and want to make the best use of it (for admin rather
than development)

I'm on a limited budget and don't have huge ammounts of time.

I'd be interested in learning one of the scripting/coding languages
(eg C or Perl or somesuch) - but I'd be interested in people's
opinions of what to learn.

any ideas gratefully recieved.....



"A Single Open Mind,
  can open any door"

       Sonia Rutstein


From: Holger Schlicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc
Subject: Netscape 4.76 unter Suse 7 - Plugins
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 20:46:40 +0200


mein Netscape st=FCrzt gelegentlich ohne Fehler einfach ab, Fenster zu da=

Ich hab bemerkt da=DF "about:plugins" nichts anzeigt, habe dann =FCber
"Einstellungen" alle Plugins (Programme) rausgeworfen, keine =C4nderung.

Wo finde ich die passenden Plugins zum Download, wie installiere ich

Vielen Dank


From: Alexandre Oberlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Getting information on mounted partitions
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 18:50:00 GMT

Hi all

I couldn't find an answer to these 2 questions :
1. How can I know if a mounted partition belongs to a removable drive
(CDROM, Jaz, etc)
2. How can I read the label of a CDROM ?


From: David Mehringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie question
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 13:52:11 -0500

Not sure exactly what you have in mind; there are many scripting languages
out there.  Good O'Reilly books are Using csh and tcsh, Programming Perl,
Programming Python.  or do a search for your favorite language +
"tutorial" on Yahoo or whatever and see what comes up.

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, jm wrote:

> Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 08:03:38 +0200
> From: jm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
> Subject: Newbie question
> Hello everyone,
> I'm a newbie in the script shell!
> I had got a course and wrote some script... it's funny
> Now, I'd like to wrote more script to learn more about script and all the
> UNIX stuff.
> Please, could someone to tell me good Idea what script to write or good
> Internet links where I can find Idea about exercice my scipt writing...
> Thank you at all for your help... you've already much helped me!!!!
> Geronimo

David Mehringer, Ph.D.            University of Illinois  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           National Center for Supercomputing
Research Scientist,               Applications/Department of Astronomy
Software Applications Developer,  1002 W. Green St.
BIMA Data Archivist               Urbana, IL 61801 USA
voice: 217 244 5468               fax: 217 244 7638


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chiefy)
Subject: Re: FAT CR/LF conversion
Date: 4 Apr 2001 18:20:29 GMT

04 Apr 2001 11:47 UTC, Chris West did say to the dudes:
> I have a floppy disk wich I mount using:
> mount -tvfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy -oconv=auto

Try 'mount -t vfat -o conv=auto /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy'
'mount -t vfat -o conv=a /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy'


When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend...


From: Stanislaw Flatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: what 'language' to learn
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 05:20:55 +1000

Any learning takes time, usage is faster when you know well what you are
So there is no easy escape.
Go C, after that "somesuch" is peanuts.

Have fun.

Slack user from Ulladulla.

andi wrote:

> I'm new to linux and want to make the best use of it (for admin rather
> than development)
> I'm on a limited budget and don't have huge ammounts of time.
> I'd be interested in learning one of the scripting/coding languages
> (eg C or Perl or somesuch) - but I'd be interested in people's
> opinions of what to learn.
> any ideas gratefully recieved.....
> thanks
> andi
> ____________________________________
> "A Single Open Mind,
>   can open any door"
>        Sonia Rutstein


Subject: Re: Linux games
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cray Drygu)
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 19:07:48 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bart Friederichs) wrote in

>Actually you're telling it costs a lot of talent, people and time, but
>doesn't creating an OS or an office suite also? Maybe the thing here is
>that there are not that many artists and all those artists are taken by
>iD and the like /or/ the artists aren't active in the open source

Well, creating an OS does take a lot of talent, yes.  But let's look at 
Linux.  First, there's the kernel, headed up by Linux Torvalds et. al., and 
helped along by countless developers worldwide.  Then there's the GNU 
utilities that come on top of that.  I don't know about the development of 
those, but I know they've been around for as long as the kernel has, and 
I'm sure they've got equally many developers.

Office Suites tend to have some sort of corporate backing.  OpenOffice is 
based off of pre-existing StarOffice code, which was developed by a German 
company and was bought by Sun, IIRC.  I know nothing about AbiWord's 
developemnt.  KOffice, well... KDE already has a large, talented developer 
base, so the people who made it possible were already there, and as 
evidenced by the developemnt of KDE, they already had the time, too.

Even more than those points, though, is the *range* of talents that game 
design takes.  Writing an OS or an office suite just requires a team of 
competent programmers.  Games also need artists, modellers, musicians, and 
a couple of programmers with skills in specific areas.  That's hard to find 
even when you're paying people for it.  Just look at Daikatana.

>> And *that's* why you don't see quality, free 3D games very often.
>Not very often, or not at all? And it's not just 3d games I am looking
>for. Ports of old games is good too, think about killer games like Dune
>2. One of the main advantages about those games is that they will work
>flawlessly on current hardware.

Well, I've never used TuxRacer, so I didn't want to say there aren't any at 
all =)  Though, from the screen shots I've seen, the graphics could use 
some work.

Even if you cut out the 3D part, though, you still need your musicians and 
your level designers and your artists.

I really believe that high-quality, complex games are the most difficult 
kind of software to develop.  People have written operating systems working 
by themselves.  There's several OSS office suites in development, and even 
more commercial ones.  But how often does a good game get released?

cray [at]                   org
          silverlight [dot]



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