On Thursday 05 June 2003 15:30, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> On 06-04, pa3gcu wrote:
> > Something wrong here, my slackware-8.1 cdrom obtained from a mirror site
> > of slackware.com so its a slackware disk period.
> >
> > I booted my machine a 650Mhz PIII machine with slack 8.0 bare.i and
> > color.gz disks, please NOTE, slack 8.0 boot disks.
> > After doing the normal thing, fdisk(ing) typing 'setup' i get the dialog
> > install program just like one expects.
> >
> > I can then add swap, choose a partition to install on and let setup
> > 'automaticly' mount my cdrom located on /dev/hdc.
> > It gets mounted in /var/log/mount "thats it" no slackware directory to be
> > seen, AFAIK its always been that way.
>       OK - that's _exactly_ what I've been doing on two machines,
> one with an IDE CD the other with a SCSI CD.. Both report it can't
> read the CD.. Mounting the same CD on either machine I can read it
> perfectly.. I'm presuming the bare.i you used is from the 2.4.5
> directory, although I've tried both that one plus the one in the
> 2.2.19 directory, same problem.. The problem follows the physical CD
> even though it does install from a machine with an IDE CD drive,
> booting from the same CD..

I used 2.2.19 and i have used 2.4.5 as well.
I found no difference with my hardware in dectection or install.

> > What i ask is the following, if you mount the CD on another running linux
> > machine, what is the dir structrue after the mount point, you should see;
> > "slackware" period, in otherwords if you mount the cdrom under /mnt you
> > should see;
> > /mnt/(a lot of files and directorys) and one called slackware contianing
> > dir's a, ap, d, e, so on and so forth.
>       I can mount the CD on _any_ of my machines - cd to the
> slackware directory and view, copy, do anything I want with all the
> 'letter' directories.. Everything 'normal' there..
> > Another quiestion is what happens if you give a path to "setup" and mount
> > the cdrom manually. ??
>       I've tried that but, previously, during the setup routine
> I've checked each time and the cd drive is mounted properly on
> /var/log/mount, as it should be - but down the line it still can't
> see the slackware directory. Moving all those files to the HD in a
> /slakware directory - same thing..

So it sounds like you can mount the CD manually during install, is that 
correct,?? If so then you MUST be able to use it to install period, what you 
may be doing is FORGETTING to ""UNMOUNT"" it before proceeding with the 
install, i say that be cause i can get the same error message you mention if 
i mount the cdrom by hand in a console and then proceed with "setup" to 
install slackware, it does not then work, one needs to UNMOUNT the cdrom 

Is that your problem.?????

> > If all esle fails i could even send you a copy of my cdrom per POST, but
> > i dont really think that is nessasary at all, i have a small inclination
> > you are doing something fundementally wrong.
>       That's for sure, but I've pestered you and Chuck entirely too
> much with this and I'm sure the List is bored to tears.. As of now I
> _can_ install Slack8.1 with an IDE CD, bootable, machine, and that's
> IT.. Since I read the big box vendors are starting to eliminate the
> floppies from their boxes - maybe that's the only way to go in the
> future, eh? HI.. I'm a stubborn tenacious Scot but there has to be
> closure somewhere along the line.. Life's too short... <grin>

Get on a plane, travel to EU is much easier than Europeens traveling to the 
USA theresdays, our rules and regulations on travel seem to vary a lot, i 
will install it for you.

>       APPRECIATE!!!

No problem, been there done that and am willing to keep on doing that.

>     Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 8.0   (2.4.18)
>                 Proprietary  Formats  Unacceptable

O i am thinking of making the following my sig...

"If the Linux community is a bunch of theives because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime."


Regards Richard

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