On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 10:55:33 -0600 (CST)
Jose Colmenares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JC> I'm using slackware 9.1

 Then you can make your configuration by editing the file /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf

 Have your /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1  have execute permission ( chmod +x file )

JC> the LAN card is an old GENIUS LAN

 This info most probably is not enough to tell you what module supports your card.

 Do a "lspci -v" and get more detail about your card. 

 If you have /etc/rc.d/rc.hotplug as executable, it probably will detect your card and 
install the necessary kernel module when you boot. 

JC> ifconfig -a:
JC> link encap:Local Loopback
JC> inet addr: Mask:
JC> Rx packets:218 erros:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
JC> TX packets:218 erros:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
JC> collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
JC> RX bytes:17370 (16.9Kb)  TX bytes:17370 (16.9Kb)
JC> uname -a:
JC> Linux Cic3 2.4.22 #6 Tue Sp 2 17:43:01 PDT 2003 i686
JC> unknown unknow GNU/Linux
JC> And yes, the lan uses a dhcp server for configuration
JC> (or so I understand). I have three machines conected
JC> to a hub on a PIII runing XP. The IP is giving
JC> everytime it restarts.
JC> I runned netconfig, but never I have been asked about
JC> what device I'm using. /etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice does not
JC> exists! 

 Doesn't have to.

JC> so I don't know how to tell the cpu wich
JC> driver to use, neither to conect to the internet
JC> through the LAN.

 Just check what rc.hotplug does. It might have already done (check with the command 

JC> By the way, when I try to put a CD to play music, it
JC> does not mount it. Says "wrong fs type, bad option,
JC> bad superblock on /dev/cdrom, or too many mounted file
JC> systems", but I mount the iso cd through wich I
JC> installed Slackware goes smooth. ¿is the the file
JC> system? if so, ¿wich one should i use?

 Music CD's don't have "filesystems" that you can browse. An application may emulate 
as if they have, but they don't. Just put the cd and start a cd player program.

 Onur Kucuk

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